Today jells as a hoppy yet wet experience despite your umbrella, then flames up into an endless parade bridging tail and heads, before rolling over into endless praise and a great leap forward. Vermeer (or his daughter) could not paint a sexier way to wind up behind the woodpile wearing a ring.
My 20 year old niece saw a youtube video a couple of times and now she can solve a Rubik's cube in 1 minute 40 seconds if it's well lubricated, longer if it's not. Silicone spray is supposed to work well.
I've had a few cubes but the only one I have left that hasn't fallen apart is ~35 years old and still turns beautifully (with no maintenance)
The "pros" just see it but I use a formula/plan - top layer, middle layer, cross on the bottom and then the final bottom corners. It's all muscle memory now and 1-2 minutes is about the norm - although I got some lucky breaks once to do it in 46 secs.
World record is x10 fater than that at an insane 4.22 secs - what!!
GM all. Might get to listen to enjoy show today for a change, no more soldering, just software all day. BTW, I really like this video:
Ken, are the rumors and innuendoes true that you actually once wore a Earth Shoes while walking down State Street on your way to Discount Records while also reading Creem Magazine?
Dump owes some money to Ten Years After "If You Should Love Me" from Shhh!
@BetsyO, wrong on all counts. I woulda been on my way to Schoolkids or Wazoo Records and I woulda been reading Op magazine and wearing Sears workboots.
Ken, I can say for sure, the Everything Is Everything (band) version of this (w/Jim Pepper on board) was played *a lot* on WFMU back then! I was in Nutley, could pick up East Orange.
Betsy O:
@TDK,... A2 was a world unto itself, I would go there to de-stress from living in Detroit and visit friends. The Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival were grand events to go to.
Try picking up FMU when you live across the street from Fordham in the Bronx. After midnight most of the time. back in 68 and 69
When me and a pal first heard Witchi it was over WBAI. We called the DJ to say 'Wow." He said about 30 had done the same so he played it @ 10 times in a row!
From Wiki:
Bowie's vocal was recorded with a "multi-latch" system devised by Visconti that creatively misused gating. Three microphones were used to capture the vocal, with one microphone nine inches from Bowie, one 20 feet away and one 50 feet away. Each microphone was muted as the next one was triggered. As the music built, Bowie was forced to sing at increased volumes to overcome the gating effect, leading to an increasingly impassioned vocal performance as the song progresses. Jay Hodgson writes, "Bowie's performance thus grows in intensity precisely as ever more ambience infuses his delivery until, by the final verse, he has to shout just to be heard....The more Bowie shouts just to be heard, in fact, the further back in the mix Visconti's multi-latch system pushes his vocal tracks, creating a stark metaphor for the situation of Bowie's doomed lovers".
Everything Is Everything's album was "jazz-rock" before the term "fusion" got coined. // I still listen to some WBAI. Some news shows. And that medieval/Early/classical music show with the English fellow Sunday morns.
@Ken,... did you ever catch the Sonic's Rendezvous Band in A2 or Detroit in that time period? Fred Sonic Smith, Scott Ashton and Scotty Morgan,... what a great under the radar band.
I kind of liked WBAI's EMRA (Early Morning Radio Alliance) and Morning Serial, which occasionally had newly produced material like Our Life Among The Artists or whatever that was called.
Saw Sonics Rendezvous Band a bunch, bue saw the Asheton/Niagara version of Destroy All Monsters a LOT. They were incredible. Still haunted and bewitched by Niagara
@Ken,... Niagara and Destroy All Monsters were amazing, so was her later band Dark Carnival. She would design all the band’s posters and print outs, plus had had a nice career as a visual artist since then.
Jake you ignorant slut there are many reasons to feel sorry for WBAI, and the fact that their staff is walking out now over Lopate's return in merely the latest sad occurence in a terribly long downhill slide towards oblivian.
@-Ken: Okay. Also, I used to listen to WBAI back in the 1990s. Remember the “Personal Computer Show”, “Off the Hook” as well as “Hour of the Wolf”, “Back of the Book” and other nonsense.
So yeah, they are really in sad shape. The real downhill happened around 2001 and 9-11.
I now nothing of Lopate. One show that's really important on WBAI is "Law and Disorder" : lefty lawyers from the Center for Constitutional Rights and National Lawyers Guild document the slide into authoritariansm.
Well, I will say this: Outside of Amy Goodman, WBAI has really turned more paranoid over the years. Which is to say maybe if they cut down on the tin foil budget they could scrape by?
Also, if Gary Null is off the air where will people go to listen to 3 hour infomercials for “The Green Stuff?” WHERE CAN WE HEAR ABOUT THE GREEN STUFF AND THE RED STUFF!!!
Now all of which I can think is an extended reminiscence about "Zardoz" by Sean Connery on one "Flop House" episode or another: 'I had a MASK!—and a DIAPER!!!'.
Ken will you please buy WBAI or take it over or whatever ffs. Please. God. Bring some of your WFMU charm to that shit. How can NYC not have a great leftie political station. It's a disgrace.
"Hour of the Wolf" is still on; if WBAI ever can it, I wish Freund comes a-calling to WFMU, in which case I wish there's room for it.
(I stopped using the word 'hope' because I realised that never for a moment have I believed that my wishes directly influenced the probabilities of future events, which is what I understand 'hoping' to mean.)
@Murakami Whywolf) - I would relax a bit on "hope" I find it to be a creative state of mind where I place myself in a better future... wrt to effecting change, mostly that is internal and hope can do that...
BAI is kind of like WFMU's parent station. It hugely inspired our original freeform days: Bob Fass, Steve Post, Larry Josephson directly influenced Vin Scelsa, Danny Fields and Kokaine Kharma. So it feels like Im watching a parent slowly die of Alzheimers.
Dale, I had a bad case of roll call withdrawal this morning. Can everyone shout out my name in unison for me? And adding a little pump fisting would be lovely.
WBAI should have sold their frequency decades ago and gone either to another channel or all digital. Another channel is hard to do in the NYC market, though.
I love the SF Reaper GIF but heard he didn't like how he appeared in it, so, now you can find him onCastro Street selling his Origami and for $5 extra he'll take selfies with ya.
i count 11.
big blood has such incredible vocals
fՋfՋ (:
It is actually spelled WWWWFMU. But after the enactment Renaming Act 1996 they dropped three W's from the name. URL addresses follow the same convention.
I listened to a lot of WBAI when I moved to NYC and was a guest on the air there a few times at 505 8th Ave. You can get a feel for what was possible by checking out Irene Trudel's yearly Shulcoth Citizen Kafka reminiscences in her archives!
Hi ya Queems. Have an interview tomorrow. Don't know how but I scored an interview on my vacation. As you know I moved into new crib. Now I'm bored, but stare fondly at my decor and North Star painted walls.
Actually, I would take Null leaving as an encouraging sign. A station with a some commitment to truth, reason and not living for money shouldn't have a self-deceived con-man daily pushing nonsensical and dangerous consumer woo as 'anti-Establishment'.
There's a reason the John Birch Society literature was a fixture of Orange County 'health food' stores, and for that matter in Pasadena as well.
Linda Lee, I didn't like her back in the day. Blamed her for breaking up the Beatles, etc, but maybe John just was done and went out for pizza and bowling night with his wifey. Yoko's an artist and I can respect that.
The loop under this rant is from Singing Science's "Electricity" - which I played on WBAI in a "educational songs" special I did.
C O I N C I D E N C E ?
Been busy working, but had to chime in for the grade-A "punk rock Quincy episode" reference!
fՋfՋ (:
Can someone please tell me what is the word or words towards the end of this track when he says something like "I do an ??? exit!". I always wondered. Thanks.
@Buddha The record that turned me was her first Plastic Ono Band album (the one that looks almost identical to John's). It's honest-to-god proto-punk, with some of John's nastiest guitar work ever.
TDK60, sorry to hear you STILL didn't get your swag. That's terrible! I am too new to the gang to be receiving any FMU loot just yet. Although you would never know this since I am the chattiest Buddha in all the land. (FMU land).
Idea Ken: Someone interview Bob Fass on a WFMU show, but which show? // Buddha, believe it or not I'm not sitting around twiddling my thumbs, pouting about my un-mailed Swag. I know it'll come someday and be a surprise.
When your fed up with the Animals and War that's what happens.
anyone remember the old laserdisc video arcade game from the 80s Dragon's Lair, where Dirk had to save the princess from the dragon? the whole laserdisc set of scenes is out there on youtube. you basically queued the next scene by joystick controls.
I order minimum swag these days I'm one of the lucky ones to have the FMU truck that plays LP's.
TDK60, your Burt Reynolds swagger tells me you're not moping at all. I just am surprised you didn't get it yet while some people in London have already received theirs.
@TDK60: I also have yet to get my swag. In NYC, I used to get it by mid-July at the latest. But now in FL, I'd add another 5 business days (but we're in Aug).
my swag still hasn’t come yet but i figure it will eventually
@joe yes, I do. I wasted... wasn't it a $0.50 game? It was completely opaque what you had to do as far as my 7 year old self could tell. But I wanted to play it so bad because it was a cartoon.
joe, that's awesome will definitely be checking that out. i think i've only ever seen the first 4 or 5 frames. a handful of quarters did not get me far back in those days.
Anyone offering guarantied safety is to be ignored, but a limited domain of reasonable expectation of relative safety is part of what civilisation's about and what makes it possible. Fear is, in fact, a mind-killer.
Noöne should go into a classroom expecting only agreement and support, but 'You don' t belong here!, and here's why….',for example, is primate territory-claiming-by-excrement-throwing disguised as argument.
I have some "white van" speakers I bought at a garage sale from the unsuspecting sap who actually bought them from a guys in a white van. If you are going to sell WFMU swag that way you'll have to come up with a convoluted story about how it's worth much more than you are offering it for while still selling it for way more than it is worth. You may be on to a great new fund raising source. We just need folks with white vans to pull it off.
I forget what the order is, maybe an extra CD? // Buddha, my Burt Reynolds SWAGger? Hee. He's such a hero to me, heh. // In all seriousness dear Woofmooers, I've volunteered several times at Swag Central in the WFMU Office Towers with Scott and crew, mailing out envelopes and boxes. Everyone works hard and has a good time.
@bob ross haha yep that was a money-sucking machine. you either knew all the moves by spending a ton of money or learned from someone else. or had very short games if you didnt know what to do
I spent a couple of days wondering where my swag was, decided to contact Joe McG and ask, pulled up my pledge info, and discovered I had forgotten to order any. Oops! (I was able to retrospectively, Joe was very helpful.)
The opposite feeling I experienced moving from 4chan to Reddit.
hawkwind is so good. i got way into black sabbath when I was a teenager but should have gotten way into this. but that's what happened pre-internet when people in tulsa oklahoma didn't necessarily have instant access to things that occurred in stoke-on-trent without knowing someone cool.
Free! A girl with perhaps blonde hair trying to get water out of her ear. But, if you call right now you'll get a second girl with possibly blonde hair sneezing uncontrollably! Call now, supplies are limited!
I say it all the time if classic rock stations had snuck in some pre-Darkside Floyd every now and again, I wouldn't have grown up with such a dislike for them.
I'm leaving now. *Virtually slapping hands* with all of you as I make my way down to the Price is Right stage of my day. Bye everyone. Ken, sorry I mentioned the whole roll call withdrawal. I am kind of big deal on my head. ;)
I don't know about that. I jumped ship in 2008 when 4chan became mainstream because of its anti-scientology stance.
In college, I worked for a physician during summers and holidays. One day, I found a fiber-optic cable hooked up to a monitor. So, I put it down my throat to look at my stomach. The Doctor walked in and informed me that it was used for colonoscopies.
Oh. I'm scheduled to have a colonoscopy and I don't want to see it. Not even a bit. And I'm one of those 'make art out of weird elements of my life' kind of person.
@Ken, that's weird that you didn't get a copy of you colonoscopy video. I was offered a copy of mine and, roller coaster ride though it was, I declined, my wife wasn't going to let me put it on our Plex server.
@linda colonoscopy videos are scatalogical property
Not worried since she didn't call me to tell me what the results were from my last colonoscopy and they called me 6 months later for another one. Go figure?
Scott Williams played an amazing youtube video on his last show of some kid covering The Nile Song and now I wanna see it.
I'm pretty sure this colonoscopy chatter is a way to segue into The Reveries, the only band in the world where their bandmates play their instruments through their colons. Or something like that. Ken knows what I'm talking about, right?
while we're on the topic of the nile song I'd also like to hear a re-reading of the end dialogue from "several species." was the "Pict" the person yelling in gaelic or scottish?
wearing my tartan sombrero after those wonderful Huevos Rancheros. What no Rosenstolz?
Le petomane,
Thank you for making me Google your name. Thank you very much, really.
Noel, I think we are becoming ACCU besties. Aren't you originally from Scotland? I think you should send me a pocket Noel in exchange for your pocket Buddha.
Pictish was Brythonic, Not Irish Gaelic like the Scots spoke.