Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from August 8, 2018 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting August 8, 2018: Live music from Sam Weinberg

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
W-2  Beige and Distrustful   Favoriting Fanatics  Astral Spirits  2017  https://chriswelcome.bandcamp.com/album/w-2    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Sam Weinberg  Apollo Souvenirs   Favoriting Live at WFMU on What Was Music?  FMA  2018  Engineered by Scott Konzelmann  *   0:13:58 (Pop-up)
Sam Weinberg  Shrapnel Facsimiles   Favoriting Live at WFMU on What Was Music?  FMA  2018  https://samweinberg.bandcamp.com/  *   0:27:55 (Pop-up)
Charles K. Noyes and Owen Maercks  Terminal Documents   Favoriting Free Mamals  Feeding Tube  2018  http://feedingtuberecords.com/releases/free-mammals/  *   0:42:55 (Pop-up)
Buck Young  Murdoch   Favoriting Proud Trash Sound  No Rent  2018  https://norentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/proud-trash-sound-renthike02-nrr64  *   0:49:57 (Pop-up)
Obnox  Captain Blackeye   Favoriting Templo Del Sonido  Astral Spirits/Monofonus Press  2018  https://astralobnox.bandcamp.com/album/templo-del-sonido  *   0:53:12 (Pop-up)
Spiny Norman  Arrowhead   Favoriting Spiny Normen  Riding Easy  2018  Originally recorded in 78/79  *   1:04:26 (Pop-up)
Moenda  The Lorax   Favoriting Moenda  Kinnikinnk  2011      1:06:36 (Pop-up)
Conduit  To The Tower   Favoriting Drowning World  Kitschy Spirit   2018  https://conduitnyc.bandcamp.com/album/drowning-world (Out on Sept. 4)  *   1:09:14 (Pop-up)
Reptoid  The New Reality   Favoriting Scum Supreme  Not on Label  2017  https://reptoidx.bandcamp.com/    1:12:32 (Pop-up)
Bosse-de-Nage  Crux   Favoriting Further Still  The Flesner  2018  https://bosse-de-nage.bandcamp.com/album/further-still (Out Sept. 14th )  *   1:16:49 (Pop-up)
Mamaleek  Sicarii   Favoriting Out of Time  The Flesner  2018  https://mamaleek.bandcamp.com/album/out-of-time  *   1:20:41 (Pop-up)
Black Lodge  Jamais Vu   Favoriting Bitter Blood  Disciples  2018  https://www.discogs.com/Black-Lodge-Bitter-Blood-A-Collection-of-Archival-Recordings/release/12222380  *   1:24:46 (Pop-up)
Mamitri Yultuih Empress Yonagunisan  Fade Blue   Favoriting Yulith Lilith  Bruit Direct Disques  2018  https://www.discogs.com/Mamitri-Yulith-Empress-Yonagunisan-Yulith-Lilith/release/11820096    1:32:00 (Pop-up)
Gateway  Side A   Favoriting The Dawn of the Civil Savage  Castle Bravo  2018  https://castlebravotapes.bandcamp.com/album/the-dawn-of-the-civil-savage  *   1:38:21 (Pop-up)
Peter J Woods  Feral Leather   Favoriting The Illusory Hope  No Rent  2018  https://norentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-illusory-hope-nrr81  *   2:06:45 (Pop-up)
C.M. von Hausswolf  Test   Favoriting Links Outta Here  Generator Sound Archive  1997  https://www.discogs.com/Various-Links-Outta-Here/release/492818    2:25:05 (Pop-up)
Mark  "... Careful Development Without Haste."   Favoriting Integrier Dich Du Yuppie  A Colourful Storm  2018  https://acolourfulstorm.bandcamp.com/album/integrier-dich-du-yuppie  *   2:31:04 (Pop-up)
Buck Young  Where's Linda?   Favoriting Proud Trash Sound  No Rent  2018  https://norentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/proud-trash-sound-renthike02-nrr64  *   2:37:07 (Pop-up)
Walter Gross  Window   Favoriting Vestige  Not on Label  2017  https://waltergross.bandcamp.com/album/vestige    2:42:20 (Pop-up)
Mb Jones  Going Swimming in the Morning   Favoriting MB Jones by MB Jones  Feeding Tube  2018  http://feedingtuberecords.com/releases/by-mb-jones/  *   2:46:04 (Pop-up)
Wire Spire  Suburban Reality   Favoriting Bury me Here  Negative Gain Records  2018  https://wirespinengp.bandcamp.com/album/bury-me-here    2:49:26 (Pop-up)
GRÜN WASSER              2:56:28 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:01am

Can’t figure out which station it is
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03am

nice start good stuff..
....Exchange Pl on the * PATH * believe ..
Avatar 12:04am

Must be! thanks
Avatar 12:04am
Marcel M:

Yo Scraps, Tome. Yep! God ol' Exchange Place.

Sam Weinberg at 12:15! He is playing sax in this group, W-2. Tonight we air a pre-recorded, electronics set he did last week.
Avatar 12:04am

Mmmmmm, meditative
Avatar 12:05am
Marcel M:

@Scraps: I thought you meant radio station, hah.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05am

Wicked !!
Avatar 12:05am

Avatar 12:06am
Marcel M:

w-2 was on Brian Turner's show last year or so , so check that out as well!
Avatar 12:07am

Great track title
Avatar 12:09am

Hey, Chris Welcome!

Hello! What radio station is this?
Avatar 12:45am
Marcel M:

Oops this is a new reissue. OG 79!
Avatar 12:52am

Avatar 1:03am

I just had to google image Lynx
Avatar 1:16am
Diezel Tea:

Well tickle me morningfied. Bari luys to all.
Avatar 1:17am
Diezel Tea:

Reptoid reminds me of Genghis Tron if they were goths instead of emo kids.
Avatar 1:22am
Andrew S:

I go to a trailer by a lake every weekend. it's a nice place and I suppose the people mean well but if I hear sweet home alabama one more time up there this summer you might be reading about me in the newspapers. I'd like to hook up a pa and blast this set late at night. Sweet, sweet revenge.
Avatar 1:28am
Marcel M:

@Andrew: Haha! I feel your pain.
Avatar 1:34am
Diezel Tea:

@Andrew at least you don't work in an office where the colleague (I'm being very liberal with the use of that word) has a habit of a couple times a week playing the same 3 Evanescence songs, on loop, the whole workday. And sometimes he'll throw in a Creed song to spice things up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39am
Hugo (NL):

Good night/morning!

Marcel! Time for me to turn in. Thanks for the radio. Night all.
Avatar 1:50am
Andrew S:

I only have a vague idea of who Evanescence and Creed are, but of course ive heard of them. You should absolutely quit your job. That's the kind of thing they did (do?) to people in Guantaenmo Bay ;)
Avatar 1:54am
Diezel Tea:

@Andrew 2nd interview happening next week at a new place. Seriously. It's not JUST the nu-rock, but that's a factor.))
Avatar 1:55am
Andrew S:

haha i hope you get it, lifes too short :)
Avatar 1:57am

@Diezal Tea Wow that sounds terrible. Haven't heard anyone listen to Evanescence since the early 2000s. Good luck!
Avatar 1:58am
Andrew S:

stash a couple of small dead fish under the carpet or behind pictures when you go. the gift that keeps giving
Avatar 1:59am
Andrew S:

its when i read things like that i thank my blessed stars that im unemployable

Yo yo Marcel. Good morning outta Krommenie (the flatlands). Loving the set. Got me in the right frame of mind for a days recording in the studio.
Avatar 2:02am
Diezel Tea:

Way ahead of you. I've got my hands on the "launch codes" in a manner of speaking, hehe.
Avatar 2:06am
Andrew S:

yeah my sabotage is frat boy stuff. do something bigger! Just dont get arrested
Avatar 2:06am

Lorax the book, earlier
Avatar 2:09am

Believe it or not, The Lorax was banned in certain locales of Washington state, because lumber industry
Avatar 2:12am
Andrew S:

cuz The Lorax was dirty red propoganda
Avatar 2:13am

He had a droopy communist moustache
Avatar 2:15am
Diezel Tea:

He was a filthy, dirty hippy dropping acid whenever he could get his grubby paws on it. Not the best role model for children, folks.
Avatar 2:15am
Diezel Tea:

Did I mention he was a vegetarian as well?
Avatar 2:16am
Andrew S:

A Boltonesque mustachio, another noted communist if i have my politics straight
Avatar 2:16am

He was a veeeeeeeegan even
Avatar 2:21am
Andrew S:

I have to get my ear "irrigated" tomorrow, true story, ive been pouring mineral oil in it for a week. So im njot sure if this is dead air or i need to retart my stream
Avatar 2:23am
Marcel M:

Oh this track could easily be mistaken for static or something... your ear aint broke.
Avatar 2:24am
Andrew S:

my cat hears it his ears are perkin
Avatar 2:24am
Diezel Tea:

I've been meaning to find a way to clean out my ears easily and safely but keep on forgetting to look some methods up online. So, mineral oil, eh?
Avatar 2:25am
Andrew S:

yeah mineral opil. i rwad other stuff like operoxide but i dont want to be pouring shit in my ears
Avatar 2:26am
Andrew S:

i had it domne once before i dont know why it happens its not i hygeine thing i swear
Avatar 2:26am
Andrew S:

last time the doc pulled ut a coupe o chunks they looked like hailstones

Avatar 2:27am
Andrew S:

i think i have damaged my ears from amps but the doc says no it just happens
Avatar 2:27am
Diezel Tea:

Hmm, I'll look into that. My hearing is rather damaged from over the years so perhaps a cleansing will restore some high-frequency reception. @Q well played, sir, well played.
Avatar 2:28am
Andrew S:

no wax outside its under and it hardens
Avatar 2:28am
Diezel Tea:

Sounds* like one hell of a pestering condition, Andrew.))
Avatar 2:28am
Andrew S:

ive been to a doctor twice now in the last 10 or 15 years and both times same thing
Avatar 2:29am
Andrew S:

yeah it sucks it feels like yer underwater
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Andrew S:

messes with yer equilibrium so ive been drinking a lot to try to level it out
Avatar 2:31am
Diezel Tea:

Dr's orders, of course.
Avatar 2:31am
Andrew S:

doctor didn order that it was my own initiative. I like to tackle these things
Avatar 2:33am
Andrew S:

i waled to 3 walk in clinics today and they were all full so they told me to come back and try tomorrow. it only takes a few seconds but the clinics are so full you almost need to camp outsode
Avatar 2:35am
Andrew S:

probablu should get a doctor, what with that free health care and stuff, but i dont like going to doctors, you know they're just going to tell you some shit bad news yer better off not knowing
Avatar 2:35am
Andrew S:

im going to trick my ailties
Avatar 2:37am
Andrew S:

until i die
Avatar 2:52am
Marcel M:

Thanks all, next week, GRUN WASSER!
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