Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from July 7, 2017 Favoriting

Billy Jam's avatar View Billy Jam's profile Favoriting

Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting July 7, 2017: Put The Needle On The Stolen Macbook Pro (Show 5 of 14 Part Series)

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Year Comments New Approx. start time
Chop Clark  40 Acres   Favoriting Reconstruction  2017  Colorado by way of New York emcee Chop Clark: track produced by Frank Dutch is from his forthcoming November 2017 album "Reconstruction"  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
ILL Gordon  High (feat. Vic Spencer)   Favoriting   2017    *   0:04:16 (Pop-up)
Ghost of The Machine  Forbidden Knowledge (feat. Block McCloud)   Favoriting   2017    *   0:07:47 (Pop-up)
subway skit interlude            0:11:11 (Pop-up)
Milano Constantine  Quantanamo Bay (feat. J-Bux) EDIT   Favoriting   2017    *   0:11:34 (Pop-up)
Nicholas Craven  Weeks & Months (Instrumental)   Favoriting   2017    *   0:12:38 (Pop-up)
Killer Ben  A Glimpse Of Kobe (feat. Planet Asia)   Favoriting   2017    *   0:15:09 (Pop-up)
Gray Matter  Radioactive Spinach (Gil Scott Shit)   Favoriting   2017    *   0:17:47 (Pop-up)
DJ Skizz  4P   Favoriting   2017    *   0:19:35 (Pop-up)
Dana Coppafeel  1 Time   Favoriting   2017  U gotta love this guy's name "coppa feel" LOL  *   0:22:46 (Pop-up)
Block McCloud, Pumpkinhead, & Mr. Metaphor  Brooklyn Academy live impromptu set on WFMU w. Billy Jam   Favoriting WFMU/PTNOTR Live Remote from Knitting Factory, NY, NY Summer 2008  2008      0:25:30 (Pop-up)
Confidence  Beats For Sale!   Favoriting   2017    *   0:32:25 (Pop-up)
Phoniks  Satellites   Favoriting   2017    *   0:36:45 (Pop-up)
Dephlow  My Brother's Keeper   Favoriting   2017    *   0:41:43 (Pop-up)
Venomous2000 & Trilian  My Grandma Used To Say (feat. Marie Kanu)   Favoriting   2017    *   0:43:44 (Pop-up)
The Secret Museum of Mankind  Buddy Money (feat. Quelle Chris, Tone Tank, Kool A.D., DVS)   Favoriting   2017  thanks to my man/regular guest on this show (who will be back on in few weeks after he gets back from Italy) Tone Tank for sending over this great new collaborative project  *   0:47:08 (Pop-up)
Agallah  Who's The Man   Favoriting   2017    *   0:52:43 (Pop-up)
Jay-Z  Moonlight   Favoriting 4:44  2017    *   0:55:30 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:02pm
Billy Jam:

due to some fucker stealing my Macbook Pro at a damn Starbucks other day (before I had backed up all the edited videos I had done in that laptop) there will be no video version show today - Shout out to Bronwyn B for doing board-op/engineering duties this week and again next week
Avatar 7:02pm
Billy Jam:

pretty much all new hip-hop today
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

Billy jam. All. Good friday
Avatar 7:03pm

ugh, sorry Billy. i hope you get it back somehow. what a fucker.

Wait up. I describe FMU as the best white music anywhere. SHYTE, is it more?
Avatar 7:05pm

Karma will kill that thiefery right in its tracks , just you wait n see Billy, too much riding on your skillz to be stopped by nills. fuck the fuckin fuckers
Avatar 7:05pm

its more xazar

Karma is as delusional as god.
Avatar 7:06pm

white music? wow partition much?

Damn, Shyte, I am in heaven.
Avatar 7:07pm

Big ups Billy Jam. Haters is out there, fuck em. Grown ass man needing to snatch a laptop must be living in hell already. SHUN THE BEAST

Hell yes spider, I partition when appropriate

And I allow everything in
Avatar 7:08pm
Billy Jam:

check out (if u have not already) Bronwyn B's show archives on WFMU archives "Love Is Only Sleeping"
Avatar 7:09pm

thanks for the shout out billy :D
Avatar 7:09pm

that's fucked up Billy, hope that situation turns around soon.

"Love is only sleeping" now on my "to listen" list
Avatar 7:09pm

diversions make good bedfellows for dellusion, good luck. karma is a force not a theory.

Karma is a pacifier
Avatar 7:10pm


U think that kid who snatched the laptop is going to suffer as a result? Hell no. He's gonna have free digital time.
Avatar 7:12pm

thanks xazar, hope you like it!

The "f" key is sticky

Damn. I feel like I found a new home!
Avatar 7:15pm

karma doesnt work like that I dont wish shit on peeps but fuck it , this is Billy Jam time not our philosophy comment time , peace and love and any other wortwhile pursuit atcha . whackin up the Billy watts .

I'm so sick of this imaginary goodness. Karma, religion, bla bla. There is REAL goodness. Power to THAT.
Avatar 7:17pm
Billy Jam:

@Bronwyn B - please post link to your great new Webseries @Spidey+RWNN+ADA+robyn - thanks guys!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:17pm

Hi Billy, hi Bronwyn B., hi all! @xazar, welcome. IMHO not because of karma, but I agree w/the suspicion that the thief is already in a kind of hell. Most humans prefer a routine and safety. Being a thief is prob. stressful and not at all routine or safe. (S)he's probably gotten beaten up, or will be beaten up, or is an addict trying to pay for it, and might OD any time. Sorry if that's too much philosophy. Be well y'all.

True all that Ike. I'd never want that reality. I like good vibes, like this music!
Avatar 7:19pm

sooner or later, balance will be restored... as the world turns

Balance is continuously restored.

Damn, I am past bedtime, but FMU refuses to release me.
Avatar 7:22pm

yes yes and so it goes, Billy Jam's got something good coming as a result of this shake up. It is certain.
Avatar 7:22pm

stay up and enjoy it xazar if you can, great people here , lots of love of what they do.

I hear spider. Thanks. I am glued.
Avatar 7:24pm

Hi Ike!
Avatar 7:24pm

dunno how he does it , goddamn love that man

God, I wanna cry.
Avatar 7:24pm

Here is the Indiegogo page for my upcoming webseries: www.indiegogo.com...

Hopefully soon I'll be able to show you guys the first episode :)
Avatar 7:27pm
Billy Jam:

looking on the bright side - as a result of been forced to dust off my older (back-up) laptop I found this lost session from Brooklyn Academy

Damn. I will follow any links like a starving man right now.
Avatar 7:29pm
Billy Jam:

@Ike thanks for checking in and your words of wisdom - @xazar thanks for listening to WFMU and re "karma" been same as hollow religious beliefs - I hear you and agree on one level - but on another level karma is very real (IE if someone keep stealing they will get caught eventually and dealt with)
Avatar 7:30pm

Block McCloud, Pumpkinhead, & Mr. Metaphor is rockinnnnng it.....the continental ,Knitting Factory and elbow rooms were some way cool gigspots , are they still going (been lontime since me been Manhattan)
Avatar 7:31pm
Billy Jam:

shout out to Jessica Y - fellow victim - whose Macbook and phone were both stolen and who flipped into Wonder Woman mode and ran after the perps, jumping into one of their two getaway cars - luckily she was not hurt too badly when they kicked her out…..The organized gang crime occured at Starbucks in Emeryville / in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area, CA nearby where I am now doing this show now

Biily Jam getting caught is just numbers, not karma. But hey, I'm just a bag of my personal beliefs. No better or different than anyone else. Sometimes close to the truth, sometimes not. I appreciate the serious consideration. PEACE
Avatar 7:34pm

deffo fuck religious hollow beliefs and wow there was a chase and argy baRGY? FUCKKKK
Avatar 7:39pm

KARMA = reap what you sow - just to clarify my "beliefs" - luvatcha.. and fuck the fucking fuckers.. Billy got tha beats
Avatar 7:41pm
Billy Jam:

@spidey + all tuned in today and, like me, feeling this music - THANK YOU -
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

Agreed on fucking the fucking fuckers in case it wasn't clear. Didn't mean to be too sympathetic to 'em, heh.

Love the Lovers.

Brother's keeper
Avatar 7:47pm

your empathy is clear as day IKE and I second xazar , love the lovers , there aint much else worthwhile to do (except fuck the fuckin fuckers) hahaha .. So good so loud Billy cheers man
Jimmy in AZ:

loving all the selections today - all new to me
Avatar 7:52pm

Tone Tank should be ridin in Limos now (I know he wouldnt waste the money on fickle bullshit but yoo know what i mean right ) love his last albumn , want more
Avatar 7:53pm

Avatar 7:56pm

Tone Tank and Agallah are both steady putting out dope material!

Nite all. Work in a few hours. Peace and THANK YOU.
listener #126464:

Thanks again Billy Jam!
Jimmy in AZ:

hell yeah - wish this show was longer -jus sayin
Avatar 7:57pm
Billy Jam:

thank U to Bronwyn B for doing the engineering/board-op duties, thank YOU for listening either live or later in archives - if u like this type of hip-hop radio tell/link one friend to the show, please - thanks - have a great weekend! See U next Friday
Avatar 7:58pm

most love filled comment boards on the internet are on WFMU , best moosic , big thanks and love Billy Jam and just keep sayin it Jimmy in AZ
Avatar 7:58pm

thanks so much billy :D
LS Monkey:

Amazing Show! Sorry to hear about your laptop. Its the wild wild west out here right now.
Tall Paul:

Great free flow session from 2008 RIP Pumpkinhead you are missed. Bill thanks for blessing us with this jewel.
Tall Paul:

Bill sorry to hear about your laptop being blagged. Hope all is good with ya. Hopefully get to check out the show later
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