Favoriting Play Vertigo with Mayuko: Playlist from October 28, 2017 Favoriting

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I play music that is old and that is new. Some of it is digital while some is analog. It is from many different countries; sometimes it is loud and at other times it is quiet.

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Favoriting October 28, 2017: More Death & Horror! Also, October is National Bullying Prevention Month!!

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Frankenberry had a rough childhood, art by worstaceo

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
The Cop Killers  Cop Killers Theme/Calma Atmosfera   Favoriting Trax Test (Excerpts From The Modular Network 1981-1987)  Ecstatic  2017    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Mike Harding & Peter Harwood  Midnight Strangler   Favoriting More Death & Horror - BBC Sound Effects No. 21  BBC Records And Tapes  1978    0:04:45 (Pop-up)
Kurws  Mieć ciastko i zjeść ciastko / You can’t have your cake and eat it too   Favoriting Alarm  Gusstaff  2017    0:06:52 (Pop-up)
Renaldo & The Loaf  There's A Cap On The Lawn   Favoriting Arabic Yodelling  Ralph  1983    0:15:47 (Pop-up)
Max Goldt  Get The Piano Through The Door   Favoriting There Are Grapefruit Hearts To Be Squeezed In The Dark  Gagarin  2007    0:20:09 (Pop-up)
Mike Harding & Peter Harwood  Falling Scream   Favoriting More Death & Horror - BBC Sound Effects No. 21  BBC Records And Tapes  1978    0:22:23 (Pop-up)
The Rebel  Life Is A Rehearsal   Favoriting Northern Rocks Bear Weird Vegetable  Sacred Bones  2008    0:22:47 (Pop-up)
The Pink Noise  Scum   Favoriting Freddie Prinze  Freeer  2017    0:28:43 (Pop-up)
Lourdes Rebels  Lolita   Favoriting Lolita  Aagoo  2017    0:33:27 (Pop-up)
Mike Harding & Peter Harwood  The Poisoned Drink   Favoriting More Death & Horror - BBC Sound Effects No. 21  BBC Records And Tapes  1978    0:40:28 (Pop-up)
Brandon Seabrook  Emotional Cleavage   Favoriting Die Trommel Fatale  New Atlantis  2017    0:41:16 (Pop-up)
Irene Moon  Go Away Dreadful Creature   Favoriting Delirious Music For Delirious People  No Part Of It  2011    0:47:07 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Rausch / Die Interimsliebenden   Favoriting Interim  Mute  1993    0:49:24 (Pop-up)
Mike Harding & Peter Harwood  Death In The Swamp   Favoriting More Death & Horror - BBC Sound Effects No. 21  BBC Records And Tapes  1978    1:12:35 (Pop-up)
Bnnt  The last illiterate   Favoriting Multiverse  Instant Classic  29017    1:13:58 (Pop-up)
Mike Harding & Peter Harwood  Death By Harakiri   Favoriting More Death & Horror - BBC Sound Effects No. 21  BBC Records And Tapes  1978    1:25:32 (Pop-up)
Moudoku 猛毒  Sore wa himitsu desu それは秘密です   Favoriting Matsu-bokkuri 松ぼっくり  Satsugai enka vinyl 殺害塩化ビニール  1994    1:26:31 (Pop-up)
Michio Kadotani 角谷美知夫  Genjitsu 現実   Favoriting Kusatteiku telepathies 腐っていくテレパシーズ  P.S.F.  1991    1:28:43 (Pop-up)
Les Rallizes Denudes 裸のラリーズ  People Can Choose   Favoriting Heavier Than a Death in the Family  Phoenix  2010    1:33:08 (Pop-up)
Boris  Kagero   Favoriting Dear  Sargent House  2017    1:43:31 (Pop-up)
This Heat  Cenotaph   Favoriting Deceit  Rough Trade  1981    1:49:03 (Pop-up)
Kuro  Shanghai'd   Favoriting Kuro  Rocket Recordings  2016    1:53:40 (Pop-up)
Mike Harding & Peter Harwood  Premature Burial   Favoriting More Death & Horror - BBC Sound Effects No. 21  BBC Records And Tapes  1978    2:18:11 (Pop-up)
DJ Olive vs. Jean-Paul Dessy & Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles  Ghost Groove   Favoriting Scories  Sub Rosa  2017  Recorded in 2003  2:19:30 (Pop-up)
Pere Ubu  Prison Of The Senses   Favoriting 20 Years In A Montana Missile Silo  Cherry Red  2017    2:21:37 (Pop-up)
Duendecitos  Pawtucket Ri - Rip   Favoriting Heavy Storyteller  Spooky Tree  2017    2:23:45 (Pop-up)
Mike Harding & Peter Harwood  At The Dentist   Favoriting More Death & Horror - BBC Sound Effects No. 21  BBC Records And Tapes  1978    2:29:45 (Pop-up)
Raskovitch  Test 222   Favoriting Science & Technology  Dead-Cert Home Entertainment  2017  Original 1972  2:31:39 (Pop-up)
Raymond Scott  Electronium Movie Score   Favoriting Three Willow Park: Electronic Music From Inner Space 1961–1971  Basta  2017    2:33:59 (Pop-up)
Esmark  Krav   Favoriting Mara I  Bureau B  2017    2:44:20 (Pop-up)
Niton  Asna   Favoriting Niton  Pulver Und Asche  2013    2:48:44 (Pop-up)
Deerhoof feat. Chad Popple & Devin Hoff  Sea Moves   Favoriting Mountain Moves  Joyful Noise  2017    2:52:23 (Pop-up)
Mike Harding & Peter Harwood  The Iron Maiden   Favoriting More Death & Horror - BBC Sound Effects No. 21  BBC Records And Tapes  1978    3:02:00 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  Baby's On Fire   Favoriting Here Come The Warm Jets  Island  1973    3:02:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
listener james from westwood:

Afternoon, Mayuko and all! Poor Frankenberry!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

Hi everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I hope Count Chocula came quickly to his aid.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

Good afternoon Mayuko and listeners. Death, Horror, Bullying, and an orange playlist. Is that pumpkin orange or Trump orange? Pantone isn't clear on that
Avatar 12:08pm

Greetings, james, redkayak, Ken and fred!! Thanks for tuning in! Happy Halloween!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
listener james from westwood:

@fred: Worse: Trumpkin orange, the sheen of his devoted acolytes after they are brought to a White House sub-basement and given their brain slugs.
Avatar 12:11pm

I saw this Frankenberry illustration almost 10 years ago and it broke my heart! Also, frankensteins were able to have childhood, not sure how!!!
Avatar 12:12pm
Scraps deSelby:

ho ho h’lo
Avatar 12:13pm

Hallos, my radio family Scraps! How you feeling today?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm

I went to a great show this week: Sete Star Sept. I knew nothing about them, they're really worth seeing live
Avatar 12:17pm

@fred what kind of music do they play?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

Happy Halloween! We just brought our pumpkins in to be carved :)
Avatar 12:20pm

I’m up, my radio family Mayuko! Thanks
Avatar 12:23pm

Mmmmmm, Arabic yodeling
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm

Noisy rock, as usual with me (I suck at genres), with a lot of energy and really filling up the space for a duo (a male drummer and a female bass player/vocalist). I think they're from Tokyo, but I don't really know. She has a rather deep voice, not at all the Junko style, but not quite cookie monster either
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm

Crunchy music on a beautiful fall day. Out with Ozzie. Hi all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm

hello Mayuko and others
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm

Nice Lolita track. Where are they from? (google isn't going to help with that name)
Avatar 12:37pm

@redkayak That's fun! I wanted a pumpkin for myself too but I was being too picky on its size and shape I haven't found an ideal pumpkin yet to this day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Even pumpkins don't want to be associated with orange these days. The teal pumpkin is where it's at. Teal is the new orange, you might say.
Avatar 12:43pm

Welcome on board, doctorjazz and coelacanth∅!! Beautiful Saturday indeed!
Avatar 12:44pm

@fred Sorry, I typed the artist name in the wrong section. They're Lourdes Rebels, from Italy.
Avatar 12:45pm

@fred & I'll check out Sete Star Sept!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

Italy? That makes them more likely to tour over here, which is good news for me
Avatar 12:52pm

@ken and yet my playlist is orange and I'm all dressed in bright orange today. I won't let him take orange away from us!!! make orange great again!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm

I remember Acapulco Rodriguez, I loved his show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm

last.fm had users tagging artists, which led to a bunch of fun drives to put misleading tags. It was free data, so popular in machine learning circles. I once saw a presentation about a genre learning algorithm, they typed in "mellow folk" and the second name on the list was Merzbow. I was the only one laughing
Avatar 1:23pm

That's hilarious! Or maybe even Merzbow was too mellow in Last FM's universe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm

hey Mayuko, speaking of fundraisers - i really like the poster i got from the marathon, and quite enjoyed myself looking at the beautiful art on your website, but didn't figure out where to enter the secret password from the bottom.
...i went to "mayukofujino.storenvy.com" which is what came up when i searched for what's printed at the bottom of the poster.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:34pm

@coelacanth∅: Don't search for it, just type the URL, you'll get to a page where you can enter the password. It worked for me, I've actually been listening to these tracks again for the past few days
Avatar 1:38pm

krautrock, played by a japanese band with a french name. how can you not love les rallizes denudes?
Avatar 1:38pm

@coelacanth∅ I'm so sorry you're having trouble! I'll email you the link if you can't still get in by typing the URL. I think the link wouldn't show in online search since it's a private link with password protection.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm

Hi Mayuko and gang!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm

I wonder whether their name could be an anagram. There's "Lézards" in there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm

Avatar 1:45pm

this is what comes up if i google rallizes -
"ラリーズ is Japanese slang derived from the verb ラリる meaning to "be high on drugs". As for the French name. It is basically a translation. However I own a book about Keiji Haino which also contains a lengthy section about Haino's contemporaries; one of them being Les rallizes dénudés."
Avatar 1:49pm

and this also -
"About their faux-French name:

“Les rallizes dénudés” is their international name, in Japan they’re known as “Hadaka no rariizu”… Hadaka no translates to nu or dénudé; rariizu is a foreign word (or combination of sounds?) that was transliterated to the French-sounding “rallizes” when they got their international, French-sounding name.
So… From a mysterious foreign word to a Japanese approximation, then to a French approximation of the Japanese. May well have been Larrys… Might have been another word… Could be something else entirely, that has meaning only for them… In any case, better not look for a French meaning in it!
“The Naked/Stripped/Bare Larries/Rallies” would be the English approximation."
Avatar 1:49pm

hello glenn! yes, I was gonna mention that ラリる thing too, which I JUST learned that was where the name had come from in a recent interview of one of the original members. I'm not sure who started calling them in that French name. Mizutani claimed it at some point maybe? In Japan we all call them in the Japanese name.

Hellos melinda!
Avatar 1:50pm

it definitely sounds better than "the naked larries".
Avatar 1:52pm

Japanese people all assumed that name was from The Naked Lunch, which apparently wasn't.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm

It might sound French, but it isn't. I'd say go with the Japanese one, the Frenchish one, or any mix or these, and don't overthink it
Avatar 1:58pm

I'm approximately $300 away from my fundraiser goal! If you could afford some donation and credit it to my show, it would be very much appreciated.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

I wish I could up my pledge, but my card is blocked because I had to replace my falling-apart beer cozy
Up-Tight are playing nearby in a few weeks, I was told they are influenced by Les Rallizes Denudes, might be worth checking out
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm

I changed by avatar to clarify my "beer cozy" statement
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:17pm

Mayuko i got it!
Thank you fred. that's what i tried first, a month ago. when i started to type it my computer filled in the rest, so i know i typed it right...no idea why it didn't work a month ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:18pm
Webhamster Henry:

HI Mayuko! Don't scare us too much!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:18pm
Jeff Golick:

Yay bonus Vertigo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm

What was the band he said he liked?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm
Webhamster Henry:

Pere Ubu is playing across the street from me on Nov. 10th.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm

@Webhamster Henry: I think you should cross that street that day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:28pm
Jeff Golick:

I second what @fred said, @WH. In other words, fred said right. Right, said fred.
Avatar 2:28pm

@fred beer cozy = that beer holder? that seems to be a convenient feature for a live show. Wakabayashi san mentioned they talked about Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd and Jefferson airplane when they first met.

Glad it worked, coelacanth∅!!!
Hallos, Henry and Jeff!!!!
Avatar 2:33pm

(Right Said Fred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm
Webhamster Henry:

I actually go there a lot. There's a big Halloween party tonight, but my band has a show to do. Not enough weekends for all these activities! bspkingston.com
Avatar 2:35pm

Does anyone have apple picking place recommends? in Upstate or somewhere not too far from NYC?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41pm

@Webhamster Henry: I talked about CRAIVE lab with that coworker who went to EMPAC, he'd love to help with the speakers there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:42pm
Webhamster Henry:

@fred well, there are plenty of speakers! I was speaking myself at EMPAC last week at this time
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44pm

@Webmaster Henry: Was that about accessibility?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:45pm
Webhamster Henry:

@mayuko: we like Wilklow Orchards (in Highland, www.wilkloworchards.com) but there are lots of others and probably some closer to the Big City
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

For apple picking, Fishkill Farms seems pretty good and they don't kill fish there. There are a few choices up in this area: www.dutchesstourism.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm
Webhamster Henry:

@Fred indeed; it was also a kind of 10th anniversary of the AUMI project, that I wrote the app AUMI for.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:48pm

i like that. a beer cozy that can double as a jacket, if you're in a pinch.
Avatar 2:50pm

Thanks so much for these info, Ken and Henry! I knew you guys knew something!! Yesterday I got a sudden urge to go pick apples which I have never done before. I'll look those places up after the show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm

@Webhamster Henry: Have you met Anla Courtis? I think you guys could have fruitful exchanges
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
listener james from westwood:

If I could give my yearly Swag 4 Life pledge monthly, I would!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
paul b:

Thank you Mayuko. This show has been such a lovely grindy noisey spooky show, that i begain to wonder what i would do with the rest of the afternoon. I looked to see if the movie "Piano Tuner of Earthquakes" was on netflix or Youtube, but sadly it is not
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02pm
Webhamster Henry:

Thanks Mayuko! Thanks for extended show, I would have missed all of it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm

Excellent Mayuko Thank you!

tchau camaradas
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm

A guy at work ended his PhD defense by playing an Iron Maiden track (it was about digital emulation of amps)
Avatar 3:05pm

Thanks paul b! However you'll decide to spend the rest of the afternoon, I hope you have a nice weekend!
Avatar 3:06pm

@paul b (& thanks again for the generous pledge!!)
Avatar 3:07pm

Thanks again everyone for support and listening! I hope you all have a lovely halloween weekend!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Mayuko. Fun show today. Good luck with your apple picking adventure. If you need a ride from the train station or something, let me know.
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