Favoriting Explorers Room with Flash Strap: Playlist from February 9, 2017 Favoriting

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This is where all of culture and all of time are collapsed into one seductive portal and viewed through the panoramic lens of the exotic. Come and embark on an armchair-travel virtual-voyage to the heart of timeless darkness and beyond; embrace the numinous monolith of the exotic immensity. Let us find that place where hybridization meets its destiny as pure fantasy. Let us become observers observing those others who are ourselves. You wear your mask and I'll wear mine.

Thursday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting February 9, 2017: Songs of Blood and Fire

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Artist Track Album Year Comments Approx. start time
Mikey Dread  Comic Strip   Favoriting African Anthem: The Mikey Dread Show Dubwise  1979    0:00:46 (Pop-up)
Mikey Dread  Comic Strip   Favoriting Dread at the Control Dubwise  1979    0:03:58 (Pop-up)
Prince Far I  Show Me Mine Enemy   Favoriting Under Heavy Manners  1977  Prod. Joe Gibbs  0:07:44 (Pop-up)
Peter Tosh  Them A Fe Get A Beaten   Favoriting Joe Gibbs Record Globe 7"  1971  Prod. Joe Gibbs  0:11:22 (Pop-up)
Max Romeo & the Upsetters  War Ina Babylon   Favoriting War Ina Babylon  1976  Prod. Lee Perry  0:13:22 (Pop-up)
Tommy McCook & The Supersonics  Dreads Leaving Babylon   Favoriting Pleasure Dub  1976  mixed by Errol Brown  0:18:04 (Pop-up)
The Upsetters  Touch of Fire   Favoriting Return of Django  1969    0:20:47 (Pop-up)
Lee Perry  Soul Fire   Favoriting Roast Fish, Collie Weed and Cornbread  1978    0:23:23 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Herman Chin Loy 


Aquarius Dub 



0:26:43 (Pop-up)
Max Romeo & the Upsetters  Chase the Devil   Favoriting War Ina Babylon  1976  Prod. Lee Perry  0:33:49 (Pop-up)
Niney & the Observers  Blood & Fire   Favoriting Blood & Fire / Mud & Water 7"  1971    0:36:48 (Pop-up)
Observers  Hotter Fire   Favoriting Big Youth "Burn Fire" / Higher Frequence "Hotter Fire" 7"  1978  aka Higher Frequence  0:39:45 (Pop-up)
Makka Bees  Fire !   Favoriting Nation Fiddler / Fire ! Congo Music 7"  1977    0:42:06 (Pop-up)
Max Romeo  Fire Fe The Vatican   Favoriting Fire Fe The Vatican / Revelation Dub 7"  1976  Prod. Lee Perry  0:45:43 (Pop-up)
Keith Hudson  Torch of Freedom   Favoriting Torch of Freedom  1975    0:49:19 (Pop-up)
Keith Hudson & the Chuckles  Satan Side   Favoriting Alton Ellis "You Are Mine" / Keith Hudson & the Chuckles "Satan Side" 7"  1972    0:51:37 (Pop-up)
Augustus Pablo  Satan Side Version (AKA Kiss 14)   Favoriting The Hudson Affair  1972  prod. Keith Hudson  0:54:10 (Pop-up)
Desmond Dekker  Hippopotamus   Favoriting Pickney Gal – Trojan Maxi 7"  1973    0:56:26 (Pop-up)
Trinity  John Saw Them Coming   Favoriting Three Piece Suit  1977  Prod. Joe Gibbs  0:59:14 (Pop-up)
John Holt  Give Me Justice   Favoriting Give Me Justice 7"  1970  Prod. Phil Prat  1:02:01 (Pop-up)
Tapper Zukie  Liberation Struggle   Favoriting Man Ah Warrior  1973    1:04:37 (Pop-up)
Linton Kwesi Johnson  All Wi Doin is Defendin   Favoriting Dread Beat An' Blood ‎  1978    1:07:15 (Pop-up)
Mutabaruka  Angola Invasion   Favoriting Check It!  1983    1:10:11 (Pop-up)
Mutabaruka  Hard Time Loving   Favoriting Check It!  1983    1:13:46 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Rupie Edwards 


Dub Classic 



1:16:46 (Pop-up)
Alton Ellis  Joy in the Morning   Favoriting Sunday Coming (Bonus tracks)  1994/1971  rec. 1994  1:26:46 (Pop-up)
Slim Smith & The Uniques  My Conversation   Favoriting Creation Rockers Vol. 2  1968    1:30:09 (Pop-up)
Tapper Zukie  Future Bride   Favoriting Man Ah Warrior  1973    1:33:07 (Pop-up)
Trinity  Three Piece Suit   Favoriting Three Piece Suit  1977  Prod. Joe Gibbs  1:36:44 (Pop-up)
Sugar Minott  Try Love   Favoriting Showcase  1979  Prod. Clement Coxsone Dodd  1:39:32 (Pop-up)
Susan Cadogan  Nice and Easy   Favoriting Susan Cadogan  1975/6  Prod. Lee Perry  1:42:18 (Pop-up)
Susan Cadogan  The Feeling is Right   Favoriting Susan Cadogan  1975/6  Prod. Lee Perry, cover of Doris Duke/Swamp Dogg version of George Jackson's composition  1:45:54 (Pop-up)
Marcia Aitken  I'm Still in Love (With You)   Favoriting Anthology - Joe Gibbs: Love Of The Common People (1967 To 1979)    Prod. Joe Gibbs  1:50:19 (Pop-up)
Nora Dean  Angie La La   Favoriting Nora Dean  1971    1:52:57 (Pop-up)
Aston Barrett / Senna  Natural Woman   Favoriting Natural Woman / Family Man "Woman in Dub" 12"  1981    1:55:55 (Pop-up)
Joy White  Dread Out Deh   Favoriting Sentimental Reasons  1978    2:01:44 (Pop-up)
Lady Ann  Informer   Favoriting Lady Ann "Informer" / Joe Gibbs & the Professionals "On the Corner" 7"  1981  Prod. Joe Gibbs, with Eek-a-Mouse on backup vocals  2:05:10 (Pop-up)
Althea and Donna  Uptown Top Ranking   Favoriting Althea and Donna "Uptown Top Ranking" / Mighty Two "Calico Suit" 7"  1977  Prod. Joe Gibbs  2:08:08 (Pop-up)
Althea and Donna  The West   Favoriting Uptown Top Ranking  1978    2:12:31 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Jimmy Radway 

Black Rights   Favoriting

Dub I 



2:15:59 (Pop-up)
Bob Marley & The Wailers  Dracula   Favoriting Soul Rebels  1970  Prod. Lee Perry  2:26:11 (Pop-up)
Vulcans  Dracula   Favoriting Star Trek  1972    2:28:51 (Pop-up)
Scientist  Blood On His Lips   Favoriting Scientist Rids the World of the Evil Curse of the Vampires  1981    2:31:45 (Pop-up)
The Upsetters  The Vampire   Favoriting The Bleechers "Check Him Out" / The Upsetters "The Vampire" 7"  1969    2:35:33 (Pop-up)
Devon Irons  Vampire   Favoriting Lee Scratch Perry Arkology  1976?  Prod. Lee Perry  2:37:42 (Pop-up)
Trinity  Vampire   Favoriting Flag Man 7"  1979    2:40:53 (Pop-up)
The Heptones  Mr. President   Favoriting Heptones Disco Dub 12"  1977  Prod. Lee Perry, mixes of tracks from "Party Time"  2:45:13 (Pop-up)
Mutabaruka  Any Which Way...Freedom   Favoriting Any Which Way...Freedom  1989    2:49:03 (Pop-up)
Keith Hudson  Freedom Movements   Favoriting Torch of Freedom  1975    2:52:28 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Upsetters 

Revelation Dub   Favoriting

Lee Scratch Perry Arkology 


Prod. Lee Perry 

2:54:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:56pm
Flash Strap:

Evening Explorers! Let's burn this thing to the ground
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
listener james from westwood:

Got a gas can right here!
Avatar 7:01pm
Flash Strap:

Listener James brings it! Hello!
Avatar 7:10pm
Flash Strap:

How we doin tonight?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
Doug Schulkind:

The 9th Circuit just denied Trump's motion to overturn the stay. Good evening everyone!
Avatar 7:13pm
Flash Strap:

Yes. Yes. Yes. Evening Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Doug Schulkind:

This bush outside my house is a euonymus. My tush looks like a hippopotamus. The decision was unanimous!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
listener james from westwood:

Twitler is replying to this ruling in all caps, and with shitty grammar. In other words, it's a Thursday.
Avatar 7:22pm
Flash Strap:

What a W O R L D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
Doug Schulkind:

@Listener James
I have been known to throw down a typo or ten in tweets and emails. I'm a he-man. Oops, I mean human.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
Dave in Vermont:

OK, so my daughter is newly a stoner. For like the last several months. I think I just convinced her to listen to your show even though she is extremely resistant to FMU. I told her this was the most appropriate music to listen to stoned.
Avatar 7:24pm
Flash Strap:

There is basically no limit to how often I can hear this track, and I have tested myself on that
Avatar 7:26pm
Flash Strap:

haha hi Dave!
Avatar 7:29pm

hello to the gang. probably a little bit low profile tonite, but i'm around. play some Horace Andy for me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm
Doug Schulkind:

Because who would chase the Devil with a wrinkled shirt?
Avatar 7:35pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Hyde! Not sure if I have any Horace cued up for tonight, but if there's room I'll change that
Avatar 7:38pm
Flash Strap:

why is your daughter resistant to the great FMU, Dave? Have you alchemized the ultimate cool into the lame with the sorcery of your dadness?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:38pm
listener james from westwood:

@Doug: I never grade tweets, message boards, emails, playlists, etc.
Except his. He can go to hell and take his barely literate thumbs with him.
Avatar 7:39pm
Flash Strap:

I love this song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
Doug Schulkind:

I dub this song.
Avatar 7:41pm
Flash Strap:

brbrbrbrwoopboop this song
Avatar 7:42pm

ha, no need to accommodate requests. that was just the thing i thought of
Avatar 7:44pm
Flash Strap:

@ James: I'd like to take those thumbs with ME. and toss em out the window of a car, into a field. you know the drill
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:45pm
Dave in Vermont:

Exactly, Flash, alchemized cool into lame. That has been a real problem, but as she matures she is opening her heart and mind. Now I leave it in your hands good sir, to help her on the journey.
Avatar 7:45pm
Flash Strap:

@Hyde: I actually had a Horace track in mind earlier, but he got cut for something or other
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:48pm
Uncle Michael:

Good evening..
Avatar 7:49pm
Flash Strap:

well, even my squarest shows are designed for maximum psychedelic potential to the stoned person, so I guess I've been preparing for this moment my whole life. that's what I was doing in the backyard, perparing
Avatar 7:49pm
Flash Strap:

I've been listening to this as Fire Fe the Cabinet
Avatar 7:52pm
Flash Strap:

Evening, Uncle! Always a pleasure to see your mug!
Avatar 7:54pm
Flash Strap:

man, i love Keith Hudson's way of things
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

o man - reggae! dub!
hi Evan hello Explorers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Not @ all perturbed by the perpetration of yer preparations. Salutations - this demand for reparations. StudioOne via StreamTwo...
Avatar 8:05pm
Flash Strap:

Hi C the Canth and Rev the Rab, welcome, welcome brothers
Avatar 8:06pm
Flash Strap:

This whole Tapper LP is too hot to touch man, it sounds like it's from another planet
Avatar 8:09pm
Flash Strap:

"All oppression can do is bring passion to the heights of eruprion
and songs of fire we'll sing"

Avatar 8:09pm
Flash Strap:


Avatar 🥁 8:10pm

Ok, this is just what the doctor ordered.
Avatar 8:11pm
Flash Strap:

NGH! Hello!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm

Avatar 8:12pm
Flash Strap:

No Oku tonight, I don't know why. But, there are many more nights where this music will seem right in the Room, I think
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm

ah. Mutabaruka.
Avatar 8:15pm
Flash Strap:

That whole Mutabaruka album is soo good, for anyone who's never spent time with it
Avatar 8:16pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm

i burnt out on Mutabaruka and haven't listened to him in nearly 2 decades; except a few tracks i put in mixes. it's really good to hear it again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm

hmm, did Max take that line from Jr. Byles, or likewise?
Avatar 8:28pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Quiiiiiiiiin!

I need to check on that, C.!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

That Bass tone - the arrangement - the recording...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm

i looked, Evan. "dreader locks" was 1974, so first. (& Lee Perry, technically)...but who knows - maybe that line "fire in the vatican" was one of those open-source lines.
Avatar 8:31pm
Flash Strap:

this song is so lovely
Avatar 8:32pm
Flash Strap:

yeah, C. , I'm not 100% on this, but I think I've seen some Rastafari literature/rhetoric that called for the Vatican's destruction, so it has precedent in the culture
Avatar 8:33pm
Flash Strap:


really speaks to my life
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm

- i can't (well, i can because i must!) wait to go to the archive and hear that Max Romeo track!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:35pm
Uncle Michael:

It was great when Ray Charles wrote it!
Avatar 8:36pm
Flash Strap:

indeed, though he couldn't give it such an absurdly militant sound
Avatar 8:39pm
Flash Strap:

This riddim, based on an Alton Ellis track, will reappear this set, in various forms
Avatar 🥁 8:40pm

Holy love, Trinity always kills!
Avatar 8:42pm
Flash Strap:

I know, he's totally bonkers. That Lp is sort of a crazy masterpiece... ever hear his track, Take LSD? Nutzo stuff!
Avatar 8:44pm
Flash Strap:

very curious Lee Perry production here
Avatar 8:44pm
Flash Strap:

This record actually has 2 covers of songs from Doris Duke's I'm A Loser! I mean, wow!
Avatar 8:46pm
Flash Strap:

here's one of em
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47pm

new to me, this. i never heard of Tapper Zukie either, or Herman Chin Loy.
i'm psyched!
Avatar 8:48pm
Flash Strap:

me too, man. i live for that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah - so great, & who plays this stuff?
Avatar 8:49pm
Flash Strap:

does no one play this stuff? or are you yankin my poor old chain?
Avatar 8:50pm
Flash Strap:

oh, here's that riddim again! it will appear one more time, can anyone guess?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51pm

no one on fmu plays rootsy reggae except extremely rarely.
Avatar 8:52pm
Flash Strap:

well then I will do it more! I love to do it. I figured it was well-covered turf, actually
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm

Meghan (underwater theme park) filled in for Jeff Sarge twice recently and played righteous riddims.
Avatar 8:55pm
Flash Strap:

I should check that out

this song is so legendary
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm

oh - actually Small Change plays some good reggae occasionally, but he's prone to ruining good music with goofy sound effects. i wish he'd stop because his show's pretty good, in general.
Avatar 8:57pm
Flash Strap:

man, you know, I've never heard that show. Honestly, I spend so much time listening to music for the show that I only rarely even think to listen to anything outside the Drummer stream
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm

it's weird - Nora dean has gotten airplay a few times in the last few months. "islandish", but not reggae though. i have a song "mojo girl" on a comp that's good -more reggae-ish than what i've heard on fmu.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

No seriously - where does one get informed of this? Much like 'Downtown Soulville' confounds me that it can be so great but known only to the few hardcore enthusiasts - or - I'm just the square...Was in an online group once for GarageRawk - & a guy was saying the Wailers from Tacoma were where it was @ - & Marley's were MOR or something. But I think a lot of *this* (esp. the earliest) is the perfect parallel to GarageRawk. The Wailers both Tacoma & Kingston. & of course this crucially informed Punk in the 70s when that happened.
Avatar 8:59pm
Flash Strap:

Aston "Family Man" Barrett = founding member of the Upsetters & Wailers. Some great solo LPs too. Macka Dub is one of my all-time dub records, as well as his Pick a Dub with Keith Hudson
Avatar 9:01pm
Flash Strap:

@C: she is sort of a Dj cult fave - i hear her on local college radio not too infrequently. her big track is pretty reggae though, the amazing Barbed Wire

that last track sounds more like Eloise Louis
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Doug Schulkind:

Meghan (underwater theme park) is a wonderful DJ!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

Really! is she still recording?
...i'll check out "barbed wire".
Avatar 9:03pm
Flash Strap:

much agreed, Doug!

Hi Flash, and everybody! Been listening all night in the kitchen, great stuff!
Avatar 9:05pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Ehd!

No, C., I think she recorded very little in a very short time and then went ghost: inger Nora Dean was one of reggae’s greatest mysteries including her birth year which some sources quote as 1952. She recorded solo and as a member of The Ebony Sisters, The Soul Sisters and The Soulettes. She did backing vocals on recordings by Jimmy Cliff. Although she was not a prolific artist (especially by reggae standards), a number of her songs are very fondly remembered by fans of Jamaican music as true reggae classics. No interviews with her have ever been published. Photos seemed to be non-existent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06pm

well, fuck... Nora Dean died last year.
Avatar 🥁 9:06pm

@Flash, I've missed that track. I also love his Yabby You's
"Pharaoh Dub"
Avatar 9:06pm
Flash Strap:

that's from her discogs bio: www.discogs.com...
Avatar 🥁 9:06pm

Holy crap, that is Eek-a-Mouse!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm

okay, Thanks i'll check that out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

Eek! it's Eek-a-mouse!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& when people speak of the 'Roots of Rap/HipHop' - & don't mention ReggaeToasting (since this *is* mostly the 70s already here)...just weird...
Avatar 9:09pm
Flash Strap:

Never heard Eek-a-Mouse till Doug played some awesome track of his
Avatar 🥁 9:10pm

In Netflix's "The Get-Down", they cover the dj toasting culture in the genesis of hiphop.
Avatar 9:10pm
Flash Strap:

this version so superior to the album version

anyway, there's that riddim again
Avatar 🥁 9:11pm

I only have the album version. now it skips.
Avatar 9:13pm
Flash Strap:

album version also excellent! sorry bout the skippin though, that's a hard blow
Avatar 9:26pm

oh, dang. i love this one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm

Mr. Brown!
Avatar 9:29pm
Flash Strap:

yeah totally

i once visited Mrs Brown's tea shop and opted NOT to have shroom tea for some reason, an instead ate the most potent marijuana cake in the world

i stood so still, for so long, that a dog pooped on my foot
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29pm

Avatar 9:30pm
Flash Strap:

all my shroomin buddies had a great trip too, but i was paralyzed. it was ridiculous!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34pm

so, "mr. brown" was originally written by Glen Adams (upsetters) and released after as an instrumental.("dracula")
Avatar 9:35pm
Flash Strap:

I feel like that Scientist stuff sometimes gets overplayed based on its cool titles, but man it's still really good stuff
Avatar 9:36pm
Flash Strap:

huh, well that explains it!

I love Scientist and have also been paralyzed by marijuana'd food
Avatar 🥁 9:38pm

In FL, the A/C is dead, and I can't open a window b/c I don't think it's ever been open since this house was built in 1984.
Avatar 🥁 9:39pm

opening a door, I'll deal w/ bugs and lizards tomorrow.
Avatar 9:40pm
Flash Strap:

i can't believe you're hot right now, NGH. jealous man
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41pm

Holy Shi...zzle! i've wondered for about 37 years who did this! someone gave me a mixtape (in a very good, well-blended sense of the word) and i've been able to figure out what most of it is through the years, but not this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41pm

okay...delay. "vampire" was the track on the tape.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
Little Danny:

Just got home and am scrambling like a fool but got ya tuned in Evan and digging it!
Avatar 9:43pm
Flash Strap:

Hi LD! if you need a little leg up on time just let me know

Which Vampire was it, C?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm

Devon Irons...and it goes on for maybe 12-15 minutes - gets really quiet and subtle.
the mixtape was entitled "space skank". a classic of mixtapes.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Little Danny:

Thanks Evan, I think I'll be okay to start on time...
Avatar 🥁 9:46pm

I miss NYC winters. Most of my clothes are geared for winterwear!
Avatar 9:46pm
Flash Strap:

That sounds cool, C.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm

yeahh i was hoping before you'd play this - or de system; or every time a ear de soun...
Avatar 9:52pm
Flash Strap:

I know! too many to choose!

Wite Man Country really good too, or Where me Belang
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:54pm
Little Danny:

Next, wherein I attempt to sustain Evan's mighty mighty: wfmu.org... Please, please join!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm

i doh have a color also!
...i don't know why i second-guessed myself before when i know him.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Uncle Michael:

Thanks for the top-rank skank, Evan.
Avatar 9:57pm

this was great, from the back section
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

haha! Thanks for the shout out Evan, but though the composer was in the upsetters, it was originally done by the wailers as "mr. brown".
sorry if i was vague.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm
Doug Schulkind:

Thanks for the Hot Red Flame, Flash!
Avatar 9:59pm
Flash Strap:

@C: ah, whoops, I rushed and I gaffed
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

Thanks Evan! you'll always lure me in with this stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

nah i wasn't specific. sorry.
Avatar 10:01pm
Flash Strap:

Thanks be unto you, Doug, Uncle, C., Hyde, All! See you in Danny's blue room
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm

very good show, Evan.
Me loves some reggie
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