Favoriting Explorers Room with Flash Strap: Playlist from November 2, 2017 Favoriting

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This is where all of culture and all of time are collapsed into one seductive portal and viewed through the panoramic lens of the exotic. Come and embark on an armchair-travel virtual-voyage to the heart of timeless darkness and beyond; embrace the numinous monolith of the exotic immensity. Let us find that place where hybridization meets its destiny as pure fantasy. Let us become observers observing those others who are ourselves. You wear your mask and I'll wear mine.

Thursday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting November 2, 2017: Piero Umiliani: Film Jazz, Synthi Times, Exotic Themes (Part One)

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Piero Umiliani (with Chet Baker)  Smog   Favoriting Smog (Musiche Dalla Colonna Sonora Originale)  RCA Victor Serie Europe  1962    0:01:05 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani (with Chet Baker)  Twilight in Los Angeles   Favoriting Chet Baker – Italian Movies  Moochin' About  1962  ext. version of composition from Smog  0:04:45 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani (with Gato Barbieri)  Lontananza e Sequenza   Favoriting Two Pictures, Years 1965-1968  Liuto  1965  orig. from soundtrack, Una Bella Grinta (CAM)  0:10:47 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani E La Sua Orchestra ‎  Big Band Blues   Favoriting Jazz Dall' Italia N. 2 : Big Band Blues  Omicron  1967    0:17:04 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Lui E Lei   Favoriting La Legge Dei Gangsters (Colonna Sonora Originale Del Film)  Omicron  1969    0:19:39 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  California in the Summer   Favoriting Smog (Musiche Dalla Colonna Sonora Originale)  RCA Victor Serie Europe  1962    0:22:08 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Smog   Favoriting Smog (Musiche Dalla Colonna Sonora Originale)  RCA Victor Serie Europe  1962  Vocal by Helen Merrill  0:25:01 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Piero Umiliani 

Neapolitan Phantasy   Favoriting

Smog (Musiche Dalla Colonna Sonora Originale) 




0:29:35 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Caravan   Favoriting Jazz a Confronto 35  Horo Records  1974    0:40:55 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Sophisticated Lady   Favoriting Jazz a Confronto 35  Horo Records  1974    0:45:46 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  My Man Duke   Favoriting Ode to Duke Ellington  Easy Tempo  2000    0:49:08 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Blues for Gassman: Parte II   Favoriting I Soliti Ignoti 7"  RCA Italiana  1958    0:52:06 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Type Writer Concert   Favoriting L'Arcangelo (Colonna Sonora Originale)    1969    0:54:09 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Percussioni E Hammond   Favoriting Angeli Bianchi… Angeli Neri (Colonna Sonora Originale Del Film)  Omicron  1969    0:56:22 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  The City Life   Favoriting Angeli Bianchi… Angeli Neri (Colonna Sonora Originale Del Film)  Omicron  1969  with Mark David & Forever Ember  1:01:19 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Rhythme en Swing Nº1   Favoriting Percussions  St. Germain des Prés  1972    1:04:05 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Sous Marine   Favoriting Percussions  St. Germain des Prés  1972    1:06:22 (Pop-up)
Rovi  Danza Arcaica   Favoriting Storia E Preistoria  Omicron  1972  Rovi=Umiliani  1:09:12 (Pop-up)
Catamo  Terre del Sud   Favoriting Aria de Paese  Videovoice  1981  orig. from Omicron release, 1967 (Catamo=Umiliani)  1:10:24 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Mediterranean Nights   Favoriting Major Mood Music Recordings  Major Records  1969    1:13:26 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Pescatrici, Perle E Pescecani   Favoriting Il Paradiso Dell'Uomo (Musiche Dalla Colonna Sonora Originale)  RCA Italiana  1963    1:17:52 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Cielo di Tokio   Favoriting Il Paradiso Dell'Uomo (Musiche Dalla Colonna Sonora Originale)  RCA Italiana  1963    1:20:01 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Mito Asiatico   Favoriting Il Ponte Dell'Asia  Omicron  1967  documentary soundtrack  1:22:28 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Sicilia '62   Favoriting Nuovi Angeli / Sicilia '62 7"  RCA Victor  1962    1:25:31 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani & Carlo Rustichelli  Cien Fuegos   Favoriting Venere Creola EP  RCA Italiana  1961    1:27:52 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Piero Umiliani 

Bongos en Suspense   Favoriting





1:29:04 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Synthi Epico   Favoriting Synthi Time  Omicron  1971    1:41:09 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Synthi Pastorale   Favoriting Synthi Time  Omicron  1971    1:44:16 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani Ed I Suoi Oscillatori  Fruitori   Favoriting Musica Dell'Era Tecnologica  Liuto  1972    1:46:51 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani Ed I Suoi Oscillatori  Antiquariato   Favoriting Musica Dell'Era Tecnologica  Liuto  1972    1:49:31 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani Ed I Suoi Oscillatori  L'Ultimo Pastorello   Favoriting Musica Dell'Era Tecnologica  Liuto  1972    1:51:34 (Pop-up)
M. Zalla  Produzione   Favoriting Problemi D'Oggi  Liuto  1973  Zalla=Umiliani  1:54:06 (Pop-up)
Tusco  Mutazioni   Favoriting Suspence Elettronica  Telesound  1983  Tusco=Umiliani  1:57:28 (Pop-up)
Tusco  Attesa Ansiosa   Favoriting Suspence Elettronica  Telesound  1983    1:59:39 (Pop-up)
Tusco  Batticuore   Favoriting Suspence Elettronica  Telesound  1983    2:00:33 (Pop-up)
Tusco  Schizophrenia   Favoriting Suspence Elettronica  Telesound  1983    2:03:15 (Pop-up)
Moggi  Prima Pagina   Favoriting News! News! News!  Sound Work Shop  1974  Moggi=Umiliani  2:05:40 (Pop-up)
Moggi  Elzeviro   Favoriting News! News! News!  Sound Work Shop  1974    2:10:00 (Pop-up)
Moggi  Edizione Estaordinaria   Favoriting News! News! News!  Sound Work Shop  1974    2:13:41 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Cibernetica   Favoriting Gli Italiani E L'Industria  Omicron  1967    2:16:34 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Ferrovia Sotterenea   Favoriting Gli Italiani E L'Industria  Omicron  1967    2:18:35 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani  Rally Notturno   Favoriting Gli Italiani E L'Industria  Omicron  1967    2:20:35 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Sotto Vela   Favoriting




Herbana=Nicoletta Bozzai? or Umiliani? or both? 

2:22:57 (Pop-up)
L'Ingegner Giovanni & Famiglia  Telstar   Favoriting Telstar / Solaris (I Will Return) 7"  RCA Victor  1973    2:31:18 (Pop-up)
M. Zalla  Strategia   Favoriting Mondo Inquieto  Sound Work Shop  1974    2:33:17 (Pop-up)
Suonano I Mark 4  Tanto Lontano   Favoriting Paesaggi  Liuto  1971  also rel. 1980 as M. Zalla  2:35:16 (Pop-up)
Herbana  Rientro   Favoriting Relax  Omicron  1975    2:39:16 (Pop-up)
Suonano I Mark 4  Porta D'Oriente   Favoriting Paesaggi  Liuto  1971    2:42:42 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani Ed I Suoi Oscillatori  Musici   Favoriting Il Mondo Dei Romani  Omicron  1972    2:45:12 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani Ed I Suoi Oscillatori  Delenda Cartago   Favoriting Il Mondo Dei Romani  Omicron  1972    2:46:26 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani Ed I Suoi Oscillatori  Eliogabalus   Favoriting Il Mondo Dei Romani  Omicron  1972    2:48:32 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani (with Gato Barbieri)  Free Theme   Favoriting Two Pictures, Years 1965-1968  Liuto  1965  orig. from soundtrack, Una Bella Grinta (CAM)  2:51:01 (Pop-up)
Piero Umiliani E Il Suo Complesso  Quando Ti Penso   Favoriting Sottofondi Musicali N.2 7"  RCA Italiana  1958    2:54:05 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Piero Umiliani 

Centrali Termiche   Favoriting





2:56:43 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 5:29pm
Flash Strap:

Up top: the maestro himself

Below: the Sound Work Shop studio, Umiliani's private studio
Avatar 6:56pm

Another treat!
Avatar 6:59pm
Flash Strap:

Hi there Geezerette!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
listener james from westwood:

oooooooooh ... umiliani!
Avatar 7:01pm

Avatar 7:03pm
Flash Strap:

Hyde! Listener James! how grand to have you here in the room
Avatar 7:08pm
Flash Strap:

starting off with some serious jazz before moving into the weirdness, cheescake, and synthi stuff
Avatar 7:13pm
Flash Strap:

always fun to hear a young and hungry Gato!
Avatar 7:15pm

oh wow, that's Gato
Avatar 7:16pm
Flash Strap:

he and Gato did two great projects together, both soundtracks but very different. we'll hear some stuff from the other one in the next installment
Avatar 7:19pm
Flash Strap:

i think this one is an all-Italian ensemble
Avatar 7:19pm

oh man, love thisl
Avatar 7:21pm
Flash Strap:

he's so good with that sort of vocal!
Avatar 7:24pm
Flash Strap:

speaking of vocals, the vocal on the next one is such a knockout I can't believe something so good is allowed to even exist
Avatar 7:26pm

who's the singer?
zonk ludlow:

Greetings Evan and other explorers. Beautiful start to proceedings, going down a treat with my morning caffeine fix.
Avatar 7:33pm

The clip of Baker singing that is on youtube.
Avatar 7:42pm
Flash Strap:

Greetings, Zonk! Wait, where are you that it's morning?
Avatar 7:43pm
Flash Strap:

@G: do you mean Merrill? I need to see that
zonk ludlow:

That would be Sydney, Australia.
Avatar 7:45pm
Flash Strap:

I may have known that, I can't remember... Always so glad to have a friend from Australia in the room, truly!
Avatar 🥁 7:46pm

That was a damn good version of Caravan!
Avatar 7:47pm
Flash Strap:

Hi NGH! one of my very favorites, and boy oh boy do I have a lot of favorite versions of Caravan
Avatar 🥁 7:48pm

I used to think of Umiliani as a library musician.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:48pm
Little Danny:

Evenin' Flash and all!
zonk ludlow:

Too kind, brings me happiness being here.
Avatar 7:48pm
Flash Strap:

this is a really good Sophisticated Lady, also. What an arrangement
Avatar 7:51pm
Flash Strap:

Hi LD!

@NGH: that, along with soundtracks which are often very similar esp. when it gets into TV, does make up the vast majority of his work. What's interesting is that he handled most of his own releases
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:54pm
Little Danny:

I have ""Blues for Gassman" on some weird comp somewhere, always reminds me of Jimmy Giuffre
Avatar 🥁 7:56pm

I'm trying to remember who besides Cage incorporated a typewriter in compositions early on (pre-1970).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
Little Danny:

@NGH: Henry Jacobs did!
Avatar 7:58pm
Flash Strap:

There's a really good Mancini typewriter soundtrack in one of the first Columbo episodes
Avatar 7:59pm
Flash Strap:

Henry Jacobs, yeah! that's a really good one too
Avatar 🥁 7:59pm

That's right LD!oh, and Pierre Henry!
Avatar 8:00pm
Flash Strap:

This whole soundtrack is really amazing, btw. I got one more from it cued up, it's pretty grand
Avatar 8:01pm
Flash Strap:

Raymond Scott too I think!
Avatar 8:03pm
Flash Strap:

Song is so damn catchy
Avatar 8:05pm
Flash Strap:

this too is a surprisingly excellent LP, considering it's just library sketches for percussion themes

Hi explorers! Ready for Umiliani.
Avatar 8:08pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Melinda!
Avatar 8:09pm
Flash Strap:

He did another LP for St. Germain des Prés called Effets Speciaux, but my rip is pretty bad-sounding

I am in my 4th day without electricity and listening to my evening shows by candlelight, this is a good soundtrack.
Avatar 8:20pm
Flash Strap:

that sounds lovely, but four days is a long time! Why no electricity?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:25pm
Little Danny:

Is the rest of Il Ponte Dell'Asia as good as this?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:25pm
Little Danny:

I will admit to being completely overwhelmed by Umiliani's catalog
Avatar 8:25pm
Flash Strap:

if i recall, yes it is!

Major winds in New England Sunday night and Monday morning. I guess there were some remnants of an Atlantic storm, but they hadn't predicted the force so it was kind of a surprise. 69 mph, my front yard tree lost 3 huge branches, one of them on top of the power line.
Avatar 8:28pm
Flash Strap:

me too, LD, hence the 2-parter. I'm more overwhelmed by what I DON'T have and "need" to get than what I do have, however

what a pain, Melinda!

Sexadelic, haha

Bring on the burbles
Avatar 8:43pm
Flash Strap:

Here they come!
Avatar 8:48pm
Flash Strap:

the burbles on this record are really top-notch
Avatar 🥁 8:50pm

ha, melinda, Synthi Time made think that!
Avatar 8:53pm
Flash Strap:

I love how he meanders like this
Avatar 8:55pm
Flash Strap:

pretty much the same synthi stuff gets used in that Caravan: recycling is key
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm

hi explorers and Flash. enjoying the tunes!
Avatar 9:02pm
Flash Strap:

Hi there J–K!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

greetings Evan and Explorers
Avatar 9:04pm
Flash Strap:

Hi There C!
Avatar 9:07pm
Flash Strap:

how are you two newcomers this evening?
Avatar 9:08pm

i left and it was all jazzy, came back and it's all synthy
Avatar 9:09pm
Flash Strap:

story of the 20th century, baby
Avatar 9:11pm
Flash Strap:

News! News! News! has some really strong stuff
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:12pm

i'm doing well, Flash - thanks for asking! you?
Avatar 9:13pm
Flash Strap:

got a cold that just won't quit, but on the other hand I'm spinnin copious Umilianis, so I guess it balances out
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15pm

things are worse than they could be, better than they were.
sorry to hear about your cold
Avatar 9:16pm
Flash Strap:

in the middle of all that synthi, News! News! News! has this headlong rush into the jazz streets of the night!
Avatar 9:18pm
Flash Strap:

@C: I'll live, presumably. hope things keep gettin' better on your end
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
Little Danny:

Goddam this is so hip
Avatar 9:33pm
Flash Strap:

@LD: That Herbana? yeah I wish I'd played more of it, it's extremely chill
Avatar 9:34pm

funny, just came across some Umiliani this week, the IL CORPO soundtrack; yet to put it on. never listened to him before. glad to hear it here first! a great introduction.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:34pm

i think i could relax to more of that herbana LP.
Avatar 9:35pm
Flash Strap:

Hams! Il Corpo is one of the very best! that was a really good get
Avatar 9:36pm
Flash Strap:

I'll play some stuff from Il Corpo and a few related albums next week. Might throw in some more Herbana as well
zonk ludlow:

Think I'm gonna have to add Telstar to my xmas playlist this year. Sleigh bells ringing in my ears. As per usual Evan groovy show, cheers for keeping me enthralled for the past couple of hours. Can't wait for more of the maestro next week.
Avatar 9:40pm

outstanding. ..yeah, i'm usually always tuned in on thursday evenings, just thought i'd speak up tonight. great show!
Avatar 9:42pm
Flash Strap:

Always great to see you in the comments Hams, but even when I don't I feel your presence

@Zonk: I hear ya on Telstar
Avatar 9:45pm
Flash Strap:

I think I played that Porta D'Oriente on one of my Bibliotheque Exotique shows, but it's too good not to play again
Avatar 9:48pm
Flash Strap:

some crazy shit here... this is from a film soundtrack, I'd love to see what images accompany this
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:53pm
Little Danny:

I promise to keep the music playing: wfmu.org...
All, please join!
Avatar 9:53pm
still b/p:

'At's what I like. Just said goodbye to a visitor, sat back down for more of the show and I read, "some crazy shit here..."
Avatar 9:55pm
Flash Strap:

Hey B/P!
Avatar 9:56pm
still b/p:

Hiya. This one on now ain't crazy, it's for cheerful dancin'.
Avatar 9:59pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

Thanks Evan
Avatar 10:00pm
Flash Strap:

You missed the crazy, B/P! thank YOU hyde! see you all next week!
Avatar 10:00pm
Flash Strap:

back at ya, C.
Avatar 10:14pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

Belated catch up. Thanks Evan, this show was wonderful and I've clicky-starred it so I can revisit in the future.
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