Favoriting In Real Life with Emily and Kimzilla: Playlist from June 21, 2018 Favoriting

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In Real Life is a weekly show hosted by Emily and Kimzilla on WFMU. In each episode, Kim and Emily follow their own curiosity to interview people on about a variety of themes, getting the real scoop and learning about the real people behind each topic. Previous WFMU aired episodes include topics such as circus performers, taxicab drivers, bartender therapy, alien abductions, nudism and so much more.

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Favoriting June 21, 2018: IRL Snack Attack Break- The Sick Edition
Emily is out sick, but fear not lifers, Kim chats with Raphael about those comfort foods that get us through those sicko moments.

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

For throats: Luigi's Italian Ices (I like Blue Raspberry/watermelon)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

Serving the coke warm is probably from a psychological notion that warmer is more soothing...or a prank.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Heyo! Live playlist! Hi, ultradamno. Been here long? Feel better, Emily.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

Hi, Ken!

frozen grapes! those are my favorite for sore throats (which I have) and fevers (which I also have).
also peanut butter crackers. and toast of all kinds. endless toast.

warm coke & warm sprite is something my aunt used to do to me when I was a kid whenever I got sick. I think it's a cruel, cruel joke.

thanks, Ken!

also, I would listen to the two of you every week.
It's a really excellent break from comfort television.

my comfort food is totally junk cereal. cinnamon toast crunch, lucky charms, fruity pebbles. but with reeeeeally good farmer's market milk. a perfect mix of classy and trashy.

once, when I was a little kid, I was so sick I hallucinated that terrifying crocodile from "All Dogs Go To Heaven" doing the backstroke around my ceiling. That became a repeat hallucination.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am

I had a fever dream, maybe when I had mumps, with fingerless trapeze artists flying through the air, one after the other, grasping at the trapeze, unable to grip and falling.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23pm
Robert Tables:

Whenever I got sick as a kid, my mom (who was from Poland) would make a syrup with honey and garlic/onion juice. It would last for several days in the fridge, and I'd be given spoonfuls of it each day. I think more than anything, it motivated my mind and body to fight the illness so I wouldn't have to take that stuff anymore. I guess it worked!
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