People...LET's FREAK OUT!! Time are sure changin' BUT there's a party in 1969 and you're invited! This week features more 60s underground garage, heavy headbangers & psychedelic sounds with DJ Vikki Vaden! Put on those headphones, light the pipe and TURN IT UP! (Repeat show from 1/25)
Hey Guys! I apologize- Due to freaky ear infection I had to play a repeat show! I'm here though! Hopefully you haven't heard this one-its one of my faves!
Really?! They said it was in my middle ear- the kind usually only kids get!
Hey Keith! Yes this song is fantastic psych for hot evening! It is pretty warm here
Keith B.:
Hey VV, just laying back polishing my shoes and grooving to the tunes.
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Listener comments!
Asheville Jon:
Mailman Tom:
Asheville Jon:
Asheville Jon:
i remember listening to this show "live". very different place in my life/reality then vs. now
Asheville Jon:
always love CAN
Keith B.:
Mailman Tom:
Hey Keith! Yes this song is fantastic psych for hot evening! It is pretty warm here
Keith B.:
Mailman Tom:
Keith B.:
Asheville Jon: