Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from November 1, 2017 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting November 1, 2017: Panicsville life at WFMU

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Temple Ov BBV  Butchers Tears   Favoriting Temple Ov BBV  Rocket Recordings  2017  GNOD side project. https://templeovbbv.bandcamp.com/    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Gnaw  Septic   Favoriting Cutting Pieces  Translation Loss  2017  https://gnaw-tl.bandcamp.com/album/cutting-pieces  *   0:11:00 (Pop-up)
The Blight  Humanity   Favoriting Meditations on Insignificance  Tridroid   2017  https://tridroid.bandcamp.com/album/meditations-on-insignificance    0:17:04 (Pop-up)
Verserk  Crime and Laughter   Favoriting Tokyo Flashback Vol. 1  Black Editions  2017  Originally released on PSF in 1991. https://tokyoflashback.bandcamp.com/  *   0:25:57 (Pop-up)
Kuro  Incantation In C   Favoriting Kuro  Rocket Recordings  2016  https://kuro.bandcamp.com/album/kuro    0:32:24 (Pop-up)
Superfine  Sound of Wild   Favoriting Rabbit Hole  Bhang  2017  https://bhangrecords.bandcamp.com/album/rabbit-hole    0:41:26 (Pop-up)
Beast  Yesterday   Favoriting Volume One  Volume One  2017  https://koenholtkamp.bandcamp.com/album/volume-one  *   1:05:58 (Pop-up)
Savage Hymn  La Vida Sigue Igual (Instrumental)   Favoriting La Vida Sigue Iguai  Dark Entries  2017  https://savagehymn.bandcamp.com/  *   1:19:53 (Pop-up)
Gnaw  Extended Suicice   Favoriting Cutting Pieces  Translation Loss  2017  https://gnaw-tl.bandcamp.com/album/cutting-pieces  *   1:25:50 (Pop-up)
Michele Mercure  Too Much   Favoriting Eye Chant  Rvng Intl.  2017  https://michelemercure.bandcamp.com/    1:31:15 (Pop-up)
Dendo Marionette  Negative   Favoriting Puppet Electricity  Bitter Lake / Mouse  2017  Originally recorded in 81/82. https://bitterlakerecordings.bandcamp.com/track/dend-marionette  *   1:36:25 (Pop-up)
Subterranean Rain  ASFJ   Favoriting Corroded Evenness  Chemical Imbalance  2017  https://chemical-imbalance.bandcamp.com/album/subterranean-rain-corroded-evenness-ep  *   1:40:10 (Pop-up)
Monoton  Tanzen & Singen   Favoriting Monotonprodukt 07  Monoton  1982  https://oralrecords.bandcamp.com/album/monotonprodukt-07-27y    1:45:16 (Pop-up)
Panicsville  Tossed Rat Caesar Salad   Favoriting Live at WFMU on What Was Music? with Marcel M  N/A  2017  Engineered by Scott Konzelmann https://nihilistrecordings.bandcamp.com/  *   2:03:04 (Pop-up)
Lacing  Starless   Favoriting Bummer  Elder Magick  2017  https://eldermagickrecords.bandcamp.com/album/bummer  *   2:31:54 (Pop-up)
Mooner  Buruh/ Pemburu   Favoriting Tabiat  Bhang  2017  https://bhangrecords.bandcamp.com/album/tabiat    2:39:38 (Pop-up)
Flown  Hearts of Midlothian   Favoriting The Crossing  Not on Label  2017  https://flown.bandcamp.com/  *   2:43:32 (Pop-up)
Ariel Pink  Feels Like Heaven   Favoriting Dedicated to Bobby James  Mexican Summer  2017  https://arielpink.bandcamp.com/album/dedicated-to-bobby-jameson  *   2:48:32 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Fashion Tashjian:

GNAW! Great start!
Avatar 3:15am
Marcel M:

Yo Tashjian! Hey everyone out there.

This new Gnaw is so sick!!!

Enjoying the set tonight
Avatar 3:30am
Scraps deSelby:

boop boop h’lo
Avatar 3:35am

I saw “music concrète“ advertised. Anticipation!
Avatar 3:37am

(Rub paws gleefully!)
Avatar 3:40am
Marcel M:

Supersonic, Scraps, yo!

Panicsville session will air around 5am! Its a good one!!

Also... The, "Into the Black," marathon is still going on! (despite me saying last week was my last show during it..) I think its the last day? Anyway.. Ken made my goal higher.. so help me hit the goal again :-) Pledge at the top of the page!!!
Fashion Tashjian:

Please play another track off of Cutting Pieces! So happy that given our time zone difference I can listen to this program during my bus commute to work.
Avatar 4:08am
Marcel M:

I'll try to fit it in! Glad to hear it! Where are you listening from, Tashjian?
Avatar 4:14am
Howard F:

Awesome playlist tonight! I've packed up a few of your shirts when I volunteer at the station. Seems to be a favorite swag item!
Avatar 4:15am
Marcel M:

Hey Howard, glad to hear that! The pressure is on for next year!
Fashion Tashjian:

Marcel - in Yerevan. Originally from North Jersey but repatriated several years ago to my homeland. If it wasn't for the WFMU app suicide may have been on the table the past few years.
Avatar 4:26am
Marcel M:

Well Cheers, Tashjian, here is another cut from the new Gnaw
Avatar 4:27am
Marcel M:

Wow.. the suicide theme in this song was pure coincidence haha
Avatar 4:48am
Marcel M:

Mark S in Australia.. thank you so much!!!!! A very generous pledge :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Marcel and folks worldwide. Looking forward to Panicsville.
Avatar 5:02am

Avatar 5:03am

It’s now All Saints Day
Avatar 5:06am
Marcel M:

I guess I kind of meant if you're still up drunk partying its Halloween.. haha.
Avatar 5:06am

M-m-m-m-m-m-musique concrète!!!
Avatar 5:08am

Pierres Schaeffer & Henry!
Avatar 5:25am

INA-GRM! Awesome Electroacoustic label! Respect!

(Calms down.)

Man, when I was 18, and music in my head was exploding, this kind of thing was listening constantly in my room. Still riveting.

Though mostly the titles were in French. I like Tossed Rat Caesar Salad!
commodore vic:

My favorite twin peaks song.
Avatar 5:34am
Marcel M:

Glad you dug it, Scraps!

Cool, Commodore!

Hey guys a few more pledges before the show ends!! That would be amazing!! We are still quite short of our goal for the station!!
Avatar 5:48am
Marcel M:

Hey thanks for hanging everyone! See you next week.
Avatar 5:49am
Marcel M:


Thnx for the sounds Marcel
commodore vic:

Thank you!
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