Favoriting In Real Life with Emily and Kimzilla: Playlist from November 1, 2017 Favoriting

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In Real Life is a weekly show hosted by Emily and Kimzilla on WFMU. In each episode, Kim and Emily follow their own curiosity to interview people on about a variety of themes, getting the real scoop and learning about the real people behind each topic. Previous WFMU aired episodes include topics such as circus performers, taxicab drivers, bartender therapy, alien abductions, nudism and so much more.

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Favoriting November 1, 2017: In Real Afterlife

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Artist Images Approx. start time
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Walking the Path of Death    0:11:50 (Pop-up)
Kim and Emily at the cemetery 
0:43:32 (Pop-up)
Chuck talks at the cemetery    0:51:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Avatar 7:02pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Hey Kimzilla and Emily!
Avatar 7:03pm
Richard S:

Doin' the Egyptian Shumba before Game 7!!!
St Joe:

this song makes me ridiculously happy....every time!!!
Aaron in Minneapolis:

It's the ghost of Aaron back on the comments board
Avatar 7:05pm
Richard S:

Hi Chuck!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
Asheville Jon:

you had a cook out?
Avatar 7:05pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Hi Richard!
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Welcome to our dysfunctional family chuck
Avatar 7:07pm
Chucks Paranormal:

LOL, thanks Aaron. I credit Kim and Emily for that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm

i am already scared
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm

Aaron in Minneapolis:

I consider them my radio aunts
Avatar 7:08pm

Hey Chuck! Hey Aaron, nice to have you on the message board, did you hear us calling your name last week?
Avatar 7:08pm
Chucks Paranormal:

LOL, they were really cool, I'm glad I got to meet them and spend a few hours with them. :-)
Avatar 7:10pm

Chuck is here for all your EVP questions. I know there are lots of EVP fans out there in WFMU land, I've seen the Blogfiles!
Avatar 7:10pm
Chucks Paranormal:

LOL< yeah, I'm the founder, lead investigator, investigator, tech manager, historian, evidence finder etc etc.
Avatar 7:10pm

and all around nice guy.
Aaron in Minneapolis:

I heard it on the archives and decided to come back to the family
Avatar 7:10pm

No Spoilers Chuck!

I believe!
Avatar 7:11pm
Chucks Paranormal:

I don't blame anybody for being skeptical, I was there too once. No spoilers I promise!

Guys I am so excited. This is so cool! Hello everybody!
Aaron in Minneapolis:

So most interesting experience you had chuck?
Avatar 7:13pm
Richard S:

I consider myself to be skeptical, with an open mind. There's still a lot of things we don't know. And I'll be the last person to "rain on someone's parade" about it.
Avatar 7:15pm
Chucks Paranormal:

I've had a lot of crazy experiences, some are more so because of what doors opened for me just by getting into the paranormal . Though what I want to say might be a spoiler, so I'll hold off for the moment.
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Darn it. Spoilers
Avatar 7:16pm

Chuck had lots of fun toys. This is what he used while we were out- digital voice recorder, Spirit Box (P-SB7) Mel Meter, Ovilus, Paramid, Rem Pod, EMF Pump.

You have to listen to the episode, Aaron! Geez...
(Good to have you back!!)
Avatar 7:17pm
Chucks Paranormal:

and a device that had what is called A Geo-Sensor which measures vibration.
Aaron in Minneapolis:

I missed you two
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Just in time for the Halloween show

If you guys are interested in furthering your paranormal education, check out Chuck's website: chucksghosts.com
It has evidence, info on equipment, stories, audio...
Avatar 7:21pm
Chucks Paranormal:

I think Kim and Emily are hooked. They will be the Ghost Gals in the near future! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

So he died as a kid and remains as one as a ghost like Casper? That's actually quite sad.

When my dad was a kid he saw a man's arm reach through the door of the bathroom in the house he grew up in. He peed with the door open for years.
Aaron in Minneapolis:

In real afterlife

@Aaron ha!

@Kate: I didn't know that! Conrad believed in ghosts??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, folks. How's it going, Aaron? Did you encounter any animal spirits (or is that a spoiler question)?
Avatar 7:23pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Yeah the tragedies of some of the deaths in some locations are very sad.
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Getting action in the afterlife huh
Avatar 7:24pm

I love the Spirit Box, its so RADIO!!!
Avatar 7:25pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Yeah we had some very cool responses
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26pm

what is this guy using? a scanner of some kind?

hey chuck, ladies!!

chuck, are the spirits on the same sort of earthly plane that we experience or are they somewhere else that overlaps here?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26pm

it's times like these that i wish i didn't live by myself
Avatar 7:26pm

NOTE** We edited down for length, and we increased the volume, but that's it.

@ Emily Ghosts AND witches. He had personal experiences with both. VERY uncharacteristic.
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Dez they need to protect u
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

it sounds like he's just scanning a shortwave band and having the receiver NOT lock onto a signal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

Did you have to use the dump button on the ghost boy's account?
Avatar 7:28pm
Chucks Paranormal:

It's a modified radio that can scan forward or backward, AM or FM. You set the sweep of the radio, in our investigation it was set at a rate of 250ms per freq. So in one second, 4 radio frequencies will have passed (570, 580, 590, 600). You shouldn't pick up the same voice saying a full sentence over a sweep of say 3 or 4 seconds (12-16 freq)

@ultradamno Not this time! He kept it clean.
Avatar 7:28pm

@Dale, that's exactly what he is doing. Its a super fast scan through AM or FM, the point is to find a voice that is captured over multiple frequencies.
Avatar 7:29pm

or what Chuck said.

@kate oh yeah--the witches I knew about!
Avatar 7:31pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Hi Dez, its a good question. I feel the earth bound spirits are still here on our plane, but it in an energy form that is made up of electromagnetic energy. The angelic spirit comes and goes to and from our plane and theirs.

Duke University had a School of Paranormal Activity for years. Some fascinating work done there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm

i read years ago that ghost sightings decreased with the advance of cell phones, hence people thought spirits lived in the 800 mhz area of the spectrum.
Avatar 7:32pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Yeah stuff following you home is not cool, lol.
Avatar 7:34pm
Richard S:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio
Vanessa and Jeremy:

Jeremy worked on an imcomplete GURPS campaign with EVP! great show!
Avatar 7:36pm
Chucks Paranormal:

A skeptic will say the voices and answers we get are nothing more than matrixing or radio bleed or pure coincidence. Except when you get response after response and response, its hard to write them all off as coincidence.
St Joe:

dale_ to me it sounded like an old crystal bearcat scanner not locking on the active frequency
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm

when you talk about earth bound spirits, i've wondered what would happen to those if the actual earth were destroyed? like blown up or engulfed by the sun? it would be crazy of you could die twice

What a great show! I have always been interested in this. I am also a “Mulder”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

i know literally nothing about any of this
Aaron in Minneapolis:

I swear I Just heard a spirit do the legal I'd
Avatar 7:38pm
Richard S:

Alas, I have to go prepare for Game Seven. I'll catch the rest of this in the Archives. See you!

@queems whoaaaaaahhhh what a crazy thought! Now I am really wondering about that...
Avatar 7:38pm

@Vanessa and Jeremy, please send us a link, would love to hear it.
Avatar 7:38pm
Chucks Paranormal:

St. Joe, the device, called a P-SB7, will scan either the FM or AM band, including a few frequencies not found on the normal radio bands. Continuous scan, but unlike a typical radio scanner, you can set the sweep rate from 100ms to 300ms per radio frequency.

@Marc15 you and me both, pal...

i once was in my kitchen when I clearly and distinctly heard my name whispered right in my ear with a real sense of urgency. only time that ever happened tho
Avatar 7:39pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Yeah this part of my parnormal journey was not fun!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm

@emily right? i mean it is hard to think about all of this without an earth-centric approach but still. so many mysteries surrounding death that are impossible to comprehend
Avatar 7:42pm

@James @Dez, whoever you are, did you get to hear them call your name earlier?
Avatar 7:42pm
Chucks Paranormal:

queems - yes, even for investigators who have been doing it for years, there are so many theories about what is going on and how do spirits do all this interaction with us.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

so...spirits live in the spectrum between roughly 87 - 107 mhz or channel 6-7 on television? or can they communicate on any frequency?
Avatar 7:46pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Any frequency. It might be they have an easier time on a certain frequency or band width than others. We use cameras that are able to photograph in both IR, UV and normal light and sprits have been photographed in all 3 light spectrums. The photo Kim and Emily posted of the old farmhouse was with the Full Spectrum camera.

i did you did a great job keeping the spoilers in this episode from me. great stuff!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

after my mother's funeral we all went back to her house to start cleaning. back door to the house hadn't been opened in years and I unblocked it to get some air in the house. perfectly still day and BANG - the door slams shut. i opened it again and a few minutes later and BANG. again. no wind at all. she didn't want us going through her possessions and throwing stuff out.
Avatar 7:49pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Yes could very well have been the reason!
Avatar 7:49pm

This part freaked me out, and remember I'm a Scully.
Avatar 7:50pm
Chucks Paranormal:

This was very cool interaction. I love when equipment is responded to.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

the day of my grandmother's funeral, my sister was worried that she wouldn't wake up in time. that morning, she woke up to her phone making an alarm sound that she had never heard before and never heard again. and on the screen was a photo of my sister when she was a kid that i had sent to her the day before
Avatar 7:50pm

"I can hear you mommy" Carol Ann

Eeeeeee! I love all these stories--thanks, message board folks!

@Emily I also believe life beyond our solar system
Avatar 7:52pm
Chucks Paranormal:

queems - yes weird things like that can happen. Not scary, Perhaps an angel or grandma trying to send a sign.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

yeah, my sister has prophetic dreams and stuff. apparently my grandma checks in with her from time to time. if it's someone i know, it doesn't scare me. but i'm wary of ghost stranger danger
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thinking about the movie "Ghost" that starred Demi Moore & Patrick Swayze, was it accurate or had a lot of fake parts?
Avatar 7:54pm

Go Ahead!
Avatar 7:55pm

Just the pottery scene @Ken.
Avatar 7:55pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Perhaps a bit of both. I'm not on the page of dark demons dragging one to hell, but that is another debate.

Oh my God! I have the goosebumps
Avatar 7:56pm
Chucks Paranormal:

I've heard the crossing into the light part of "GHOST" was pretty accurate.
Avatar 7:56pm

I can imagine that cemetery's are full of voices, talking at the same time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, will have to rewatch it.
Avatar 7:57pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Once they know that you know they are there, look out! LOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

thanks for the show folks! i like the paranormal stuff.
Avatar 7:59pm
Chucks Paranormal:

I'm going to blog on my website all the evidence so you can check it out.
Avatar 7:59pm
Chucks Paranormal:

LOL - great song!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

this was really cool! thanks!

Great show! Thanks Chuck!
Avatar 8:00pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Yes thanks Kim and Emily again for contacting me! It was a lot of fun. Hopefully we can do it again in the future!
Avatar 8:00pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Thanks Kate, glad you enjoyed it!
Avatar 8:07pm
Chucks Paranormal:

My last post, I'll be posting the story of our trip on my website chucksghosts.com and listing all the audio evidence we captured that day. Anybody has any other questions about paranormal, feel free to contact me and ask!
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