Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from January 27, 2017 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 27, 2017: Put The Needle On Getting Thru First Week of President Chump i{Jan 27th 2017]

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Year Comments New Approx. start time
ADA  Prologue   Favoriting   2014      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Nowaah The Flood  Hefty   Favoriting   2016    *   0:03:29 (Pop-up)
Mach Hommy  Park Central feat. Al Divino, Heem Stogied & Tha God Fahim   Favoriting   2016    *   0:07:01 (Pop-up)
Kool DJ Rize  Put Your $ on Rize   Favoriting Hello Mr Azul  2016  new outta da Bay Area from longtime turntablist talent Kool DJ Rize  *   0:08:28 (Pop-up)
Jamil Honesty & DJ Grazzhoppa (aka The Fix)  Brain Cell   Favoriting   2016    *   0:15:39 (Pop-up)
Dot Demo  Indigenous Man   Favoriting   2016  another carry over from the Best of 2016 that didn't get into the year end 3 hour mix on Dec 30th - this single first came out last May    0:19:05 (Pop-up)
Z-Man + DJ Quest  Yeah That's the Rellie ft. DJ Quest   Favoriting     FRISKO in da house - Z-Man and Quest - two of the best -    0:22:56 (Pop-up)
Benny  The Hunter feat. Skyzoo   Favoriting   2016    *   0:26:58 (Pop-up)
Aesop Rock  Kirby   Favoriting   2016  another best of 2016 carry over - go check the video for this online - brilliant - and love song's closing about how a kitten is better than 15 years of medication    0:29:31 (Pop-up)
Wordsworth & JSOUL  Satellite   Favoriting   2016  from last August - just a killer song this one - and another carry over from the Best of 2016 in hip-hop    0:32:20 (Pop-up)
DJ Mekalek  Sleezbag (feat. Snaggapuss)   Favoriting   2016  this one has that Humpty Hump lava to my ears ℅. Snaggapuss - love this new track  *   0:35:05 (Pop-up)
Masta Killa            0:45:05 (Pop-up)
Foul Mouth Jerk  New Sheriff In Town (feat. Tame One, TopR & DJ Grazzhoppa)   Favoriting   2016    *   0:37:03 (Pop-up)
Community Education  Funky FUnky   Favoriting After School Session        0:44:18 (Pop-up)
Kate Tempest  Whoops   Favoriting Let Them Eat Chaos  2016      0:47:30 (Pop-up)
Blackalicious  Blacka   Favoriting Imani Vol. 1        0:51:22 (Pop-up)
De La Soul  Stakes is High (DJ A-L Remix) (Clean)   Favoriting     shout out to DJ A-L i n Denver - reg contributor to this show - respect!    0:53:26 (Pop-up)
Lightbulb & DJ EonsOne  CLEAN Lightbulb - White Owls 4 Nite Owls (Megakut 7 produced by DJ Eons One   Favoriting     Bay Area    0:57:28 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Avatar 7:02pm
Billy Jam:

we made it thru the first (hella hectic) week of Prez Chump (shout out to Foxee Brown for name) - and to celebrate are playing music to unwind to from all the bullshit - + inviting YOU to participate in today's contest - BEST CAPTION for trumpence pic at lower part of playlist - 15 words or less - come up with best caption - and post to comments - contest ends by 745PM (NJ time) - prize is …..not sure yet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Prez Chimp
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

billy jam.
Avatar 7:06pm

Avatar 7:09pm

Pence, looking at Trump, like he's just an errant swing in another round of golf.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hey-o, Billy Jam and freeform freedom fighters!
Caption idea: "When this Putin-puppet orange moron decides to quit, this job is mine."
Timi Dz Nutz:

....Trump ain't kill me yet. I know he out get me like like Boba Fett cuz I'm in debt. yet, it's still not enough, they want a piece of my lung in order to silence the young. he's the Cancer I need removed form me really.!!!
Avatar 7:15pm
Billy Jam:

Timi Deeeeeeeeeeee in da house!!! Wishing u luck with surgery n next week - long time WFMU supporter Timi Dz Nutz
Avatar 7:16pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Carnegie Hall!!!
Avatar 7:17pm
Billy Jam:

@Bronwyn B - yeah! - Hey WFMU people in NYC area tuned in - go see Bronwyn B at Carnegie Hall in 2 weeks - Bronwyn can u type in details of your show? i don't have in front of me
Avatar 7:20pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

The show is on Feb. 6th at 8pm and features my choir (The New York Choral Society) and our orchestra. We'll be doing a Haydn mass and an amazing piece by Maurice Durufle (seriously, the Durufle is worth the price of admission). Tickets start at $20. I would love it if any of you would come so please let me know if you want to!!! You can email me by clicking my profile. Here's a link to the concert info: www.carnegiehall.org...

Trump: "What the fuck did I get myself into? I never get up this early"
Avatar 7:21pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Pence: "Mommy used to tuck me into bed at night promising me that someday if I worked real hard I could be President someday and take away the civil rights of all the scary brown people and women and gays. And now look at me- I'm almost there! This bloviating yam keels over and I'll be the one tweeting at Mexico and torturing dissidents. I did it for you Mom."

Pence: "What an ass. Only 44 days to go to his assassination that we'll pin on BLM"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Pence: Oh, shit, I forgot Bronwyn is at Carengie tonight!....or is it in two weeks?
Timi Dz Nutz:

God Dame that DJ made my Day (really my dinner the other night)...It's 4:20 some where...Yeah Z-Manny my Mannie....
Avatar 7:23pm

HA! Bronwyn. Pence: "Mom would be so proud! [a light wind begins to waft from Trump's backside]"
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

Billy Jam! All!

Pence, seen here, happy there's someone who makes him look sane by comparison.
eye in the sky:

#heretostay. fuck Donald Dumpsterfire!
Avatar 7:25pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Dammit Pence, always promising to go to my shows and then claiming he "forgot".
listener #126464:

Off topic- Sammus at Knitting Factory Thurs. 2/2, Don Giovanni Records weekend showcase
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Gooood evening to you all!
Timi Dz Nutz:

Kill'n this Day off, smoke'n out get my drink on for the Last Big Ha- Ra as we say in Irish Ri-Ra, if white trash from the South we would say He-Ha.!.!
Avatar 7:29pm
Billy Jam:

thanks Bronwyn for posting info on your concert - BTW how many people have made that "how u get to Carnegie Hall" joke so far? hey ALF - yo! ADA (great song to revisit of yours) @chris -wot up! he Aaron in MN + eye in the sky - @listener #123464 - not off topic at all - THANK YOU for telling me this - did not know - maybe get her back on here next week in the studio?
Avatar 7:29pm

Avatar 7:30pm
Black Pope:

Grab em by the Kirby
eye in the sky:

Pence: damn can't wait for that 25th Amendment to kick in Trump: I told the kitchen no BBQ Lays - Only Cool Ranch!
Avatar 7:31pm
Billy Jam:

@black pope LOL - made my coffee come thru my nose from laughing - hey almost did a remix today of "The Young Pope vs The Black Pope" but couldn't get good enuf sample of HBO show
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:32pm

Pence: there's going to be so many more people in this audience when i'm president
Avatar 7:34pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Believe it or not Billy you're the first one to make that joke at me :D
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Still sitting back eating popcorn through this first episode of the Twilight Trump Zone! It's the 45th SEASON!
Avatar 7:36pm
Billy Jam:

@Bronwyn - ha hah - figured it was played out already - but on another (Food) note - too bad the Carnegie Deli is gone

sh-t this is gr8. Keep this goin thru the chump era billy. pleeeeez

Pence: I COULD bring him closer to Jesus...

Avatar 7:38pm
Billy Jam:

@ALF - yeah I hear ya man - hey great seeing u in Cali last week
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

nice one, Stevel!
Avatar 🎧 7:39pm

@Aaron in Minneapolis: You mean Trumpanzee.
Avatar 7:39pm
Billy Jam:

@Stevel LOL @jon U got it man! @ robyn we bow to the most quoted FMU listener - "robyn sez" :)
Avatar 7:39pm

busy as hell, but tuned in. BIG UPS BILLY JAM
Avatar 🎧 7:39pm

hellzyeahs! made it for Billy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Billy, will your morning show be Hip Hop?
Avatar 7:42pm
Billy Jam:

it will be hip-hop based (stylistically) but a diverse, beat driven mix of music with talk and shit - open to suggestions - still formulating - got 2 weeks to go Tues and Weds Feb 7 & 8 6-9am
Avatar 7:43pm
Billy Jam:

@RWNN + NGH - good you are here - but where is our man Spidermank in the UK ? he was not here last week either - hope he is ok -must email him later
Avatar 🎧 7:44pm

@Billy: Your occasional forays into punk are also welcome for the morning show.
Avatar 7:44pm

@billy *bows* btw, SUW's monkey show had some pretty wild material today. nice to relax by thinking about the real thing and not this orange one
Avatar 7:47pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Love Kate Tempest :D
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Pence saying to himself: "Ummph! He actually smells like shite! Believe me!"

Timi Dz Nutz:

Big Shout outs To DJ Alf (sorry missed ya in Da Bay), RWNN + NGH.... and of course The Man Billy Jam.!.!.! it feel good to be back... B good luck with the Morning Show try out, we all will set our clocks get up and talk our shit Man.!.!.! Love Ya Brother....Peace Out
listener #126464:

Pence: this 'making me kneel all the time shit' is getting old
Avatar 7:56pm
Billy Jam:

refresh this page to see the winner of caption contest - STEVEL
Avatar 🎧 7:57pm

word Timi, la paz sea contigo por la fin semana....
Avatar 7:57pm
Billy Jam:

congrats STEVEL - do u want a prize or simply know u are part of the WFMU playlist board history?
Avatar 7:58pm

HA! well done!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Congrats, Stevel. Well deserved. See you in the AM, Billy Jam!
Timi Dz Nutz:

My Boy light Bulb.1.1.! Sunset Say It 2 Times>!.! Da Bay ... Always Rock'n Right Now.!.1
Avatar 7:59pm
Billy Jam:

damn that was the fastest hour ever…..thank YOU Bronwyn B for doing the board-op/engineering - thank YOU Stevel for winning caption and to all who participated - if u want will do this every week…lemme know…..thanks to all the artists played today - good luck to Timi D in hospital next week - and go support Brownwyn at Carnegie Hall
Avatar 8:08pm

"Ziggy Sobotka"? Damn that's a deep cut.
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