Favoriting Zoe B, the source unlimited: Playlist from March 25, 2018 Favoriting

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A sonic collage both unpredictable and fluid. Think cosmic synth, heavy acid rock psych, international pop, and the latest in experimental bedroom projects.

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Tue. Mar 25th, 9pm - Midnight: Zoe B. fills in for Jesse Jarnow

Favoriting March 25, 2018: "feeling romantic feeling tropical feeling ill"

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Uku Kuut  I Ask U Now   Favoriting   People's P         
Faust  Jennifer   Favoriting            
The Seraphims  Consciousness of Happening   Favoriting           0:08:48 (Pop-up)
Syrinx  Journey Tree   Favoriting           0:11:04 (Pop-up)
Beverly Glenn-Copeland  Sunset Village   Favoriting           0:17:20 (Pop-up)
Metalworks  Parrot Soup   Favoriting   KEDA Records        0:22:45 (Pop-up)
Visible Cloaks  Terrazzo (Ft. Motion Graphics)   Favoriting   RVNG Intl.        0:27:40 (Pop-up)
Ear Trumpet  No Spill Over   Favoriting           0:29:39 (Pop-up)
Walter Verdin  Dreamin'   Favoriting           0:32:10 (Pop-up)
Rafael Irisarri  Empire Systems   Favoriting           0:43:39 (Pop-up)
Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe & Ariel Kalma  Strange Dreams   Favoriting   RVNG Intl.    Vinyl    0:47:38 (Pop-up)
The Flowerpot Men  UG   Favoriting Cherrystones Presents Critical Mass (Splinters From The Worldwide New-Wave, Post-Punk And Industrial Underground 1978 - 1984)          0:58:05 (Pop-up)
Torn Memory  Euthanasia   Favoriting Untitled Cassette        "I live in a dream world"  1:02:33 (Pop-up)
Alien Sex Fiend  Bun Ho   Favoriting Another Planet          1:07:17 (Pop-up)
Jung Analysts  Here's Lucifer   Favoriting The Wishing Balloons          1:09:07 (Pop-up)
Y Create  I Don't Want To Be   Favoriting Alles Sal Reg Kom  Exart  1984  Cassette    1:21:36 (Pop-up)
Normil Hawaiians  Yellow Rain   Favoriting More Wealth Than Money          1:24:06 (Pop-up)
Anton Ignorant  Banal   Favoriting Rhythmetic (V/A)          1:30:03 (Pop-up)
Cybe  Can You Hear the Rooster Crow   Favoriting           1:34:10 (Pop-up)
Yoran  Je Derve Avec Lair   Favoriting           1:36:00 (Pop-up)
Sky  Sing For Me   Favoriting Sailor's Delight          1:39:32 (Pop-up)
Delroy Edwards  Untitled 8   Favoriting Teenage Tapes on the Death Rave          1:43:52 (Pop-up)
Edgar Froese  The Light Cone   Favoriting           1:48:22 (Pop-up)
Gandalf  Hang On To a Dream   Favoriting           1:54:00 (Pop-up)
Sardine V  Stuck On You   Favoriting     1983      1:56:54 (Pop-up)
David Van Tieghem x Hiro Kone  Cooler Heads Prevail   Favoriting           2:01:24 (Pop-up)
Micachu  Feeling Romantic Feeling Tropical Feeling Ill   Favoriting           2:04:36 (Pop-up)
Bulbous Creation  End Of The Page   Favoriting           2:06:37 (Pop-up)
Ralph Gordon  Don't Play With My Heart   Favoriting Inside Your Love          2:09:12 (Pop-up)
Saâda Bonaire  Shut The Door   Favoriting           2:14:44 (Pop-up)
Nico Motte  Inaccessible Island   Favoriting         to keep up with the dream theme...  2:20:20 (Pop-up)
Storm Bugs  Solely From   Favoriting           2:27:17 (Pop-up)
Oneohtrix Point Never  Describing Bodies   Favoriting           2:27:39 (Pop-up)
Masahide Sakuma  A Demain   Favoriting           2:31:10 (Pop-up)
MarK Locket / Janet Sherbourne  All You Can Eat   Favoriting Slower Than Molasses          2:37:26 (Pop-up)
the Fallingstones  Don't Hang Me High   Favoriting           2:43:53 (Pop-up)
Los Plebeyos  Suave Y Sabroso   Favoriting           2:45:26 (Pop-up)
The Lijadu Sisters  Life's Gone Down Low   Favoriting The World Ends: Afro Rock & Psychedelia In 1970s Nigeria          2:48:17 (Pop-up)
Mkwaju Ensemble  Hot Air   Favoriting           2:54:50 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:03am

this song is very good
Avatar 3:04am

Jennifer by Faust is also very good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07am
Guido from Cologne:

Good morning Zoe!
Avatar 3:07am
Scraps (Scraps):

Faust Faust Faust Foost Faust
  Swag For Life Member 3:13am

take me in to another dimension
Avatar 3:15am
Scraps (Scraps):

when I was a teenager, long long ago, I was going to start a band called Syrynx, with a second y.

Not often that I get to listen to WFMU in the wee hours, but it's always a treat! Thank you :-)
Avatar 3:16am
Scraps (Scraps):

I could see the lettering done by Roger Dean
Avatar 3:18am
Scraps (Scraps):

Of course, first I needed to learn an instrument, and second I needed friends
Avatar 3:23am

I am reading this book of fantasy short stories by Steve Moore right now. He worshiped the moon goddess Selene. This music is very fitting.
Avatar 3:32am

whoa this Walter Verdin track is incredible...
Avatar 3:32am
Scraps (Scraps):

Parrot Soup!!
Avatar 3:33am

or wait, Ear Trumpet I guess
Avatar 3:34am

like a mellow The Fall?

It reminded me a little of Alternative TV
Avatar 3:36am

Cool vibes ^^
Avatar 3:36am

Avatar 3:39am

I've taken some kava kava and passionflower tonight, it is quite nice.

Ha, I went to a legal dispensary for the first time yesterday (in California) and am now quite pleasantly stoned.
Avatar 3:42am

Sounds good Shazam xD

Hi, I just found like 3 transcendent tracks from this broadcast, thanks Zoe

Avatar 3:43am

( ゚д゚)
Avatar 3:44am

The book by Steve Moore is called Tales of Teleguuth, published by Strange Attractor Press. He really lays on the purple prose, and isn't afraid to get into the sleazy/cheesy zone at points. Strange Attracto just reissued his novel Somnium though, which I guess gets more into the Selene thing I guess. I just ordered it, haven't read it yet.
Avatar 3:45am

eh, typos...I'm getting sleepy.

Sounds awesome. Anyone who worships the moon goddess Selene is A-OK ;-)

Never heard of Steve Moore before, but I'll definitely have to check him out. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/tales-telguuth
Avatar 3:54am

The Tales of Teleguuth book is not full of super deep wisdom or anything. But what I like about it is that it breaks so many of the current cultural norms of what Good writing should be. But I don't find it tedious, a lot of "genre" fiction can be.
Avatar 3:59am

Takes me back to Bill Cooper's book, Behold a Pale Horse
Pineapple Jazz:

Somnium by Steve Moore is very good. See also Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay and A Rebours by Husymans.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08am
tom from Glasgow:

mornin' Zoe
Pineapple Jazz:

Also, THE great modern novel, Jerusalem by Alan Moore (no relation).
Avatar 4:10am
Zoe B:

morning :: ) following this conversation...!
Avatar 4:10am

Yeah, I loved Jerusalem by Alan Moore.
Avatar 4:12am

Also, regarding great books by people I learned about from Alan Moore....Brian Catling's Vorrh Trilogy. Though the 3rd book doesn't come out til July I think. First 2 were incredible.

Somnium made me think of Sensorium (that Clock DVA record) haha
Avatar 4:16am

There is also a really good 7 hour musical piece by Robert Rich called Somnium...it's kind of meant to be listened to in a sleeping/hypnagogic state.

That sounds amazing!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18am

Good morning Zoe and listeners
Avatar 4:19am

"sensorium" (clock dva) made me think of "sensoria" (cabaret voltaire)....

yes, perfect
Pineapple Jazz:

Blind Owl, Sadegh Hedayat
Vathek, William Beckford
Ancient Evenings, Norman Mailer

I loved that show about a month ago, when Zoe played Earth, Dystopia, Burning Witch et al
Pineapple Jazz:

Sounding good tonight too though - as always.
Avatar 4:24am

oh yeah, now that I should really get to sleep, I am going to read another story from this collection by the Surrealist Leonora Carrington...they are very good before bed.
Pineapple Jazz:

Didn't know she wrote

Ha, that book of her short stories is on my list of books to read. Have fun!
Pineapple Jazz:

Try On the Marionette Theatre by Heinrich von Kleist. Really short: http://www.southerncrossreview.org/9/kleist.htm

Great, thanks!
Avatar 4:34am
Scraps (Scraps):

Even better — or something — is =Episodes From Vathek=. Beckford’s normal extremely purple prose is turned up three notches. You can’t believe you’re reading this. I wish I had my copy to hand; I would just quote a paragraph.

@Pineapple Jazz, Beautiful writing..."But just as a section drawn through two lines suddenly reappears on the other side after passing through infinity, or as the image in a concave mirror turns up again right in front of us after dwindling into the distance, so grace itself returns when knowledge has as it were gone through an infinity."
Avatar 4:46am
Scraps (Scraps):

Oh, I’ve got it! Let’s see. How about this:

‘ " Wretched Barkiarokh," she said ; " thou hast nothing more to fear from the Wand of Remorse. Instead of profiting by its strokes, thou hast sought to evade them. Henceforward the rod that will beat upon thy heart is the rod of Despair, and thy heart, hardened as it is, will be broken and crushed throughout every moment of a frightful eternity.” ‘

Hah great!

Don't think i want to get anywhere near the Wand of Remorse.

Thanks for the light Zoe :)

whaaaaat? can I?do? stilll loving u ...it's all a dream ..how can we hang on to a dreeeaaam?
Avatar 4:55am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Who has carrot cake?
Pineapple Jazz:

"Nothing good happened in the Boroughs anymore but once, down Grafton Street towards Crane Hill there lived a woman that Miss Starmer who had run the post office would speak of, who’d been standing on her step one morning when a passing stranger thrust a newborn child into her arms and ran away; was never seen again. The child was taken in and raised, brought up as though the woman’s own, and fought in World War One. “You can tell what a lovely family they were to bring him up”, Miss Starmer used to say, “but they were in the Boroughs. That’s the kind of families that we had in the Boroughs then.” And it was true. Even confronted by the stark reality of how the neighbourhood had ended up, as an environmental head-butt where the woman’s stunning act of altruism was today unthinkable, Mick knew that it was true. There’d been a different sort of people then that seemed another race, had different ways, a different language, and were now improbable as centaurs.”

Jerusalem, Alan Moore
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:03am

@RTD: I don't, but my nephew make a mean one (he's training to be a cook, and it's become his best recipe). I'll put you guys in touch if you come back to Paris
Avatar 5:04am
Scraps (Scraps):

Shazm, Pineapple Jazz, you can read an internet copy of =Episodes of Vathek= (with many typos) at:

Avatar 5:08am
Rev. Turnip Druid:

@fred: deal! A carrot cake in Paris...!

also: first time digging this show: usually a weekday Moo-er. Very lovely stuff here. Spending some days in alien time-zones with no responsibilities for 8 days has scrambled mental calendar. But cheers Zoe. Digging.
Cooh John:

Zowie, Zoe.
debt collector:

Reminds me of the warriors soundtrack

Too interesting for my mind to process right now. good show.

I love your show, Zoe. listening to it in Poland :)

Loved that Masahide Sakuma
Avatar 5:36am
Liam in Denmark:

Killer show, Zoe.
Perfect Sunday morning.
debt collector:

Always such a pleasure each week, zoe. Thank you. The 3-6 slot has some of fmus best shows
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40am

@debt collector: I agree. But I also understand how tough it is for DJs, so I hope Zoe will get a better slot, though I will miss this show a lot
debt collector:

@debtor pleasure to meet you
Pineapple Jazz:

Best show on the air. Dum Dum and Ghetto good too.
  Swag For Life Member 5:49am

thanks for jamming me out into sensory deprivation mode again
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50am
tom from Glasgow:

this is what archives are for mates
Avatar 5:53am

great post-marathon show, Zoe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53am
tom from Glasgow:

thanks Zoe, this ruled
Minnesota Fish:

I’m here and digging it!!!

Stop talking after every song.
You are addicted to hearing your own voice in your headphones.
Ronny Khalil:

This playlist opened up so many new portals of beautiful music in my reality. Thank ye so!!!
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