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The program formerly known as Dinner at Andy's, The Fuzzy Glove Hour, Whores, and The Happiness Hut. Ken and Andy, also known as The Enema Boys, further lower WFMU's already abysmal standards on a weekly basis. Stunt radio which subjects the radio audience to concepts and topics which mature adults should not have to endure. Find the fatal flaw. (Visit homepage.)
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June 21, 2017: The Multi-Line Interesting Vacation Story Show
Callers are asked to call in with their most memorable vacation stories. Ken has set up four separate phone lines for stories that are either "not interesting", "moderately interesting", "interesting", and "very interesting". Calls are given immediate priority based on interestingness.
There is a definite range from very interesting to not interesting at all, such as:
Very Interesting:
-Lily pads and women's breasts at a theme park ( Ken has to dump this one)
-A Dead Kennedys afterparty in a wig factory in La Jolla where the skinheads loved wearing all the wigs
-An alligator spotted coming out of a pond near a golfer
-A man is in Rome in a group with tour guides, and is warned to be careful of gypsies or thieves. A woman comes up with a camera for him to take a picture. He pushes her, thinking she is a thief, but she isn't.
-A woman is visiting a friend in Provincetown and they go to a gay night club. She sees Link from the Mod Squad - and she dances with him.
Moderately Interesting:
-A man who grew up in Saudi Arabia with many Greek friends. In Greece, he stumbled upon Homer's Tomb.
-Kids go to Don McLean's front door and sings American Pie as a tribute. Don tells them to get the F out.
-Teens visit Hong Kong and go to a karaoke bar on the main island. They miss their ferry back and find a police bunker, where they climb the bunker and his friends have a three way.
-A man meets Conan O’Brien and gets his autograph. He then makes a joke by asking Conan if he would like his autograph. Conan laughs.
Not Interesting:
-The Desert of Maine
-A woman went scuba diving and messed up her ear. And all day when she tried to walk she ran into a wall.
-Andy’s Phone Number!
-A night out at a bar in Tucson
-Beth calls in and tells Andy's "ace in the hole" story. When they started dating, Andy told Beth he could take her to the Oscars. She tells him that the chances are 1 in 7 that she'll be there. So Andy got her six white roses and one red one for 1 in 7.
In other topics, the WFMU Billboard is discussed again, and will either say "Difficult Listening" or "We’re talking about your dead mother right now!". Earlier in the show, Ken suggests Glynnis O'Connor for the female lead on Andy's new show. Andy loves the idea of using the hour to try and find her, but Ken is adamant that the original show must go on as planned. Also, Don McLean is coming to town, and if anyone gets a recording of him saying Andy's name, Andy will pay out $250.
And Recapper Andrew M (from Chicago) gets a shoutout!
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Ken & Andy | 0:00:00 (Pop-up) |
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Listener comments!
joe mulligan:
howard in nyc:
Greg from ZONE 5:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Nick the Bard:
howard in nyc:
Greg from ZONE 5:
Ken From Hyde Park:
phillip in the bronx:
howard in nyc:
howard in nyc:
howard in nyc:
Montclair Mick:
(Murakami Whywolf))):
Kat in Chicago:
howard in nyc: