Today looks angelic, The lines are on fire with people wanting to call you, and you'll be dogged with new opportunities coming seemingly from nowhere. You'll twitch with excitement as new business erupts and you crawl from phone to phone. You're an Old Master at dealing with a heavy load, even if cartoonishly, as you pour it on. But if you just leave them hanging, you'll be thought a heel, so smile as you scroll thru, and remember nothing's as big as it seems.
֏0֏0 (:
- Protomartyr!
- Descartes a Kant!
- Pussy Riot! (this complies with Ken from HP 's request)
- Mary Schneider (anyything where she yodels)
- Mary Schneider (anyything where she sings)
- Candie Hank (this doesn't complies with jan/s request)
Today's GIFoscope was done on Magic Bus, the laptop my friend Nancy sent me a year and a half ago but turned on only this week, so the GIFs didn't clog my Linux-based desktop's (friend Andrew's old Spare) RAM.
Do you name your 'puters? I told Nancy I was naming this one Nancy unless she supplied another name, so Magic Bus (after the band, not the bus directly).
Oh I thought you meant the Slovakian band TEAM who sings in Esperanto
Alessandro from Italy:
Hope to hear Stockhausen-Octophony... never heard on FMu
֏0֏0 (:
One year for a Linux machine to turn on! That's a premature birth, Robert. You normally have to wait a 18-month gestation period for the OS to fully develop. This is why they are so superior to the Windows PCs!
P.s. Thanks, Listener Robert for today's GIFoscope!
Hi Ken, you never cease to amaze me, us, them. Today folks I start my 2nd job, so my days from now on will be at work from 9am-9:30pm, with 1 hour for lunch. If only there were drugs in this land, but alas, we have none.((
Loving the gifs this morning. Just stumbled across the source of the "New Swag" gif-- the incredibly weird "Daughter of Horror." It's on Prime, and highly recommended.
Damn, I didn't try '…80268' before the show's start and now all the …TOO_BIG… gif-encoded images won't be on ((location.href) +"/playlist_only") until the end of the programme. Why, why, did I think it might be '…71'? Why can I do nothing _important_ right?
(An older brother who was a teen in the times of "Animal House" thought the single most time-period–representative line in the whole thing was [as he paraphrased it] 'Why does she have to interrupt me when I'm doing something _important_?!'.)
֏0֏0 (:
Ken, this is your mic break. You're supposed to talk.
What blew my mind most about the Russian language is that the name of a city can change depending on its place in a sentence. In the case of Moscow, if it's the subject in a sentence it's Moskva but if it's the object it's Mosku.
Check that, it was just this crazy instructional dance video that made the internet rounds a few years back: (please do watch it...)
In Russian the names of people even change depending on their grammatical place in the sentence. And there are no definite or indefinite articles, so you don't know if it's "a car" or "the car". What a wacky language!
Russian uses "is" (ест) pretty rarely too .. very convenient if you are Bill Clinton!
Ah, the collusion started back with Clinton!
֏0֏0 (:
The name of a city? If that'd be true I'd be a Russian native speaker by now! Almost any word changes depending on its place in a sentence! Suka blyat, Russiya Yazik!
Ken, здравствуйте! Excellent mix today. You might dig this Russian band from St. Petersburg, N.O.M. They've been around a long time, and are demented sufficiently
Hmm, a growly mash-up of the Russian versions of "Beasts of England" and "Animal Farm, Oh! Animal Farm", but not the 'Partiya Lenina, Partiya Stalina' version.
Let's have the original French now—or the Italian version that says that machines should be the workers' friends….
Hi there Linda Lee! Thanks! I enjoyed last week's show so much I came back for more hijinx and songs I've never heard of. "F is for Full frontal and Friendship"
wish they'd stop sitting there looking cute & do it already.
Reminds me of the DJ who kept saying that he was putting the guy on the air, and the guy would say his whole thing, then the DJ says, Hold on, I'm going to put you on the air
֏0֏0 (:
Let's go with Sam in the USA. What do you want to say, sir? What is your comment?
a society that prefers watching tv to growing vegetables is on the way out baby
I'd just like to say that it reminds me of the DJ who would say he was going to put someone on the air, and then the guy would say his whole shpiel, and then the DJ would say Hold on sir, I'm going to put you on the air, and the guy would say his whole thing again, and then the DJ would say he's going to put him on the air again, and then the guy would tell his story, only to be told to hold on to get put on the air, after which he would patiently tell his story again and wait to be put on the air again
there's never any toilet paper in those other countries.
Oh thanks, yeah, I just wanted to say that it reminds me of the DJ who would say he was going to put someone on the air, and then the guy would say his whole shpiel, and then the DJ would say Hold on sir, I'm going to put you on the air, and the guy would say his whole thing again, and then the DJ would say he's going to put him on the air again, and then the guy would tell his story, only to be told to hold on to get put on the air, after which he would patiently tell his story again and wait to be put on the air again, but get this, right, the DJ would say Hold on sir, I'm going to put you on the air, Go ahead sir, and the guy would tell his story again, and then the DJ would say Go ahead sir, and the guy would just say it again.
drink it up
Sam's tale puts me in mind of the DJ who would say he was going to put someone on the air, and then the guy would say his whole shpiel, and then the DJ would say Hold on sir, I'm going to put you on the air, and the guy would say his whole thing again, and then the DJ would say he's going to put him on the air again, and then the guy would tell his story, only to be told to hold on to get put on the air, after which he would patiently tell his story again and wait to be put on the air again, but get this, right, the DJ would say Hold on sir, I'm going to put you on the air, Go ahead sir, and the guy would tell his story again, and then the DJ would say Go ahead sir, and the guy would just say it again.
Vladimir P.:
Just can't stop winning!
Let's go to Dean, what's your comment sir?
֏0֏0 (:
Sam, do you want to talk with Ken Freedman? yes? Please hold. So let's go to USA for our next comment. Go on sir!
Once upon a public convenience, I very carefully delaminated the thin paper sheets making-up the core of what had been, at one time—presumably—a roll of toilet paper….
Right, well, your comments about the DJ reminded me of a DJ who would say he was going to put someone on the air, and then the guy would say his whole shpiel, and then the DJ would say Hold on sir, I'm going to put you on the air, and the guy would say his whole thing again, and then the DJ would say he's going to put him on the air again, and then the guy would tell his story, only to be told to hold on to get put on the air, after which he would patiently tell his story again and wait to be put on the air again, but get this, right, the DJ would say Hold on sir, I'm going to put you on the air, Go ahead sir, and the guy would tell his story again, and then the DJ would say Go ahead sir, and the guy would just say it again.
So many enemies of the people, so little time
christianity is stupid communism is good give up give up thats the anthem i sing
Bob Ross &c.:
The Authorities realised that they didn't have to watch you on screens all day as long as they knew what you watched on screens all day.
(Watching you only told them about what was going on _outside_ your head.)
Mao - More Than Ever:
Esteemed Comrade KEN - Also please not to forget IMMORTAL National Anthem of Peoples' Republic of China - "The March of the Volunteers"
Good Morning Ken, hi everyone.
Please advise if Clarence Carter 'Strokin' is suitable for weekly (or more frequently...) airplay under this new programming mandate.
Great Funny Fiction about the Gulag mines:
"Indusrty of Souls"
One dude in the book tells the best anti-soviet jokes !!!!
Early morning banging on the door. The father tells the family to be quite. The neighbor yells out "It iz ok.. you are safe ... It iz juzt that the building is burning to the ground!!!"
Paul Robeson's version next? Maybe with a bed-loop of a Bill Burroughs sound-alike reciting Yitzkhak Pfeffer's plea 'They are going to kill us, Paul—you must _say_something_.'.
I like to sing alternate lines from "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "The Anacreonic Hymn" :
And the star-spangled banner
Like me will combine
The land of the free
And Bacchus' vine
Industry of Souls - joke
On joint forest survival maneuvers, 1 soviet soldier; 1 E German; 1 Czech.
The Czech says I can go and catch a rabbit, cook it and eat it in 30 minutes - he does so
The East German says I can do it in 2o - he does it
The Russian says, I can do it in 10 mins --- The EG and the CZ wait over an hour so go into the woods. They hear an animal howling... They find the russian, with a fire and a fox tied to a tree. The russian is burning the fox and yelling "ok you fucking fox...Where are the goddam rabbits????"
You know, in this age of global warming it might make sense to start another Cold War.
Given that the Soviet State Capitalists claimed they'd the superior economic system, winning by out-spending was entirely apt. Despite their similar murderousnesses (as opposed to ours) that's why Bolshevism was preferable to Fascism, whose only real metric was military success, meaning that the only way to make them lose on their own terms was to kill a lot of them and destroy their stuff.
Also read Robert Paul Wolff's In Defense of Anarchism. A must-read.
& so we travel happily down the well-worn path to displacement in the global pecking order..
WFMU East Orange you a bad little comade!
WMFU Mount There is no Hope
In Leningrad, Stalingrad and Freedmangrad at big number point small number
And on evil capitalist Google gulag web at www dot backwards R dot Khlam
֏0֏0 (:
they were on survival manuevers in the woods...
Industry of souls... a good read...
One of the prisoners is a Mongolian farmer who crossed the river to see what his village looked like from the "other side" .. Aressted as a spy - 25+ years in the mine
We presumably had anarchy once; does Wolff provide a good reason why we couldn't expect to go from anarchy to something like feudalism right quick? As bad as what we've got now is, I consider mystified force an improvement over naked force, and don't see an end to force because it works.
I've got this great Pat Boone record which has this little fake radio show in it which is supposed to be what the radio would sound like when the communists took over. It's pretty hilarious. Kind of ironic, now.
Don't forget Nadsat spoutin' chelloveks like Alex the Droog. Horrorshow!
Ramon vs Ramon:
Morphe's joke was excellent. Here's my attempt at being funny: A German, an Englishman and an American are on a plane when suddenly the plane starts going down. There are only 2 parachutes. Who's left behind? The answer b4 12.
the American & the Englishman hook up on one parachute & push the German out the window..?
i don't think that's Jane Birken, Brian. seems a little too mousy.
Yes, the Americanski gets left behind because AMERICANS SUCK SO BAD! hahahahahah!!!!!
@(Murakami Whywolf))): Wolff's approach is political philosophical. He concludes that no form of government short of unanimous direct democracy is legitimate if we don't want to compromise individual autonomy. Unanimous direct democracy is not impossible to achieve, but it isn't always practical. Take a look:
@Queems: me, too. Never gets old; one of my favorite "discoveries courtesy of Ken".
So I understood you, @Linda Lee. Actually, in some circumstances consensus isn't that difficult to achieve. But not in all circumstances. Truly, read Wolff for a sensible analysis. Just don't expect a roadmap.
֏0֏0 (:
So my first intuition was correct, Ramon vs ramon! A Russian missile destroys the plane before crashing thus rendering the joke without any parachute nor survivors!
for some reason this song sounds really 'mighty boosh'
Ramon vs Ramon:
LMAO f0f0 :(
Ramon vs Ramon:
Noones gotten it yet. I'll give u the answer in 5 minutes
A joke that African Americans tell about false equality and insidious racism:
3 astronaunts and a commander in space..
One astro is AA
Comander says there is not enough food or O2.
Whoever loses the quiz gets jetizzoned.
!st white guy's Question: what was the name of the famous ship that hit an iceberg and sunk? Dude says "Easy ...Titanic"
2nd white dude.."Where was she built?" Dude says "easy - Belfast?"
The Black Man's question: What were the names of all of the passengers who died?" EQUALITY in amerikka!!!
Ramon vs Ramon:
I must say, the date this accident occurred is super important.
Wait..Give us more clues, Ramon vs Ramon! What's the brand of the parachutes? From which airport they departed? What's the max speed of the plane? We need to know!
Dean Cyril Reed (September 22, 1938 – June 13, 1986) was an American actor, singer and songwriter, director, and social activist who lived a great part of his adult life in South America and then in East Germany.
Ramon vs Ramon:
f0f0 ( Military grade Soviet made; aircraft velocity 800 miles/hr; departed from Brussels destination Moscow.
Ken audited 'strap yoursel fto balloons like a brazilian priest to raise money' class, but (fortunately for ken) he failed in the sense that he didn't disappear over the atlantic ocean.
It is called Hypno-Programing and time loss is a symptom.
Ramon vs Ramon:
Ok. The men left behind were ...... the Ger(wo)man AND the English(wo)man. The American (being our bullish POTUS) wrestled both parachutes from the women and waited for his BFF Vladimir to emerge from the pilots cabin in full military regalia with his parachute and both jumped out holding hands. I liked it.
֏0֏0 (:
Planet Tyler,
I dю n't тчink sю . This Russiаn shoщ had no эffэct on mэ whatsoэvэr.
Special prize to Sam, Linda Lee, Ken and f0f0 (. Everyone is a winner here!
֏0֏0 (:
Wait Ramon vs Ramon!
I think I know the punchline! The American (being our bullish POTUS) wrestled both parachutes from the women and waited for his BFF Vladimir to emerge from the pilots cabin in full military regalia with his parachute and both jumped out holding hands.
I'm not sure if that's correct but I wanted to give it a try nonetheless.
@Pllanet T- no, no Russkie music today. Do we look like Republicans to you?
Its been all electric six, all morning long.
Ramon vs Ramon:
YOU WIN f0f0 :( I'll tell my pal Vlad to send your prize via special delivery. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Man, you are a riot.