Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from April 18, 2018 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting April 18, 2018: Banger in the mouth

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Pharoah Sanders Quintet  The Creator Has A Master Plan / Jameela   Favoriting 18 July 1971 Nice, France  Not on Label  2018    *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Brett Naucke  No Ceiling in the Mansion   Favoriting The Mansion  Spectrum Spools / Mego  2018  https://spectrumspools.bandcamp.com/album/the-mansion  *   0:23:13 (Pop-up)
Territoire  Esclvvv   Favoriting Alix  Humo  2018  https://txrrxtxxrx.bandcamp.com/album/alix  *   0:28:48 (Pop-up)
Max Eilbacher  003   Favoriting A System That Slips  Primitive Weapons  2018  https://primitivelanguages.bandcamp.com/album/a-system-that-slips  *   0:33:15 (Pop-up)
Yasuhito Fujinami  Void   Favoriting Her Weeping Echoes  New Forces  2018  Split with Body Stress. https://newforces.bandcamp.com/album/her-weeping-echoes  *   0:39:04 (Pop-up)
Malcriado  Drome Decca   Favoriting Through Annihilation  Total Black  2017  **!!LIVE SET NEXT WEEK!!** https://totalblack.bandcamp.com/album/through-annihilation    0:45:17 (Pop-up)
Khost  Redacted Repressed Recalcitrant   Favoriting Governance  Cold Spring  2017  https://khostband.bandcamp.com/album/governance    1:03:59 (Pop-up)
Mammal  Dog Walker (Version)   Favoriting Come See My Dream  Animal DIsguise  2016  https://doublenature.bandcamp.com/album/come-see-my-dream    1:09:20 (Pop-up)
Ice Baths  Inhabitant   Favoriting Ice Baths  Blank Editions  2018  Out May 11. https://blankeditions.bandcamp.com/album/ice-baths  *   1:13:52 (Pop-up)
Slut Magic  Satan Called   Favoriting In My Mouth  Laruicci  2018  https://slutmagicmusic.bandcamp.com/album/in-my-mouth  *   1:17:08 (Pop-up)
Somber  Pacman Jones   Favoriting Somber  Illuminated Paths  2018  https://illuminatedpaths.bandcamp.com/album/s-t-10  *   1:20:17 (Pop-up)
Lacedetail  Drag   Favoriting Define This mood  Summer Isle  2018  https://summerisle.bandcamp.com/album/define-this-mood  *   1:23:12 (Pop-up)
Chrome Corpse  Pressurizer 4 (Album Version)   Favoriting Pressurizer 4 EP  Not on Label ?  2018  https://chromecorpse.bandcamp.com/album/pressurizer-4-ep  *   1:27:11 (Pop-up)
E-Saggila  Through the Concrete   Favoriting Echo Strip  Summer Isle  2018  https://summerisle.bandcamp.com/album/echo-strip  *   1:30:14 (Pop-up)
Poster-Hardcore  Geese   Favoriting Misaz X Geese  POxVO Crew  2018  https://poxvocrew.bandcamp.com/album/--27  *   1:34:02 (Pop-up)
Ligature  Floodlight   Favoriting Overgrown  New Forces  2017  :https://newforces.bandcamp.com/album/overgrown - Split with Kjostad    1:37:31 (Pop-up)
Victoria Keddie  A   Favoriting Cannibal Mecanique  ICM  2017  https://incontextmusic.bandcamp.com/album/cannibal-mecanique    1:42:51 (Pop-up)
Aaron Dilloway / Mike Collino  Untitled   Favoriting Hay Bale Paws  Chocolate Monk  2018  https://www.discogs.com/Mike-Dilloway-Hay-Bale-Paws/release/11677974  *   1:49:02 (Pop-up)
Keiji Haino / John Butcher  I   Favoriting Light Never Bright Enough  Otoruku  2017  https://www.cafeoto.co.uk/shop/haino-keijijohn-butcher-light-never-bright-enough-/    1:51:49 (Pop-up)
International Harvester  Medieval Machine   Favoriting Remains  Silence Records AB  2018  https://www.discogs.com/International-Harvester-Remains-/release/11858656  *   2:09:43 (Pop-up)
Weeping Bong Band  Untitled (A1)   Favoriting Weeping Bong Band  Feeding Tube  2018  http://feedingtuberecords.com/releases/weeping-bong-band/  *   2:20:02 (Pop-up)
Marta Smilga  Nubeculae Major   Favoriting Nubeculae Magellani  Pan y Rosas  2018  http://www.panyrosasdiscos.net/pyr244-marta-smilga-nubeculae-magellani/  *   2:29:50 (Pop-up)
Erica Dicker  Strix Nebulosa   Favoriting Taking Auspices  Tubapede  2018  https://tubapederecords.bandcamp.com/album/taking-auspices  *   2:39:52 (Pop-up)
Youth Code  Lost at Sea (Chelsea Wolfe Remix)   Favoriting Lost at Sea (Chelsea Wolfe Remix)  Not on Label  2017  https://youthcode.bandcamp.com/track/lost-at-sea-chelsea-wolfe-remix    2:46:50 (Pop-up)
Klaus Legal  A Little World Is A Great Light   Favoriting Sons of Fools  POxVO Crew  2017  https://klauslegal.bandcamp.com/album/--5 - Split with Bearded Nest    2:50:19 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04am

Hello Marcel and all. I've been hearing Pharoah more often lately on the station. A good thing in my book
Avatar 3:06am
Marcel M:

Hey Fred, yeah there has been a lot of new re-issues coming in. I've been ignoring them because he does get a lot of play here but did finally give in, hah.

Morning Marcel. In for the ride. Yeah Pharoah!!!!
Avatar 3:13am
Marcel M:

I feel like bass players really didn't NEED to take solos... haha.

Yo Ajay!
Avatar 3:13am

look i dont want to freak anyone out but i think pharaoh might have been wrong about the creator- unless hip jazz musicians have a secret hotline to the unknown that i dont know about - which they may...

Sorry pal but the bass solos are crucial: warm and expressive. It’s the bell ringer who needs to cut back hahaha
Avatar 3:15am

brute force playin== ye le wa is just as groovy as this ---yep used the word groovy
Avatar 3:16am
Marcel M:

Haha... needs more triangle.

I'm with you, Space Cowboy.
Avatar 3:17am

electric triangle - played thorough a wah wah - i knew something was missing!

will pick up the listen first thing in the AM. Thanks Marcel.
Avatar 3:19am
Marcel M:

Sleep well, grtyvr !
Avatar 3:24am

I will frankly tell you that my experience in prolonged scientific investigations convinces me that a belief in God-a God who is behind and within the chaos of vanishing points of human knowledge-adds a wonderful stimulus to the man who attempts to penetrate into the regions of the unknown.
Louis Agassiz
Avatar 3:26am

Super Soul: And there goes the Challenger, being chased by the blue, blue meanies on wheels. The vicious traffic squad cars are after our lone driver, the last American hero, the electric centaur, the, the demi-god, the super driver of the golden west! Two nasty Nazi cars are close behind the beautiful lone driver. The police numbers are gettin' closer, closer, closer to our soul hero, in his soul mobile, yeah baby
Avatar 3:33am

Super Soul: This radio station was named wfmu, in honour of the last American hero to whom speed means freedom of the soul. = www.facebook.com...
Fashion Tashjian:

Holy moly, me head be gone, bloody torn right off.
debt collector:

What was sleep?! Marcel: good morning and love from Burlington Vt!
  Swag For Life Member 4:04am

I think some bass solos at the beginning of later Coltrane my favorite things are way too long
Avatar 4:05am
Marcel M:

@Yippe: that is EXACTLY the track that comes to mind because I love it otherwise. Its SOOO long. So funny you mention it.
  Swag For Life Member 4:08am

yeah if you take out the bass intro I think its one of the finest pieces of music ever but I also listen to the Negativland version a lot
Fashion Tashjian:

I could get into a single note bass solo that lasts 32 measures.
Avatar 4:17am
Marcel M:

When its a single note, anything goes.
Avatar 4:18am
Marcel M:

Hey Debt Collector! You generally waking up at this time or still up?
Fashion Tashjian:

Does this stuff qualify as what the kids these days call witch house? It sounds like if Skinny Puppy replaced heroin with dextromethorphan.
Avatar 4:24am
Marcel M:

@Fashion: Haha.. I think its in that realm. Vaporwave ish also.
Fashion Tashjian:

I'll need to look up vaporwave because the subgenre name is just too silly not to investigate...
Avatar 4:30am
Marcel M:

Some goods stuff there but gotta really dig. Just look up the classics. There is a short-ish documentary about it on youtube that is interesting.
Fashion Tashjian:

Ah, thanksղաեmate
Avatar 4:34am
Marcel M:

Avatar 4:35am
Marcel M:

Thats the one
debt collector:

Hey Marcel, 3:30 is my get up time. I like the early morning hours. Wfmu’s 3-6 shows are some of the best. Thank you!
Avatar 4:43am
Fashion Tashjian:

@debt collector Amen to 3-6 EST being one of the best time slots on fmu.

@Marcel I just sent you an email
Avatar 4:44am
Marcel M:

Amen to that! Thanks guys.

Cool! Will check it.
warren in australia:

@marcel hi. first time listener, sounds terrific!

What a great show! Been listening the whole morning - Writing from Denmark.
Avatar 5:11am
Marcel M:

Thanks, Warren and TRK! Welcome!
upstate sean:

Hey Marcel, nice stuff
Avatar 5:19am
Marcel M:

Yo Sean!
David in London:

Drat, early meeting, so only just tuned in. Straight into International Harvester! Nice one Marcel.

oh lord.....might just need to get that International Harvester boxset
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24am

Greets, Marcel, all. Seems the Bong Band getting good play on the Fun 91.
Avatar 5:27am
Marcel M:

You say bong, we jump.

Hey Sem, David!

I know Ajay.. its calling my name as well..
Avatar 5:31am
Fashion Tashjian:

Is the album really stylized as Weeping Bong Bnad? If so, terrific.
David in London:

I like this Weeping Bong Band. Matt Warwick played them yesterday on Garbage Time. This piece reminds me of the scene in Antonioni’s Zabriskie Point when the plane is flying along to the Dead’s Dark Star.
Avatar 5:33am
Marcel M:

Oops, no! Corrected.
Dave in Vermont on the phone:

Been listening since 5. Gorgeous set. Thank you.
Peter from Dover NJ:

How I wish I'd thought of the name Weeping BongBand back when I played. Great show Marcel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55am

Kickin' ass stuff here, Marcel. Thanks, and see you next time round the block.
Avatar 5:55am
Marcel M:

Thanks for hanging all! See you next week. Live set from Malcriado!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56am

Listening for last hour and it was awesome. Ty cheers
Eric Hat:

Love you Marcel
Eric Hat:

Was indeed
David in London:

Same time next week. See y’all.
Eric Hat:

Without a doubt
trever forever:

Morning glisteners from new have, ct
trever forever:

Er new haven, ct
Eric Hat:

Clay! I’m no usual requester....but whaddaya say bout some SUICIDE!?
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