Favoriting In Real Life with Emily and Kimzilla: Playlist from September 26, 2018 Favoriting

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In Real Life is a weekly show hosted by Emily and Kimzilla on WFMU. In each episode, Kim and Emily follow their own curiosity to interview people on about a variety of themes, getting the real scoop and learning about the real people behind each topic. Previous WFMU aired episodes include topics such as circus performers, taxicab drivers, bartender therapy, alien abductions, nudism and so much more.

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Favoriting September 26, 2018: Jessica Bruder
Jessica Bruder is a journalist who reports on subcultures and economic justice. In her recent book Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century, she spent months living in a camper van affectionately named “Van Halen”, documenting itinerant Americans who gave up traditional housing and hit the road full time, enabling them to travel from job to job and carve out a place for themselves in our precarious economy. The project spanned three years and more than 15,000 miles of driving—from coast to coast and from Mexico to the Canadian border.

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This week: Emily and Kimzilla talk to Jessica Bruder, live in studio!

The Tammy's 
Kim and Emily talk to Jess Bruder 

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Let's hit the open road.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

grapes of wrath?

It's Wednesday!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

hi all
Avatar 7:08pm
Linda Lee:

i'm not on the road for work yet. ;-)

Wheelestate is my plan for retirement. That or Thailand.
Avatar 7:09pm
Linda Lee:

i've lived in both a van & a car, but not by choice. living in a vehicle is not ideal at all.
Avatar 7:10pm

I am a van dweller and it's fine.
Avatar 7:12pm
Linda Lee:

the conscious choice is the critical thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm
Tommy in Neversink:

It's a damn shame people have to live like this. This is why we need unions
Avatar 7:13pm
Linda Lee:

easy enough to put lipstick on a pig ~ but it's important to remember it's a pig.
Avatar 7:14pm

pigs are cute though

A guy I work with in his late 50s just bought a 350 diesel Dodge with plans for hitching a trailer and splitting ASAP!
Avatar 7:15pm
Linda Lee:

.. but would you like to be forced to live with one?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm

...and nourishing.

I’ve seriously considered van life so many times. Still do.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm

Amazon is scary.

There's that place Slab City in California that squatters and people that live in vans and recreational vehicals go to live.
Avatar 7:18pm
Linda Lee:

is this the human version of disaster porn?
Avatar 7:21pm
Linda Lee:

is this normalizing the painful death of the middle class & rendering it groovy?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm

LL good question.

Do you have a picture of the inside of Jessie's van?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

Burning Man Closet haha!
Avatar 7:26pm
Linda Lee:

whee! migrant labor! no benefits, no security, no future, killing work. how cool!
god help us.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

I saw a documentary about Slab City at the Indianapolis International Film Festival a few years ago. Interesting stuff

defeathering quail-who knew that was even a thing.
Avatar 7:29pm

Good question, LL. People are still exploited.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

when you die it doesn't matter how much your house or stuff is worth.

@ultradammo, oh interesting. I just watched a short video on youtube last week. Really interesting, but seems really unstable(obviously) and could be dangerous. Crazy what people have been forced to do
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Zats, late to the proceedings tonight. How's everyone tonight?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm
Tommy in Neversink:

This is so interesting... and sad, thanks for putting this show together
Avatar 7:38pm
Linda Lee:

the situation is horrendous. just shit. i'm not hearing awareness of how wrong this is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm
Tommy in Neversink:

Amazon is so evil ...pretty much no better than Walmart in terms of how they treat people
Avatar 7:39pm
howard in nyc:

I just clicked over to Ms. Bruder's website. The photo above is the front page of her site. The version above is too small to clearly see, SHE IS WEARING A WF-MU T-SHIRT HOW COOL IS SHE!!! www.jessicabruder.com
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm

despite the Pom Pom Girls precedent, I think I'd need at least a little camper, one of those little teardrop Retro® jobs... and, you know, a freelance writing gig when I'm not pumping gas
Avatar 7:39pm

In the 20th Century, various unions organized agricultural migrant workers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm

It is horrendous.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

@tdk60 Off that point: inthesetimes.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

In August when I was back home, the sugar beet harvest in ND was just getting underway. The beets go into huge piles where they wait until they get hauled to the processing plant. www.inforum.com...
Avatar 7:44pm
Linda Lee:

Bezos is 'proud' of working conditions at Amazon. i've heard this direct quote.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm
Tommy in Neversink:

So we have increased the national debt by helping the rich get even richer when we could have actually helped people who needed it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47pm

@LL there's something really wrong with people like him.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47pm

And with all these actual issues with Amazon, the president wants to focus on them using USPS as they exist to be used.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

I think this time really is different.
Avatar 7:50pm
Linda Lee:

encroaching normalization of wage slavery ~ disgraceful. shameful.

universal basic income!!
Avatar 7:53pm
Linda Lee:

how about this: let's try it, for f*ck sake.
Avatar 7:56pm
Linda Lee:

'the opposite of poverty is not wealth. the opposite of poverty is community.'
Avatar 7:58pm
Linda Lee:

any discussion of the material benefit of this reporting?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

Interesting interview! Thank you.
Avatar 7:59pm
Jeff Moore:

I have but one thing to say to Kimmers and her Burning Man – after Hans Johst:

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