Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from December 8, 2017 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting December 8, 2017: Put The Needle On The Bass Basel Beach Beats Brexit Bronwyn B N-Word Free 4 ALF (Loop Skywalker Mix)

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Artist Track Year Comments New Approx. start time
Loop Skywalker  Keep The Frequency Low   Favoriting 2017  previous show guest - the UK's Wonder of the World - lorries n gentlemen DJ LOOP SKYWALKER - who, thanks to his wrist healing, and other life ish - he is BACK IN DA MIX - figuratively and literally - for full effect of this track put on your headphones and turn up the BASS  *    
Mankind  No Commercial Shit [Mankind Black History 1970 - 2020]   Favoriting 2017  previous show guests - tha hella talented Harlem duo Mankind     
Will Sessions  Polyester People (feat. Jeremy Ellis)   Favoriting 2017    *    
Loop Skywalker  Golden Age Mix Part II (Various Artists)   Favoriting 2017    *    
various artists      INST mix inc The Custodian of Records “Memorial Weekend” + The Real Skitzo “Braveheart” + Simian “Distance” + K-Def “Gimme A Break (128K Lo-Fi Sampler without scratch cuts) + Will Sessions “Kindred feat. Wendell Harrison”    0:17:27 (Pop-up)
Loop Skywalker  Golden Age Mix Part III (Various Artists)   Favoriting 2017    *   0:34:59 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

billy jam!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Hey, Billy Jam, common, all!
loop skywalker:

holy shit...i literally just walked in the door from an awesome night out...just tuned in and my tune is on haha...hi everyone
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

Chris, all! Good Friday!
loop skywalker:

Avatar 🎧 7:06pm

Is it just me, or is the right channel out?
Avatar 7:06pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Oh my that is an old pic! LOL!
loop skywalker:

i only got left channel in my head phones....any one else on 1 channel or am i THAT drunk
Avatar 🎧 7:07pm

what loop skywalker said... (hoping to get drunk soon)
Avatar 7:07pm

Looped on the Jam , fuck yeah, i am deaf in one ear but i dont care,
Avatar 7:08pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

I'm only hearing the left channel.

Hey Billy, think there's something loose or a bad cable. Right channel is out.
Avatar 🎧 7:08pm

Billy Jam in half effect
Avatar 7:09pm

good to hear you slappin the platters again Loop , eyup Billy and all the boarders
Avatar 7:09pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Yeah I just check my audio with another program I have on my computer. That program is playing in both channels.

Avatar 7:10pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Welcome back Loop!
Avatar 7:10pm
Aaron Hali:

Awww, who’s in the house now fo’sho’?! What’s up friends and family? How is everyone today?
loop skywalker:

hey guys....i actually got a friday night off...im usually either coming home at 3am or getting up at 3am for work these days hence my non presence....also had a bad wrist injury in january that took until july to get me discharged from fracture clinic....hence...no music from me...in between time almost sold my turntables thinking id never get back into it again since my injury......its a slow process healing at my age hahaha
Avatar 7:12pm

Peace! Yeah same here, I got the right side but I think I got my wires crossed somewhere. Dope mix from LOOP!

loop skywalker:

Billy jam has given me a lot of great advice during my time of thinking about my future....i give thanks to you king billy jam
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

excellent, Loop!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:14pm

Awesome mix! Thanks Loop & Billy Jam
Avatar 7:15pm

Big Ups to one Mr. Billy Jam. DJ, journalist, dank aficionado, and Steady Representative of that Really Real Good Good. Please believe. Believe it please.
Avatar 🎧 7:16pm

Diggingdug the Loop mix.

hoping to hear more new toons soons!
Avatar 7:17pm

Mentioned your name this week and who the fook should turn up. Hey Loop. On point like.
Avatar 7:18pm

the WF has fallen off but we still got the MU .
glad you didnt ditch the decks dood, you can probably scratch with your big toe better than most can with their regular didgits anyway,,, eyup berd you slacker get to bed
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

blowin' my mind with that last sample. billy. that song was in my head today! crazy.
Avatar 🎧 7:22pm

@loop skywalker: Healing ((vibes)) your way. Put your bum wrist up close to the speaker and let the BASS get all in there. Thx for the mix.
loop skywalker:

ADA....since you reccomended that mix my soundcloud stats have gone crazy....Billy Jam...that will sessions track was well good
loop skywalker:

haha mb...doing that now. :) im not back to 100 per cent yet but getting there...thanks for the healing vibes
loop skywalker:

it went both channels briefly ..now just right channel :)
Avatar 7:25pm
Michael Shelley:

Billy you're on fire tonight
Avatar 🎧 7:26pm

For second we had both channels, and then it just right, and we're back to both again, yayes!
loop skywalker:

ooohhhhh now THATS a heavy break...both channels too
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:27pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hiyo, Billy Jam, Loop Skywalker and crew.
Avatar 7:29pm

Hey everybody! We had some technical difficulties with the playback device in the studio but it's fixed now. We apologize and will try to fix it in the archives!
Avatar 7:29pm

What's that spidey bake some bread. Me right ear is out. Some where. Get fixed soon loop .
Avatar 🎧 7:29pm

ocehs, it's Friday, and I need a drink, so I should leave work. danks Billy y Loop! Feliz fin de semana todos!
Avatar 7:31pm

That's awesome Loop, was happy to recommend it to him. I started checking that blog 10 years and still do every day I sit at a computer, wild. It's the best mix I seen him post in awhile so glad other people are tuning in!
loop skywalker:

ADA and Alf.....lets do another mix in 2018 :)
Avatar 7:36pm

hell yeah! The last one was fun... radio!
Avatar 7:37pm

Dont Sweat The Technique

greetings from Miami Beach FLA - where the technical difficulties were too - apologies for the right/left channel thing - which was due to previous user in WFMU studio of that app leaving it set to the right -not center - thanks for your understanding and thanks to Bronwyn B for figuring it out back in NJ - am gonna try and get the correct stereo version posted to the archives - ok? shout out to LOOP -and thanks to Bronwyn B for doing engineering today - next week will be in Cali
loop skywalker:

Thanks for playing all this stuff Billy Jam.....i made it back in time from a kick ass gig
Avatar 7:40pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

I'm down Loop! :-)

@ALF - what were u saying about it playing okay in both channels on another computer program?
loop skywalker:

excellent ADA ,ALF.....lets do this :)
Avatar 7:42pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

@Billy Jam I was just troubleshooting to make sure it wasn't my headphones playing in one channel. I just opened another audio program to verify.
Avatar 🎧 7:46pm

Pure kick drum delight. I usually drum along to Chuck D's show on that other station after this show. Tonight im gonna break out the old Sonor and PTNOTR on rewind cause these beats are the sound of JOY.
Avatar 7:46pm

I'm in the process of moving so most of my records are boxed/shipped, but I should be good to go and set up again starting in early January. Keep me posted.

@ALF - oh okay - SHOUT OUT TO ADA who will soon be relocating from CA to Texas - and to RWNN and Spidey and Berd and NGH and mb and Marie and Aaron Hali + SeanG - and all else tuned into WFMU
Lito Leets:

Dope show!
Avatar 7:53pm

bangon show , cheers Billy Loop and everyone , ace stuff
Avatar 7:58pm

That DJ made my day
loop skywalker:

good to see everyone still here ...spidermank,ken from hyde park,chris,mb,ald ,ada,berd,northguinea,smitty 69,common,,rapperwithnoname,michael shelly,bronny b,bugah,aaron hall,marie,sean g...you all rock :)
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