I think everybody must be enjoying the fine weather here on the East Coast.
spidermamk nli:
thank fook for comments - i need a dance break-get mi breath back-that last tune -Irma & the Larks -wow , sounds like it would be right at home in Wigan Casino. commenting on which ,is Wigan Casino recognised much in the US? It was a big deal over here = Northern Soul and Wigan Casino , legendary
Only a select handful of Americans are familiar with Wigan Casino, Spidey. They are all Anglophile types....
spidermamk nli:
cheers for the heads up MFW. Guess I am lucky to have been just old enough to have enjoyed the music but not old enough to get totally fucked up on the phets,,,hahah ..once that soulmusic bites it never lets go- I still get shivers up n down my spine when I hear a tune from back then - even "The Night" still emotionally expands me hahah --cheers for your art MFW , much respected and enjoyed
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spidermamk nli:
spidermamk nli:
Mr. Fine Wine:
spidermamk nli:
Mr. Fine Wine:
spidermamk nli:
Mr. Fine Wine:
spidermamk nli:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine: