Favoriting In Real Life with Emily and Kimzilla: Playlist from May 23, 2018 Favoriting

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In Real Life is a weekly show hosted by Emily and Kimzilla on WFMU. In each episode, Kim and Emily follow their own curiosity to interview people on about a variety of themes, getting the real scoop and learning about the real people behind each topic. Previous WFMU aired episodes include topics such as circus performers, taxicab drivers, bartender therapy, alien abductions, nudism and so much more.

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Favoriting May 23, 2018: Human Problems

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format
The Tammy's  Egyptian Shumba   Favoriting What's So Sweet About Sweet Sixteen  United Artists  1963  MP3 
Male Correctional Officer interview           
Female Correctional Officer Interview           
Thorin Daye Interview           
The Kinks  Holloway Jail   Favoriting What's So Sweet About Sweet Sixteen  RCA  1971  MP3 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:03pm
All out Scott:

I cant wait to hear this one
Avatar 7:08pm
All out Scott:

He was my housing unit officer
Avatar 7:09pm
All out Scott:

Avatar 7:09pm

Hi Scott!
Avatar 7:10pm

This guy wasn't Scott's housing officer. Thorin is, he will be the last interview.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

One of the top robot builders on Battlebots is a former prison guard. I think this an outlet for people in this line of work to be encouraged.
Avatar 7:11pm
Richard S:

Hello! I am folding laundry In Real Life!
Avatar 7:11pm
All out Scott:

the new jacks are pretty lame
Avatar 7:11pm

Hi Richard! Hi Ultradamno!
Avatar 7:12pm

Are CO's also called jacks, or am I missing something?
Avatar 7:12pm
All out Scott:

the ultimate corrections officer is one thats stoned all day
Avatar 7:13pm
All out Scott:

new jack is an officer just out of training

The whole prison system is poisoned . The people who work in the prisons are poison. What a horrible way to spend your life . If they choose to do this job , they deserve the hell that they live in . Total scum.
Avatar 7:15pm
All out Scott:

hahahaha there are some guards over 300lbs that cant run at all. and these guys are to be relied on for backup
Avatar 7:16pm
All out Scott:

@ gregory not all of them are scum. some like Thorin i am lucky to call friend
Avatar 7:18pm
All out Scott:

sounds like county to me
Avatar 7:18pm

Wait until you hear Thorin. He was amazing Gregory. It's hard to put everyone in one shitty category. That's why we offered three perspectives tonight.
Avatar 7:19pm
All out Scott:

She definately works in county
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

hi all

Hi Melinda!!
Avatar 7:20pm
All out Scott:

officers are worse to eachother than the inmates

You were in medium ? I am talking about most but especially the max , towny types like up in Danamora . The whole subject makes me sick . Glad you got out . Now you are an inmate on fmu it seems.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm

hello. listening. man.
Avatar 7:22pm

I did find it crazy that most of the issues are not around the prisoners, it was all about the problems with their fellow CO's. I was not expecting that.

@gregory. I'm sure some people think of it an honest way to make a living. I wouldn't assume they are all bad people.

I don't know enough about this but I keep wondering how state vs private prisons differ.... if the cops are better or worsened
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good evening, Lifewits. This would not be a job for me. Sounds like it's constant conflict.
Avatar 7:24pm
All out Scott:

officers were comfortable with me. i heard alot of complaints about officers that did really dumb stuff

Think about it , they have no other way of making a living ? They deserve the shit they live in . They may go home at night but they are inmates too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

i like all this prison chat. the whole system is about the money and the kickbacks.

*cops was meant to be COs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26pm

...and we demonize crimes and races based on how much money can be made off their incarceration.

Hi Ken from HP!!
Agreed—not a job for me, either.
Avatar 7:26pm
All out Scott:

prisons should be turned into work camps supplying the private sector
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These are really interesting. A friend of mine is a CO.
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All out Scott:

that would offer better life skill training
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Gregory - I don't think it's fair to generalize and dismiss an entire group of people like that.
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All out Scott:

code one on unit 113

@dale yeah, that does seem to be the case. Harder to fight the bad system when there’s money to made, I think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm

scott - unions do NOT want that!
Avatar 7:28pm
All out Scott:

# gregory you are not far off though. every home has its toilet
Avatar 7:29pm
All out Scott:

some dont want unions

@Madame Luke yes—I agree. Absolutely. I think some (like this woman) are really trying to do the good they can within a broken system.

I will do just that and will tune out .
Avatar 7:30pm
All out Scott:

i have seen some amazing packages get suitcased
Avatar 7:32pm
All out Scott:

imagine walking around with a cucumber up there all day
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get suitcased?
Avatar 7:32pm
Richard S:

One summer, I actually taught a course in Astronomy at a nearby women's correctional facility. Best behaved students I'd ever had. I remember being told during my "briefing" that they shouldn't give me any trouble, because they *wanted* to be out of their cells.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good gravy, this guy!
Avatar 7:33pm
All out Scott:

i know a guy who kept a package like that for 3 months
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm

i think i would just let them have those cigarettes. don't wanna take them after where they been.
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@Scott.... NOOOO!!!!!
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All out Scott:

you become the suitcase. like lube up and...
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All out Scott:

the right drugs in a package that large could go for 20k dollars
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

From orifices to opera, that was one hell of a seg.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm

in jail for a parking ticket?????
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All out Scott:

the amount of weed in one hit goes for $7 in there
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All out Scott:

if you dont pay your ticket and they issue a warrant. off to jail you go. welcome to my world.
Avatar 7:38pm
All out Scott:

sounds like a dumbutt to me
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And here is Scott's guy!
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All out Scott:

yayyy Daye
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All out Scott:

i beat him up
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um, on purpose?
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All out Scott:

boy did that sound funny
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All out Scott:

yes we chest bumped and i knocked the wind out of him
Avatar 7:41pm
All out Scott:

well put
Avatar 7:41pm

I wish Gregory stayed to listen to Thorin.
Avatar 7:42pm
All out Scott:

he is such an awesome dude. we had alot of fun together in there
Avatar 7:43pm
All out Scott:

114 that was my house
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

scott - i live about two miles from new hampton psych center - ever hear any stories about that place?
Avatar 7:45pm
All out Scott:

@Dale no I havent
Avatar 7:46pm
All out Scott:

ungh I got caught by one of those notes. for playing my keyboard in my cube. Daye even let me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm

a couple of inmates have escaped from there since i moved up here. always made the newspaper.
Avatar 7:46pm
All out Scott:

great question KIM
mr. haney:

8 years in the service , then a guard in a mens prison ? Must love men , huh?
Avatar 7:48pm
All out Scott:

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All out Scott:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

this guy sounds ....solid. i know that's from the mod squad but he sounds like he's got his act together.
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All out Scott:

he is truly a cool dude

Yes—that’s what got me. “The human problems.” Not inmate problems. We all have problems.
Avatar 7:51pm
Richard S:

I suppose the question we need to ask (as a society) about prison is if its purpose is retribution (punishment/revenge on criminals) or rehabilitation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Imagine the prison CEO dreaming about replacing COs with robots. Unfeeling, not-high robots that aren't snitching on each other.
Avatar 7:53pm
All out Scott:

@Richard difficult question because every case is different. some guys Should not ever be released. others will never rehabilitate some want to but dont know how

@Richard YES.
Avatar 7:54pm
All out Scott:

made my life so much better learning all this stuff

Go back to Reagan cutting off federal funding instituted by Jimmy Carter to fun community mental health care efforts. The prison system is now a pseudo-mental health care proxy thanks to crap like that. Take care of the health of your society and prisons get to focus on being competent. en.wikipedia.org...

As long as there is a lack of social care in a society, this will not get solved. And the “prison industrial complex” has been built on a foundation of social services being yanked away.
Avatar 7:58pm
All out Scott:

Avatar 7:58pm

What a great guy! I feel inspired.
Avatar 7:59pm
All out Scott:

social care begins at home. we need stronger family values
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
listener 126464:

Thanks DJs and all involved!
Avatar 8:00pm
Richard S:

Catch you next week!
Avatar 8:00pm
All out Scott:

i lived with Daye for a year and a half. lucky to have him and lucky to call him friend
Avatar 8:00pm
All out Scott:

thanks DJs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good show. Take care. Happy Memorial Day!
Scott's mom:

great show. we need continuation of the human aspect of all concerned.
Avatar 8:03pm
Philthy woman:

Good show. So much. As usual the 'inside' needs more of this detailed free expression. Be cool to hear from inmates about their relationships w/ each other and staff too. Whole other level of clearances and inhabition though I know, hard to do. But maybe former inmates? Just thinkin. Thanks all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Yes, true. Last week's show featured a former inmate.
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