Favoriting If You Lose Your Horse with Sam Segal: Playlist from August 27, 2018 Favoriting

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Wednesday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting August 27, 2018: Cursed Was How He, the Horse, Felt

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Archie Shepp  Attica Blues   Favoriting Attica Blues  Impulse!   
Ronnie McNeir  In Summertime   Favoriting Ronnie McNeir  RCA Victor  0:09:37 (Pop-up)
Willie Hutch  Tell Me Why Has Our Love Turned Cold   Favoriting Fully Exposed  Motown  0:12:45 (Pop-up)
Leon Ware  Tamed To Be Wild   Favoriting Leon Ware  United Artists  0:15:33 (Pop-up)
A.Dd+  Greedy (ft. Mz. Fortune)   Favoriting WHEN PIGS FLY  Self-Released  0:20:00 (Pop-up)
Parliament  Do That Stuff   Favoriting Live: P-Funk Earth Tour  Casablanca  0:22:29 (Pop-up)
8 Bold Souls  Brown Town   Favoriting Last Option  Thrill Jockey  0:27:42 (Pop-up)
Eureka Brass Band  You Tell Me Your Dream   Favoriting New Orleans Funeral & Parade  American Music  0:36:34 (Pop-up)
Nicole Mitchell  No One Can Stop Us   Favoriting Maroon Cloud  FPE  0:39:04 (Pop-up)
Momo Wandel Soumah  Lefa Lu   Favoriting Afro Swing  Fonti Musicali  0:45:04 (Pop-up)
Main Attrakionz  Vegetables   Favoriting 808s and Dark Grapes II  Mishka  0:58:18 (Pop-up)
yyu  smileyy   Favoriting Karaoke  Lilerne Tapes  0:58:40 (Pop-up)
Object Blue  (time to) WORK   Favoriting REX  Let's Go Swimming  1:02:23 (Pop-up)
RAMZi  Ya Chaki   Favoriting Phobiza Vol. 3: Amor Fati  FATi  1:04:57 (Pop-up)
Bernard Bonnier  Blue Marine   Favoriting Casse-Tête  Oral  1:08:53 (Pop-up)
Persona Service  Balanced Asymetry   Favoriting 660 Problems  Cellar Door Service  1:14:41 (Pop-up)
DJ Residue  Hand-Crafted Among The Stars   Favoriting 211 Circles of Rushing Water  The Trilogy Tapes ‎  1:20:22 (Pop-up)
03 Greedo  No Disrespect   Favoriting God Level  Alamo  1:22:42 (Pop-up)
Delroy Edwards  Wild Illusions   Favoriting Rio Grande  LA Club Resource  1:25:01 (Pop-up)
Tribe of Colin  Communion of Ancient (Protect Your Children)   Favoriting Fruits of Zion  5 Gate Temple  1:28:13 (Pop-up)
Grim Lusk  Search   Favoriting SUNP0101  Domestic Exile  1:33:36 (Pop-up)
Cecil Taylor  Piano Solo   Favoriting Max Roach and Cecil Taylor: Historic Concerts  Soul Note  1:46:32 (Pop-up)
Mal Waldron & Marion Brown  To the Golden Lady in Her Graham Cracker Window   Favoriting Songs of Love and Regret  Free Lance  1:50:52 (Pop-up)
Ornette Coleman & Charlie Haden  Human Being   Favoriting Soapsuds, Soapsuds  Artists House  1:56:10 (Pop-up)
William Parker, Bernardo Palombo, & Jean Carla Rodea  Despues de la Guerra   Favoriting Voices Fall From The Sky  AUM Fidelity  2:04:10 (Pop-up)
Willie Nelson  Railroad Lady   Favoriting To Lefty From Willie  Columbia  2:10:16 (Pop-up)
Lucinda Williams  Metal Firecracker   Favoriting Car Wheels on a Gravel Road  Mercury  2:13:26 (Pop-up)
Kuniyuki Takahashi  Echoes of the Past   Favoriting Early Tape Works 1986 - 1993 Vol. 2  Music From Memory  2:21:38 (Pop-up)
Denis Smalley  Wind Chimes   Favoriting Archives GRM  INA-GRM  2:23:29 (Pop-up)
Sun Araw  Porto Alchemico   Favoriting Guarda in Alto OST  Goodfellas  2:29:30 (Pop-up)
Jean-Yves Bosseur  Joutes   Favoriting Musiques Vertes  Atelier 82  2:32:40 (Pop-up)
Nuno Canavarro  Crimine   Favoriting Plux Quba  Inpartmaint Inc  2:34:58 (Pop-up)
Mohammad Reza Mortazavi  I Am The Wind   Favoriting Green Hands  Flowfish  2:39:20 (Pop-up)
Fluxion  Valley   Favoriting Ripple Effect  Vibrant  2:44:03 (Pop-up)
Stephen Mathieu  Stasis 7 (Ash the Android's Dream)   Favoriting Before Nostromo  Schwebung  2:46:35 (Pop-up)
Blue Chemise  Isla   Favoriting Daughters of Time  Students of Decay  2:50:40 (Pop-up)
Autechre  mirrage   Favoriting NTS Session 4  Warp  2:52:49 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:04pm

Avatar 9:05pm

I see the olive, but where's the pimento?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Sam Segal:

TDK, Brian, and Ike...brilliant to see you all, present and punctual!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11pm
Sam Segal:

More information on the National Prison Strike from the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee: incarceratedworkers.org...
Avatar 9:16pm

About the prison system, as Mr. Horse would say in Ren and Stimpy, "No Sir, I don't like it!"
Avatar 9:17pm

Thanks for sharing that IWOC info.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Sam Segal:

Hear, hear, NGH! Welcome aboard.
Avatar 9:20pm
still b/p:

I worked with a guy years ago who said whenever a prison bond issue was on the ballot, he'd vote no, because, "The hell with them," his view being that those jailed deserve no improvements of any kind.
Avatar 9:21pm

oh, wait, I was supposed to lose my horse.

and, thanks for the link, Sam!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
Sam Segal:

Ah, the banality of evil, SBP! Welcome!
Avatar 9:42pm

Even my conservative GOPer father thinks the prison system is tre fucked.
Avatar 9:46pm

great sounds tonight.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Sam Segal:

Yeah, it would seem you can get people on the right to buy into opposing mass incarceration from the perspective of "fiscal responsibility." Not sure if that's how your dad sees it, but it seems like a decent chunk of Republicans could be persuaded in that direction.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Sam Segal:

Thanks, TDK! Hope you don't mind if we veer into outer space in the next set.
Avatar 9:52pm

That last track was relevant to my interests..... ;)
Avatar 9:53pm

Sam, I'm veering into dreamtime soon...exhausted, will try to remain another 15 min. or so.
Avatar 9:56pm

Acually, my father abhors the privatization of prisons, the exploitation of labor, and little attempt for psychological approach to rehabilitate. That said, If I showmeed him a link w/ the word "strike", he would dismiss it as something to do w/ socialists unions. I have to frame the arguement in terms he's sympatheric w/.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Sam Segal:

Lost internet connection briefly but we should be back on target
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm
Sam Segal:

We coming through alright, folks?
Avatar 9:59pm

Sam, your rap was interrupted by (Lonny Holley?) now back to your music?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm
Sam Segal:

Yes, if it sounds like its skipping, it's me!
Avatar 10:01pm
still b/p:

Yes, I have the yyu.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04pm
Sam Segal:

Thanks for sticking with me, folks!
Avatar 10:07pm
still b/p:

Yes, Let's Go Swimming. "Heat index" gonna push us close to 100 tomorrow.
Avatar 10:09pm

I was just listening to Dead Prez's "Be Healthy" in the car. A rap about vegan recipes....
Avatar 10:12pm

it is sorta like "a caravan with drum solo"...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Sam Segal:

NGH: Gotta get back into Dead Prez...I had my big Coup binge recently after seeing "Sorry to Bother You," and I think it's time for me to binge on Dead Prez.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14pm
Doug Schulkind:

If you lose your hoarse, start screaming again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15pm
Sam Segal:

Ain't that the truth, Doug. Welcome!
Avatar 10:18pm

A friend of mine played in an decent alt rock band, and they played at Hunter College following Dead Prez. He said half of them were dicks (I mean two of them are from Tallahassee). ;p
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20pm
Doug Schulkind:

Avatar 10:24pm

I find the best trap and hiphop mixtape cdrs in the ghetto convenience stores....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26pm
Sam Segal:

Man, I would love to hear one of those sometime, NGH.
Avatar 10:27pm

Dirty South!
Avatar 10:32pm

Ok, gotta clean listening, but will be away from the board
Avatar 10:36pm

First time I went in, everyone looked at me as if I didn't belong, Picking up some beer, homemade boiled peanuts, a mixtape, and asking a guy there for a loosey, got me an in....
Avatar 10:36pm

(and I don't smoke tobacco)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38pm
Sam Segal:

I am very curious about the homemade boiled peanuts...
Avatar 10:45pm

I actually make my own from scratch, raw peanuts, a bunch of spices, and jalapenos and habaneros, put in a slow cooker for 12 hours. (wife hated the smell it made the apt,, but loved the results)
Avatar 10:46pm

but the convenience store had their own. I knew buying some of their's would endear me to them.
Avatar 11:20pm

too many bean varieties to choose from but never enough cutlery to eat them with
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21pm
Sam Segal:

Ummmm...earth to Good Guy, you don't need to cut the beans yourself. Most beans nowadays come pre-cut!!
Avatar 11:23pm

I realize this but i prefer custom-cut beans
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:25pm
Sam Segal:

Well, far be it from me to tell you who should cut your beans!
Avatar 11:34pm

darn, I need an early sleep, thanks, Sam!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35pm
Sam Segal:

Thanks for hanging, NGH!
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