Favoriting Techtonic with Mark Hurst: Playlist from February 5, 2018 Favoriting

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Conversations with creators and thinkers who are charting the way forward in a tech-saturated society. In our shift to a digital future, we need alternatives to Big Tech. Homepage: techtonic.fm

Monday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 17th, 6pm - 7pm: Ben Snyder, author, "Spy Plane" (More info...)

Favoriting February 5, 2018: Christopher Potter, author of "Earth Gazers," on tech and our image of humanity

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Techtonic meetup THIS SATURDAY! Sign up for WFMU Movie Night at Monty Hall this Saturday, Feb 10 - doors at 7pm, show at 7:30pm. We'll be watching The Road Movie, a full-length documentary made from Russian dashcam videos.

This evening on Techtonic: Christopher Potter, author of The Earth Gazers: On Seeing Ourselves, discussing how technology can help us understand who we are. The American space program produced the first images of earth from space, leading to a new awareness about our relationship to the environment - and each other - and igniting an early interest in watching human activity from space.

At the same time, it is possible to know too much. Today's digital tech seems to give us images and data of everything, regardless of whether it's helpful or harmful. A good example is the latest dust-up from Strava, the app that maps your jogging route...

Above, a map generated by the mobile app Strava, showing the jogging routes of its users.

This Guardian piece quotes Strava's response: "We are committed to helping people better understand our settings to give them control over what they share." In other words: check your settings.

But first...

Recent tech news:

An amusing piece in Wired, by Robbie Gonzalez, argued that tech addiction might not even exist. There's just no "direct evidence." Uhh... OK, Wired. Last week's show quoted Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff arguing that addictive tech needs to be regulated like cigarettes... we've also heard from Sean Parker, founding president of Facebook, decrying the addictive tech he helped create - "God only knows what it's doing to our children's brains" - and YCombinator's Sam Altman, who wrote - what was it? Oh yes:

I look forward to Wired's followup article reporting on how Sam Altman, Sean Parker, Marc Benioff, and dozens of researchers are all totally wrong! Tech addiction just doesn't exist! (One past Techtonic guest would certainly agree: Nir Eyal, author of "Hooked," said as much in my interview with him.)

Meantime, the New York Times reports that health experts are pleading with Facebook to please turn off Messenger Kids, the new kid-oriented Facebook app trying to hook users while they're young. Turn it off? I'm sure Mark Zuckerberg will get right on that.

Finally, a great list of non-Google, non-Facebook alternative apps & sites for all your online needs, aka "How to Live Without Google." Written by Gabriel Weinberg, founder and CEO of Duck Duck Go (and last week's guest on Techtonic).

Put down the screen.
Avoid Google and Facebook.
And see you Saturday for our movie night meetup here at WFMU's Monty Hall.

- - -

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Artist Track Images Approx. start time
  Christopher Potter, author, "The Earth Gazers," on humanity's relationship with technology.
Tomaš Dvořák  Game Boy Tune   Favoriting    
  Mark's intro  
0:01:25 (Pop-up)
  Interview with Christopher Potter, author of "The Earth Gazers"  
0:16:17 (Pop-up)
  Your calls and comments  
0:33:07 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
listener james from westwood:

Evening, Mark and all!

Howdy Techtons
Avatar 6:03pm
Number Six:

Good Evening, Mark & All!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
Webhamster Henry:

The motto of addiction:
I can stop any time I want to.I just don't want to.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Michael 98145:

I don't have a drinking problem - i get all i want.
Avatar 6:05pm

Culinary geography, two of my loves together!
Avatar 6:05pm

Hiya,Mark! and Melinda's famous Techtons!
Avatar 6:07pm

Hey, I helped develop Nike's app that tracked your routes to compare them to your friends (back then, it was just Nike +). That was a fun (but exhausting), job.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

Digits, gotta have 'em. One, Two, Three, Four. FOUR DIGITS MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm
Michael 98145:

( eye in the sky : www.washingtonpost.com... )
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Webhamster Henry:

My name is Webhamster Henry and I'm a computer addict. It WAY predates the internet.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Bas NL:

Not addicted.. but the Montyhall gig.. will that be streamed live?
Avatar 6:11pm

For those who need it, here's a library-friendly link to find Earth Gazers.

Listener Robert:

ALL addiction is a belief system.
Avatar 6:13pm

1st time posting here. Hi Mark! Does this mean those young adults walking down the street, looking at their electro-gizmos, expecting you to jump out of their way, aren't addicted? You mean they're merely being annoying?!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

And the template for that cigarette industry response was laid out during the fight over lead in gasoline.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Phil with the phone:

@Bas NL Are you asking about the movie night this Saturday? That will most likely not be streamed unless some bozo puts it on fb live.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

its probably a semantic argument, really. the term 'addiction' is perhaps a bit, er, loaded. however, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its probably a duck, even if you call it a dog.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

oh, and hi, Mark and folks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm
Michael 98145:

technology jones
Avatar 6:16pm

Ah yes, the wonderful NYC subway. Everyone too hypnotized by their gizmos to let an elderly or disabled person have a seat!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Bas NL:

@Phil But i am far,far away and online! ;) (Hi Mark and all!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Mark Hurst:

Hi, all! Thanks for joining this evening!
Listener Robert:

Then Chris, what is the "duck" that constitutes "addiction"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Mark Hurst:

@ngh, would love to hear more about your work on Nike+ - I remember when that launched - very cool that you helped develop that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

ornithology, i believe. i'm the recovering child of a bird watcher. ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Mark Hurst:

@Michael, good pointer to the WaPo article on the Mayan site.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
Mark Hurst:

@Bas - no, unfortunately, we don't have online streaming distrib rights for the movie. C'mon, fly over to NYC for the weekend!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good evening Mark and tech-nots.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Mark Hurst:

@βrian, thanks for the worldcat link - go, libraries!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Mark Hurst:

@TDK60, who said addiction and being annoying are mutually exclusive ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm
Mark Hurst:

Hi Chris! Hi KenfHP!

hey.. duckduckgo spreads the word via FB and Tw? what's up with that??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Mark Hurst:

@ultradamno, good point re leaded gas - I don't know that story, should read up.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Bas NL:

@Mark Now that's a provocative thought.. :D
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Webhamster Henry:

When Landsat was new, the images coming back, processed in pseudo color from various IR and visible bands, were astounding!

Sad to hear about Charles Lindbergh being an anti-Semite. Kinda amazing how many great thinkers are also jerks.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:30pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

In case the station is granted a temporary liquor license on Saturday night, there should be a contest for the best recipe for a Gin and Tech-tonic.

“We must limit to a reasonable amount the [insert race/religion/group here] influence... Whenever the [insert race/religion/group here] percentage of total population becomes too high, a reaction seems to invariably occur. It is too bad because a few [insert race/religion/group here] of the right type are, I believe, an asset to any country.”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm
Mark Hurst:

@Jake - yes, he was a deeply flawed person. Potter's book also talks about the secret families Lindbergh maintained in Switzerland - a fact that only came to light after his death. And yet he pulled off some heroic acts. Philip Roth's "The Plot Against America" also reflects on Lindbergh's legacy.

Anyway, my use of tech has only been bettered by my iPhone. Really frees me to not be at home as much. Different strokes for different folks!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:33pm
Webhamster Henry:

People also often talk about the "tech fix", which is what I'd call faith-based science.

@MarkHurst: Thanks for the backstory. I’ve actually been personally researching U.S. immigration laws. Never really went that deep. Pretty amazing how crappy this country has consistently been to Catholics, Asians, Italians and Irish.

Anyway, science and rational though solves most… Unless the human aspect is ejected.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

During the game last night, there was a commercial for Scientology ... creepy.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:35pm
Webhamster Henry:

There's a book that's about 40 years out of date by now, but it was called the Encyclopedia of Ignorance, where people from various scientific disciplines talk about the unsolved problems and controversies in their fields.

@Ken: I find it creepy that drunk folks in Philly destroyed their own property to celebrate a sports game win. And few say much… But a bunch of women march? ZOMFG! What the heck is that!!!

Anyway, I would like to be an Earth gazer one day.
Avatar 6:36pm

I submit we might look at tech sociologically, psychologically, politically, spiritually. That's why this show has promise
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Webhamster Henry:

Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:38pm


@TDK60: Well, we as a society needs to realize that—for example—the “Russian hacking” of U.S. elections is not like some digital Watergate. But rather good old fashioned propaganda accelerated by social media and global level of communication.
Avatar 6:40pm

We could be TechTicks. Or perhaps Techtonites — like saltpeter for Superman.
Avatar 6:42pm

I still like Tech-Tones.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
Michael 98145:

yes, gz'ette !
Avatar 6:42pm

I'm old enough to remember that first photo of Earth. It *was* a "whoa" moment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
Phil with the phone:

I'm already printing "plates" on the t shirts
Listener Robert:

Any time "addiction" is defined, its defining characteristics are nonexistent. If it's NOT defined, then whatever's said about it is bull shit. It's a word that doesn't deserve to exist. It obscures the subject under discussion.
Avatar 6:44pm

Hey Michael! :)

ultra-D, good one!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

I like earthrise and the blue marble pics

“I’m a Celeron in a Pentium World”
Avatar 6:45pm

Robert -- what about the term habituated?
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Webhamster Henry:

If in fact "www.psychologytoday.com... the opposite of addition is connection" -- is social media isolating or connecting? That is is it addiction or the cure to addiction .. or BOTH?
Avatar 6:45pm

you have no idea how long I was looking at heat maps from data, and using them for presentations.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
Webhamster Henry:

Addiction that is. The opposite of addition is probably subtraction.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
Michael 98145:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

That must have been amazing to see the Earth photo when it first came out. I remember the PBS show Big Blue Marble very fondly though.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Bas NL:

Then again.. how does one keep a military base secret?
Avatar 6:47pm

(from runners and our employees who volunteered to use our prototype app)
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Webhamster Henry:

HIPAA has rules for data aggregation, to make sure that you can't get to a small number of data points and correlate them to real people.The same should apply to Strava and other aggregated data.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Michael 98145:

it was, @melinda.

too bad it changed nothing at all :(

@WebhamsterHenry: I think there was a study about Vietnam veteran heroin addicts. The conclusion was the reason there wasn’t a plague of addicts after the war in the 1970s was because human connection when they got back home replaced their addictive needs. Makes sense if you think about it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm
Michael 98145:

we still have goofs trying to prove the earth is flat
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:48pm
Webhamster Henry:

@Melinda I have the LP of Big Blue Marble songs. Some are quite passable 70s folk rock!
Avatar 6:49pm

Looking to the adults might help. The EU, that is.

Looking to elders… Now there is a societal thing!!!
Avatar 6:50pm

@JakeGould: But what about Sam Stone?

Just tax and rich and put more women in charge and this world would be better.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

the real action is joining the Society for Humane Internet Technology (the SHIT)

Sam Stone might have just been anti-social.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

@Henry that sounds cool.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm
Michael 98145:

it we had stopped with 300 baud we wouldn't have these problems
Avatar 6:52pm

Heh, there are values and then there is [bizspeak] "value."
Avatar 6:52pm

WTF is Sam Stone?
Avatar 6:53pm

@JG: But he ended up in a flag-draped casket on a local hero's hill!
Avatar 6:54pm

Sam Stone is a character in a John Prine song, Carmichael
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:54pm
Webhamster Henry:

@melinda I think I got it at the WFMU Record Fair! (yeah, I'm one of the guys on the floor looking for kids' records).
Avatar 6:55pm

This is such a necessary program.
Avatar 6:55pm

Sam Stone:

Lewis Mumford's "Technics and Civilization talks about the same ideas, written in mid 1930s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

@geeze agreed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Michael 98145:

heh, okay, let's stop with 19.2K
Avatar 6:57pm

Mumford is great, so is Murray Bookchin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

back in the day the university vax terminals had 9600 and 2400 baud, the 2400 sucked
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Webhamster Henry:

300 baud? We used tin cans. The Silent 700 terminal I used to work on had a high speed button that went to 110 baud!
Avatar 6:58pm

"Things to Come", great 30's film with Raymond Massey.
About these questions.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Webhamster Henry:

Botnik will be in the house!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Michael 98145:

i know where you can find a model 33 teletype :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

thanks Mark!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Phil with the phone:

Thanks for tuning in all!

...I'll just...leave this here. montyhall.ticketfly.com...
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Bas NL:

Thanks Mark!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

thanks, Mark!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Michael 98145:

great, thoughtful show
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Webhamster Henry:

@Michael98145 Unless it's a KSR33 (with the paper tape punch/reader) I don't want it!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I hope the movie doesn't scare me so badly that I'm afraid to drive home!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Webhamster Henry:

@Ken From Hyde Park We should get it to play at the Hyde Park Drive in! Rt 9 needs it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Michael 98145:

mylar tape was the best
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@WH - Agreed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
Michael 98145:

( that cow gif is disturbing :)
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