Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from April 28, 2018 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting April 28, 2018: Moonfins

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
EFSS (Erren Flessig Schottler Steffen) / Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Andy Garcia & Oprah Winfrey  Movement / Are You Watching Oprah?   Favoriting Tidal Shift / Ocean's Eleven  Bandcamp  2018  from Germany  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Terekke  L8r H8r   Favoriting Improvisational Loops  Music From Memory  2018  2nd album from Matt Gardner / album conceived as an aid for yoga  *   0:09:52 (Pop-up)
Yu-Utsu w/ Hello Meteor  Prime   Favoriting Yu-Utsu  Midwest Collective  2018  AKA Thomas Takashi O'Malley  *   0:11:17 (Pop-up)
Dennis Young  Na Chia   Favoriting Synthesis (Electronic Music 1984-1988)  Bureau B  2018  of Liquid Liquid  *   0:14:55 (Pop-up)
Francois Bayle  La Preuve Par Le Sens   Favoriting L'Experience Acoustique  Recollection GRM  2015  album orig. composed between 1969-72 / He coined the term Acousmatic Music (from Greek ἄκουσμα akousma, "a thing heard") which is a form of electroacoustic music that is specifically composed for presentation using speakers, as opposed to a live performance. It stems from a compositional tradition that dates back to the introduction of musique concrète in the late 1940s. The music is produced with the aid of various music technologies, such as digital recorders, digital signal processing tools and digital audio workstations. Using such technology various sound materials can be combined, juxtaposed, and transformed in any conceivable manner. In this context the compositional method can be seen as a process of sound organization.    0:16:55 (Pop-up)
Makeness  Day Old Death   Favoriting Loud Patterns  Secretly Canadian  2018  from 1st full-length album by Kyle Molleson, whose studio is located in the Outer Hebrides, a chain of small islands in the Scottish highlands  *   0:20:15 (Pop-up)
VCMG  Windup Robot   Favoriting Ssss  Mute  2012  written and produced by Vince Clarke & Martin Gore / VCMG= their initials + Voltage Control Modulation Generator    0:23:53 (Pop-up)
Dynatron / George Scott, Peter Sellers, & Peter Bull  Pulse Power / This Is Absolute Madness!   Favoriting Escape Velocity / Dr. Strangelove  Aphasia  2012  from debut album from Jeppe Hasseriis from Hadsten, Denmark    0:28:59 (Pop-up)
Liquid Liquid  Lub Dupe   Favoriting Liquid Liquid  Grand Royal  1997  orig. released as a 12" by 99 Records in 1981    0:34:38 (Pop-up)
Depeche Mode vs. The Doors vs. Tears For Fears  Personal Roadhouse Shout (DJs From Mars Bootleg)   Favoriting           0:35:58 (Pop-up)
Carpenter Brut  347 Midnight Demons   Favoriting Trilogy  No Quarter  2015  AKA Franck Hueso from Poitiers, France    0:40:31 (Pop-up)
Waveshaper / Groucho Marx, Mr. Smith  The Engineer Part II / Strange Dame?   Favoriting Station Nova / A Night In Casablanca  NewRetroWave  2016  from Stockholm, Sweden    0:44:52 (Pop-up)
d.notive / Robert Duvall  Red Light Syndrome / Someday This War's Gonna End   Favoriting Sentinel / Apocalypse Now    2016  AKA producer Matt Larson from Minneapolis, Minnesota    0:47:50 (Pop-up)
Nobuo Uematsu  Rainy Day, Children   Favoriting Phantasmagoria  NTT Publishing  1994  video game composer from Japan    0:53:32 (Pop-up)
Nick Drake  Introduction   Favoriting When The Day Is Done - The Orchestrations Of Robert Kirby (VA)  Ace  2018  orig from Drake's 2nd album, Bryter Layter, which came out in 1976 / "Richard Hewson, a well known arranger, and a fifteen piece orchestra had been brought in to arrange Nick's songs. At the session, Nick started getting hotter and hotter under the collar. Hewson had wanted to orchestrate pieces from Five Leaves Left. Drake wanted to orchestrate his new instrumental pieces. Drake kept getting quietly more and more aggravated, and in the end he dug his heels in and dismissed the arrangements. He said he'd get this friend at Cambridge, Robert Kirby, whom he thought would be much more sympathetic to what he was doing. Robert had never before done anything in his life in a recording studio. But two weeks later he was booked together with a bunch of musicians. I remember... We were flabbergasted. He was so good." - John Wood, sound engineer  *   0:57:25 (Pop-up)
Windweaver  Healing Music   Favoriting       composed using 432 Hz frequency    1:10:30 (Pop-up)
Cam Deas  Exercise 2   Favoriting Time Exercises  The Death Of Rave  2018  Cameron Deas' 1st album to be composed solely for modular synths & computer  *   1:15:29 (Pop-up)
Annea Lockwood  World Rhythms   Favoriting New Music for Electronic and Recorded Media: Women In Electronic Music 1977 (V/A)  New World Records  2006  orig. 1975 / from New Zealand / explored the process of healing through sound / this piece consists of 10 channels of sound (previously taped) which are amplified and sent to 10 lousspeakers in such a way that each channel is relayed (unmixed with any other channel) to a particular speaker. Each channel relays one of the following environmental sounds: pulsars; earthquakes; volcanic activity; geysers and mud pools; rivers; peepers; fire and crows; a storm on a lake; wave lapping on a lake shore; and human breathing. Levels are controlled during the performance, individual channels faded in and out, allowing for as many of the possible combinations of sounds to be heard, ranging from one channel alone, to all 10 channels simultaneously.    1:19:33 (Pop-up)
David Tudor  Neural Synthesis No. 6 (excerpt)   Favoriting Neural Synthesis Nos. 6-9  Lovely Music  1995  started as a pianist & later on focused on his own electronic compositions    1:23:22 (Pop-up)
Eno, Moebius, Roedelius  Broken Head   Favoriting After the Heat  Sky Records  1978  Engineered by Conny Plank & recorded at his studio / AKA Brian Eno, Dieter Moebius (Harmonia, Cluster & Liliental) & Hans-Joaquin Roedelius (Harmonia & Cluster)    1:28:05 (Pop-up)
Gabor Csupo  Ondo   Favoriting Industrium Post Mortem: China (V/A)  Tone Casualties  1996  Hungarian-American / co-founder of animation studio Klasky Csupo / founder of Tone Casulaties label    1:33:07 (Pop-up)
Maryanne Amacher  Excerpt from Stain - The Music Rooms   Favoriting Imaginary Landscapes - New Electronic Music (V/A)  Elektra Nonesuch  1989  American composer and installation artist, who is known for working extensively with a family of psychoacoustic phenomena called auditory distortion products (also known as distortion product otoacoustic emissions and combination tones), in which the ears themselves produce audible sound.    1:37:15 (Pop-up)
Magic Sword  The Beginning   Favoriting Volume 1  Tender Loving Empire  2015      1:40:17 (Pop-up)
College (feat. Electric Youth)  A Real Hero   Favoriting Drive (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)      track orig. released as part of a 5-song EP by Flexx Records in 2009 / AKA David Grellier from Nantes, France / founder of Valerie record label    1:45:42 (Pop-up)
Steven Wilson  Perfect Life   Favoriting Hand. Cannot. Erase.  Kscope  2015  from Britain    1:50:06 (Pop-up)
Francois Bayle  Rosace 3   Favoriting Vibrations Composées / Grande Polyphonie  Magison  1992  ori.g 1973    1:54:22 (Pop-up)
Quixotic / Brad Pitt & Matt Damon  Palms / And For God's Sake, Under Any Circumstances, Don't...   Favoriting Quixotic EP / Ocean's Eleven  Future City Records  2013  AKA Krisztian Miklosy from Budapest    1:56:13 (Pop-up)
Ricardo Villalobos  Enfants (Chants)   Favoriting   Sei Es Drum  2008  12" / Villalobos was born in Chile, but when he was very young, his family moved to Germany when Pinochet overthrew the socialist government of Salvador Allende in 1973    2:13:13 (Pop-up)
Dissolved  A Night Spiraling   Favoriting Tangled Prismatics  Daddy Tank  2018  AKA Paul Daniels (AKA Apydiagirls) orig. from Scotland & now based in Vancouver  *   2:22:25 (Pop-up)
Cut Chemist  Energy (Interlude 2)   Favoriting Die Cut  A Stable Sound  2018  from 4th album by Lucas MacFadden (from Jurassic 5)  *   2:28:05 (Pop-up)
Ladytron / Elliot Gould, George Clooney & Brad Pitt  Ghosts / You're Still In the Middle of the *$?! Desert   Favoriting Velocifero / Ocean's Eleven  Cobraside  2008  from 4th album by quartet Daniel Hunt, Helen Marnie, Mira Aroyo & Reuben Wu    2:28:55 (Pop-up)
GUM  The Underdog   Favoriting The Underdog  Spinning Top  2018  from 4th album by Jay Watson (from Tame Impala & Pond)  *   2:33:21 (Pop-up)
Tidal Channel  Humash Wealth Management, Inc   Favoriting The 35 Anniversary of BC Studio (V/A)  Bronson  2018  Album is a 2016 live document to pay tribute to iconic producer, Martin Bisi / Mixed & edited by Martin Bisi  *   2:34:44 (Pop-up)
Koplant No  Before We Go   Favoriting Elker    2018  Joel Vanderheyden (saxophone, beats, vocals) / Brian Lewis Smith (trumpet, laptop, keys) / Drew Morton (basses, synth) / Rob Baner (drums, samples, vibes)  *   2:36:45 (Pop-up)
Bernard Parmegiani  Dance, Per Nastro Magnetico   Favoriting     1962  In composing this piece, which dates from 1962, the author resorted to the experience of using one single sound source, the voice, which is habitually treated with instrumental support. The manipulations aim at making evident and underlining the natural inflections of the voice. In sum, a kind of endeavor analogous to the one that makes a transition from gesture to dance possible, and this is what these sound movements try to evoke. Born in Paris, in 1927, Bernard Parmegiani joined the Groupe de Recherches Musicales in 1959, after having worked for five years as a sound engineer for television.    2:38:46 (Pop-up)
Cut Chemist  The Lift Part 2 (The Dream Sequence)   Favoriting Die Cut        *   2:42:37 (Pop-up)
JG Thirlwell & Dana Schechter w/ special guests Laura Ortman and the BC Radiophonic Choir  Downhill   Favoriting BC-35: The 35 Year Anniversary of BC Studio  Bronson  2018    *   2:43:33 (Pop-up)
Zombie Hyperdrive  Red Eyes   Favoriting Hyperion  NewRetroWave  2016  from this artist's bandcamp page: sandworms. you've probably never seen one. they're pretty underground.    2:46:24 (Pop-up)
Bill Burr  Muffins   Favoriting           2:48:46 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 3:02am

A Good Morning to Carol and everyone listening
Avatar 3:04am

Good morning, jkeigh! :)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 3:28am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol, jkeigh and anyone else?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 3:29am

Hi from Holland:

hi there...
Avatar 3:39am

Hey Ken:) Good morning:)
Avatar 3:39am

Good morning, Hi from Holland:)

Wow! I don't expect to hear this sort of stuff on FMU. Nice selections Carol. I like how you genre shift and make it work. Your use of samples makes me laugh though.
Avatar 3:57am

Hey phbbbt!! Glad you are laughing:)

Do you have a large sample library already? Would you be interested in some samples I've saved over the years from half-baked and aborted projects?
Avatar 4:12am

@phbbbt!!@4:11: Sure! :)
Avatar 4:28am

David Tudor! Get to hear you live for once, Carol. Took a 6 hour nap after drinking while helping the office move all day.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 4:29am

Yay ERM!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 4:29am

or EMR actually....
Avatar 4:30am

@northguineahills: sounds like a long day! Glad to have you hear (and here) live:)
Avatar 4:33am

I'm always here even if I'm not here (or conscious).

I woke up at 6am, worked until 6pm (we're a startup, so we didn't hire workers, and I'm the youngest one there [not so youthy anymore myself') then hit the pub my house afterwards. Any day you can drink at work isn't a bad one.
Avatar 4:36am

@jkeigh@4:29: Either way, it's still awesome:)
Avatar 4:39am

Maryanne Amacher! That Gabor Csupo (new to me!) reminded me of Ground Zero's "Radical Pekininese Opera".
Avatar 4:40am

I messed that up....I'm always hear even if I'm not here (or conscious).
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 4:47am

Good morning Carol and friends! My weekend is off to an awesome start, cleaning up cat puke at 4 AM :)
Avatar 4:47am

Hey northguineahills: Know that it's always good to have you here. Thank you so much for listening! Hope today is a little more fun and a little less work:)
Avatar 4:49am

Hey Kevin: I came home after the show last week and encountered the same thing. But the kitty's okay, I hope?
Avatar 4:49am

errr...Ground Zero's "Revolutionary Pekinese Opera". (It's been a while since my brain has operated at this hour....w/o help).
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 4:51am

I've been a Steven Wilson fan since 1999 (when he was with Porcupine Tree) and his output is definitely the strongest musical influence in my life.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 4:52am

By that I mean his music has introduced me to more music than any other artist.

Eee! I was thinking about Electric Youth and this song back when you played Waveshaper. They were one of my favorite bands when MySpace was prime and 80s new wave was rebranded as Valerie. It's back once again as outrun and vaporware.

@Kevin I woke to find cat puke too; gotta love 'em!

Good Morning from Blighty Carol.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 5:01am

@Carol: sorry to hear that. My guy seems fine, he's gone back to sleep. I am enjoying some cereal, along with your show :D
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 5:01am

@Kevin and MrTum. I can't count the days I've woken up to those presents. I miss my little Holly.

Your additional comments on tracks is hugely appreciated. I've long seen the name Klasky-Csupo but had no idea Csupo made music and was the head of Tone Casualties.
Avatar 5:08am

what phbbbt!! said!

Enjoying it all, Thanks Carol
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 5:14am

I walked into the other room and thought the Ricardo Villalobos track was Magma when I heard it in the background.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 5:15am

The Zeuhl band Magma I mean
Avatar 5:16am

Good morning, Mr. Tum:)
Avatar 5:17am

@Ken@5:01: Glad to hear it:)
Avatar 5:18am

Hey, Zetti! Thanks for listening:)
Avatar 5:20am

@jkeigh@5:15: I don't know that band. Will have to check out! Thanks:)
Avatar 5:20am

Ricardo Villalobos/Max Loderbauer remixing the ECM Recs back catalog is also an amazing record.
Avatar 5:20am

Thanks all!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 5:23am

I've never heard of him so thanks Carol and northguineahills.
Avatar 5:29am

de nada, jkeigh....
Mark R:

Wow, an unusual and fortunate Saturday morning where I'm. up early enough to hear a little of my friend Carol's Show! Bernard Parmegiani was so strange and haunting and beautiful. Let's remember that one for next Halloween!
debt collector:

Great!!! show today per usual Carol. Thank you.
Love from Burlington VT
Avatar 5:48am

Man, this Jim Thirlwell, is so Morricone-esque!

ack, Cut Chemist and Ladytron!!!!


/need my fainting couch.
//realized a Parmegiani piece at the Kitchen once w/ a minimal techno band over a decade ago.....
Avatar 5:49am

If I don't get back to the boards, thanks Carol!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 5:52am

Thanks for a fun filled 3 hours of music, movies and muffins!
upstate sean:

upstate sean:

Gotta check the archives - from the comments this looks like a great show
upstate sean:

Once again!
Avatar 6:07am

Hey Mark! Morning, debt collector:) Hello, sean! Thanks to you!
Avatar 6:09am

Thanks to everyone for listening! It's been so great to have the company:) Have a great week all!
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