Favoriting Make With The Shake with DJ Pat K: Playlist from May 3, 2018 Favoriting

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Straight from the frayed end of the Rust Belt, nothing but the finest rock & soul hipshakers and earthquakers of the 50s & 60s. Featuring the mustiest and dustiest cuts of swinging soul, radioactive rockabilly, greasy garage, demented doo-wop, and weirdstrumentals that only a mother could love.

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Favoriting May 3, 2018: No show today due to technical difficulties.

Listener comments!


secular! ha
Avatar 8:16pm
Melissa Jean:

are u on? sounds great but can't tell if it's you!
Avatar 8:17pm

Howdy Pat! Pat??? Pat???
DJ Pat K:

Howdy gang! It looks like tonight's Shake was too wild for the airwaves and got eaten up by the computer - sorry!! I blame that Ichiban flu that's been going around...
Avatar 8:20pm

DJ Pat K:

I'll get it squared away next week - the world will have to wait until then to hear my Record Fair haul! Until then, I'm happy to let everyone think that all these great tracks right now are me, though!
Avatar 8:21pm

Hahahahahaha! The power of Itchy Bons.
DJ Pat K:

I knew I shouldnt have eaten that Andre Williams record, but it looked so greasy and good!
Avatar 8:37pm
Melissa Jean:

don't stop! sounds so great with my soup haha
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