Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from June 8, 2018 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 8, 2018: Put The Needle On Mostly Music [13th Year Anniversary Show: June 2005 -June 2018]

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Artist Track Album Year Comments New Approx. start time
WFMU  bits from first WFMU show by Billy Jam June 22 2005   Favoriting     the new summer 2005 season already underway by a couple of weeks was when - out from CA to NYC for the whole summer - visited WFMU to say hi to Brian Turner who I knew for good few years from sending him releases on my record label for WFMU + he would send me playlists + Brian had also invited me to record a couple Bay Area DJ specials for WFMU for guest DJ show he curated sometimes. I told him that I was going to be out in NYC for the that summer of 2005 and if there was a DJ slot open would love to do it. He said there was - late Tuesday / technically Wednesday from 2am to 6am. Four hours! It was great as it allowed me to stretch out from just scratch music or just hip-hop in general - but encompass other areas I've always loved - electronic, punk, reggae etc. - My plan was to just do the summer show and then go back to California - but I ended staying on in NYC and at WFMU - calling this show "Bring That Beat Back" for the first season - but then changed it - after a friend of mine was trying to remember the name of the show "Bring That Beat Back" but instead said "Put The Needle On The Record" - to which I laughed and said - yeah actually its one of those old school well sampled phrases. This is from the first show back in June 2005 that I re-listened to for first time in 13 years (thank-U WFMU archives) and grabbed a few lil soundbites recorded via mic-ed speaker for grimey effect + got ideas to play couple of songs from that first show including the first two today - Also included is the first in the weekly summer 2005 season installment of "The Crazy Adventures of Little Dynamo & Amazing Grace" - the bit called "You have no money + You stole from Bill"     
Kool DJ EQ  Death Of Hip Hop   Favoriting Return of the DJ Vol. 1  1995  this was very first record/track I played on WFMU back on June 22 2005 - although it was from one decade earlier -same year as the Crazy Adventures recorded by NoNekNed (also a scratch DJ) - At this stage in 2005 in my radio history - my two previous stations had been KALX (where I returned in the early to mid 2000's and did the Sunday Morning show for a bit along with such others as DJ Pone - Before that in late 90's in 2000's had done KPFA all scratch show - and for the five years before that - pirate fuckin radio (94-99)    0:01:22 (Pop-up)
Squeak E. Clean presents Bald Head Slick / 2Mex  I Win You Lose   Favoriting   2004  2Mex featuring GURU (as Baldhead Slick) - another track I played on that first show in June 2005 - back when the gone too soon Gang Starr emcee was still with us    0:04:41 (Pop-up)
J.Cole  1985 (DJ Premier 1966 remix)   Favoriting   2018  Gang Starr continuation  *   0:07:26 (Pop-up)
Black Thought & 9th Wonder  9th Vs Thought   Favoriting   2018  this show celebrating 13 years on WFMU is dedicated to BRIAN TURNER who gave me this much appreciated opportunity - Brian is not on the new summer 2018 schedule you will notice. His show like his endless musical knowledge are missed. I hear he moved to SF so will be sure to see him soon  *   0:12:34 (Pop-up)
The Custodian of Records  947 Raw   Favoriting   2018    *   0:15:20 (Pop-up)
Brownout  Prophets of rage   Favoriting Fear of a Brown Planet  2018  another killer cut off this recommended full length reinterpreation of the PE classic - not a cover wanna be PE knock off but just an inspired reworking into new exciting places  *   0:17:40 (Pop-up)
Gwop Sullivan  All About You   Favoriting   2018  this guy/producer (who I played last week too) had me with his great name GWOP SULLIVAN - and won me with his intricite ear for beats and sounds  *   0:20:24 (Pop-up)
Darko The Super  Bike Spokes   Favoriting   2018  more great new innovative hip-hop - if u like MC Paul Barman (who I will play later in show) you will appreciate Darko The Super's dope lyrical flow  *   0:21:37 (Pop-up)
Jedi Mind Tricks  Certified Dope (feat. Eamon)   Favoriting   2018  still going strong and still killing it - this is an instant chant along classic  *   0:23:30 (Pop-up)
Kool Keith  Cartel Cartel feat. Grand Puba EDIT   Favoriting   2018  chopped this down n half with big edit  *   0:26:00 (Pop-up)
Westside Doom  2 Stings (Theory Hazit Remix)   Favoriting   2018  yet another great rmx of this song plqyed before  *   0:28:09 (Pop-up)
Potatohead People  All Alone (Featuring Illa J & Moka Only) EDIT   Favoriting Nick & Astro's Guide to the Galaxy  2018    *   0:30:42 (Pop-up)
Devaloop  Turiban (instrumental) EDIT   Favoriting   2018    *   0:34:09 (Pop-up)
O.C.  Born 2 Live (Mike B Remix)   Favoriting   2018    *   0:36:24 (Pop-up)
Bumpy Knuckles & Nottz  Check It Our Y'all (feat. Biz Markie)   Favoriting   2018    *   0:38:35 (Pop-up)
Type Raw X Farbror  Static   Favoriting   2018    *   0:41:42 (Pop-up)
Tru Trilla  Rappers Is Azz   Favoriting   2018    *   0:45:46 (Pop-up)
Marshtini (of Loop.holes)  Sway EDIT   Favoriting   2018    *   0:49:33 (Pop-up)
Bugseed  Alluswe   Favoriting   2018    *   0:51:16 (Pop-up)
MC Paul Barman  Oh Snap (prod by Questlove)   Favoriting (((echo chamber)))  2018    *   0:53:01 (Pop-up)
Tom Thumz AKA Dr. Delay  Most Wanted - Good Old Days   Favoriting         0:54:20 (Pop-up)
Oxygen & Paul Nice  Body Language   Favoriting   2018  SHOUT OUT GIO  *   0:55:24 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

13 years??!! Thanks for more than a decade of great radio, Billy!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

right on. happy fmu-iversary, Billy Jam! we listeners are so damn lucky.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

went to a show in SF this week and was hoping to run into BT, but didn't see him...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

I saw 2Mex play a show with Busdriver about a decade ago. GREAT SHOW!
Avatar 🎧 7:08pm

Did i hear a sample in the beginning that Joe Belock uses for his intro. Billy always be meta-jammin'
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

yeah, ngh, "and we wanna get loaded!" what movie is that from? i knew once...
Avatar 🎧 7:10pm

I was at my local ghetto-mart, and noticed they mix tapes (cds) for $3. Picked one w/ local artists (mostly) and it had a nice hotlanta trap-miami bass hybrid. damn ill AF!

Thanks Billy, getting off work while I'm still sane. Salud, mis amigos!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Sending you donut love, Billy Jam. Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane. Hope you're feeling better this week.
Avatar 🎧 7:11pm

@chris: was it a james dean movie, or am I inventing memories again?
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:15pm

peter fonda from wild angels! whew

if you only fall out of an attic once every 13 years and survive thats gotta mean something, some force , some love thang has got your back, bigguns atcha Billy , its been one fucking sweet ride ,respect.

hear the drummer get wicked!
Avatar 7:20pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Hey what's up everybody! I'm late to the party. Still recovering from celebrating the Washington Capitals Stanley Cup Final win.
Avatar 7:21pm

THE funky wfmu show Billy Jam
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:22pm

ha ha!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
tuner fish:

i coulda swore darko was del
Avatar 7:24pm

This Darko the Super is wild
Avatar 7:26pm

i hope Brian goes to kfjc, the ONLY other radio station i listen to
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:30pm

been meaning to take a listen to some of the shows on kfjc. BT there would for sure make me tune in.
Avatar 7:32pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

This track is TIGHT! <bobbing head>
Avatar 7:32pm

Super sweet billy jam
Avatar 7:32pm

it is a fantastic radio station.
Avatar 7:32pm

Much Thanks and Love for Billy Jam bringing the heat for so long. A connoisseur, a gentleman, an astute Hip Hop Historian of the highest caliber.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:35pm

We would tune in to kalx when visiting family in the east bay/sf
Avatar 7:38pm

Brian was the heart of this radio station i think. maybe its no coincidence he has gone at the same time as the fall. i am not very good at getting old and accepting inevitable changes

Avatar 7:43pm
Billy Jam:

WELCOME TO THE NEW SUMMER 2018 WFMU series - during which you MUST tune in all weekend - long - even if U R sleeping LEAVE FMU on the radio or laptop - and catch Joe Duffy aka JOE D late tonite / early tom. 3am to 6am with his 3 hour show (lots of hiphop too) PEACEFUL SOLUTIONS - then tom. Saturday night - bringing that SoCal Left Coast flava east to NJ is MARTY MCSORLEY's show including his DEDICATION LINE - CALL NOW - right now and do shout out from all us here on Friday to Marty call 716 MARTY66 and leave short shout out from you and hear it played back on air on WFMU tomorrow between 9pm and midnite (6-9pm in the LBC) - and on Sunday catch the premiere edition of BRONWYN B (today's sound engineer - big shout out) SUNDAYs on WFMU for summer 2018 3-6am on WFMU - ALSO check out other shows on new season inc. ones with flyers on this playlist - THIS SHOW is dedicated to Brian Turner -
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

Thanks for the chill mix, Billy!
Avatar 7:45pm

thanks for the shoutout billy! this new schedule is dope and i hope everybody stays tuned to hear all the great new shows :D
Avatar 7:46pm
Billy Jam:

@Davis - I hear u on the Fall Mark E Smith / Brian Turner connection - whom from beginning I associated with Brian and think I played them on first show I did here on WFMU -But Brian will thrive creatively in the Bay Area
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

Super strong show today!
Avatar 7:51pm
Billy Jam:

@Art - thanks man! + thanks chris + RWNN and Spidey and Berd (ya heard) + Smilty69 + all the DJs on W F M U - hey did u call the 716 MARTY66 # yet? - Do it - and leave it locked to F M U all weekend - no mater what

thanks billy

dirty bastad bass - yeah - loud n smashy - cheers Billy
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

Thanks mucho-
Avatar 7:53pm
Billy Jam:

as with most shows of late - this is nearly all brand new 2018 hip-hop by emceees and producers - proving to me that hip-hop is alive and well in 2018 - despite what one hears on mainstream outlets
Avatar 7:53pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

DAAAAMNNN BILLY! Hitting us with the HOTNESS today!! :-)
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

Yay !! got the runs!!!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

Can the Cavs please win tonight? Don't end the season just yet.
Avatar 7:55pm
Billy Jam:

thanks ALF - thanks BRONWYN B - and THANK U
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

much love Billy Jam!

thanks for so deftly working the knobs and levers, BronwynB!

have a great weekend, everyone! puff, puff *pass* ya heard? :)
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
listener 126464:

Thanks Billy Jam! Cheers to you feeling better!
Avatar 7:57pm
Billy Jam:

you too chris
Avatar 🎧 7:57pm

Thanks Billy J. for doing what you do best. Much STRENTGH and wellness to you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39pm

yr the best billy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16am
Joe D.:

Yo Billy thanks for the plug!!! Billy Jam is the HYPE
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