Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from November 16, 2018 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Fri. Mar 14th, 9am - Noon: John Allen and his Co-Host Clay Pigeon

Favoriting November 16, 2018

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
neil rolnick  wake up   Favoriting ex-machina  innova  2016  CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
mike cartmell  in the form of the letter x   Favoriting 16mm  no label  1985  Other  0:11:28 (Pop-up)
spirit fest  bye bye   Favoriting anohito  morr music  2018  LP  0:16:55 (Pop-up)
butthole surfers  american woman   Favoriting rembrandt pussyhorse  touch & go  1986  LP  0:19:02 (Pop-up)
unearth noise & dreamspeak  encoded   Favoriting and the light beams will guide the way  lullabies for insomniacs  2018  LP  0:27:19 (Pop-up)
beast (koen holtcamp)  miniature / for otto   Favoriting ens  thrill jockey  2018  LP  0:30:21 (Pop-up)
ben bertrand  v380 orionis   Favoriting ngc 1999  les albums claus  2018  CD  0:39:19 (Pop-up)
foodman  mizuboro   Favoriting moriyama  palto flats  2018  12"  0:46:01 (Pop-up)
moonchy & tobias  bon bon   Favoriting moonchy & tobias  tiny room records  2018  CD  0:54:01 (Pop-up)
thought gang (david lynch & angelo badalame  multi-tempo wind boogie   Favoriting thought gang  sacred bones  2018  LP  0:57:04 (Pop-up)
garrett list  your own self   Favoriting your own self  black sweat  1972/2018  LP  1:10:08 (Pop-up)
alice coltrane  turiya & ramakrishna   Favoriting ptah, the el daoud  impulse  1970  LP  1:09:42 (Pop-up)
isak sundstrom  written on the wind   Favoriting five dramas of swollen emotions for music and voice  black sweat  2018  LP  1:17:52 (Pop-up)
ben patterson  the lost tape   Favoriting the lost tape & the three required musics  edition telemark  2018  LP  1:24:57 (Pop-up)
western eyes  new grub street   Favoriting western eyes  trace elements  1984  LP  1:48:45 (Pop-up)
tom newman  gumbo fling III   Favoriting bayou moon  new age  1985  LP  1:52:39 (Pop-up)
grun wasser  fallen knight   Favoriting predator/prey  no label  2018  LP  1:58:23 (Pop-up)
jack bruce  a boogie   Favoriting automatic  intercord  1983  LP  2:02:09 (Pop-up)
lou champagne system  silent walking   Favoriting no visible means  pterodactyl  1984  LP  2:06:50 (Pop-up)
the new barbarians  fred's house   Favoriting 2 + 2 = 4  toucan records  1987  LP  2:13:51 (Pop-up)
denis wize  consciousness program   Favoriting consciousness program  om recordz  1980  LP  2:18:54 (Pop-up)
mike rep & the quotas  rocket to nowhere   Favoriting stupor hiatus  siltbreeze  1977/1992  LP  2:25:24 (Pop-up)
pulse emitter  spirit haze zone   Favoriting xenharmonic passages  expansive  2018  CD  2:28:29 (Pop-up)
don the tiger  domingos de palafrugell / querido asaeteador   Favoriting mantanzas  crammed disc  2018  LP  2:36:26 (Pop-up)
steve harley & cockney rebel  don't go, don't cry   Favoriting timeless flight  emi  1976  LP  2:42:16 (Pop-up)
stones  neighbors   Favoriting tattoo you  atlantic  1981  LP  2:46:46 (Pop-up)
western eyes (robert poss)  new grub street   Favoriting western eyes  trace elements  1984  LP  2:50:06 (Pop-up)
wax chattels  nrg   Favoriting wax chattels  captured tracks  2018  LP  2:53:54 (Pop-up)
atm  rave   Favoriting inglewood tapes vol. 2  radical documents  2018  12"  2:56:47 (Pop-up)
manuel troller  hologram   Favoriting vanishing points  three:four Records   2018  LP  3:01:02 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:03am
John Allen:

ok, soliciting your best neil rolnick, OR wake up story
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am
George of Troy:

Good morning, John!
Avatar 9:04am
Diezel Tea:

Good morning JA. Superb track to start with. I'm getting married next weekend, if that is somehow interesting.

Wake UP???!!!!!!!??
Between Clay and you now ..
we are overstimulated..
Do not vizualize..
Avatar 9:07am
Lixiviated Life:

Let dreams begin......
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:08am

friday is as it should be
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:08am

i just put on my JA in the AM shirt because the radio reminded me that i got it due to that great singles going steady show a few weeks ago
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Suzie! Wake up and start shoveling!
  Swag For Life Member 9:12am

Damnit, Little Suzie! Wake up!!

Damn right, KFHP. Got my snow-throwin’ mojo goin’ now in Sugar Loaf, NY, with this ice melt for cold ears. Morning to JA and all!

I must go out but I am leaving the stream on for the house..

No dog, no cats, no horney WFMU Toads..

just for the wellbeing ???? groping -
who invited Trump???

Still yet I leave it on...
JA in the AM....
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:20am

Best Rolnick story: that time Neil and I convinced Superjoint Ritual to cover "WakeUp" at a show in New Orleans. They only got about half way through it before giving up.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:21am
The Oscar:

Oh hell yeah.
Avatar 9:22am

Morning all. DJ JA in the AM, how do?

@Diezel Tea: Congrats and RIP
Listener Robert:

I'd love to hear even attempts to cover "Wakeup" live. Kudos to Superjoint for trying. A few months ago, didn't JA try MIXING the Dead to recreate the effect, approximately?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am

good morning. i m wearing my JA shirt becuz it iz fryday.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:28am

Second best Rolnick story: that time WFMU got Neil Sedaka to drop leaflets of the "WakeUp" lyrics over Albuquerque from a hot air balloon. I'm not sure why they got Sedaka, maybe JA can fill us in on the reasoning there. Anyway the wind wasn't what was forecast, and let's just say we lost Sedaka for a few days.
Avatar 9:29am

Unearth Noise! Hell yeah!
Avatar 9:29am
Chris from DC:

Ack, I have missed Unearth Noise.
Avatar 9:34am
Chris from DC:

Was just listening to this Holtcamp record a little while ago. Great.

i’m a fan of this
brick layer:

same same
Avatar 9:47am
ben abs:

Morning all - congrats Deizel Tea
Avatar 9:52am

ahhh this is amazing!!!! greetings ja ammers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am

we be ja ammin'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am

jaamin' thru my snow hangover
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am

with you

back in the flat ... to go and get the wee 7 year old from Catholic School Madrid ... the house seems happy with the music so I leave it on...

Thanks JA and ALL
Avatar 9:57am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Woke up 430 am to take a walk in the snow. I felt endorphins surge. 1.8 miles. Will work my way up to 2.5, then 3 then 4 miles. I love walking. Foodman is a bit abstract but akin to Remain In Light by Talking Heads passages...I like later Buttonhole Surfers but cannot stand noisy early stuff.
Avatar 9:57am

ja amin into a sunflower butter belly full work morning... today i decide to work sloooowwwwwwllllyyyyyyyyy and maybe not very much. ill be tuned in. from the basement... suns out. this is a nice wake up calling, paired with W and B of course
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am

wind boogie too short
Avatar 10:07am
ben abs:

Picked this List record up the other day, is fantastic
Avatar 10:10am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Was blown away by this G List last week, John. Great discovery. Have you noticed the similarity to some of Robert Wyatt's work ("End of an Ear", even some of the later albums, and that Centipede project)?
Avatar 10:11am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

OMG, this AC is one of my best friends' favourite jam EVER.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am

never realized alice used the marley riff in here -- nice catch
Avatar 10:13am
John Allen:

Canterbury, yeah I hear that. There's a deliberate/thoughtful lushness / layering on the list as w/ Centipede
Avatar 10:15am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Alice Coltrane is pretty darn mystical sounding.
Avatar 10:17am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Alice C, Terry Riley and Sun Ra are the triple deities of my musical universe.
Avatar 10:20am
D. Lightfoot:

Burl Ives on acid

Especially Terry Riley for me! Saw him play " Rainbow..." in the late 80's. Phenomenal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am
James Douglas:

um, what are we doing here?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:23am

Howdy all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am


eric idle?
Avatar 10:30am

That did sound very much like Mr. Idle.
Garden Variety Lurker:

Loving this. Ben Paterson must have recorded some Monty Python off the telly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am
James Douglas:

Freeform Radio at its best - totally without form.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am
peapod ross:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am
peapod ross:

I wish I could have that much fun by myself.

Dredging through unmarked cassettes is so totally relatable. Great radio.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:36am

This is the kind of thing that got me into WFMU a few years back. Imagine stumbling upon this without any clue what's going on.

@Cmurtha -Exactly!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:38am

This is easily the most elaborate cover ever done of "Brainwash" by Flipper.
Avatar 10:39am
ben abs:

Avatar 10:40am
D. Lightfoot:

This is strangely mesmerizing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am

you gonna play the B side too?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am
tim from champaign:

Chopped but not screwed Elvis Costello?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am

this is just regular pop music to me now
Avatar 10:53am
John Allen:

i imagine it to be "neighbors" by The Stones
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am
tim from champaign:

Avatar 10:56am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Slow David Lynch soundtrack for a small town in Colorado maybe?
Avatar 10:58am
D. Lightfoot:

This has a swordfishtrombone ambience to it
Tom in St. Paul:

Love this - D. Lightfoot and Wild Neill said it just right.
Avatar 11:02am
D. Lightfoot:

Is this a Peaches/Front 242 collaboration?
Avatar 11:04am
D. Lightfoot:

Jack Bruce from Cream?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am
tim from champaign:

What D. Lightfoot just asked. Crazy. This is a billion times better than anything his guitar playing former band mate ever put out on solo records.
Avatar 11:08am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Hey, its the early 80's again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am
tim from champaign:

Here's a theory I came up with. I think the math works and maybe it will be added to the SAT. Jack White is to Eric Clapton as Dave Grohl is to Phil Collins.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17am
tim from champaign:

Is this the same New Barbarians as the Ronnie Wood band?
Avatar 11:19am
John Allen:

tim, no
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am
tim from champaign:

I see. Too good to be true.
Avatar 11:20am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Hey, my 15 year old son turned me onto Mr. Bungle California album. Wow!
The New Barbarians are pretty futuristic. It reminds me of the Zik Zak ad in Max Headroom for some reason. The TV show with a 70 year old punk guy with a mohawk.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:27am
The Oscar:

For a split second I thought this was going to be a live cover of "New Grub Street."
Avatar 11:28am
John Allen:

nice Oscar, thanks to your comment NGS is being normalized as a HIT here
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:34am
The Oscar:

I dream of a world where you can hear "New Grub Street" playing at Five Guys, between Mellencamp and Dire Straits.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am
tim from champaign:

I caught Mike Rep and Tommy Jay at Hozac's Blackout Fest in 2013. Really cool set.
Avatar 11:46am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Keiłbasa sandwich on white gluten free bread for lunch. Popcorn for dessert. We got some gray market keiłbasa from a guy who knows a guy. My neighbor didn't like it , "too smokey" she says. Philistine!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:48am

The B side of Clay's favorite Rolling Stones track!
Avatar 11:48am
Chris from DC:

Don't really eat meat anymore, but occasionally I miss the kielbasa my grandmother would get from a guy in Pennsylvania who ground it himself. It was perfect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am

is it any wonder I'm not a criminal / is it any wonder i'm not in jail?
Avatar 11:50am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

This guy's recipe is from the mid 1800's, a Polish recipe. Wow. It is the BEST kiełbasa outside of Poland I have ever had. He refuses to sell to us directly, I have to go through this guy i know. I feel like it's 1985 and I'm trying to buy weed again.
Avatar 11:52am
Chris from DC:

Ok, now I need pierogi. Sigh.
Avatar 11:52am

Avatar 11:55am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Don't get me started about how expensive gluten free turkey stuffing is on Amazon! And WHO would make gluten free pierogi?
Avatar 11:56am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Wax Chattels is super heavey. Wow! It's like a whole new world opened up. Thanks JA in the AM!
Avatar 11:56am
ben abs:

10/10 banging show today JA - so many great new discoveries. vielen dank
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:58am

Agreed, very good show!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

I might have to get this Manuel Trotter record.
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