Favoriting The Real Nitty Gritty with Real Nitty Gritty Tania and Thomas Torment: Playlist from March 11, 2018 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 11, 2018: Marathon Week 2

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Cosmo and The Counts  I'm A Little Mixed Up   Favoriting   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
      0:06:33 (Pop-up)
Four Dimensions  Sand Surfin'   Favoriting Sand Surfin': Border Town Rock N' Roll 1964-67  0:08:49 (Pop-up)
The Aladdins  Munch   Favoriting   0:10:41 (Pop-up)
Junior Lewis  Tears On My Face   Favoriting   0:13:02 (Pop-up)
Mike Robinson  Lula   Favoriting   0:15:16 (Pop-up)
Lulu Reed  Sick & Tired   Favoriting   0:17:39 (Pop-up)
Big Bo Thomas and the Arrows  How About It   Favoriting   0:19:59 (Pop-up)
Del Shannon  Move It On Over   Favoriting Move It On Over  0:26:56 (Pop-up)
The One Way Street  Sally Sa-Li   Favoriting   0:29:53 (Pop-up)
The Anteeks  I Don't Want You   Favoriting   0:32:12 (Pop-up)
The Frays  Keep Me Covered   Favoriting   0:34:46 (Pop-up)
Brian Diamond & the Cutters  Shake, Shout & Go   Favoriting   0:37:14 (Pop-up)
The Charmaines  I Idolize You   Favoriting   0:39:41 (Pop-up)
Hitchhikers  Dog Fight   Favoriting Wolf Call: Tall Cool Ones from the Golden Crest Vaults  0:43:31 (Pop-up)
Slim Harpo  I'm Gonna Miss You   Favoriting   0:46:04 (Pop-up)
The Platters  Bark, Battle & Ball   Favoriting   0:48:34 (Pop-up)
Jimmy McCracklin  What's That (Pt. 1)   Favoriting   0:50:50 (Pop-up)
James Brown  Let a Man Come In And Do The Popcorn   Favoriting   0:53:34 (Pop-up)
Los Jaguars  Melodia Apache (Pt. 1)   Favoriting   0:56:36 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar 7:04pm
pacific standard simon:

Getting down.
Avatar 7:05pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

hey Simon!
Avatar 7:05pm

Howdy, howdy!
Avatar 7:06pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:06pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Hi Bob!
Avatar 7:10pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

we sure do appreciate all of the pledges that have come in this week.on behalf of WFMU THANK YOU
Avatar 7:11pm
pacific standard simon:

"I'm A Little Mixed Up" captures my feelings about figuring out the pledge pages after a year.
Avatar 7:12pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Avatar 7:12pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

you are not alone, my friend.
Avatar 7:12pm

Amen to that.
Avatar 7:13pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:14pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

MUNCH on this record, it's so tasty
Avatar 7:14pm
pacific standard simon:

Almost missed the show, too -- Daylight Savings Time.
Avatar 7:16pm
Thomas Torment:

I know - it's still daylight over here. CRAZY!
Avatar 7:17pm
pacific standard simon:

You mean "ichiban" ISN'T a corruption of "itchy buns"? Dang!
Avatar 7:17pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

WE got your pledge, Simon, thank you!! ! you are our first winner tonight of a Norton Records prize!
Avatar 7:17pm
pacific standard simon:

Avatar 7:18pm
Melissa Jean:

hay hay! happy Sunday just got back from dinner w/B's fam love catchin the rest of the show!
Avatar 7:19pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:20pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

HI Melissa Jean! and thank you so much for your pledge!
Avatar 7:23pm
Melissa Jean:

my pleasure! <3
Avatar 7:23pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

and congratulations to you and B <3
Avatar 7:23pm
pacific standard simon:

From "Lula" to Lulu, eh? Was that on purpose?
Avatar 7:24pm
Thomas Torment:

Heh heh heh
Avatar 7:24pm
Melissa Jean:

oh thank you! *blush* our mini honeymoon will be NYC in April! so psyched
Avatar 7:24pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

can't wait to celebrate with you in April!!!!
Avatar 7:24pm
Melissa Jean:

Avatar 7:24pm
Thomas Torment:

YES! Can't wait!
Avatar 7:26pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

how about that sleazy instro
Avatar 7:27pm
Thomas Torment:

almost magnatone guit sound
Avatar 7:27pm
pacific standard simon:

Avatar 7:28pm

Definitely almost Magnatone!
Avatar 7:28pm

Hola, been listening to the munchable and taste blastables since the start, but just now getting a chance to type....hola and excellent marathon show!
Avatar 7:28pm
Thomas Torment:

Could be brownface
Avatar 7:29pm

Yeah - it resembled a Magnatone, but not as, um... dramatic!
Avatar 7:30pm
Thomas Torment:

Right - I have a 61 Fender pro and 61 super - sounded like that harmonic vibrato my amps have.
Avatar 7:30pm

Move it!!
Avatar 7:30pm
Thomas Torment:

HI Mr. Whig!!
Avatar 7:31pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

We have another WINNER: TIM W. -- THANK YOU for your pledge! You'll get a Norton Records Prize!
Avatar 7:32pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Excellent, what a great prize!!
Avatar 7:33pm
Thomas Torment:

I bet Sally Sa Li Loves Peanut Butter
Avatar 7:33pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Richard & Glynis, hiiii!
Avatar 7:33pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

don't we all?
Avatar 7:33pm
Thomas Torment:

Hi Glynis!
Avatar 7:34pm

I prefer my peanut butter CRUNCHY!
Avatar 7:36pm
Thomas Torment:

Tuff solo!
Avatar 7:37pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

to go with the tuff news
Avatar 7:38pm
Thomas Torment:

Tuff bass
Avatar 7:39pm

He's very busy.
Avatar 7:40pm
pacific standard simon:

I hope WFMU enjoys my special marathon icon...
Avatar 7:40pm
Thomas Torment:

You look like LOOT!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Simon Dinero!
Avatar 7:43pm
pacific standard simon:

Scrooge McDuck's money vault, maybe. I'll try not to pay off my pledges in subwat tokens & Canadian Tire dollars, though.
Avatar 7:44pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:51pm
Thomas Torment:

Avatar 7:52pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

we do typically cover a range of animals and dances
Avatar 7:52pm

Do you guys buy every 45 that has 'monkey' or 'gorilla' in the title, or is it just me?
Avatar 7:53pm
Thomas Torment:

We do like all the animal records!
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Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Avatar 7:53pm

full disclosure: I also buy every 45 that has 'tacos' or 'tequila' in the title...
Avatar 7:54pm
Thomas Torment:

Oh yes! You can't go wrong with either of those!
Avatar 7:55pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

dances are my weakness
Avatar 7:56pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

we also like food titles
Avatar 7:56pm
Thomas Torment:

Let him come in
Avatar 7:56pm

Absolutely. I have a.... food section for 45s.
Avatar 7:56pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

POOR JB. Can't a man come in and do the damn popcorn?!
Avatar 7:57pm

And we all have a shelf or two of chicken 45s, I'm betting....
Avatar 7:57pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

Bob I can only imagine the banquet of food records in your archives
Avatar 7:57pm

Avatar 7:57pm
pacific standard simon:

Also peanut butter.
Thank you for the boss prize, you two!
Avatar 7:58pm

Food dance records!
Avatar 7:58pm
Thomas Torment:

Yes - Chicken has a special place.
Avatar 7:58pm
Thomas Torment:

Thank YOU Simon
Avatar 7:59pm

Great show, guys. Thx.
Avatar 7:59pm
Thomas Torment:

Show started late - we're probably gonna get cut off, so THANKS EVERYBODY! WHIG OUT NEXT!
Avatar 8:00pm
Real Nitty Gritty Tania:

THANK YOU FOR PLEDGING: Tim W., Simon A., Gina B., Noland M., Carmen S., Bob & Tim I., Eliezer E., Melissa Jean G., Matther E., Melissa R. <3
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