Favoriting Circle Time with Mark R.: Playlist from April 23, 2018 Favoriting

Circle Time, a time for sensory experiences, socialization and fun. Sometimes we also play Duck-Duck Goose.

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Favoriting April 23, 2018: "The theme is there is no theme"

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Flying Burrito Brothers  Close Up The Honky Tonks   Favoriting Gram Parsons Archives Vol. 1: Live at the Avalon Ballroom  Amoeba  2007  Chris Etheridge (bass) d. 4/23/12    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Miles Davis  My Funny Valentine   Favoriting Cookin' with the Miles Davis Quintet  Prestige  1957  Red Garland (piano) d. 4/23/84    0:06:36 (Pop-up)
Miles Davis  Billy Boy   Favoriting Milestones  Columbia  1958  Red Garland, piano    0:10:31 (Pop-up)
Miles Davis  Surrey With the Fringe On Top   Favoriting Steamin' with the Miles Davis Quinet  Prestige  1961  Red Garland, piano    0:17:42 (Pop-up)
New York Dolls  Personality Crisis   Favoriting New York Dolls  Mercury  1973  Johnny thunders (guitar, backing vocals, co-composer) d. 4/23/91    0:29:47 (Pop-up)
New York Dolls  Subway Train   Favoriting New York Dolls  Mercury  1973  Johnny Thunders, guitar, backing vocals, co-co-composer    0:33:59 (Pop-up)
New York Dolls  Babylon   Favoriting Too Much Too Soon  Mercury  1974  Johnny Thunders, guitar, backing vocals, co-composer    0:39:17 (Pop-up)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra  American Guilt   Favoriting Sex & Food  Jagjaguwar    at Brooklyn Steel Wednesday and Thursday  *   0:42:45 (Pop-up)
Ryuichi Sakamoto  Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (charlot's remix--gassyoh re-edit)   Favoriting charlot--singitoutloud  Polepo Records  2010  Ryuichi Sakamoto at National Sawdust Thursday    0:47:23 (Pop-up)
Wreckless Eric  Depression   Favoriting Le Beat Group Electrique (reissue)  Fire  1989/2015  At the WFMU Record Fair this Satuday afternoon at the Brooklyn Expo Center in Greenpoint!    1:04:43 (Pop-up)
Me'Shell Ndegeocello  I'm Diggin' You (Like an Old Soul Record   Favoriting Plantation Lullabies  Maverick  1993  At (le) Poisson Rouge Friday night    1:06:19 (Pop-up)
Wet Tuna  New York Street   Favoriting Livin' the Die  Feeding Tube    WFMU's Jeff Conklin presents Wet Tuna at Wonders of Nature Friday night!  *   1:12:18 (Pop-up)
Itzhak Perlman, violin; Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Daniel Barenboim, cond.  Prokofiev: Violin Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 63   Favoriting Mendlssohn/Prokofiev/Violin Concertos  Erato  1993  Sergei Prokofiev d. 4/23/1953    1:37:00 (Pop-up)
John Coltrane  Out of This World   Favoriting Coltrane  Impulse!  1962  Harold Arlen (co-composer) d. 4/23/86    1:59:50 (Pop-up)
Bud Powell  Over the Rainbow   Favoriting The Amazing Bud Powell, Vol. 1  Blue Note  1952  Harold Arlen, co-composer    2:12:52 (Pop-up)
Jethro Tull  Bouree   Favoriting Stand Up  Chrysalis  1969  Glenn Cornick (bass) b. 4/23/47    2:15:45 (Pop-up)
King Crimson  Lament   Favoriting Starless And Bible Black  Atlantic  1974  David Cross (violin) b. 4/23/49    2:19:36 (Pop-up)
Flying Burrito Brothers  Hot Burrito #2   Favoriting The Gilded Palace of Sin  A & M  1969  Chris Etheridge, bass    2:31:20 (Pop-up)
Flying Burrito Brothers  The Dark End of the Street   Favoriting The Gilded Palace of Sin  A&M  1969  Chris Etheridge, bass    2:34:43 (Pop-up)
Sarah Shook & The Disarmers  Over You   Favoriting Years  Bloodshot    Playing a set at the Record Fair Saturday afternoon!  *   2:38:35 (Pop-up)
Billie Holiday  Stormy Weather   Favoriting Lady in Autumn: The Best of the Verve Years  Verve  1952/1991  Harold Arlen, co-composer    2:45:59 (Pop-up)
Louis Armstrong  Was It a Dream?   Favoriting The Complete Hot Five and Hot Seven Recordings  Columbia Legacy  1928/2000  Jimmie Noone (clarinet) b. 4/23/1895    2:48:01 (Pop-up)
Johnnie Johnson  Cow Cow Blues   Favoriting Johnnie B. Bad  Elektra Nonesuch    Cow Cow Davenport (composer) b. 4/23/1894    2:51:21 (Pop-up)
Jeff Beck  Come Dancing   Favoriting Wired  Epic  1976  Narada Michael (composer, drums) b. 4/23/52    2:57:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:01am
pacific standard simon:

Close Up The Honky Tonks? Slam dunk the basketball courts!
Avatar 3:06am
pacific standard simon:

I went to the Avalon after it was converted into a movie theater. Sad, as some asshole would say.
Avatar 3:10am
pacific standard simon:

There's almost nothing better than the romantic Miles, late at night.
Avatar 3:14am
pacific standard simon:

Ahmad Jamal (whom Miles admired) works, too.

Welcome, Simon!
Vincent Nifigance:

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen -- Zach Galifianakis! ..."

"Excuse me -- I've been in canada, opening up for Miles Davis -- [ correcting himself ] Kilometers Davis."

Hip on so many levels. I understand Thomas Jefferson wanted to put us on the metric system but the squares wouldn't stand for it.

I liked how John sounded like he was halfway across the room when he came in for his solo...
Avatar 3:27am
pacific standard simon:

If I were a bell I'd go ding dong ding dong ding. My favorite Miles period.
Avatar 3:35am
pacific standard simon:

Wow, has it really been that long? I could tell you pretty accurately what I was probably doing on this day in '91.
Avatar 3:38am
pacific standard simon:

Did he say 'filling up my car' or 'feeling up my cock'? Inquiring minds need to know.
Avatar 3:40am
pacific standard simon:

Yeah, that's it!!!!

For FCC purposes, I'm CERTAIN he said, "filling up my car." The other thing doesn't make any sense if you think about it.
Avatar 3:41am
pacific standard simon:

Make David sound like one of the Shangri-Las!!!

Yeah, I'd like to hear those Shangri-Las sing these lyrics!

David sounds like he's having a helluva good time singing these songs, doesn't he?
Avatar 3:46am
pacific standard simon:

I've never been a big fan of the various demo releases because the original albums sound so good. Although they could probably use a few extra RPMs.
Avatar 3:48am
pacific standard simon:

I bet Unknown Mortal Orchestra is what Marc Bolan would sound like if he hadn't been killed.

I hope you were listening to the Unknown Mortal Orchestra with the headphones on, really loud, because it sounded fantastic. And you might want to leave 'em on for this one, too!
Avatar 3:52am
pacific standard simon:

Ryuichi Sakamoto's home is for sale! Only $3M:

Avatar 3:55am
pacific standard simon:

I like it, but I don't see books. Can't live without books.

That's really not that much considering its location. (If several of us pitched in, I mean). Wonder why he's selling it. It's beautiful. Very tranquil.

We're keeping your books in the garage, Simon. They'll be fine. We'll get some shelves from Costco or something.
Avatar 4:04am
pacific standard simon:

And if you want to hear a professional doing a professional job, you're NEVER going to hear The Dolls.

To be honest, I don't think I EVER heard the Dolls on the radio. If it weren't for Creem magazine, I never would have heard of them.
Avatar 4:09am
pacific standard simon:

I still treasure my memory of meeting Eric and Amy at a gig in SF a number of years ago. You're never going to meet a nicer fellow than Eric. Go to the record fair, folks.
Avatar 4:12am
pacific standard simon:

My first exposure to the Dolls was probably one of those late night rock concert TV shows, about '73 - '74. Although Creem is certainly a possibility.

A chance to hobnob with me and many of my fellow DJs, folks. Sheila B. is doing a live broadcast Friday afternoon, Mike Shelley, Rex and Todd will be broadcasting live Saturday, and many of us will be working the record and merch tables. And did I mention there's beer?
Avatar 4:16am
pacific standard simon:

Hmm, is there a Motel 6 around there somewhere? Is it too late for a cross-country ticket? Can I get my partner to sub for me at work?

There are many itchy no-tell motels within a couple subway stops. I'd go Greyhound. You can sleep on the way, listen to the WFMU mobile app, pack a couple old Creem magazines, a couple sandwiches, some raisins, some nuts, beverages of your choice (this bag is getting heavy!), change of underwear, wear the same shirt every day, that's what we all do, and we live here. As for work, death in the family, I'll let you know what's happening when I get there, etc. etc. You know the drill. Come on. The first Record Fair I worked at, I saw my old Music Director from WCBN in Ann Arbor, he told me he comes every year.
Avatar 4:23am
pacific standard simon:

I wonder if Wet Tuna understands that there are still a lot of Hot Tuna fans around, and they might be confused and annoyed by their name.

Jeff Conklin has practically been single-handedly championing these guys, and he's right. I think they must be trying to annoy Hot Tuna fans, that can't be an accident. I like their groovy underwater sound, though.
Avatar 4:28am
pacific standard simon:

Sounds like The Mermen, which is a good thing.
Avatar 4:33am
pacific standard simon:

Hai, dozo!
Avatar 4:34am
pacific standard simon:

I wish someone WOULD lay a little Benny Goodman on me. Actually, Uncle Michael sometimes does.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35am
Craig in MoTown:

Good morning. Great music to wake up to... Missed hearing the Dolls segment- remember seeing them at the Felt Forum opening for Mott The Hoople (Todd Rundgren MC'ed the show).
Mark are you keeping the same slot with the new schedule?
I'm volunteering at the merc table this Saturday! First RF for me.
Avatar 4:39am
pacific standard simon:

Yo @ Craig in MoTown! Good morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44am
Craig in MoTown:

Hey Simon, are we the only two awake?
Avatar 4:44am
pacific standard simon:

Read a book about classical music in the 20th century recently. It didn't work out so well for Prokofiev, thanks to the USSR, though you might not know that from being indoctrinated with Peter And The Wolf in grade school.
Avatar 4:47am
pacific standard simon:

And markr, of course.
Mark R:

I played ya some Miles Davis, so quit yer bellyachin'! Craig, I'll be there from 3:30-7:00 Saturday at the $1 table, come by and say hello. New schedule is still a ways off, we haven't really even started talking about it. Fingers crossed I'll even be on it! I say this every year, but I don't envy Ken's job--so many great people and not enough slots, no matter what you do, someone great is going to be left off the schedule, and somebody's listeners are going to be disappointed. But it's good to have new people, too, and our listeners always seem to adjust.
Mark R:

Those goddamn Russians, Simon. And just when I thought we were done worryin' about 'em...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:03am

that's multidimensional - John Coltrane is also playing on the radio in the novel I'm reading right now!
Mark R:

I love those coincidences (miracles?), Sebastian! Maybe YOU'RE ACTUALLY IN THE NOVEL!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06am

I hope not, it's pulp, and bad things are on the horizon - he's playing I Want To Talk About You in the book, so I should be safe...
Avatar 5:07am
pacific standard simon:

That was a good one from Prokofiev. I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- I think you'd do well in an earlier time slot, Mark. Not before 6PM.
Mark R:

Well, Simon, we'll see. I could incrementally creep back to midnight, for starters. The way it works is you request your top 5 or 6 slots, then you indicate slots you CAN'T do, and then Ken has to figure it out. I have a day job, so I couldn't do before 6 pm, anyway (although I did a noon-3 fill-in over the Christmas break and that was fun--don't think I rocked any Prokofiev, though.)
Mark R:

Even on his "tamer" cuts, Trane always manages to cut loose with some wild shit, doesn't he?
Avatar 5:11am
pacific standard simon:

Don't you wish someone had wanted to do Coltrane's life story on film when Denzel Washington was still young enough to do it? I know I'd pay to see it.
Mark R:

I think he could still do it. That's a great idea, actually.
Avatar 5:17am
pacific standard simon:

I think midnight east coast would be perfect for you. In Nick Name's slot, if that happens to turn up vacant. No slur on Nick, though.
Avatar 5:19am
pacific standard simon:

Stand Up is one of my favorite albums of all time. I kept it when I gave away 2/3 of my albums to KUSF.
Avatar 5:20am
pacific standard simon:

Oh wait, I meant This Was.
Peter from Dover NJ:

King Crimson on WFMU. Thank you.
Avatar 5:23am
pacific standard simon:

And here's another in my wheelhouse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33am

Good morning, Mark, Cicularly-persuaded.
Avatar 5:33am
pacific standard simon:

I will SO be there next week, because I love those guys.
Mark R:

For a guy who really doesn't like country music, I shore seem to be playing a lot of country music this morning.
Mark R:

My mother's rolling over in her grave.
Mark R:

She wasn't that crazy about Billie Holiday, either. Well, I can't be haunted by my dead mother like Norman Bates.
Avatar 5:44am
pacific standard simon:

What the hell was wrong with Gram Parsons anyway? I work all day at my job and sing all day, and hardly take drugs at all. ;-)
Mark R:

He was a poor little rich boy. His parents got divorced, then his step-father kind of ignored him and threw money at him. And then he became friends with Keith Richards. The rest is history.
Avatar 5:47am
pacific standard simon:

My ex HATED Billie, but what you gonna do? Some people just don't know.
Avatar 5:48am
Vincent Nifigance:

Parsons was the subject of an interesting variation on the resuscitation technique, I believe...
Avatar 5:49am

It was a dream

Gram Parsons was... Tropicana money? And I think Denzel did a jazz player in Mo’ Better Blues - probably the closest we’ll get to seeing him portray Coltrane.
Avatar 5:54am
pacific standard simon:

Then again, The Complete Hot Five and Hot Seven Recordings was one of the records that my ex owned when I met her.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55am

That's great, about Sarah and the Disarmers!
Avatar 5:58am
pacific standard simon:

That live Ry Cooder album is a pretty good Gram Parsons album.
Mark R:

Thanks everyone, so much fun being with you tonight! Don't forget the Record Fair this weekend! See ya next week with an interview with Colin Moulding and Terry Chambers!

Good Monday morning Clay and fellow glisteners!
Daybreak the Teacher.:

Oh yeah!!!
Warren in Australia:

pigpen in sussex England:

Ok let’s get this week started.. happy Monday all.
Pedro in Arlington:

Clay week begins
trever forever:

40 degrees in new haven! Morning glisteners :)
Avatar 6:02am
Beast of Boonton:

Cock-a-doodle-doo Wake n Bakers!
Warren in Australia:

HELLO! let’s do this!
Warren in Australia:

Good morning all. Just ate some pizza!
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