Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from July 25, 2017 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting July 25, 2017: Fragments for Henry

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Artist Track Album Label Year
Paul Timings  Let These Stones Speak 03   Favoriting Let These Stones Speak    2016 
Michael Siegel  Hand Loading   Favoriting The Sounds Of The Junk Yard  Folkways Records  1964 
Minski  Trains   Favoriting https://soundcloud.com/dts78     
W.R.M.  untitled   Favoriting Into The Gaping Maw Of The Summer Solstice  Left Hand Path Tapes  2017 
Alessandro Ragazzo  Golfo di Napoli   Favoriting Soundmaps For The Dreamer  Sonospace  2017 
Pierre Henry  Deux Coups De Sonnette   Favoriting Deux Coups De Sonnette  Signature  2006 

Music behind DJ:
Domenique Dumont 

La Bataille de Neige   Favoriting



Pierre Henry  Fragments Pour Artaud   Favoriting Fragments Pour Artaud  Philips   
Experimental Products  Love Changes   Favoriting Glowing In The Dark EP  Short Circuit Records  1984 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:02pm

Fabio's muffler cd would go well here (marathon prize a while back)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

hi people.
Avatar 7:04pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

haha, wow I forgot about that prize! Yeah this totally sounds like a muffler but I think it's some concrete breaking machine (probably with a muffler)
Avatar 7:04pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi melinda!
pacific standard simon:

Remember Sounds of the Wrecking Yard on Folkways/Smithsonian (I think)? It made Lester Bangs' top ten list of skronk records.
pacific standard simon:

You should hear the noise my 60 quart mixer makes when it runs with a whisk at top speed. Can't do it during business hours.
Avatar 7:17pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi Simon, I got you!
pacific standard simon:

The machines talk to you, like that movie of The Twonky, or that one Twilight Zone episode.
Avatar 7:27pm

Pierre Schaeffer's "Etude aux chemins de fer" would go well here. (I need to get back to dj'ing soon).
Avatar 7:30pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@Simon, the problem is they won't shut up!
@northguineahills, I've got the other Pierre coming up later on, did you get your records free yet?
pacific standard simon:

Then there's always Lou Reed, but that always sounds more like shortwave jamming to me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

hello Jesse; hi neighbors!
Avatar 7:42pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Howdy coelacanthø!
pacific standard simon:

Any laundromat sounds available? Nice drones there.
Avatar 7:44pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

good idea, I'll dig around. those breakups are in the recording, this was recoded directly to tape and maybe manipulated..
Avatar 7:45pm

I move into my new place in less then two weeks, then I can take my records out of storage, which will be awesome.
Avatar 8:53pm

Wracking my brain, but I don't believe I've heard this Henry.
Avatar 8:59pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

It was originally made for radio and broadcast in 2005 but then became a CD. Not one of his popular ones but talks a lot about musique concrete as a form
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Uncle Michael:

The last time I heard this was Friday when I used Bryce's live show for my mic breaks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
Uncle Michael:

Hmm...not on his playlist. I'da sworn...
Avatar 9:33pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Michael! Sorry I missed you, I was in a bit of a trance
Avatar 9:33pm

Bryce does provide great bed music. I'm always oscillating my iTunes' WFMU dial back on forth on Fridays.

I've heard "Fragments Pour Artaud", so I'm 1 for 2 in the Henry programming so far. Can't say I've heard anything before this piece.
Avatar 9:34pm

@Jesse: Henry's "popular ones" lol!
Avatar 9:37pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Louise Huebner borrowed her vibes from this track
Avatar 9:58pm

Wow, I've never come across Experimental Products. Thanks Jesse!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09pm

Thanks Jesse!
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