Favoriting Therese: Playlist from January 22, 2017 Favoriting

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Favoriting January 22, 2017: Wanna be First Lady of Infinity?

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Artist Track Album Label New Approx. start time
Thelma Houston  I Ain't Going Nowhere   Favoriting Our Lives Are Shaped By What We Love: Motown's MoWest Story 1971-1973  Light in the Attic    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Isley Brothers  Freedom   Favoriting The RCA Victor and T-Neck Album Masters: 1959-1983  Legacy  *   0:02:54 (Pop-up)
Janelle Monáe  Tightrope (featuring Big Boi)   Favoriting The ArchAndroid  Bad Boy / Wondaland    0:06:24 (Pop-up)
The B-52's  Future Generation   Favoriting Future Generation 12"  Island    0:11:04 (Pop-up)
Deee-Lite  Runaway   Favoriting Infinity Within  Elektra    0:16:25 (Pop-up)
M.I.A.  Go Off   Favoriting AIM  Interscope  *   0:20:20 (Pop-up)
Dum Dum Girls  Everybody's Out   Favoriting I Will Be  Sub Pop    0:30:16 (Pop-up)
The Ettes  Girls Are Mad   Favoriting Look at Life Again Soon  Take Root    0:33:10 (Pop-up)
Fugazi  Reclamation   Favoriting Steady Diet of Nothing  Dischord    0:35:21 (Pop-up)
Sleater-Kinney  A New Wave   Favoriting No Cities to Love  Sub Pop    0:38:42 (Pop-up)
King Khan featuring Natalia Avelon  Bandit Queen   Favoriting "Bandit Queen  Moon Studios  *   0:42:18 (Pop-up)
The Housemartins  Sitting on a Fence   Favoriting London 0 Hull 4  Elektra/Asylum    0:48:26 (Pop-up)
Mark Eitzel  Sleep From My Eyes   Favoriting Hey Mr. Ferryman  Merge  *   0:51:42 (Pop-up)
Neko Case  Pretty Girls   Favoriting Black Listed  Bloodshot Records    0:55:38 (Pop-up)
Tobin Sprout  To Wake Up June   Favoriting The Universe and Me  Burger Records  *   0:59:48 (Pop-up)
Hackamore Brick  And I Wonder   Favoriting Sound of Prehistoric Brooklyn: Dave Mandl's 2016 WFMU Marathon Premium  WFMU Premium 2016  *   1:12:02 (Pop-up)
Woods  The Take   Favoriting Live at Third Man Records  Third Man  *   1:19:21 (Pop-up)
Karl Hendricks Trio  Naked and High on Drugs   Favoriting Old Enough To Know Better: 15 Years of Merge Records  Merge    1:29:40 (Pop-up)
Pink Fairies  When's the Fun Begin?   Favoriting Kings of Oblivion  Polydor    1:37:02 (Pop-up)
James Dean Death Cult  Baked at the Double R   Favoriting The Glastonbury Grove EP: A Tribute to Twin Peaks 7" (V/A)  What's For Breakfast  *   1:42:59 (Pop-up)
Cloud Nothings  Things Are Right with You   Favoriting Life Without Sound  Carpark Records  *   1:49:02 (Pop-up)
Ruth Garbus & Friends  Hello Everybody   Favoriting Hello Everybody 7"  OSR  *   1:53:31 (Pop-up)
Rolling Stones  I Gotta Go   Favoriting Blue & Lonesome  Interscope  *   1:55:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 10:03pm

Great show so far!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- one of Hendrix's more understanding early employers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Want fun? Just add B-52s.
Hi, Therese and listeners.
Avatar 10:19pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

Holy shit, if I was a dancing person, I'd be grooving right now. wheeee!!! What a party set!
Avatar 10:22pm
Linda Lee:

beautiful vibe Therese! thank you!

Big ups to anyone who went to D.C. on Saturday.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28pm
Matt from Springfield:

Therese our Pink-Hatted Wonder! Good for you!
Hi everybody!
Hoboken Jack:

Thank you for marching, Therese!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I was thinking about the marchers Saturday. Like a slug, I didn't even know there was a gathering locally. www.poughkeepsiejournal.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29pm
Matt from Springfield:

Admittedly I wouldn't recognize the writer of "Our Bodies, Ourselves" on sight - but I'm sure she's proud of that and doesn't need to point it out (esp. to so many people at a march!)
hendrix wolfbat:

Holy cow! Our bodies ourselves! Dang
Avatar 10:32pm
Veronica (OG):

Therese, that's so cool you got to meet one of the women who put together Our Bodies Ourselves!...and thanks to The Little Knittery in L.A. for the Pussyhat Project...
hendrix wolfbat:

The real question is how do keep that momentum going and STOP THEM ? There's already two shockingly horrible bills being introduced; one to leave theUN!!? And another to be able to just throw out preexisting laws with no hearings or reviewes

@KenFromHP: I saw in the paper that Poughkeepsie had a march on the walkway over the Hudson. They were expecting 2000 and there 5000!! Cool!!

RE: The “Pussy Hat” project, what a simple and great way to send a message. www.pussyhatproject.com
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43pm

Handmade in the USA!
Avatar 10:44pm
Veronica (OG):

When I hear scary news I try to remember that instilling fear is a tactic. I saw one great sign that said something like - our enthusiasm is higher than our fear.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45pm
Matt from Springfield:

Shakti Devi! That's Hindu!
Many different types of feminine power within this deity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Our present government in action was foretold in 1943, apparently. youtu.be... Just go in and yank out random stuff.
Avatar 10:49pm
Veronica (OG):

@Matt, Shakti power, yes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51pm
Matt from Springfield:

Yeah Veronica!
Totally glad I understand more about Eastern religions and thought now - so many intriguing and fascinating ideas like that.
Avatar 10:52pm
Linda Lee:

coping strategies? you mean re: new political realities? coping involves balance! knowing i need self-care, quietude, pleasure as much as i need engagement, information, community, awareness. life isn't easy & i don't plan on making it harder for myself than it has to be. balance in all things, because balance feeds strength. superman is a myth!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53pm
Gaylord Fields:

Ah, the Housemartins — a great two-album band, and the best Marxist-Christian pop group Hull ever produced.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Ken HP: It seems that every 80 years or so, the U.S. faces an existential crisis in identity: the Revolution-to-Constitution/Civil War/WWII/post-industrial post-media post-truth mess. Most Americans love this country and wouldn't let anyone cast all that aside (including our Non-Super Superman, Linda). But to resist those people need to be engaged and not apathetic. AWARENESS like the Women's March making a public display gives a narrative that we aren't giving up and aren't going to let this become a twisted, different America.
Avatar 10:57pm
Veronica (OG):

Yeah, Linda, that's important. WFMU is part of my self-care :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Gaylord: Huh, what a concept. And Fatboy Slim! He got started there!

But as for "the best Marxist-Christian pop group Hull ever produced", would the mid 20s vocal groups "Wilberforce" and "The Social Gospel" from Hull count? Oh wait, they were from Sutton, never mind...

FWIW, midterm elections in 2 years. Congressional elections count this time more than ever.
Avatar 11:03pm
Linda Lee:

also, as Rural Community Member Most Likely To Be Disappeared Under Christo-Fascism, i'm holding my community responsible for maintaining solidarity against the things community members pledge to oppose! gestures won't get us through the hard times ahead. true community, with some level of joined sacrifice, will. this means recognizing true allies against true enemies & refusing to be led by the nose into isolation on the basis of personal prejudices.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Jake: "Midterms '18: Don't wait 16 years, to kick out the 14% Congress!"
Hoboken Jack:

Was just thinking, that sounds like Tobin Sprout, and I just streamed a song from his new album... then I come back to the playlist, and it is he! Hooray!
Avatar 11:05pm
Linda Lee:

i would like to know what the Democratic Party is doing about addressing the Crosscheck program that eliminated millions .. literal millions .. of likely Dem voters from the rolls in swing states before the primaries! this was documented at the time! what's the point of organizing the vote if the process has no integrity? (as it really hasn't since the HAVA).
Avatar 11:07pm
Linda Lee:

Veronica, you're right on about fear. totally right. beware of that.
Paul D:

Ooh. I see I've missed some pretty good music on the playlist.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Linda: Unfortunate to be a RCMMLTBDUCF, it can get lonely out there for you, but we can help you on that front. Self-care at FMU!

As for confrontations IRL, many of us aren't inclined to speak up when witnessing those - but this is the country and human rights on the line. Speak up to injustices early! Before those cowards gain ability to instill fear and do real damage. NOW is the time to hold those people back.
Paul D:

Casey Spooner of Fischerspooner just released an album produced by Michael Stipe of R.E.M. He's still around.

jesse jarnow is part of sloppy heads, right? gotta mention that. the guy is so cool
Avatar 11:14pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

I find it almost annoying that i live in a multi-ethnic and relatively liberal area, so my pressing the community around me won't have the kind of effect that it might have in a more mixed place.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:15pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Linda: As for the Dem/liberal politics front, write up a case and continually tell it to elected officials. The Homo politicus won't raise issues or fight for principles, if there's no punishment for ignoring them. Press your case to possible allies, reward those who take it up publicly, condemn those who don't! Responding to the public on what truly matters can only help the whole body politic.
Avatar 11:15pm
Linda Lee:

thanks for support Matt! i'm not lonely, actually, because the community here is pretty great. i only want stated allies to be ready to put their money where their mouth is, so to speak, when it comes down to it. as well should every individual at the marches yesterday, or they might as well have stayed home & avoided using the gas. i'm very serious.
as for online confrontations, i have no illusions about changing anyone's mind without face-to-face confrontation. anonymity means dishonesty. it's just too easy to be dishonest without actual presence required.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:15pm

Jesse Jarnow is the COOLEST, pp! He is indeed a part of the Sloppy Heads.
Avatar 11:19pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

I'm tired of social programs being put on the chopping block as part of compromise between the Republicans and Democrats. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Food Stamps should be continually expanded to better cover the growing numbers, need, and ability to spread basic livelihood as a human right.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Fox: But remember, you are part of many overlapping communities (to include this one, the FS!) It's still worth it to bolster those communities where you live, since a homogenous community won't do much if they're not united in supporting our rights. If your own communities are strong enough, those members who know people from rural communities might be able to help them out better.
Avatar 11:25pm
Linda Lee:

we have no opposition to the neo-liberal agenda right now. & the Democratic Party is the new Moderate GOP. i have no use for them, myself. i barely feel we have a government! we have an institutionalized redistribution of public resources into private hands, with the legal means for it widened & secured. & that's all we have. government supposedly protects citizens from foreign & domestic enemies, provides for basic individual sustenance & maintains the necessary infrastructure required for societal cohesion. when these simple functions aren't met we have what's called a failed state. half of us are now officially poor! that's what gave us Trump. desperation! nothing else. & he's just another opportunistic douche bag. ..
Avatar 11:26pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

Linda Lee: Yes. Same.
Avatar 11:27pm
Linda Lee:

thank you.

Apropos to nothing, but the New York Times has now coined a new term that should be a band name, “Famous Nazi Punchers”: www.nytimes.com...
Avatar 11:28pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

Matt: That is a good point. I'm just not sure by whom we are trying to be heard.
Avatar 11:28pm
Linda Lee:

i start fires with the times these days. nice big pages.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Jake: Or like the Anonymous Nazi Puncher the other day - gets the job done just the same ;)
Avatar 11:30pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

Money is what gets things done. So until the Disabled, Chronically Ill, &* Poor start an influential lobby, I don't really see how things are going to improve for people like me.
eye in the sky:

Wow! Karl Hendrix Trio! I forgot about them...sounds good!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Fox: And that's a trickier part. I would like to convince our communit(ies) members, other possible allies, those in power, even those who disagree but might be won over - and all of whom require slightly different messages to reach.

A lobby like that - promise the .01% that Trumpets/Brexiteers will wreck their plans if they keep ignoring the common peoples needs!
Avatar 11:33pm
Linda Lee:

i don't see any reason at all for our desperation to be mitigated under government by corporations. it's too good for business. as is individual isolation!

Of all the things my taxes go towards, feeding people seems like a good idea. Hating on food stamps is so dumb.
eye in the sky:

Avatar 11:37pm
Linda Lee:

people will hate on whatever they're trained by sophisticated means to hate on. just like those real people who wanted the government out of their Medicare .. they're not using their minds. they're just reacting to stimuli. like plants. ..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Be prepared for lots of alternate facts on welfare / food stamp / immigration numbers, climate change denials, etc. I give them no credibility on anything at this point.
Avatar 11:39pm
Linda Lee:

Agree Ken!! it's all up for grabs!! i'm off to heat up some free county food, myself.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40pm
Chop Scott:

Thanks for the solid company through the airwaves. Cheers Therese!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40pm
Matt from Springfield:

@sugarwolf: Even those who actually have used them still vote for those who hate on food stamps. A long Puritan culture may lead some to be embarassed by using them instead of seeing them as a needing lifeline for whoever might not be earning enough. Has there ever been a Food Stamp Pride march? That's probably too soon to be effective, but any kind of humanizing of FS recepients is needed. Without consistently giving support to them, the haters status-quo will remain.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41pm
Matt from Springfield:

And, hooray to all our Pink Fairies demonstrating this weekend!
Avatar 11:42pm
Linda Lee:

what does come from the food stamp program is a hell of a lot of revenue for agribusiness! again, the movement from public resources into private hands. it works well with the general trend. so i don't really see the program successfully eliminated. it's a nice rallying point for people who need to feel superior, though.
Avatar 11:44pm
Linda Lee:

apparently the GOP plan is to force lots of really horrible shit down the people's throats in order just to keep that trend going .. that's all corporate governance is about .. & then shift all the inevitable blame onto Trump, making it politically feasible to dump his ass overboard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44pm

On the Media did a series on poverty in America that is well worth a listen: www.wnyc.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51pm
Matt from Springfield:

Good podcasts, thanks Therese.
Now, if more could really *listen* to these (not just hear them), these are just the sorts of topics we need more awareness of.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Therese. Fight the power!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Ken: Fight the powers that [shouldn't] BE!!!
Avatar 11:57pm
Linda Lee:

half of us now have intimate personal experience with 'poverty in America'. this Stones side sounds amazing! good for them!
Avatar 11:58pm
Linda Lee:

Keith always said Mick was one of the best harp players around. it's true.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm
Matt from Springfield:

Take care everyone, have a good night!
Overcome! :)
Avatar 12:00am
Linda Lee:

can't we just come over? :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am
Matt from Springfield:

Why not Linda! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01am
Ken From Hyde Park:

One of the protest signs this weekend: "We shall overcomb!"
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