Favoriting Continental Subway with David Dichelle: Playlist from November 13, 2018 Favoriting

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Tracks across a multilingual world, featuring this, that, and not infrequently the other

Thursday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Upcoming events:

Thu. Mar 13th, Noon - 3pm: David Dichelle and his co-host Tamar

Favoriting November 13, 2018: Bananas and barleywine

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Artist Track Album Year Comments Approx. start time
Continental Subway  Intro   Favoriting        
Hannibal and the Sunrise Orchestra  Soul Brother – In Dedication to Malcolm X   Favoriting Hannibal  1975    0:00:13 (Pop-up)
Hannibal  The 23rd Psalm   Favoriting Hannibal in Berlin  1977    0:13:56 (Pop-up)
Marvin Peterson & The Soulmasters  Summertime   Favoriting In Concert  1969    0:21:01 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Autumn Blood   Favoriting

Breaks In The Sun Instrumentals 



0:27:31 (Pop-up)
Charles Mingus with Hampton Hawes and Danny Richmond  Summertime   Favoriting Mingus Three  1957    0:32:34 (Pop-up)
Hampton Hawes  A Night in Tunisia   Favoriting   1956    0:37:06 (Pop-up)
Hampton Hawes  Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea   Favoriting   1956    0:40:52 (Pop-up)
Hampton Hawes  For Real   Favoriting For Real!  1961    0:51:47 (Pop-up)
Charlie Haden/Hampton Hawes  Hello/Goodbye   Favoriting As Long as There's Music  1976    1:03:05 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Quadro Nuevo 

Die Reise nach Batumi   Favoriting

Grand Voyage 



1:11:01 (Pop-up)
Elia y Elizabeth  Todo en la vida   Favoriting La onda de Elia y Elizabeth  1973    1:16:47 (Pop-up)
Los Stop  Extiende tus brazos   Favoriting   1967    1:18:36 (Pop-up)
Valerie Lagrange  Si ma chanson pouvait   Favoriting Si ma chanson pouvait  1977    1:20:34 (Pop-up)
Larry Greco  Jette-la   Favoriting   1965    1:25:48 (Pop-up)
Gustav  Neulich im Kanal   Favoriting Verlass die Stadt  2008    1:28:25 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Lukáš Perný and Miloslav Kollár 

Vishnu Meets Funk   Favoriting

Theatrum Mundi 



1:32:10 (Pop-up)
Kuni Kawachi  Amefuri Taisho   Favoriting Utae Nakunaru Maeni  1972    1:37:25 (Pop-up)
Jaakko Laitinen & Väärä Raha feat. Morgan Nickolay  Valheet ja kahleet   Favoriting Näennäinen  2016    1:40:00 (Pop-up)
Foyer des Arts  Wissenswertes über Erlangen   Favoriting Von Bullerbü nach Babylon  1982    1:42:51 (Pop-up)
Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle  Was kostet die Welt   Favoriting Stürmer  1981    1:47:25 (Pop-up)
Fehlfarben  Gottseidank nicht in England   Favoriting Anarchie und Alltag  1981    1:50:39 (Pop-up)
Ferdinand Kriwet  Radio   Favoriting Radioball (Hörtext 11)  1975    1:53:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Butlers 

Troika   Favoriting




1:55:34 (Pop-up)
The Watersons  Harvest Song: We gets up in the morn   Favoriting Frost and Fire: A Calendar of Ritual and Magical Songs  1965    2:02:43 (Pop-up)
Vulcan's Hammer  John Barleycorn   Favoriting True Hearts and Sound Bottoms  1973    2:03:55 (Pop-up)
Maddy Prior  John Barleycorn   Favoriting Lionhearts  2003    2:06:46 (Pop-up)
Knights of the Occasional Table  John Barleycorn   Favoriting John Barleycorn 2000  1999    2:10:35 (Pop-up)
Žalvarinis  Alaus Alaus   Favoriting Ugnėlakis su Kūlgrinda  2002    2:21:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Wolfgang Riechmann 

Himmelblau   Favoriting




2:26:25 (Pop-up)
George Lam  Red Harvest   Favoriting Lin Zixiang creative song set  1984  紅日豐收 / 林子祥創作歌集  2:34:58 (Pop-up)
Pep's  La petite récolte du jardinier   Favoriting Suivez le flo...  2011    2:37:50 (Pop-up)
La Ratoureuse  Le cou de ma bouteille - 6/8 de la récolte - Drowsie Maggie   Favoriting Pour un vendredi  2007    2:40:24 (Pop-up)
Négoce et Signature  Pastourelle: Récolte   Favoriting Guadeloupe : la tradition du quadrille  2007    2:44:54 (Pop-up)
Nile Project  St. Yared of Axum   Favoriting Aswan  2013    2:50:45 (Pop-up)
EUPHORIUM_freakestra  Quartett No.1: Erregung freier Ernte…   Favoriting Ðal Ngai  2003    2:56:29 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

The Skatalite!   Favoriting

Eastern Standard Time 



3:06:40 (Pop-up)
Pharoah Sanders  Village of The Pharoahs, Parts 1-3   Favoriting Village of the Pharoahs  1973    3:12:26 (Pop-up)
Christophe Rousset, Les Talens Lyriques  François Couperin: Les Goûts-réünis: Concert no. 6 in B flat major   Favoriting François Couperin: Les Goûts-réünis  2001    3:29:18 (Pop-up)
Omar El Maghrebi  J'en ai marre   Favoriting Maghreb Lyon: Raï-Chaoui-Chaâbi-Kabyle 1972-1998  199X/2014    3:41:34 (Pop-up)
Rahim  Carwen tiremrin, La récolte s'est envolée   Favoriting Chansons Kabyles  2002    3:45:31 (Pop-up)
Tanz-Orchester Efim Schachmeister  Ausgerechnet Bananen   Favoriting   1924    3:51:12 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Duke Ellington 

Take the "A" Train   Favoriting




3:54:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🚂 2:58pm

Good day, Mr. D.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Michael 98145:

Avatar 🚂 2:59pm

Who put mint jello in that woodland stream?
Avatar 🚂 3:01pm

St. Patrick's Day in the forest.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:02pm
David D:

Yes, that is not a good place to step, as inviting as it looks.
Avatar 🚂 3:03pm

"Down by the Green River where Paradise lay."
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:03pm

He;;o! Hello!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

a minty green
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:05pm
David D:

Yes, looked really delicious, not sure about the flavor...
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:07pm

algae cloud?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:07pm
Michael 98145:

Dryad's bath
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
Michael 98145:

loving this track. thx.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
David D:

Could be the entrance to the nymph world, wouldn't rule it out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10pm
Passaic River Blues:

Damn, this is great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10pm

hey David and all
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:11pm
David D:

Hey Coel and PRB, dive on in...
Avatar 3:24pm

Feels summertimey here, 87F/31C here.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:25pm
David D:

This one's for you, then, NGH!
Avatar 🚂 3:31pm

I'm not a huge fan of winter anymore, but 87 is a bit too warm for me.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Webhamster Henry:

You give a weather report because you are a long distance phone call!
Avatar 3:33pm

I demand a Leipzig weather report (I was an associate professor of weather and climate at Hunter College, it's one of my nerdling things).
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:34pm

is there a wintertime?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:34pm
David D:

I could introduce a world weather report segment like on the cable TV you get in hotel rooms.
Avatar 3:35pm

@chresti: nunc hieme?
Avatar 🚂 3:35pm

But wait, I heard on Fox News that weather and climate are the same thing.
Avatar 3:38pm

@βrian: *snert*. Well, you have to learn weather before you can understand climate (most don't).
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:39pm

..Wintertime...and the weather is freezing...fish are crunchy and wearing knee highs..
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:40pm
Webhamster Henry:

So can Caravan be far behind on this Set of Jazz Warhorses?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:41pm
David D:

Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:47pm

a winter counterpart to "Summertime" I mean
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:50pm
David D:

Yes, Chresti, a great idea - enough summer versions!
Avatar 🚂 3:53pm

I can imagine Yat-Kha doing a Wintertime song.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
David D:

I think I did a winter-themed show last year. Didn't play that one though...
Avatar 🚂 4:10pm

Oy, it's supposed to get down to 11 tonight. Our cat will be keeping close.
Avatar 4:15pm

oh wow, its 10pm, i just got up feeling shitty but at least im on point for continental subway!
Avatar 4:16pm

Oh no, 11 degrees Celsius, βrian: you might need to put on a jumper!
Avatar 4:17pm

(eating soup, thinking about lowering the A/C at work.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 4:20pm
David D:

Hey Monkeyz, hope you feel better soon!
Avatar 4:22pm

sorry, monkeyz tagged me out, my cold is on it's way out. (someone tag monkeyz out soon, por favor).
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 4:24pm
David D:

Healing soup for everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:30pm
Passaic River Blues:

I've only ever heard "We Shall Overcome" by Gustav. This is excellent.

Hello, David and all!!
Avatar 4:34pm

Extiende tus brazos, extend your arms...
Avatar 4:36pm

Mayuko, I had a chance to use Japanese profanity during Larry's show (I wasn't supposed to tell you).
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 4:37pm
Michael 98145:

this has been a fine day here by the stream -
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 4:40pm
David D:

Hello Mayuko - great to see you!
Avatar 4:42pm

Ching(ching) in Japanese slang has the coincidence of sometimes having a similar meaning as the homophonic Mexican slang, chinga.

@ngh what could possibly happened on his show that led to use it?!?! We don’t even have that many dirty words in the first place!
Mark R:

Hiya David!

yay! max goldt!!!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 4:46pm
David D:

Hey there, Mark!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 4:46pm
David D:

You got it, Mayuko!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 4:46pm
Michael 98145:

our language does lend itself well to cursing, doesn't it?
Mark R:

Now iss der time on "Schprockets" ven ve danse!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 4:48pm
David D:

Mark: That's how it's done!
Avatar 4:50pm

when it gets cold soon, ill sure be wearing a skiing onepiece this year :P
Avatar 4:51pm

@Mayuko: Typos trying to correct the same comments three times in a row.

Uhhmm, about the lack of dirty Japanese slang, I beg to differ, and I prefer to not get slapped by you through the interwebs through my monitor. The last time a Japanese friend asked me what Japanese slang I knew, she slapped me, hard! (she's still a besty).
Mark R:

Nice to hear the early 80s hardcore/punk scene so well represented!
Mark R:

I swear I heard somebody say "Van Halen" on this 1975 track!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 4:55pm
Michael 98145:

Yes, so did i ...
Avatar 4:56pm

Ferdinand Kriwet, new to me!

think i’d translate “Utae...” as “sing, before it disappears”, but it’s not quite clear.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

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Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:05pm
David D:

Thanks, Mayuko. Did you know the nursery rhyme, or if it is one?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:05pm
David D:

Chresti: The show continues until 7pm ET.
Avatar 5:05pm

Watersons!, Vulcan Hammer, new to me!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:10pm
Michael 98145:

ah, Maddy -
Avatar 5:10pm

Maddy Prior in 2003?, her voice sounds the same, but the backing music suffers from 90s production values. Still love it!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:11pm
David D:

Yes, I almost went with the old Steeleye Span version, but her voice is as great as ever, and the organ!

@David no, I didn’t get the nursery reference. maybe my parents would?!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
David D:

Mayuko: It could have been my misinterpretation of what I read, anyway.
Avatar 5:19pm

reminds me when I did a d&b remix of Matty Groves (also in 1999)

@ngh now that I think, there are some disturbing Japanese slangs on the internet especially towards women and minority groups, since that’s what those Japanese men seem to hate the most. I’ve never heard someone actually saying them in real life though (thank god).
Avatar 🚂 5:21pm

I remember being perplexed, as a kid, by the term 'barleycorn.' To my mind only corn could be corn. Heh.
Avatar 5:22pm

@Mayuko: half of my friends were Japanese-American, so, they taught me some rather disturbing stuff.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:25pm
David D:

Barleycorn on the cob sounds good anyway...
Avatar 🚂 5:27pm

Good sweet corn, ah, there's nothing like it.
Avatar 5:28pm

@Mayuko: There are also various classist slurs as well, and thankfully, they've vacated my brain....

barleycorn on the cob doesn't sound appetizing, sounds like something my ancestors would eat.
Avatar 🚂 5:29pm

Yeah, barley is for malting.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:35pm
Michael 98145:

i've been using protonmail.com more and more to replace gmail
Avatar 5:39pm

I have a friend who's parents were born in Hong Kong and he's a musician, small chance of relation though....
Avatar 🚂 5:39pm

I use fastmail. Reasonably priced, and it lets me create single-use e-mail addresses that can then be disabled or deleted if unethically distributed.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:40pm
Michael 98145:

so far i've only taken advantage of free accounts ...
Avatar 5:46pm

Well, my work, and my wife's, and she uses gmail, so, I'm sort of stuck....
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:48pm
Michael 98145:

this is a fun track
Avatar 🚂 5:50pm

Google was eager to gobble up my university account when said university decided to outsource. I didn't want to go there, so I just forwarded all mail to an account I have some control over.
Avatar 5:50pm

Guadalupe has a great flag!: en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:53pm

ngh- I love flags with fleur de lis
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Is Aswan that dam album?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Michael 98145:

Avatar 5:56pm

As David knows, vexillology is one of my nerdisms...
Avatar 5:57pm

Boo!!!, βrian! At least follow that up w/ a sad trombone!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
David D:

NGH: Me too - wouldn't want to be in denile about that.
Avatar 6:01pm

EUPHORIUM_freakestra, new to me!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
David D:

I'm looking for the trombone sound effect - I deserve one too....
Avatar 🚂 6:06pm

But why the underscore? I have my suspicions ...

BTW, I checked the Unicode character set and found no entry relating to trombones.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

I once had a job to analyse, identify, shapes of logos and then apply corresponding codes for entering in a US Patent office database in 1981-82, going through stacks and stacks of papers with logos containing heraldic animals
Avatar 🚂 6:11pm

@chresti: I believe I may have perused some of the Art Library reference materials you must have consulted. So fascinating.
Avatar 6:12pm

Cool, chresti!

other French territories have great (unofficial) flags as well. See Martinique www.google.com... and New Caledonia www.google.com...
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

I was one of the few that could decipher abstracted shapes and not just toss it in the miscellaneous pile
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David D:

We need a Unicode trombone!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:16pm

Those are nice ones, ngh
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David D:

Chresti - that sounds like it could be occasionally interesting and sometimes maddening.
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OK, NGH: Worst U.S. State flag?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
David D:

New Caledonia just voted to remain French - for now.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:18pm

tedious! Luckily it was a temporary job.
Avatar 🚂 6:19pm

I think Jeff Sessions' state may have it, but all the coats-of-armsy flags are pretty lame, too.
Avatar 6:20pm

@βrian: Most of them. Any of them w/ the state crest and a blue field, and or the name of the state written out . Oregon's is ok, as it has two faces.
Avatar 6:22pm

Now, if you want to see something truly hideous, and looks like your parents just discovered MS paint, look at Liberia's county flags.... en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
David D:

Yes, Oregon is the Paraguay of state flags.
Avatar 6:23pm

Oh, and Pharoah!
Avatar 🚂 6:24pm

Michigan's is corny, I suppose, but I really like the deer. (Elk?)

Oregon's looks like a potato print to me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm
Passaic River Blues:

Mississippi's is trash. California is a strong contender for best flag (I'm partial to animal representation), and I'm also a fan of Alaska's (blue field with stars representing the Big Dipper).
Avatar 🚂 6:25pm

Do they grow rosemary in Paraguay?
Avatar 6:26pm

I vote for Cascadia's flag! :)
Avatar 🚂 6:26pm

Alaska's is very nice, yes. An NM, too.
Avatar 6:27pm

But for state-states, AK, HI, NM, SC, and AZ ranks up there. OH gets points for shape.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

I'm partial to animals too
Avatar 6:28pm

βrian jinxed me again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Passaic River Blues:

@NGH: largely agree with your ranking there as well as the bonus points awarded to Ohio for thumbing its nose at rectangular tyranny.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Michael 98145:

whoa. where else could you hear Pharoah Sanders followed by Couperin ?

Avatar 🚂 6:32pm

Wow, Montana's is deleriously pathetic. Vermont's has some impressive mushrooms.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:35pm
Michael 98145:

guess i had forgotten the South Carolina flag looks like something out of UAE .. except it's not green.
Avatar 6:37pm

Simple, a crescent moon and a palm. (much better then the old flag).

Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
David D:

Yes, the crescent actually comes up in many different places. The coat of arms/flag of Halle (near Leipzig) also prominently features it.
Avatar 🚂 6:41pm

Re Wisconsin's flag, please note that Faux News mistook the state flag for a labor union's local flag, confusing the state's date of admission to the Union with a union's local identifier number.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
Passaic River Blues:

@Brian: hahaha Poor Montana! It's like an abandoned homework assignment. Take a blue poster, toss a Boy Scout badge in the middle as a placeholder, and then lazily write "MONTANA" along the top in block type as if to say, "Yeah, I'll finish this in the morning before school."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

@ngh I see what you mean about the Liberian county flags.
Avatar 6:46pm

If it weren't for the confederate cross, FL's wouldn't be bad, just mediocre.
Avatar 6:47pm

Although, MD's is so ugly, it's amazing in its own right.
Avatar 🚂 6:47pm

J'en ai marre avec ce bouffon à la Maison Blanche.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:49pm
David D:

βrian: That could be an updated version of the song.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

Haha bouffon is right
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Michael 98145:

ooh :) commons.wikimedia.org...
Avatar 🚂 6:53pm

Bugs Bunny is dancing, just out of sight.
Avatar 6:53pm

Thanks David!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

To busy to pay much, but enjoyed the show, thanks, David!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

Thanks David!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm
Passaic River Blues:

@chresti: nice link!

Thank you for the show, David!
Avatar 6:54pm

There has to be more flags w/ frogs, Michael!. Oh, nice one chresti!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

very nice frogs!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Michael 98145:

Babar - upload.wikimedia.org...

thanks for all the music, David D !
Avatar 🚂 6:56pm

Are there flags with frog's legs only?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

likewise Michael!
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Today we are all Babarians. So gentle.
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There is never enough thyme.

Thank you David!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
David D:

Thanks, everyone and have a great week!
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