Favoriting Explorers Room with Flash Strap: Playlist from July 13, 2017 Favoriting

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This is where all of culture and all of time are collapsed into one seductive portal and viewed through the panoramic lens of the exotic. Come and embark on an armchair-travel virtual-voyage to the heart of timeless darkness and beyond; embrace the numinous monolith of the exotic immensity. Let us find that place where hybridization meets its destiny as pure fantasy. Let us become observers observing those others who are ourselves. You wear your mask and I'll wear mine.

Thursday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting July 13, 2017: Fourth World Dream Theory (The Possible Musics of Jon Hassell)

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Artist Track Album Year Comments Approx. start time
Jon Hassell / Brian Eno  Charm (Over "Burundi Cloud")   Favoriting Fourth World Vol. 1 – Possible Musics  1980  Congas – Ayibe Dieng; Ghatam, Drum [Loop Drum] – Nana Vasconcelos   

Music behind DJ:
Pandit Pran Nath 

Ragas   Favoriting

Raga Yaman Kalyan 


with Lamonte Young (Tambura) 

0:19:37 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Toucan Ocean   Favoriting Vernal Equinox  1978    0:36:36 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Viva Shona   Favoriting Vernal Equinox  1978    0:40:15 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Caracas Night September 11, 1975   Favoriting Vernal Equinox  1978    0:46:52 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Voodoo Wind   Favoriting Earthquake Island  1978    0:48:49 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Cobra Moon   Favoriting Earthquake Island  1978    0:58:08 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Adios Saturn   Favoriting Earthquake Island  1978    1:03:48 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell / Brian Eno  Chemistry   Favoriting Fourth World Vol. 1 – Possible Musics  1980    1:04:34 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Chor Moiré   Favoriting Dream Theory In Malaya (Fourth World Volume Two)  1981  mixed by Brian Eno  1:11:21 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Datu Bintung at Jelong   Favoriting Dream Theory In Malaya (Fourth World Volume Two)  1981  Mixed by Daniel Lanois  1:14:01 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  These Times...   Favoriting Dream Theory In Malaya (Fourth World Volume Two)  1981  Gong [Bowl Gongs], Bells, & Mixing by Brian Eno  1:20:30 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Empire IV   Favoriting Aka / Darbari / Java - Magic Realism  1983    1:23:12 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Darbari Extension II   Favoriting Aka / Darbari / Java - Magic Realism  1983    1:28:40 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno & David Byrne  The Carrier   Favoriting My Life in the Bush of Ghosts  1981    1:34:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Jon Hassell 

Ravinia/Vancouver   Favoriting

The Surgeon of the Nightsky Restores Dead Things by the Power of Sound 



1:38:06 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno & David Byrne  A Secret Life   Favoriting My Life in the Bush of Ghosts  1981    1:49:50 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno & David Byrne  Regiment   Favoriting My Life in the Bush of Ghosts Working Demos  1981    1:52:06 (Pop-up)
Talking Heads  Houses in Motion   Favoriting Remain in Light  1980  with Jon Hassell  1:56:36 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  Shadow   Favoriting Ambient 4 (On Land)  1982  with Jon Hassell  2:01:13 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell / Farafina  Kaboo (Play)   Favoriting Flash of the Spirit  1987  prod. Brian Eno  2:03:40 (Pop-up)
David Sylvian, Jon Hassell, Steve Jansen, Holger Czukay  Words With The Shaman, Pt. 1 - Ancient Evening   Favoriting Words With The Shaman  1985    2:06:33 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Pagan   Favoriting City: Works of Fiction  1990    2:11:03 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell & Bluescreen  G-Spot   Favoriting Dressing for Pleasure  1994    2:17:21 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Miles Davis 

Hip Skip   Favoriting

The Complete On The Corner Sessions 



2:21:40 (Pop-up)
The Residents  The Festival of Death   Favoriting Eskimo  1979    2:33:29 (Pop-up)
Karlheinz Stockhausen  Gesang der Junglinge   Favoriting   1955-56    2:43:47 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Terry Riley 

In C   Favoriting

In C 


with Jon Hassell 

2:52:30 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 4:14pm
Flash Strap:

"The ability to bring the actual sound of musics of various epochs and geographical origins all together in the same compositional frame marks a unique point in history."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

Looks like interesting listening...Hi!
Avatar 6:27pm

Evening Evan! Good quote, which century is it from?

Hiya Doc!
Avatar 6:32pm
Walking Daydream:

Sort of musical collage.
Avatar 6:38pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Doc! Hi Geezerette! Hi WD!

Good question, G: it's from the liner notes of 4th World Vol. 2, but that sentiment could have been expressed in another recent century and been essentially as true.

A funny thing about Hassell is that he sort of sometimes gives the slightly absurd impression that he thinks he's invented syncretism, or at least elevated it to a totally transcendent plane. He's great though
Avatar 6:41pm

Looking forward. Another artist I know nothing about, which is only one of the reasons I love this station.
Avatar 6:48pm
Flash Strap:

I'm looking forward as well! I actually didn't know a whole lot about Hassell, outside of some of his more lauded records with Eno, prior to compiling this show. So once again we embark on a voyage of discovery together
Avatar 6:51pm
Flash Strap:

@WD: some serious musical collage ideas abounding tonight, well put
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

Hey Geez! (have to stop meeting like this...)
Have the Fourth World v1 on vinyl somewhere at home, haven't heard it in ages, don't know much else about Hassell's music, should be fun and interesting.
Avatar 6:59pm
Flash Strap:

That's a good album to have around Doc!
Avatar 7:02pm
Flash Strap:

At last, we begin
Avatar 7:09pm
Walking Daydream:

This feels kind of like The Shining to me
Avatar 7:10pm
Walking Daydream:

or actually like the old dungeon crawler video games like Shadow Tower..
Avatar 7:12pm
Flash Strap:

I get that, WD

Actually, a lot of this stuff reminds me of a particular later-period Wendy Carlos album, Beauty in the Beast, which is similarly concerned with ethnological forgery/futurist syncretism. Beauty in the Beast
Avatar 7:13pm
Flash Strap:

never played Shadow Tower though
Avatar 7:13pm
Flash Strap:

the vagueness of it all reminds me of Myst, or maybe Zork, speaking of games
Avatar 7:16pm
Walking Daydream:

The phrase "ethnological forgery/futurist syncretism" brings to mind some visualizations of The Martian Chronicles - sort of Greek architecture in the middle of a desert.

Zork graphics are kind of what I was meaning, or like King's Field. I get the vagueness you mentioned, especially compared to the vagueness of old computer graphics.
Avatar 7:18pm
Flash Strap:

Man, I never really liked actually reading Martian Chronicles, but when I was a kid I absolutely pored over the illustrations. they were so cool
Avatar 7:21pm
Walking Daydream:

They made a mini-movie series of it a few decades ago that follows the book pretty well.
This seems to relate to exotica in the mental travel sense. Is there some specific differentiation you're thinking about between ambient and exotica?
Avatar 7:24pm

I keep hearing elephants, which are probably just intentional distortion, and that reminded me of all the sound tricks on sound tracks going at least back to early thirties and Tarzan movies. Sound montage, aural equivalent of visual...which loops right back to our conceptual starting point.

The illustrator for Martian Chronicles might have been Joe Mungiani, have to look it up. Sure I'm spelling that incorrectly.
Avatar 7:27pm

hello explorers! i now feel really old because i remember buying that jon hassell/brian eno possible musics record at main st records in northampton just a couple years after it came out.
Avatar 7:28pm
Walking Daydream:

Yeah, that's the right track, geezerette.
Avatar 7:30pm

i bought Earthquake Island, too. i don't have either of these LPs anymore, sad face
Avatar 7:33pm

WD, some bok cover art for Bradbury.
There's a Mugnaini cover for Fahrenheit 451.
Avatar 7:34pm

Hey Hyde!
Avatar 7:35pm
Walking Daydream:

R is for Rocket! haha :D

Hi Flash and fellow Explorers!
Avatar 7:37pm

hiya, g
Avatar 7:39pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Hyde! JtotheK! Welcome to the room! I promise to not talk for that long again tonight, fingers crossed
Avatar 7:40pm
Flash Strap:

Vernal Equinox is some of his best stuff, to be honest
Avatar 7:42pm

also in feeling old, you guys are making me flash back to the copy of The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury that we had when i was a kid. The paperback with the tattooed guy with his back facing the viewer. don't know who did that cover, but i loved that story called The Veldt.
Avatar 7:43pm
Flash Strap:

what'd you think of Earthquake Island, Hyde? It's a strange duck
Avatar 7:43pm
Walking Daydream:

I think that cover was included in the link. I believe there were a couple involving the posture you mention.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

Like this Viva Shona track.
Avatar 7:46pm
Flash Strap:

The Martian Chronicles illustrations that I liked as a kid were definitely by Ian Miller, that stuff was crazy!
Avatar 7:46pm
Flash Strap:

@Doc: me too! Nana Vasconcelos on this as well I believe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47pm

Avatar 7:48pm

@Flash i really liked it when i bought it. but i heven't heard it ince like....1985?

@Walking yeah, you're right. the painting is there. seems like what we had was the Bantam 1969 paperback, near as i can tell
Avatar 7:48pm
Flash Strap:

rare unadorned trumpet sound here. still sounds weird though
Avatar 7:49pm
Walking Daydream:

Wow, I've never seen the Ian Miller illustrations, though, I feel Mugnaini better matched the vibe of the first song in terms of vagueness.
Avatar 7:50pm
Flash Strap:

@Hyde: well, we're revisiting it now!

It's pretty cool
Avatar 7:51pm
Flash Strap:

Agree on that point, WD
Avatar 7:52pm

it's amazing to me how familiar this sounds even though i haven't heard this for decades!
Avatar 7:53pm
Flash Strap:

That's the fourth world for ya!
Avatar 7:54pm

also, i'm feeling terrible regret about selling a huge swath of my records in the mid eighties ;)
Avatar 7:56pm

Hyde, The Veldt stuck with me too.

Not a fan of Mugnaini either! (hahaha)
Avatar 7:57pm
Flash Strap:

Dom Um Romao also on this album
Avatar 7:59pm

@Flash that makes two times today i've thought about Weather Report
Avatar 7:59pm

Is there a sameness to these tracks or am I not paying attention?
Like I keep thinking of actual whale songs or Paul Horn, (I think),
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Bradbury taught me to read - in sense of picking up books for myself. & I got to tell him too.
Avatar 8:03pm
Flash Strap:

@G: I think one of the fundamental shortcomings of Hassell's vision of the exotic is that, while his technique is really unusual and interesting, he always uses essentially the same treatment on the trumpet. Listening to his discography gets a little same-y; fortunately, as he progresses he gets increasingly into adventurous compositional cutting-and-pasting, which I'll try to highlight. we'll also hear some collaborations and influences later on

Avatar 8:04pm

@Flash i don't think you're wrong, because the same time that i bought this LP is pretty much about when i also was listening to Sounds of the Humpback Whale and Paul Horn
Avatar 8:05pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Melinda! Warmest welcome!

That's hilarious Hyde!

@hyde I remember that cover of The Illustrated Man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'People ask me to predict the future - when I just want to prevent it!'
- Bradbury
Avatar 8:11pm

@Flash now that i think about it it might be i came to the whales a little earlier, because i am remembering now kind of shutting down a high school party in c. 1979 by cranking up that whales record after maybe a bit too much orange sunshine. also, at some point i got a cool flexi disc from National Geographic with whale songs.
Avatar 8:12pm

Hey Melinda!

RevRab, good one! Wish he could have, this one anyway.
Avatar 8:13pm

@melinda right? i loved that paperback.
Avatar 8:15pm
Flash Strap:

Hi RevRab!
Avatar 8:16pm
Flash Strap:

@Hyde: I did a similar thing more than once with that Robert Redford wolf record! and I loved that Nat Geo flexi, I played it on the show at one point last summer
Avatar 8:18pm

Getting into it now. Every now and then he reminds me of Miles Davis. I love those long,clean lines.
Avatar 8:18pm
Flash Strap:

This is a really cool record, a welcome change in formal composition towards collage and sampling

@G: He's really, really into Miles
Avatar 8:19pm

@Flash haha, i dug the wolf record too. i used to take that one out from my hometown public library. my whale flexi i still have, but it sounds like crap.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...kinda wonder if there was any other dose of orange sunshine than too much (tho' I never encountered that kind)...
Avatar 8:19pm

Yeah, it's much better.
Avatar 8:20pm

@RevRab heh. i'm just glad someone got that brand reference
Avatar 8:21pm

...@Flash: 8:18
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm
Doug Schulkind:

So glad to be amongst friends in the Exploratorium. Hello, dear Flash.

I didn't read The Illustrated Man but I liked October Country.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm

hello Flash and Explorers

big into Jon Hassell here
Avatar 8:27pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Doug! We friends rejoice to have you among us
Avatar 8:28pm
Flash Strap:

Hi C! Then you're just the guy we want to see!

Hassell is new to me but I'm liking it.
Avatar 8:30pm
Flash Strap:

I like this track a lot, the samples are such small snippets, like a kaleidoscope
Avatar 8:32pm

i never copped to this record, but it's super cool
Avatar 8:32pm

Yes, like a kaleidoscope!
Avatar 8:33pm

Hi Coel!
Avatar 8:33pm
Flash Strap:

i like the cover art too, tho it totally looks like a computer game re: Walking Daydream's first impressions: img.discogs.com...
Avatar 8:37pm

this record is so great. the book is really great too.
Avatar 8:37pm

I remember this and love that album.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

A lot of what I love in Eno's work here. A long comprehensive exposition of Eno collaborators would be worthwhile...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...too many of course...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm

hey there g!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'You can close your eyes, but not your ears.' That stuff gets 'appropriated' is one of the great, culture-bridging qualities that Music has.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...It generally works both ways simultaneously, & nearly instantly (on hearing) - Cultures A & B & all that...Respect & credit due may be legitimate concerns - but it always ends up Culture C, right?
Avatar 8:54pm

this record. THIS RECORD
Avatar 🥁 8:55pm

Damn, it's a hassle to miss so much Hassell, to the archives (later)!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm

imagine if this album had never been made because they didn't find out who created the sample source material.
- that would be a crime.
Avatar 8:56pm
Flash Strap:

I agree, RevRab - while I sympathize with Hassell here, really do, I also think it's a strange claim from someone who sort of treats "ethnic" music as a natural resource to be extracted and used

To get both the best (good theory, well-articulated ideas on exoticism and syncretism) and worst (casual ignorance, as when he says,"About this time my marriage ended and I entered into a new relationship with a girl who was an African-American/Native-American mixture... A bit of Fourth World on a personal level.") of Hassell's thought process, I highly recommend reading the Perfect Sound interview: web.archive.org...
Avatar 🥁 8:56pm

I used to find Hassell records in discount bins and garage sales. Those were lucky days.
Avatar 8:58pm

wow! No denying! It's stronger though, which must be due to Eno and Byrne's taste and distance from source. Being Hassell's baby he was perhaps overindulgent.
We've all been on both sides of that issue.

Haven't heard this album in years and still love it.
Avatar 8:59pm
Flash Strap:

@C: I agree! Honestly, this is why we need to separate art and commerce completely and support artists independent of the market's willingness to do so
Avatar 8:59pm

this show is really making me relive my past. i remember buying the My Life In The Bush of Ghosts record, playing it endlessly in my dorm room and then getting and reading the Amos Tutuola book out of th UMass library just because of it. And then reading The Palm Wine Drinkard too, and actually thinking it was better.
Avatar 9:00pm
Flash Strap:

I need to read that book, Hyde! you liked it?
Avatar 9:00pm

and now Remain in Light, which is the 2nd time i've thought of this today!
Avatar 9:01pm

Evan I agree wholeheartedly.
Avatar 9:02pm
Flash Strap:

Hi NGH! wish I could find some of this stuff in a bin
Avatar 9:03pm

@Flash it's amazing. i've only read those two works by Tutuola, but theyre both fantastic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04pm

in the world in my mind, Evan, the artists would have no more chance of starving than the corporate lawyers.
Avatar 9:04pm

hahaha :)
Avatar 9:08pm
Flash Strap:

Sounds good, C.
Avatar 9:08pm
Flash Strap:

gotta check it out and give it a read, Hyde! never read Tutuola
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...anyhow - as Bowie taught us - it takes keen perception to know who best to appropriate & talent to do something good w/ it that masses will find accessible...I'm certainly not familiar w/ Jon Hassell (which is the sort of reason I'm here...was thinking of Eno-Byrne being accused of appropriating African sources, really...)
Avatar 9:17pm
Flash Strap:

I hear ya, RevRab. I mean, I really think if you divorce creative expression from market pressures (within, y'know, a necessarily more egalitarian society worldwide), you have less of a problem with appropriation and idea-theft and copyright violation. All should be invited to drink from the well of the zeitgeist and make of that wellspring whatever they will and rejoice in the result. Capital, competition, and geographically-based oppression/racism make this impossible
Avatar 9:19pm
Flash Strap:

at least: FOR NOW
Avatar 9:20pm
Flash Strap:

this is Hassell in his hip-hop period. We got Flea on the bass. Thoughts? I'm torn!
Avatar 9:20pm

a secular amen.
Avatar 🥁 9:21pm

I wonder who this Blue Screen was.... This would have been right before I got into rhythm based beats, and there was a razor-thin difference b/tn successful and cheesy appropriation of jazz and or World (w/ a capital W) sources.
Avatar 9:33pm

"ornamenting ones life" That's sort of his problem, if he has one.
It's a matter of taste, but I'd like him to lose a layer or two.
Avatar 9:38pm

Digging The Residents and putting them in new context because of show.
Avatar 9:40pm
Flash Strap:

I think I agree, Geezerette. I didn't set out to have this show take Hassell down a peg, but I did set out to learn more about him and having explored the subject, I think at the very least he should be treated with the same critical analysis we bring to the more overtly problematic exoticists.

If anything, with them, I try to highlight their avant-garde tendencies; with someone like Hassell, who has tremendous avant-garde cred and wide influence, I think it's important to highlight the aspects of rote exoticism in his approach

I think he's great, but that greatness has its limits

The Residents do it so great because they don't try to dodge the contradiction or the grotesque nature of the endeavor. They make a strength of it

@geeze same here
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
tuner fish:

greetings. digging the jon hassell...
Avatar 9:43pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Tuner Fish!

Man, I wanted to play some Yma Sumac in this set but I'm too short on time! Oh well
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
tuner fish:

and now THIS classic! Haven't heard Gesang in a long time!
Avatar 9:47pm
Flash Strap:

It's so crazy good. I'd love to hear it in all its original five-channel glory
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
tuner fish:

I always thought the kids' voices and the electronic sounds had a nice, playful and fun vibe. It would be cool to have an Explorers Room that covered his psychedelic years. Like "Stimmung" and works of that time period. Not too familiar with that canon.
Avatar 9:48pm
Flash Strap:

NEXT SHOW ALERT: following Explorers Room tonight, Mary Wing will be filling in for Cool Blue Flame

Avatar 9:49pm
Flash Strap:

I'd like to get more familiar actually. That's something that might happen one day, after I educate myself a little more
Avatar 9:49pm

Evan and Melinda, :)
Explorers Room often feels like a salon,it's really wonderful.
Avatar 9:55pm

i love ""In C". i dig the Acid Mothers Temple version too.
Avatar 9:58pm

Thanks for a stellar show Evan!
Avatar 9:58pm
Mary Wing:

I'm here!
Avatar 9:58pm
Flash Strap:

Thanks to all of you! Hello Mary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

100% Whatever playlist: wfmu.org... !!

Great show - thanks Flash!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

Superb program tonight, as usual. Evan Thank you!
Avatar 10:00pm

thanks Flash!
Avatar 10:01pm
Flash Strap:

Thanks C., G., Hyde, J-K! Much love and good night

I just found this trend while I was looking if someone found a similarity between Hassell's album and The Beauty in the Beast. I'm glad someone thought the same! I love that Wendy Carlos album so finding this one is blowing my mind!!
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