Today's GIF poem: Don't come apart at the seams. Put on a new face, all lit up. Don't harp on the news that leaves you goggle-eyed. Take things in your own hand, dance like the whole galaxy's musical, turn your nack on the Big Apple, and, uh, get your vision tested.
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- Anything by Peter Wyngarde
- Anything by Colleen Lovett
- Anythng by Anthony Newley
Wish requests:
- Killdozer - Tuckles the Goose (That Chases People)
- Suicidal Tendencies - I finally drank the Pepsi
Guten morgen all. Long live Neil Diamond. Long live Joe Frank.
First time in long time in real time!!!!
How does one transition from clay to ken???
without closing and opening??? And, how do people write in before the playlist is active? I do not plan to, just curious???? Beware, as the Irish mother said "be careful... curiosity killed the cat..."
Is it controversial to request The Cramps - Bikini Girls with Machine Guns?
Also KP9000 - Malagueña would b nice electronica. Spanish Paco De Lucia - anything.
K-X-P - Cymbalim! That's my request, Ken. Good morning!
Ramon vs Ramon:
I was looking for a Neil Diamond track in Spanish and found this crazy live song. I didn’t like it but it’s kind of a novelty.
RIP Joe Frank. One of, if not, the greatest radio writer/performer of all time. I have WFMU to thank for introducing me to his work. His obits have almost all been hilarious. I'd like to know why he got fired from KCRW. Anyone know?
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Nick S,
Irwin will devote 3 hours of Joe Frank in his show today. Come and join them/us!
a beauty who goes to Macalester --- Oh her face, her libs, her ballast, her --- Tiny blue kilt -- And the way she is built --- Could make a petrified phallus stir -- GK
@dan in wisconsin: OK now I'm getting the feeling that we knew each other in Houston or something. Not only have I never heard anyone mention Pain Teens if they aren't from Houston, but also I used to listen to Ministry's Twitch all the time when I lived in Houston. "Just Like You" was my jam.
Hey Ken! CBS News Radio just seriously said this, “If you really want to kill your diet, go eat with a fat person at an all you can eat buffet.”
The context is that if you eat with people who eat healthy you will tend to be healthy. If you eat with a fatty fat ass, you will become a fatty fat ass.
ſºſº (:
When calling in please remember it is NOT "WMFU" like someone said last week. Geez! It's WFUM!
There once was a man from Niagara
Who ate a pack of Viagra
His wife had a headache
And without a shred of malice
She called her sister and told him to go see Alice.
Garrison scribbled, without malice,
on a whiteboard a word that was not Alice...
I Love NPR!
From Near and From Far!
We shared an house with a Neil Diamond fan who _assured_ us that N.D. had written "Free Man in Paris". When we told him that it was a Joni Mitchell song, he objected 'But it's written from a male point-of-view!' we informed him that 1,) She could write good, and 2.) she added the words 'he said' near the beginning.
Not to over-indulge in stereotype, but he liked to lift weights. He was 6'2",heavily-muscled,and a Caltech student—yet another reason why a sitcom I won't name 'can bite me' for being filled with badly-limned characters in nerdface.
"Heaving as if o'er a mountain real, Bosoms of (Her Name Here), Allow grotesque Garrison to cop a feel." - Limerick scribbled by that boring lame dude that screwed up my radio forever.
Just to make sure you're all aware of this: Ken used the Keillor limerick bit to great humorous effect, but the point of the MPR study is not that Keillor was taken down for minor things but that he DID commit numerous serious offenses. By the way... if you you're wondering, the limerick IS posted online, here:
There once was a man named Garrison
Whose favorite activity was harrassin'
He felt up some girl
And lost his whole world
The whole episode was embarrassin'
There once was a man from Nantucket.
He ate all his chicken from a bucket.
Tripped on his cat.
Fell on his face flat.
Yet only thought to reach out to grab a stray chicken McNugget.
My money's on "There once was a man from Aberystwyth….“ which was supposedly Swinburne's favourite. I really miss Keillor's daily narration of the "Writer's Almanac"; by all means shun the real monsters, but there's such a thing as auto-impoverishment.
@RobW: “Well, that’s the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the women are suffering from PTSD, all the men are creeps, and all the children are too young to fully understand what has happened.”
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Garrison scribbled, without malice,
on a whiteboard a word that was not Alice
but then again that didn't prevent the #MeToo brigade
to ruin his life again!
judy from croton:
Dirty limericks are protected under the Why Else Exist law.
I so love limericks.
Ok, found several covers of Neil Diamond and really liked this one: Roberto Jordan y los Zignos, Mexico, 1967 - Pronto Seras Mujer (Girl, you’ll be a woman soon). Enjoy.
ſºſº (:
Garrison scribbled, without malice,
on a whiteboard a word that was not Alice
but that didn't prevent the #MeToo brigade
to ruin his life AND work again!
Done, Mark S.
I heard one of the guys from Car Talk was accused of molesting a Lamborghini.
Yeah, I remember reading something recently about Square Dancing being resurrected and promoted in the early 20th Century by Henry Ford so that white kids wouldn't be dancing to black music.
Dont forget! The legal station identification is:
WFMU East Orange
WMFU Mount Hope
In Rockland County and new York City at 91.9 FM
and online at WFMU dot org
“A beauty who goes to Macalester —
O, her face, her limbs, her ballast, her
Tiny blue kilt
And the way she is built
Could make a petrified phallus stir.”
Garrison should have been fired just for writing that.
There once was an anti-semitic,
Whose literary form was limerick.
Didn’t like the Jews.
His friends were fews.
And died alone in a basement when he got sick.
Why do I suddenly need to hear "Tokyo Shoeshine Boy", as heard in the movie "M*A*S*H"? Oh wait, it's because in the movie it starts with 'This is Radio Tōkyō!'.
@VincentNifigance: Ken cut off the transmission of the song and went on a rambling old man rant during the whole length of the song as it went on the air, but Matt had no idea since he could hear it in the studio.
Carlyle Marc:
This is great, so was Shitkid!!
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Aaron Working in Newark,
What happened? What hijacking? Did the Antifez show up or something?
Ironically, Shitkid is not from a shithole country; she's actually from Sweden. Sweden is the new Nordway.
“Nothing lasts in the Yiddish game—styles of clothing, movies nor songs; it is always something new, to stimulate the flow of money from the popular pocket into the moron music makers’ coffers.”
HENRY FORD said 'All history's bunk!'
But EDISON's TOPSY's got junk!'
'I oft take a pass'
'At her dead, giant, arse'
'While THOMAS A. slides up her trunk.'
Keillor reportedly wrote an “off-color limerick” about a young female employee at the bookstore he owns, Common Good Books, and suggested she made him aroused.
According to reports, the limerick, below, was publicly posted in the bookstore.
A beauty who goes to Macalester —
O, her face, her limbs, her ballast, her
Tiny blue kilt
And the way she is built
Could make a petrified phallus stir.
Carlyle Marc:
@Sam: I would molest a Lamborghini, but prefer a really nice '67 GTO.
There once was a dirt-bag named Keillor
Whose limerick prompted a squealer
To rat the man out
As he'd left no doubt
His intent was to creepily feel her
music behind the DJ=?
Stop fucking titillating me Ken!
garrison keillor limerick should become a WFMU contest
the limerick itself is just dumb; but one can see why it would make for an uncomfortable workplace situation since the person it's about it allegedly real
To be fair, he was speaking from the heart when he mentioned the petrified phallus
I'll be going down that dark dank hole vicariously thru you and Andy "made me do it"...Squeaky Fromme
It should be possible for listeners to activate the sexual-harassment alarm.
ſºſº (:
I visited a dark web marketplace the other day and the most controversial items for sale that I found were an e-book about penis enlargement and a hacker service that will get you 100 followers on Twitter a day. Everything else that I saw can easily be bought on any Wal*Mart in the USA (i.e. guns, drugs (in the back of the store though, etc).
Now I have bad memories involving Katrina and the Waves Walking on Sunshine and the owner of Crazy Eddie's. I worked in the records dept. and Kelso, as Eddie Antar wanted to be called, screamed that he wanted us to play that song non-stop during the opening of the Livingston store. He banged on the counter, "I want Sunshine, Sunshine!"
There once was a man named Trump.
Who spotted a pornstar he wanted to hump.
Turned on the TV.
“Shark Week” he did see.
And instead fell asleep in his bed like a lump!
The harassing element of the limerick would have been not just its lubricity, but that an actual person present on whom he might have 'been hitting' were named in it. I can see that as being actually unpleasant, especially given that the person being named couldn't slash back.
Keillor would not have expressed love for N.P.R., as his show wasn't N.P.R., and he's expressed irritation at N.P.R.'s non-stop news and current events programming, saying that you can learn more of value from Bach than from this hour's most important thing in the world.
Ken - SCHLAFFEN --- War sind ABWARTS und DIE TODLICHE DORIS??? Cannot get to the umlauw(sp?) keyboard
In all seriousness, none of this is surprising. Guys like Keillor are so lame and repressed, so G rated and crowd pleasing all the time, that they don't have a normal outlet for their sexual thoughts. Guys like Keillor are a dime a dozen, and it always comes out in some creepy poetry or snide remarks or their art. I've known so many men like that, and they make me super uncomfortable. Always the super likeable guys who just have to make some horrible double entendre about your coworker or whatever. Cut the act and be normal, so you don't have to be a repressed creep all the time.
There once was a man named Crazy Eddie.
To open new stores he was always ready.
“Walking on Sunshine” he did enjoy.
To his employees he would annoy.
So he pounded his fist and shouted into the mic.
There once was a limerick with too many syllables
To the point that it was almost untelligible
The middle was weak
It didn't even rhyme
But the impression it left was indelible
ſºſº (:
When you translate Mueran Humanos into English they instantly become a German band :
Hey Ken,
I just used my WFMU browser search button to see when last a WFMU DJ played the Bunnydrums - and it was you, today - but an hour ago, long before I tuned in just now.
@JakeGould: NPR is inferring that we should ostracize our overweight friends and/or it is okay to dine at an all-you-can-eat buffet with our svelte pals.
Canada's top - si - Turvy -- Band
ſºſº (:
Good guess, but no. Not at all. All these women share a common defect: they don't date the singer anymore but a perfect guy.
Legal ID time coming up! WFMU East Orange WMFU Mount Hope In Rockland County and New York City at 91.9 fm and online at
ſºſº (:
You're commenting right now along nine AntiFEz delegates from 100 gangs. And there's over a hundred more. That's 20,000 hardcore Antifez members. Forty-thousand, counting affiliates, and twenty-thousand more, not organized, but ready to fight: 60,000 soldiers! Now, there ain't but 20 Felder fans in the whole town. Can you dig it?! CAN YOU DIG IT?!
Excellent reference FoFo. My favorite movie of all time. Seen it like 20X. Something must be wrong with me.
ſºſº (:
There's nothing wrong with you Ramon vs Ramon. Ken has played the soundbite like 200,000 more times. What's wrong with him?! Can you dig it? CAN YOU DIG IT?!
I don't know the Dark Web, but here's something basic to understand that I wanted Ken to explain to Andy:
All web domain addresses are four (4) or six (6) digits between 0 and 255, e.g. '',that specify where in the Web you're trying to get. Those are the 'real' addresses. To turn those addresses into human-friendly addresses such as '', you need to connect to a 'Domain Name Server' (DNS). The basic thing about the Dark Web is that the usual DNSs people use don't lead there, you have to know the actual
lication—it's like saying 'The brothel is at 38.8977° N, 77.0365° W. ' instead of giving its street address and providing a labelled map to turn that address into directions.
For all I know, but it seems likely, some people set-up semi-secret DNSs for the Dark Web so that fentanylmakings.lib can do its business more easily—'likely', because that's a way markets usually work.
1. Download and install the Tor bundle.
2. Run the browser
3. Disable javascript
3a. type "about:config" in the search bar
3b. Click to accept
3c. type javascript
3d. Double click the Javascript key to 'disabled' it (set to false)
4. Go to the Hidden Wiki (official dark web directory)
4. ?????
5. Profit
Sometimes when you say "technical problems," you mean "technical opportunities."
From deep in the US interior,
Keillor labeled us all as inferior,
But his creep streak was wide,
And "Foul!" finally was cried,
Now he's out on his prairie posterior.
Who knew that St. Paul's famous Lutheran,
Was more practiced as a low-rent Uncoutheran?
..That Guy Noir and his shtick,
Was a rank private dick,
Til yanked out like a decayed old tootheran?
Heya Ken and slaves to the music. I too await the Felder.
Station Manager Ken
P.O. Box 420
East Banana, NJ
ſºſº (:
Some anonymised commenter posted above the instructions on how to dark web. Very helpul. I'm navigating on it now and the SWAT team hasn't showed up y...
Tonya's Mom weighs in:
That movie should have been about me damn's about me all the time not that ungrateful wretch of a daughter...damn why didn't I get that abortion like I was planning on doing
Isn't Leo Slayer the guitar player in the eponymous metal band?
Carlyle Marc:
Sung to the tune of Uptown Girl: Iceberg girl she's been living in her iceberg world
She has walruses thinks are dogs in a house that's made of cross-cut logs
When the evening breeze brings on a deep deep freeze
She curls up with magazines of sleaze
The walruses our content because they ain't got no fleas
When the chilly night is gone
She goes fishing in the bright pink dawn
Her usual catch is 10 pounds of prawn
(far as I've gotten)
I think I heard Garrison Keilor touched the bare back of a woman with his hand he was trying to comfort..I guess going "there there"......and it made her feel uncomfortable. This was like 20 years ago.
Well, ſºſº (, I suppose I suffer from a species of Stockholm Syndrome. Both Sting and NSB were imposed upon me, the former by his outsized celebrity, the latter by their being on the roster at Victo one year.
"Scotland is good shit," writes Sam. I'm presently reading Sir Walter Scott's Waverly. It is good shit.
Joyce: "He kissed the plump mellow yellow smellow melons of her rump, on each plump melonous hemisphere, in their mellow yellow furrow, with obscure prolonged provocative melonsmellonous osculation."
ummm, except that we haven't had pennies for 10 years.
I bet Keillor thought his "make a petrified phallus stir" line was like the cleverest thing ever. He probably knew it was inappropriate but he was so damn proud of himself he couldn't resist.
Ham and swiss cheese today for lunch on sourdough bread with 2 oranges. It
s 64 in 66! Space heater going, fingerless gloves on.....
I think Neil Diamond is an excellent songwriter and singer.
oh wow. I always assumed this was Christopher Guest.
Carlyle Marc:
R vs R: Lional Richie too... I'll jump with you!
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Kansas, Air Supply, Chicago, Journey....They all sound like the same band in retrospect to me. What we need is Heroes of Soft Rock interviews with all those mofos.
Actually, staying stoned, staring out my basement window and screaming is my political action plan. Not any less effective than most of the others…though those who can do better, please do.
a chicago doc on netflix shows they were good (if you liked that sort of horn crap) but then peter cetera and david foster really hijacked them and it sucked big time
Andrew Waterloo:
Ever heard Peter Seller's character's parrot limerick in "The Magic Christian"? I can't find it on YouTube…. Well, here it is:
About a decade later, Stalin, in very many ways right-wing, wanted to encourage ethnic dance and music even as he oppressed most of the ethnics. This led to intense interest in American folk music among American Communist Party members—not all folk music enthusiasts were Communists by any means, but members of the C.P.A. were almost required to like folk music, or at least claim to do. I'm sure all the F.B.I. and Red Squad plants were the most enthusiastic.