Favoriting Daniel Blumin: Playlist from September 1, 2017 Favoriting

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The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.

Monday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting September 1, 2017: Billie's Dream

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Gaute Granli  Ride of the Year   Favoriting Animalskt  Unhinged  2017      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
AG Davis  Capture   Favoriting MM76: Amusical Music Atheatrical Theater (V/A)  MM  2017      0:04:57 (Pop-up)
Trichy Sankaran  Mridangam Solo   Favoriting Excavation Series 7 - You/In/Be Arc  Power Moves Library  2017  Cassette    0:09:11 (Pop-up)
Interspecies Music  Orca   Favoriting Excavation Series 7 - You/In/Be Arc  Power Moves Library  2017  Cassette    0:10:13 (Pop-up)
Bebe & Louis Barron  Bridges-Go-Round   Favoriting Excavation Series 7 - You/In/Be Arc  Power Moves Library  2017  Cassette  w/ Delia Derbyshire & Barry Bermange "Falling"  0:12:55 (Pop-up)
Irene Moon  Go Away Dreadful Creature   Favoriting Delirious Music for Delirious People (V/A)  No Part Of It  2011      0:19:16 (Pop-up)
Zero Gravity Thinkers  Tunguska Express   Favoriting Zero Gravity Thinkers  ZGT  2016    Slightly dif version than appears on me premium...  0:20:52 (Pop-up)
Graham Dunning  Oncelf A Me Boy Chilorn/Silentree Kinger   Favoriting White Donkey  Fractal Meat Cuts  2013      0:26:18 (Pop-up)
Sewer Election  Dream Bizarre   Favoriting Malign  iDEAL Recordings  2017      0:29:11 (Pop-up)
Earth Jerks  There Ain't No Life No Where   Favoriting File #09 aka "Mystifying Origins Of..."  Computer Tapes  2017  Cassette    0:32:55 (Pop-up)
Lightning in a Twilight Hour  Abandoned Islands   Favoriting Quiet Actions  Tapeworm  2017  Cassette    0:39:37 (Pop-up)
BJ Nilsen  Grappa Polar   Favoriting Fade to White  Touch  2004      0:54:36 (Pop-up)
Crème de Hassan  Touki Bouki / Krik Krak   Favoriting Technique & Rite  Inversions  2017  LP    1:11:23 (Pop-up)
African Head Charge  Far Away Chant   Favoriting My Life in a Hole in the Ground  On U Sound  2016  LP  '81  1:17:50 (Pop-up)
Doug Seidel  The Same First Day, Again   Favoriting Two Dimensional Version of a Four Dimensional Glance  Self-Released  2017      1:22:12 (Pop-up)
Morton Feldman  First Words   Favoriting Three Voices for Joan La Barbara  New Albion  1989      1:27:55 (Pop-up)
Samuel Beckett  Rockaby   Favoriting Rockaby  YouTube  1981    One-woman play starring Billie Whitelaw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66iZF6SnnDU  1:42:43 (Pop-up)
Eric Satie  Ogive III   Favoriting Satie Slowly  Unseen Worlds  2014    Philip Corner: piano  1:54:57 (Pop-up)
The Dead Mauriacs  Résidence Aztèque À Colonnades (Avec Vue Sur l'Océan)   Favoriting Beauté Des Mirages  Discrepant  2017  LP    2:10:39 (Pop-up)
Zuli  She's Hearing Voices   Favoriting Numbers  UIQ  2017  12"    2:27:08 (Pop-up)
Bill Converse  Currents   Favoriting The Shape of Things to Come  Dark Entries  2017  LP    2:31:55 (Pop-up)
Archivist  Languages   Favoriting Chutes and Ladders  Medical  2017  12"    2:38:10 (Pop-up)
Acre  Silvr   Favoriting Forgotten EP  Lost Codes  2013      2:44:29 (Pop-up)
Compa  Narabeh   Favoriting Narabeh / Alpha  Deep Medi Musik  2013  12"    2:48:04 (Pop-up)
Liars  Crying Fountain   Favoriting TFCF  Mute  2017      2:54:26 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:02pm

First time listening from new work place! Good evening.
Avatar 9:02pm

good evening Mayuko, Daniel, and friends

where's e-smitty?

hey all!

Hello Daniel!

Mayuko, you’re working now?
Avatar 9:05pm

greetings bluminologists
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06pm
Daniel Blumin:

Good evening all! Welcome to September!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm

hi everyone!
Avatar 9:10pm

@Jake Yes! And I believe I am near you. And Ike.
Avatar 9:14pm

That's Delia Derbyshire sampling, isn't it? Is this related to BBC thing?
Eric Hat:

Happy Friday Daniel. I love you!
Eric Hat:

And hey there everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
Daniel Blumin:

It's an excerpt of Inventions for Radio, Mayuko...

scare me
Avatar 9:23pm


@Mayuko: Oh, wow. I am in Bay Ridge near the south end of Sunset Park. Near the Alpine theater on 5th Avenue.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Jack Mello:

Hey...sorry to bug you right before the show, have a good one!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Daniel Blumin:

Eric Hat! Backatcha! fleep & Chip - stop scarin each other! Good to see ya, Mello! Always!
Eric Hat:

What up chip!

Nice bleep whoosh konk beat.
  Swag For Life Member 9:50pm

This is fantastic.
Eric Hat:

These sounds are making my life right now. Fantastique
Avatar 9:51pm

@Jake I should try that theater sometime! Never been inside, only walked past by it a couple of times.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53pm
Daniel Blumin:

Glad ya dig, Eric, justoffthebeach (which beach?), and JakeG! I love this tape!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53pm
Uncle Michael:

This music is really lovely.

@Mayuko: It’s a multiplex. Nothing that amazing. But they are still locally owned and have some nice deep discount days. The marquee is nice because they put up happy birthday messages all the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm
Daniel Blumin:

Hallo, Uncle M! Welcome onboard!
Avatar 9:58pm

@Jake It seems like there are many small local businesses thriving around here, hope that industry city thing won't crush em and can co-exist.
  Swag For Life Member 10:01pm

@Daniel: Cleveland, OH off of Lake Erie. One of those cool, windy nights where I hear the waves crashing as I walk around the house.
Avatar 10:04pm

what is this lovely talkover music?
Avatar 10:05pm

Always enjoy your show, Daniel. Perfect soundtrack to working at home on a Friday night.

@Mayuko: True. As someone who grew up in Brooklyn and such, I believe that Sunset Park can’t really be gentrified in the core areas. Like the industrial areas? Maybe. But so far many attempts have failed.

My big theory is Sunset Park past the 60s—like towards Bay Ridge to the movie theater actually—might be where things gentrify since it’s honestly so dumpy and cheap… That’s why I live here! Also, deeper on the N train line too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Daniel Blumin:

steve, it's a new cd from Justin Walter called Unseen Forces!

And when I say dumpy I will just say for this board’s sake I have seen things that truly bring me back to NYC in the 1970s as a kid… Except no packs of wold stray dogs. Maybe in Sunset Park? Poor neighborhoods in NYC in the 1970s still had packs of wild stray dogs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15pm
Daniel Blumin:

That sounds lovely, justoffthebeach!!! Good to have ya here! Thank you kindly, JayD!!!
Avatar 10:16pm

matt in ridgewood formerly matt in berwyn:

badbada yambabab
Avatar 10:20pm

this show has been divine! thanks daniel
matt in ridgewood formerly matt in berwyn:

Swampy dub

Not too many people openly mumble like that anymore.

Avatar 10:23pm

@Jake I sincerely hope there's no packs of stray dogs around here, I have to walk out onto the streets to head home soon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
Daniel Blumin:

Hallo, matt in ridgewood! Jeff-m! Faye, thank you, you world traveller, you! How long will you be away from our shores????

@Mayuko: I genuinely don’t think there are packs of stray dogs there anymore. But I will say there is a pretty amazing bunch of feral cats outside of a food service facility on 52nd Street near 1st Avenue in Sunset Park.

In general there are some disturbingly large colonies of feral cats in the dumpy parts this part of Brooklyn. So may that be the worst if the animal encounters you deal with there.
Avatar 🌫 Swag For Life Member 10:32pm
Jack Mello:

African HC, too good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33pm
Chop Scott:

Sir Daniel- Great to see you earlier and now to hear you back in the nest. Cheers!

@Mayuko: The last really wild dog packs I heard of were in Red Hook like 10 years ago. Good article on them and the great woman who cared for some of them. www.star-revue.com...

And yes, my “on task” self approves of this “Three Voices for Joan La Barbara” track.
Avatar 10:43pm

@Jake Thanks for the link! Will read it when I get home - time to head out fight my way through the cats (I did see a bunch of them...)

Will try listen the rest on mobile!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44pm
George of Troy:

Daniel! Good evening to ya!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thanks, Jack! Sir Scott! Great to see ya and a belated happycake to thee! Greetz, George!

Avatar 10:47pm

This Rockaby has been making it sound like there's a ghost speaking in this old warehouse building. Perfect place to listen to this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48pm

I imagine an old woman sitting in a glass case with a crystal ball and a tarot deck.

Samuel Beckett was a cool guy.
Avatar 10:49pm

I bet I'm the only one working here right now but if there's anyone else here, this show might be scaring the shit out of them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51pm

She was also known for her portrayal of Mrs. Baylock, the demonic nanny in the 1976 horror film The Omen. So there ya go...

@Fuzzy: The nanny who said, “Look at me, Damien. It's all for you!” and then hung herself?

Damn, then some Satie. Heavy duty hour for sure
Avatar 10:57pm

that Beckett was great i may have to relisten
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59pm

@Jake: no:
"Mysterious events plague the Thorns: large black dogs congregate near the Thorn home; Damien's nanny publicly hangs herself at his fifth birthday party; a new nanny, Mrs. Baylock (Billie Whitelaw), arrives unannounced to replace her; the five-year old Damien violently resists entering a church; and zoo animals are terrified of Damien."

Samuel Beckett took Andre the Giant to school in his truck when he was 12. He was too big for the schoolbus so Beckett volunteered to take him to school each day:

“…Rousimoff’s son was André the Giant, and when Beckett found out that Rousimoff was having trouble getting his son to school, Beckett offered to drive André to school in his truck — a vehicle that could fit André — to repay Rousimoff for helping to build Beckett’s cottage.”


Last carrier pigeon, named Martha, died on this day in 1914... Obviously what really caused the WW1
Avatar 11:07pm

thats truly incredible Jake

Love these sounds. Fixing to eat ice cream here in St. Paul, MN – perfect music for eating ice cream

September 1, 1878: 1st female telephone operator starts work (Emma Nutt in Boston).

September 1, 1914: The last passenger pigeon, a female named Martha, dies in captivity in the Cincinnati Zoo.

September 1, 1922: NYC law requires all "pool" rooms to change name to "billiards".
Jesse k:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14pm
Daniel Blumin:

Tomloops, great to hear from the Twin Cities! Jesse k, you've heeded the call! Thanks! Where might you be listening from? JakeG, that Andre/Beckett story is a doozy! Thx!

@Daniel: It’s great, right? Makes you realize how being a jerk when you are famous is not a rule; some people are just nice to neighbors regardless.


September 1, 1976: New Jersey's Meadowlands racetrack opens.

September 1, 1977: 1st TRS-80 Model I computer sold.

September 1, 1978: Last broadcast of "Columbo" on NBC TV.
Jesse k:

I'm in boston, cleaning out a studio that I just moved into today. Fixing holes in the floor and exorcising art ghosts from the space. Excellent soundtrack.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thx, jesse! Three cheers to you for allowing WFMU to aid and abet the exorcising!

And, yeah… This show tonight is top notch for us Friday folks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30pm
Daniel Blumin:

JakeG! Thank you, Sire!!! Great to have ya Friday nightin' w/ us!
Eric Hat:

BoC on acid.
Eric Hat:

(This Converse is like...)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39pm

i dont always catch you live but i do listen to all the archives... look forward to listening to this set again. prolly tomorrow!!
Avatar 11:40pm

alright just finished a 12 hour soldering marathon with 20 mins left in the day, lets party
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:42pm
Daniel Blumin:

Thank yous, BriGuidry!!! All hail the archivist massive!!!

@steve: What are you building? A HAM radio?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43pm
Daniel Blumin:

steve, now you're talkin'!
Eric Hat:

Just beautiful.
Avatar 11:45pm

Jake i wish. im rewiring old cassette walkmans for midi control! i finished 8 today!
Eric Hat:

It's like that, ya keep goin...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48pm
Cooh John:

'Evening Daniel Blumin, and the usual suspects. Hiya JakeGould. Thanks for the 'This Day in History' update. I LOVED Columbo, especially the bad guy who would explain everything to Columbo. Columbo would start to walk away, turn around, and say "But there was something bothering me..."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50pm
Daniel Blumin:

Hallooo, Cooh J! Eric, glad ya digg!

@steve: As long as they don’t have the potential to attain sentience, I support your efforts.

Ok, which track was playing at 11:43? I was in the car at the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54pm
Daniel Blumin:

I'm assuming twas Archivist, Hmmm... But the archive will have time stamps so you can be sure that way...
Eric Hat:

Lord bless this set.
Eric Hat:

Thank you so much, sir.

Welp, thanks for the show!
Jesse k:

Sick show thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm
Daniel Blumin:

THX, Jesse k, JakeG, Eric H, the lurkaz, the archivists, and you! Happy Laboring and a grand September to all! See ya in the new sched! Same freeform time, same freeform channel! Back on the 15th!
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