Favoriting Underwater Theme Park with Meghan: Playlist from April 19, 2018 Favoriting

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Favoriting April 19, 2018: Enough with the April Showers.... even if it's lovely weather for a duck...

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album New Approx. start time
Dirtmusic  Bi De Sen Soyle   Favoriting Bu Bir Ruya     
Zea & Xavier Charles  Bourgeois Blues   Favoriting Bourgeois Blues 7"    0:09:05 (Pop-up)
Serge Gainsbourg & Michel Colombier  Batucada Meurtriere (Version 1)   Favoriting Le Pacha - Original Music from the Movie    0:13:10 (Pop-up)
Djibril Diabate  Masani Cisse   Favoriting Hawa    0:16:01 (Pop-up)
Shadia  In Rah Mennek Ya Ain   Favoriting     0:21:30 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Alvino Rey And His Orchestra 

Side B   Favoriting

Ping Pong! 


0:25:58 (Pop-up)
The Brunettes  Holding Hands, Feeding Ducks   Favoriting Holding Hands, Feeding Ducks    0:31:32 (Pop-up)
Stranglers  Always the Sun   Favoriting Dreamtime    0:35:18 (Pop-up)
Shannon & The Clams  I Never WAnted Love   Favoriting Onion    0:39:55 (Pop-up)
The Bristols  You're a Moody Guy   Favoriting Tune in With the Bristols    0:43:33 (Pop-up)
The Breeders  Nervous Mary   Favoriting All Nerve  *   0:46:06 (Pop-up)
The Limiñanas  Trois Bancs   Favoriting Shadow People  *   0:48:43 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Alvino Rey And His Orchestra 

Side B   Favoriting

Ping Pong! 


0:54:12 (Pop-up)
Graveyard  Please Don't   Favoriting Peace    1:00:09 (Pop-up)
Hot Snakes  Having Another?   Favoriting Jericho Sirens  *   1:04:10 (Pop-up)
The Common Cold  Stop the Traffic   Favoriting Shut Up! Yo Liberals!  *   1:07:41 (Pop-up)
The Ex  Soon All Cities   Favoriting 27 Passports    1:13:47 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Alvino Rey And His Orchestra 

Side B   Favoriting

Ping Pong! 


1:20:09 (Pop-up)
Dead Meadow  Nobody Home   Favoriting The Nothing They Need  *   1:26:38 (Pop-up)
British Sea Power  Apologies to Insect Life   Favoriting The Decline of British Sea Power    1:32:22 (Pop-up)
Built To Spill  Goin' Against Your Mind   Favoriting Goin' Against Your Mind (U.S. Single)    1:35:09 (Pop-up)
Guided By Voices  Cut Out Witch   Favoriting Under the Bushes Under the Stars    1:43:48 (Pop-up)
Broncho  It's On   Favoriting Just Enough Hip to be Woman    1:46:52 (Pop-up)
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard  Muddy Water   Favoriting Gumboot Soup  *   1:49:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 11:44am

more like april ice storms.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

just want to be warmer..... and to not wear my winter jacket anymore!
Avatar 12:04pm
Linda Lee:

'afternoon Meghan! greetings from the snowy catskills! first time listener & loving this opener!
Avatar 12:04pm
Linda Lee:

tired of winter beyond measure, up here!
Avatar 12:05pm

We got 3+ inches last night. With luck, it will be gone by the end of the day.
Avatar 12:05pm
Linda Lee:

where are you again, Brian?
Avatar 12:06pm

when is that gaggle going to go and become a skein of geese.....

(wore my winter coat three nights this year)

I don’t want it to be warmer just yet. Getting over a cold!
Avatar 12:08pm

Madison, WI. Bright blue skies today.
Avatar 12:09pm
Linda Lee:

reckon we got 3-4" in southern ulster county. it's left the trees, still present on the roof.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Duck out of whatever you're doing and listen to WFMU, ya silly goose! Don't be a turkey, ya big chicken!
Avatar 12:09pm
Linda Lee:

bright blue skies! sounds lovely! iirc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm

Hey there Linda! Glad you are joining us! Love the Catskills!
Avatar 12:10pm
Linda Lee:

we're lovin you too, Meghan! :-)
Avatar 12:12pm
Linda Lee:

just flip 'em the bird if they don't like it, Ken.
Avatar 12:12pm

You can send your snow to me!
Avatar 12:13pm
Linda Lee:

look out there, ngh. we just might. :-D
Avatar 12:14pm
Linda Lee:

whatever i hear from le pacha st is really fun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm

If we get another snow storm, I am! I know where to get your address from!
Avatar 12:16pm

I have an all-wheel drive subaru, I want to test it in the snow!

hey everyone,

this is the one good thing about daylight saving - I can tune in!
Avatar 12:17pm
Linda Lee:

our neighbors' favorite cars! we love 'em up here. so much so, it's nearly impossible to find one for sale used.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

Yay! Hey there Elwyn! You enjoying your autumn? or are you still transitioning out of summer?
Avatar 12:19pm

I'm working on a French Africa image collection now, so this works.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm

hello Meghan and underwater listeners
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm

There you go.... I aim to assist in the musical help!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21pm

Hey there coelacanth∅!
Avatar 12:21pm
Keith - the friendly town.:

Greetings from sunny GLasgow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22pm

Hello Keith!
Avatar 12:23pm
Keith - the friendly town.:

Sitting on my top step, enjoying the first proper sun of the year and the soundtrack is perfect.
Avatar 12:25pm

@Linda Lee: I had to go 75 miles away just to find a used manual transmission subaru. (manual transmissions are rare enough).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm

envious! We had a gorgeous day last Friday and Saturday and now that has long gone.... sigh

i am glad this week feels like autumn. last couple of weeks felt like a Sydney summer which heat, humidity and cockroaches.
Avatar 12:29pm

At where are we at?
Avatar 12:31pm

Sunny and 85F/30C here in FL.
still b/p:

Bottle of hot water under your feet, hot tea down yer pipe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm

got myself my hot coffee, but a hot water bottle would be nice! or a blanket!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The Great Barrier Reef might've been a good place for an underwater theme park. What will they call it now? The Great Barrier Dead Zone?
Avatar 12:34pm

I've never seen a hot water bottle in person, only in old timey movies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

NGH, I have the same problem! I am always searching for a manual transmission and it's becoming harder and harder to find!
Avatar 12:34pm

I bought myself a 3-liter Gummi-Wärmflasche online. It's my hotwater baby.
Avatar 12:36pm

ha. i bought a hot water bottle two days ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm

oh I own a hot water bottle. Bought it after I was in Africa and they put them in our beds at night, with a fuzzy animal covering. I bought one from Restoration hardware that was like that, but fake animal
Avatar 12:36pm

When my friend went to pick up her manual transmission car at the dealership, the attendants couldn't bring it around since none of them knew how to drive stick.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Daughter & I took a spin through the neighborhood a couple weeks ago to get her used to letting out the clutch.
still b/p:

I’ve got a classic rubber hot water bottle on permanent loan from a friend. Mostly fine, but had a leak-on-floor situation a month or two ago, leading to supper tray knocked on floor situation, which I reported minutes after cleanup in comments, cuz was listening to FMU at the time. Experience is only real if recorded in FMU comments.

I wish I knew to drive stick. only tried once and it was on a race track during a school excursion.
Avatar 12:41pm

βrian: I had the same problem.

I was giving my wife driving lessons, she couldn't get out of 2nd (to be fair, she had only driven an automatic a handful of times in her life (when her friends were too drunk)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm

hahahaha...nice one still b/p
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm

I learned in high school, with a lot of grinding of gears and arguments with my dad. But one day I needed a car and that was the only one available, so I just went ahead and did it. I think I just needed to NOT have someone next to me pressuring me...
Avatar 12:44pm

Isn't that part of the training though? You need to navigate the obstacle course at night with a car full of screaming family members to get your certificate.
Avatar 12:45pm

My college gf taught me how to drive a stick. She had one, and we were driving from FL to NYC. I learned on the fly on the interstate. When my car died, I bought one myself. Then sold it when I moved to NYC, and went 17 years w/o a car/
Avatar 12:47pm
Linda Lee:

i attempted one lesson on a VW van stick ~ my tutor had a toddler in back & could not tolerate the safety concern. so that was that. :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm

Whenever I go to drive an automatic and the shift is on the floor, I am always afraid that I'm going to shift gears in the midst of driving. and I'm constantly kicking for a clutch!
Avatar 12:49pm
Linda Lee:

can't help wondering if my utter inability to handle a stick has to do with my dyslexia. i like to think so. :-)
Avatar 12:49pm

Me too, Meghan!
still b/p:

“my tutor had a toddler in back & could not tolerate the safety concern.”
...added to diction exercise/warmup lines.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

When I have a rental car and prepare to start it, I mash my left foot into empty space, just out of reflex.
Avatar 12:50pm

When climbing a steep incline in my parents car, with them in the back, I stomped on the brakes — a reflex, as I thought I needed to depress the clutch to downshift. Not a good idea in an automatic.
Avatar 12:51pm
Linda Lee:

also, didn't learn to drive at all til age 28 ~ having grown up in nyc. that might have to do with it too. can't teach an old dog etc. (excuses, excuses!)
Avatar 12:51pm
Linda Lee:

glad you all made it, Brian! :-)
Avatar 12:52pm

(My GF was in the passenger seat. Instantly realizing what had happened, we both broke into hysterics. My parents were horrified.
Avatar 12:53pm
Linda Lee:

believe that's called nervous laughter. :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm

Thanks Meghan for the excellent office lunch nap mix! Back to the grind.
Avatar 12:54pm

My wife didn't learn to drive drive until she was 35 (2 mos. ago). I totally went full dad on her. (I told her she has to learn to drive clutch if she's going to drive at all. (It's one of the few things I"m better then her at).
Avatar 12:56pm
Linda Lee:

that's what i was told as well, by my dad-like, loud-mouth instructor. (a different one.) turns out it's not true! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm

I learned how to drive a stick to get away from my annoying cousins when I was 17 and staying with them in California for the summer. It was the only car available (I was also hoping to find Molly Ringwald).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm

i bought the stranglers' album "the raven" for the 3-d album cover, before i'd ever heard any stranglers music so there's my stranglers soft spot.
Avatar 12:59pm

I don't flip through vinyl. I have my people flip through vinyl.
Avatar 1:01pm

Can I give my postcard to add to my wife's to get $4 off so she can go in my stead? (Trying to motivate her to go, she no longer lives walking distance away).

I never make lists when record shopping, I just buy what catches my brain (don't listen to recs beforehand either).
Avatar 1:02pm
Linda Lee:

lists? gosh, what fun is that?

I am not sure if I should bother with Record Store Day 2018.
Avatar 1:02pm

"failing to plan is planning to fail".
Avatar 1:03pm
Linda Lee:

i remember when just about every day was record store day! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm

I find the record fair can be overwhelming at times, so a general list of things you've been looking for is a good idea. I always notice that upon entering record stores I immediately forget what I was looking for!
Avatar 1:04pm

Hi, Meghan. I think "Bourgeoisie Blues" was written about my new location of D.C., and rather aptly so.
Avatar 1:04pm

said to me by a scottish engineer, who later died while on holiday in mexico, costing his widow thousands of dollars to bring his body back to toronto.
Avatar 1:06pm
Linda Lee:

ah. sure, i get having a list if there's just too, too much. i generally shopped small record stores, manageable for happy discovery. now i just wait for boxes of cast-offs to appear on my front porch, as they do regularly!
Avatar 1:06pm
Linda Lee:

everyone here knows i'm the collector. :-)
Avatar 1:07pm
Linda Lee:

it's really about the random find, for me. always has been, really.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm

i've been away from these comments so missed all that but
βrian @12.36 that's pathetic. -i don't know the stats now but a few years ago the statistics were that 90% of cars in the us are automatic, 10% manual...in almost every other country on this planet the figures were exactly reversed.
Avatar 1:07pm

I told my wife to throw my body out to sea after my organs are harvested. I won't be needing it any longer, and fishies and other submarine creatures can benefit from my corporeal remains.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm

I find that the past few record fairs I get excited by things I already own. My fear is that I'm going to buy something twice! Or things I was like- ohhhhh, turns to ewwwww because it's way overpriced!
Avatar 1:11pm
Linda Lee:

lots of that ewwww at the record fair, i'll bet. must seem like taking candy from babies, for some of the dealers. fish in a barrel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm

ngh unfortunately she's likely be arrested for that, and maybe accused of murder! i've found the only practical way now is alkaline hydrolisis (sp?) but even that is still illegal in most states.
...death is big business.
Avatar 1:13pm
Linda Lee:

cremation still seems the best option, right now.
Avatar 1:14pm

@coel: You just have to go to int'l waters.....

The Common Cold, new to me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:15pm

@NGH spot on! After the kids graduate from college, I'm going to sail straight east. If I make it, cool I'll check out the Dardanelles, if not who cares.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16pm

Hey all, made it (useless meeting earlier in show).
still b/p:

Donate body after organs salvaged to the forensics research people. They’ll stow you in the scrub or bog or ditch to measure/time/observe the effects and learn more. Don’t know if they need organs still in to qualify.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm

cremation is an environmental injury i don't want to take part in.
-and as if the energy used isn't bad enough, some people's ashes are (absurdly) buried in a grave yard. (adding injury to injury)

@northguineahills: You can’t “stack coupons” with the record fair discount, but at the end of the day, it’s all a donation to WFMU.

As for me, after a brief foray back into vinyl a year or so ago, I’m done. First, some jerk in my building has an overpowered CB rig and they leak into all audio connections. Record players even worse. Unlistenable as this guy talks to whoever he talks to, so sold my stuff off.

But at the end of the day, the record fair is fun even if you are not into vinyl anymore. There are definitely dealers selling CDs and other stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm

Man, I have bought things I already own more times than I like to think about...
Avatar 1:17pm
Linda Lee:

i once told a partner whose family owned miles of mountain wilderness here, just to toss my corpse onto the ATV & find me a nice place for a coyote meal. actually wasn't that far fetched a scenario at the time, as we courted death daily. alas, he went first.
Avatar 1:19pm
Linda Lee:

his family took control, alas & i was not able to have him stuffed as per stated desire.
Avatar 1:19pm

Well, there's always the Sky Burial.

I find embalming to be an absolutely perverse practice.
Avatar 1:20pm

True, βrian, the Parsi burial practice is one I wouldn't mind either.
Avatar 1:20pm

death and taxidermy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm

Falling off a boat in the middle of the ocean seems like the best option. Who knows what will eat you, but it would be cool.
Avatar 1:20pm

You can push me out on an ice floe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm

I find it overwhelming at these big record fairs as well, too much to sort through, too much I would want to buy, too expensive for many of the things I would want to buy, small record stores are more manageable, even if I don't find as much.
Avatar 1:21pm

Somehow missed that Ex the first time around....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm

@Linda Lee - that kind of taxidermy would be expensive!
Avatar 1:21pm

Is that the one wear the lay the bodies in a kind of stadium?
Avatar 1:21pm

Or a decent Viking burial.
Avatar 1:22pm
Linda Lee:

personally i don't feel anyone participating in a fossil-fuel driven lifestyle ~ as we all do, frankly, even if we don't drive a car ~ will do much to mitigate their pollution footprint by avoiding a 3 hour cremation process.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm

Linda (1.17) those are the lines i was thinking. given back to the food chain, as people here did 500 years ago.
...as far as stuffing goes?... NO!!!
Avatar 1:22pm

hell, the ice floes are dying.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm

I only go to the record fair for the beer, movies, people watching, and dollar records under the tables.

Avatar 1:23pm
Linda Lee:

he was indeed a creative guy with a perverse sense of humor.

goodnight everyone. i need to go to bed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:23pm

"animal farm" by the kinks...kinda.
Avatar 1:23pm

On the other hand, the sooner they die, the smaller the footprint. (Always look on the bright side.)
Avatar 1:24pm
Linda Lee:

sky burial places the corpse on an elevated platform for the vultures. that one's cool as well, if the platform can remain undisturbed for a long time.
Avatar 1:25pm

i want to be gibbetted.
Avatar 1:25pm
Linda Lee:

indeed, Brian! oh wow, time for lunch!
Avatar 1:27pm

which i suspect may be illegal, but hey, i'm dead so who gives a flying fuck?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm

they gibbetted Captain Kidd
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm

if i'm going to be gibbetted i want to be embalmed in pure whiskey first, so the dogs lapping up the blood under me get drunk.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:34pm

I always thought blowing your brains out in a police station parking lot would be a respectful way to get it over quickly without putting anybody out really.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm

there's is something appealing about that, in another way...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm

yeah man. win/win

Seriously, I grew up in NYC but I am sick of NYC as well. It’s just expensive. Everything I do I could telecommute to do. But there are no secure positions doing that. I think encouraging remote workers and providing some security for people like that—ie: not getting laid off remotely on a whim—could help boost the economy in rural areas.

Anyway, I don’t want to talk about death.
Avatar 1:38pm

Built to Spill!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm

I'm sick of New York too, but I ship art, so...
Avatar 1:40pm

Of course, nobody lives in NYC anymore. It's too crowded.
Avatar 1:40pm

@Jake: I was sick of constantly looking for work for 2 week/6 months w/ no benefits, and my rent went up. Not having health care after my wife got laid off and diagnosed w/ cancer pretty much sealed it. That, and my crappy apt went up to $2500/mo. and most of my favorite places disappeared.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41pm

This is the problem with art jobs.... you kinda have to be around here for them. Not finding any of those in the middle of nowhere unfortunately...
Avatar 1:42pm

Around 2010, all gov't and private jobs suddenly became subcontractor jobs in NYC.
Avatar 1:42pm

I'm definitely not a city boy, but I do love to visit cities for as long as 3 days at a stretch.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm

Some truth to that Brian. Ain't even really any hipsters here anymore. They can't afford it. It's all private school folks. I recognize them from growing up in the Berkshires. Silver Spoon crowd - no tattoos, no affectations because they're not trying to be anybody else. It's always been cool to be rich.
Avatar 1:43pm

Probably my favorite place to have lived was rural VT. Kind of a hungry time, though.

@northguineahills: Sorry about all of it.

Just so we can all understand the sickness of the NYC real estate market, when I wanted to break the lease on the place I had for 13 years in Downtown Brooklyn, my greedy landlords still gave me shit and treated me like shit. This is despite never being a bad tenant, always paying and even climbing up on the roof on my own to unclog the stupid roof drain because they were to cheap to fix this. And—this is the clincher—they knew right away the second I left they could up the rent by 25% to 30%. So the should be grateful I am leaving, right? Nope.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm

VT is great, but the only jobs my friends up there have is lumberjack (for real!), painting houses, or growing weed. There is nothing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:45pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The Death Cafe event I attended mentioned green burials where you're interred in a gunny sack amongst the trees and you become worm food.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm

@Jake - Stroudsburg, PA area is affordable and like 1 hour to the city off peak on I-80.
Avatar 1:46pm

I fell into the perfect artsy liberal town (the summers suck, but the tubing and kayaking is nice in cold springs).

@Meghan: Well, yeah… Art jobs need your ass to be near the employer. But I’ve work in I.T. for art and educational places for the past 18 years and despite the fact I.T. work can be done anywhere, nobody wants remote work. And even in remote work, it’s just easier for you to be laid off.

I met someone who worked in med-tech remotely for 15+ years. Very smart. Had a perfect setup. Then suddenly he’s told to call into a conference call and was laid off then and there by a recording… In a group conference call… All laid off… This is in 2018. Welcome to the future.
Avatar 1:47pm

What about the option of sea burial? Probably not too eco-friendly, but ... " Those are pearls that were his eyes" and all that.
Avatar 1:48pm

As mentioned before, my house has 30% of the rent I was paying for my crappy Bushwick apt, it's a bike friendly town, and I can walk to downtown where all of the art/music/fest is.

@northguineahills: Nice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm

There is a difference between and artsy town and a place where artists live. Being an artist assistant, I could never find any real jobs in the country. Maybe LA or Chicago, but not many big artists who have the money to hire assistants are living in arty towns....

@crateslinger: I have thought about Vermont. And man, it’s tempting.
still b/p:

Layoff by phone recording — that is some scurvy lowdown loathsome shit.... by gibbet candidates.
Avatar 1:51pm

Friends just moved to Cleveland and bought a nice 20s-era house in a nice 'hood for 190K or some such.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm

There was an editorial in the NY Times about a store for sale in central VT a couple weeks ago. That would be the way to go. Buy the town's general store and do arty things out back or in your upstairs office.
Avatar 1:53pm

I went back to VT last year. There seems to have been a large influx of one-percenters. Really strange seeing "estates" were it used to be farmland.
Avatar 1:54pm

What still b/p said.

I have some friends here that make a living off their art, and others that do other professions to help support their art. I've never called myself an artists, but I never look for compensation for what I do, either material or aural arts, as I have other means (this job) to support myself.

Thanks Meghan, that's my cue to go to lunch!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm

I love Vermont. I wish there were jobs there. Particularly back when I was in my 20s and was almost totally invulnerable to the cold. Now that I'm older, I'll probably never do it.

@!ke: Then I guess I won’t tell you about the disturbingly affordable old homes you can get there for a real steal… But with utterly no heat!!!
Avatar 1:56pm

No woodstove, even?

@βrian: I guess it has that. But nothing a city mouse would call heat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm

my then gf and i,c.1992, spent 2 weeks in plainfield,vt helping her sister and husband figure out how to run the general store they'd bought. (& moved into) i'm not in touch now but they probably did alright. we were there in august and there were lots of locals and friendly bikers. then in the winter they would get the skiers.
i loved it there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm

The Paradox of Vermont: Now that I'm old enough to have money to maybe buy one of those, I'm no longer immune to the cold. When I was immune to the cold, I had no money to buy one. C'est la real estate.
Avatar 1:58pm

Oh, a good woodstove can cook you to the quick. I miss having one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm

Weird thing about small town New England these days is not just the one percenters, but the boarded up buildings and the drug addicted families.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm

My father grew up in Plainfield, VT! Their tiny college's radio station isn't too bad-sounding either.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:59pm

βrian @1.53 that shit should be illegal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Yark, two hours already! Thanks, Meghan. Hope next week brings us milder temperatures and some sunshine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

Thanks Meghan! great program!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:02pm

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