Favoriting Daniel Blumin: Playlist from February 2, 2018 Favoriting

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The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.

Monday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 2, 2018: The Eleventh Planet Generator

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
The Terraplanes  Treasure of the Damned   Favoriting It's Hip - Recordings 1980-83  Radstock  2017    ex- Animals & Men  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Redux Orchestra vs. Einstuerzende Neubaten  Wueste   Favoriting Redux Orchestra versus Einsturzende Neubauten  Usterhaus  2006      0:03:07 (Pop-up)
Théâtre du Chêne Noir d'Avignon  La Vieillesse et la Mort   Favoriting Aurora  Mellow  2000    '71  0:12:16 (Pop-up)
Coppice  Brim   Favoriting Spans: Three Perspectival Accounts  Rhizome.s  2015      0:15:48 (Pop-up)
Jaap Blonk & Cor Fuhler  An Algae Generator   Favoriting Pre-Zoic Cellways  Kontrans  2005      0:26:25 (Pop-up)
Adam Asnan  5'25"   Favoriting REV Sets  Entracte  2016      0:31:44 (Pop-up)
Further Reductions  High End Basics   Favoriting Woodwork  Cititrax  2014  LP    0:37:57 (Pop-up)
AFX  Analogue Bubblebath   Favoriting Analogue Bubblebath  TVT  1994      0:41:08 (Pop-up)
S. English  Eleventh Night   Favoriting Eris  L.I.E.S. (Long Island Electrical Systems)  2017  LP    0:46:19 (Pop-up)
Tuxedomoon  Where Interests Lie   Favoriting Half-Mute /Scream With a View  Cramboy  1985    Not Seeding the Clouds!  0:50:36 (Pop-up)
Flying Saucer Attack  Outdoor Miner   Favoriting A Houseguest's Wish: Translations of Wire's "Outdoor Miner"  Words on Music  2004      0:55:11 (Pop-up)
Movietone  3AM Walking Smoking Talking   Favoriting Movietone  Planet  1995      1:05:30 (Pop-up)
The Magnetic Fields  I Die: You Die   Favoriting Random: A Gary Numan Tribute  Beggars Banquet  1997      1:08:24 (Pop-up)
Wet Tuna  New York Street   Favoriting Livin' The Die  Feeding Tube  2018  LP  Matt Valentine + PG Six  1:11:40 (Pop-up)
Staraya Derevnya  Whispering Scutes / Bubbling Pelt   Favoriting A View from a Hill  Bandcamp/Linear Obsessional  2017    Whispering Scales?  1:31:45 (Pop-up)
Matmos  The West (excerpt)   Favoriting The West  Deluxe  1999      1:34:16 (Pop-up)
Contrastate  The 10/40 Window   Favoriting True Believer 7"  Dirter Promotions  2016  7"    1:38:46 (Pop-up)
Alfredo Tisocco & Gruppo Italiano Di Danza Libera  Galassie   Favoriting Kátharsis  Akarma      '75  1:43:04 (Pop-up)
Bo Wiget  Der Fels zu Weide gut   Favoriting Bukolisk Mimikri  Bandcamp  2017      1:48:35 (Pop-up)
Donald Sherman  Donald Sherman orders a pizza using a talking computer, Dec 4, 1974   Favoriting   YouTube        1:52:21 (Pop-up)
Tibor Szemzö  Tractatus   Favoriting Tractatus  Leo/Bahia  1995      2:10:56 (Pop-up)
Christina Kubisch / Fabrizio Plessi  Earth   Favoriting Two and Two  Ampersand  2001    '76  2:40:23 (Pop-up)
S.Y.P.H.  Taris   Favoriting Am Rhein  Atatak  2003    '87  2:49:27 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Woo! First!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm
Uncle Michael:

Woo. Not first.
Avatar 9:03pm

Haven't "been" on this board in eons. Woo 3rd or 4th.

★ Treasure of the Damned
Avatar 9:05pm

I've been reading on current events in this great nation (the one WFMU is in). DJ Daniel's platters may help tonight.
Avatar 9:05pm
Jeff Moore:

Hello, Daniel.
Avatar 9:06pm

Good eeeeeeeevening.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm

evening Daniel and everyone , lovin' this right now ahhhh tgif ..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm
Daniel Blumin:

JakeG, Uncle M, TDK, rbrt, Jeff, Fox! Greetings, one and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm
Daniel Blumin:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
Daniel Blumin:

Will do my best, TDK60!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
Daniel Blumin:

Threemoons! Was a good week fer moon watching!
Avatar 9:19pm
Kamp Climax:

Blumin: Using the WFMU mixing board like Fahey uses a 12 string. This is mastery.
Avatar 9:19pm
Kamp Climax:

The dudes a wizard.
upstate sean:

upstate sean:

Yes finally my comment sticks
Avatar 9:21pm
Kamp Climax:

I used one of Blumin's former shows to defeat one of my girlfriend's seven evil ex's. KO.
upstate sean:

KC, finally, some useful art!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
Daniel Blumin:

Kamp Climax, thanks be onto you fer the kind words!!! How does this KO work exactly???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24pm
Daniel Blumin:

upstate sean, all hail!
Avatar 9:24pm
Kamp Climax:

Your shows work at the right time, Wizard. Trust me.
upstate sean:

I’ve got some stinkbugs near the chimney. Maybe I should try some old Blumin shows to drive them out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm
Cooh John:

Good Friday evening Daniel and blumenaires. Digging the show.
Avatar 9:27pm
Kamp Climax:

Or the current one.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:28pm

I've tried it on the squirrels in the garden, sean. Doesn't work. They're either immune, or they love it. It's hard to get a read on those jerks.
Avatar 9:29pm
Kamp Climax:

The wizard moving out of the last noise into this pattern was beautiful trick.
Avatar 9:30pm
Kamp Climax:

Now, that's a fucking chord change for modern times.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34pm
Chop Scott:

I so deeply appreciate you Sir Blumin--Cheers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
Daniel Blumin:

Sir Chop!!! Hallooooo! Hugses!
Avatar 9:39pm

nice 'n trippn' with the tunes.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm
Daniel Blumin:

cklequ! Cooh John! Phanks, grtyvr!
Avatar 9:41pm

I’ll attribute to Daniel and the amazing power of Blumin to my figuring out that with two cords it’s much much easier to switch between the ipad, the MP3 player, and the mobile speaker that one cord, what the hell.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
Daniel Blumin:

Just doin' my job, Scraps!
Avatar 9:42pm

Soaking in it. Greetings, DB.

One squirrel was pestering the shit out of me in Union Square Park. Fuck that squirrel.
Avatar 9:43pm

My overworked cords appreciate that, Daniel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Daniel Blumin:


@Scraps: What about Bluetooth? I used to mock it but now I like it.
Avatar 9:53pm

I should know more about Tuxedomoon, by now.

ahh tux moon been a long time... thx
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
George of Troy:

Daniel! Good evening to ya.
Avatar 10:03pm
Kamp Climax:

Here we go, The Wizard is about to unleash another 20 to 30 minute spell.
Avatar 10:04pm
Kamp Climax:

sphere (on the app):

hello there. first visit to the board....
Avatar 10:06pm
Scott Power:

Bristol - BEAK>
Avatar 10:07pm
Kamp Climax:

Next thing you know he'll use "cahoots" in a sentence.
Avatar 10:07pm
Kamp Climax:

Fuck yes, BEAK>
Avatar 10:12pm

Jake: I’ve never tried Bluetooth at all, and I really don’t know how it works, even.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Daniel Blumin:

MUWFInMA, Georgieboy, Scott Power, greetz!!!
Avatar 10:13pm

H’lo, sphere, welcomes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14pm
Daniel Blumin:

sphere, hello there! Welcome!!! Where are ye listening from???
Avatar 10:17pm
Scott Power:

Hi Daniel, really enjoying your choices tonight from Brighton, England
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18pm
Daniel Blumin:

Hallo, Scott in Brighton! Thank you! Great to have you tuned in, Sire!
Avatar 10:19pm
Kamp Climax:

Scraps picture in the profile page under images should be an album cover. Leaves you guessing. Very Cool.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24pm

Hi Daniel and group!
sphere (on the app):

Daniel, i’m tuning in from Catonsville MD. you have sent me email before, actually. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
Daniel Blumin:

Ahh, yeah, sphere! Thanks fer the FMU support!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
Daniel Blumin:

Hola, melinda!
sphere (on the app):

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29pm
Uncle Michael:

Wet Tuna rules, apparently.
Avatar 10:29pm

fantastic show, Daniel -- THANK YOU!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30pm

olá Daniel e Bluminaries
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31pm

that's how i like my tuna; wet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32pm

I liked the wet tuna as well.
Avatar 10:32pm
still b/p:

Yellowfin tuna is OK, but bluetooth tuna will tear you right up, without ever touching you!
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 10:34pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

For the ad jingle, I like bum bum bumble bee Bumblebee tuna!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thank YOU, slugluv!!! Wilkommen, coela, still b/p, und Ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35pm

the dolphins don't swim with the bluetooths, so they're safe-ish
Avatar 10:37pm

Kamp, that’s me, mustabeen thirty years ago, when I first learned the use of a little camera on a tiny primitive Macintosh.
Avatar 10:38pm
still b/p:

Oh, they stick...them jingle stickers.
Three Diamonds brand,
Three Diamonds brand,
Avatar 10:40pm
Andrew S:

scraps what was the early macintosh that was a tall thin tower with a small built in screen at the top? I thought it was se30 but i just looked at google images and that wasnt it
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 10:41pm

The West. ....After all these years, still my favorite from Matmos.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41pm

i can't help but wonder if Barry Manilow wrote that bumblebee jingle. it's his style
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42pm

i had to look...Scraps that's an amazing picture!
Avatar 🌫 10:42pm

evening- This contrastate is lovely
Avatar 10:43pm

I don’t know any Macintosh that was a tower. But I never had a Mac; that Mac I used was one of my friends.
Avatar 10:44pm
Andrew S:

actually i think it was an se30, after looking up the models. It seemed much smaller in my memory, probably bercause im looking at a damn near wall size screen nowadays
Avatar 10:45pm

Coel, I can’t believe I still have the picture, passed down through the computer ages.
Avatar 10:45pm
Andrew S:

there were no graphics, i could play chess around the world though and video games like angband that just used symbols
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46pm
Daniel Blumin:

Avatar 10:47pm
Kamp Climax:

Don't know about shit, just know I like that picture, it should be licensed out as a cover, with no writing on the cover, just the pic.
Avatar 🌫 10:47pm

nice to finally arrive
Avatar 10:48pm

I still have angband. Don’t play it, I’m 53, not going to waste my life again. ;-)
Avatar 10:48pm

Could someone else get that? I'm doing dishes.

oh, my weide gut!
N. Ron Hubble:

1975 called, it wants it’s Pink Floyd at the U.F.O club bootleg back.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 10:52pm

Holy crap... angband.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53pm
Daniel Blumin:

GM! Ist that you???
Avatar 10:54pm

Kamp, I’ve tried to use it as a avatar here, but the avatar-maker squeezes it to fit in a square and makes it not good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54pm
Daniel Blumin:

N. Ron!
Avatar 10:54pm
Kamp Climax:

no i like it as a secondary.
Avatar 10:57pm
Andrew S:

haha scraps it was about the only game i could play on that computer and no i wouldnt go near it again. But points for difficulty i dont think i ever beat that game and i used to play a lot of games

It ist! Taking notes on how to order a pizza.
Avatar 10:59pm
still b/p:

Woulda been great if some grad student whiz worked at Dominos and sent the order over by a little rover robot....or at least a simple nearly life-sized voice-and-movement Christmas village figure.
Avatar 11:00pm
Andrew S:

took him nearly that long to place the order
Avatar 11:01pm
Kamp Climax:

"over yonder"
Avatar 11:03pm
Andrew S:

Those fellas at Akarma sure dug out the greats. May have skirted some details like paying for the licenses but they sure put oput great records you otherwise pretty much couldnt get
Avatar 11:07pm
Andrew S:

That tops the Cleveland hall of fame right there
Avatar 11:08pm
still b/p:

People be "journaliing" allllll over the place.
Avatar 11:09pm
Andrew S:

no diaries now they just blurt everything out social media
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10pm

if i could do it all over i'd start a diary from early and keep up with it, just to remember the timeline of everything. i'd call it a journal though, to be cooler.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10pm

...or i'd call it my "memoirs" and publish it
Avatar 11:10pm
Andrew S:

yeah i called mine a journal when i was a kid. my brothers who were barely literate found it and mocked me for years
Avatar 🌫 11:11pm

I just started a fishing log (diary). It's fun to look through and remember the weather, tide, time of day, lure, etc.
N. Ron Hubble:

Just in my YT feed - “The future is automated and every job is at risk”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11pm

ie - i wish i had logged every record i ever obtained, in chronological order.
i'm a dork.
Avatar 11:15pm
Andrew S:

with the tools now coelcanth kids (or anyone) does it. I dont think its as dorky now. It was then though I used to write down all the books i read and movies i watched when i was a kid. Lists were fun but really only to yourself, nobody else really gave a shit :)
Avatar 11:17pm
still b/p:

Friend of mine a year or two ago burned all her journals dating back to teen years. Said it wasn't a bitter act, just a shift to finding other ways of seeing, grokking, moving.
Avatar 11:17pm

My late wife Velma started a journal in her early twenties and kept it going to her death. Tiny tiny writing, using a fountain pen. She built up a library of, I don’t know, seventy books? I have them; when I die, they’re going to her favorite niece.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20pm

oh i agree, Andrew -why would anyone else care in what order i got records or anything else; but i've tried to remember countless times. to me it represents a type of evolution in my life that i know the basic timeline of but i'd like the details.
i too made lots of lists as a child, but i stopped writing down the records by the time i was probably 13.
Avatar 11:20pm
Andrew S:

That will be a wonderful thing for her niece. I hope and Im sure some people still keep diaries, i was just being cynical.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21pm

Scraps that's crazy! 70!
Avatar 11:22pm
Andrew S:

yep coel thats exactly what I meant. I didnt mean it was a waste of time, its a nice way opf looking back on things, I widh id done the same because I can barely remember what i had for breakfast these days :)
Avatar 11:23pm

I should ship them to her to read, at least. I can’t read them; still too close.
Avatar 11:25pm
Andrew S:

At least preserve them. The online stuff is just ephemeral. And it's not as genuine, you were speaking much more intimately in a diary I think than now when you feel like you have an audience
Avatar 11:26pm
still b/p:

I hang onto photos of myselff more often now. I've found long gaps from earlier in life where there just aren't any. And for memories and just the hell of it, I'd rather have some than none.
Avatar 🌫 11:27pm

this Tibor Szemzo song seems quite perfect right now...
Avatar 11:27pm
still b/p:

"Myselff" is the way they spell it in Banff.
Avatar 11:28pm
Andrew S:

dude i pretty much erased all photos of myself in a dark age, Nothing I regret more. Luckily friends and family didnt
Avatar 11:30pm
Andrew S:

of course in 3 generations were all forgotten anyway but hey lets keep things upbeat :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31pm

i've never gotten rid of a single photo, and i've taken 100s of 1000s of 'em. i rarely let others take pictures of me though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32pm

I've kept journals for the last 20 years or so, nice to have a written timeline now that my memory is crap.
Avatar 11:32pm
Andrew S:

I used to hate having my picture taken, I was always behind the camera. Now i encourage it too bad im older and uglier
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33pm

I like the Tractatus.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33pm
Daniel Blumin:

When my fambly left the USSR, the parentals had to pick and choose what to ship and what to carry and packed a suitcase and stuffed them full of stuff including letters they wrote each other as teens. The fella that promised to get the suitcase out was never heard from again. Not quite upbeat, Andrew, but there ya have it.
Avatar 11:34pm
Andrew S:

Love it Daniel, thats life :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36pm
Daniel Blumin:

jeff-m, this piece is a discovery thanks to the FMU library and it's going to be a favorite from here on in. I love it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38pm

I like how it just keeps going.
Avatar 🌫 11:38pm

for sure. man. Don't hear many songs that are like this structurally, with it's pace or sound content. But hey, why over think it- Just listen and enjoy

Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm…

Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm…
Avatar 11:41pm
still b/p:

One of those things you could keep at barely audible level while you drift.

@DanielBlumin: Yeowtch! If it means anything, I managed to save some deep family photos—pre and post WWII—by in one case stealing a pile of them from a relative who had lost their mind. And another batch of photos was returned to me when another “stable” relative decided it was better to send them to me than getting them tossed in the trash.

Anywhoo! LIFE IS WEIRD!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46pm

Daniel that's sad...very common of course. i always am so sad for people who lose things like that in fires and floods. it's only happened to me to a minor degree.
then again once in a while i remember about a particular shoebox full of letters or a briefcase full of my first attempts at writing songs and realise it must be gone, and i'm okay.
Avatar 11:46pm
still b/p:

I mentioned in comments before the recent local article in which a reporter said, "While cellphones have made photography commonplace today, few people owned cameras in the 1940s," A baffling statement that's just about as false as it can frikkin' be.
Avatar 11:48pm
Andrew S:

Im enjoying this set a lot. Dont make me put kodachrome on my turntable

And I hope my “Yeowtch!” wasn’t too… Light. Genuinely feel sorry for anyone who has lost anything like that. Best of wishes in regards to that in whatever way there can be.
Avatar 11:51pm
Andrew S:

We all lose everything but its sweet to enjoy them before we do

this SYPH is impressively 1970s German for 1987
  🌫 Swag For Life Member 11:54pm

Thanks, Daniel!

Thanks Daniel.
Avatar 11:57pm

still b/p, yep, false, at least for Americans.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58pm
! I X Key !:

Avatar 11:58pm
Andrew S:

Yes thank you Daniel and all the lovely fellow listeners for the existential chat :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58pm
! I X Key !:

I enjoyed it so much
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58pm
! I X Key !:

Avatar 11:59pm

Thanks, DB
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

Thanks Daniel Stellar as usual!
tchau camaradas

Thanks Daniel. Great show as usual.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am

striped jester tights, obviously
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thanks yous, 12539, JakeG, ! I X Key !, fleep, coela, ?, and you + the indefatigable freeform archivist posse! Stay warm out there!
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