Favoriting Bryce: Playlist from December 30, 2016 Favoriting

I never miscue a record. I am punctual, well-prepared, and dislike clutter. Outgoing and helpful, I'm always appropriately dressed. I do not behave erratically and have excellent penmanship. My CD's never skip, and I am in good health. I like all the notes, in any order.

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Favoriting December 30, 2016

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Giacinto Scelsi  Aion   Favoriting Aion · Pfhat · Konx-Om-Pax    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Overtone Ensemble  Accretion   Favoriting Overtone Ensemble    0:12:04 (Pop-up)
Etherwheel  Alien Shores   Favoriting Theremin & Hurdy Gurdy    0:21:59 (Pop-up)
Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel  Serpentariae   Favoriting 10    0:30:10 (Pop-up)
Lydia Kavina  Mixolydia   Favoriting Music from the Ether  composer: Jorge Antunes  0:34:46 (Pop-up)
Gordon Monahan  Aerial Drop   Favoriting Theremin in the Rain    0:46:09 (Pop-up)
Carolina Eyck  Elephant in Green   Favoriting [from YouTube]  https://youtu.be/MX0wS7MX3Zo  0:52:34 (Pop-up)
Christoph Migone  Whitney (Dave Bryant Mix)   Favoriting Greatest Hits    0:56:29 (Pop-up)
Richard H. Kirk  Synesthesia   Favoriting #7489    1:05:51 (Pop-up)
Laurie Spiegel  Voices Within: A Requiem   Favoriting Obsolete Systems    1:14:56 (Pop-up)
Thymolphthalein  You Cannot Escape the 20th Century   Favoriting Mad Among the Mad    1:29:41 (Pop-up)
Quentin Tolimieri  Fin   Favoriting Piano    1:48:16 (Pop-up)
John Butcher / Thomas Lehn / Matthew Ship  Cluster, part 2   Favoriting Tangle    1:58:18 (Pop-up)
Ned Rothenberg / Mark Feldman / Sylvie Courvoisier  Epic Proportions   Favoriting In Cahoots    2:12:59 (Pop-up)
Flusnoix  [track 1]   Favoriting Two    2:24:10 (Pop-up)
Illegal Crowns  Solar Mail   Favoriting Illegal Crowns    2:38:55 (Pop-up)
Eloping With the Sun  Light Across a Leaf   Favoriting Counteract This Turmoil Like Trees and Birds    2:46:02 (Pop-up)
Michel Henritzi / À qui avec Gabriel  Ginza no Koi no Monogatari I   Favoriting Koyonaku    2:51:49 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Hi from Holland:

Giacinto Scelsi - very nice start of the show I must say.
(Happy New Year)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
George of Troy:

Howdy, Bryce! Ready to kick 2016 to the curb?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
Sem Chumbo:

Soundtrack to an imagined Tarkosky film?
You spoil us, Bryce.
Avatar 12:13pm
Chris from DC:

Scelsi! Bryce!
j db:

happy floating holiday! not on the job so i get to catch a brycecast.
Avatar 12:18pm

hey, all!

just starting to get into 2016. i think it's gonna be a good year!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Happy New Year! Will it also be 2017 on the Brycian calendar?
j db:

well 2016 is a squared leap year. it has that extra leap second and you just wasted/enjoyed it reading this. what a year for the pranksters
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21pm

Avatar 12:24pm
Chris from DC:

This is amazing. Apparently it's all acoustic.
Avatar 12:25pm

hey folks
the cat daddy:

Thank you Bryce for playing our music on WFMU, you were one of many and I owe all of you big time.
Avatar 12:27pm

Avatar 12:28pm

thank *you* for making beautiful things!
Avatar 12:41pm

this is making my cat act weird
Avatar 12:42pm

well she is from SPACE...
Avatar 12:44pm

she is!!! she flips over high sounds! my other cat who is not from space could care less
Avatar 12:45pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56pm

yeah, this. this Monahan is pretty excellent.
Avatar 12:57pm

great ideas happening here
Avatar 12:58pm
Chris from DC:

Someone left the theremin out in the rain
Avatar 1:10pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

hey bryce and friends
Avatar 1:12pm

hey, bronwyn!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm

All cats aren't from space? Is it a cat caste system?
Avatar 1:22pm

a few are from hell
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:25pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm
Michael 98145:

every day is saturday to a dog; every day is unsatisfactory to a cat.
Avatar 1:28pm

propaganda! :)
Avatar 1:36pm
Marcel M:

Hey Bryce, sounding great
Avatar 1:37pm

hey, marcel & coelacanth!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm

My cats are on the fucking ceiling right now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41pm

Hello Gang How are Ya's all?
Happy up-coming New Year to yall's!
Let's all hope 2017 is better than 2016 and it's FA Shite all Bollocks BS!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm

A my Irish and English friends might say...
Avatar 1:46pm

My cat has just walked away from the speakers. The dog is enjoying the show.

where does Bosco live?
Avatar 1:53pm

Was just listening in a coffee shop by their back door. An employee came out, looking around and said "oh it's you- that noise is coming from you."
Avatar 1:54pm

"i thought another mouse got caught in the quantum flomubulator"

Hello! I like these tinklies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
Michael 98145:

this year would have been SO much worse without WFMU
Avatar 2:04pm

hi, melinda! :)

for me too, m98145....

@Michael: I agree
Avatar 2:08pm

John Butcher is one of my favorite free players.
Avatar 2:09pm
Philthy woman:

Avatar 2:18pm
Linda Lee:

thank you for the beautiful music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:19pm

@ Michael 98145...I Agree! Without WFMU...all would be very dark!
It's the small mercies that sometime turn out to be the big salvations...Thank YOu Bryce and The FMu Family...XO!
Avatar 2:21pm

thanks for being around, everyone! without this time to enjoy stuff with all of you, i'd surely be...more than a bit twitchier....
Avatar 2:23pm
Linda Lee:

hear hear! :-)
Avatar 2:23pm

wow i had no idea Laurie Spiegel was Bell Labs related. apparently Bell Labs (or whatever is left of it?) is getting into the art and music game... a buddy who builds analog synths told me she may be meeting with Bell Labs people for some kinda artist is residence program.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm
Michael 98145:

... maybe there is hope after all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26pm

Gee, cafeteria work team, thanks for the VERY LOUD DRILLING just a few feet away from us while we're trying to work. Holy cannoli. At least we're basically done for the day, more or VWWWWWWWWRRRRRRPPPPPPPP ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTT
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm

To quote a small fictitious Green Zen Master from outer space....Who knew his way around "The Force"..."Maybe there is another?"

Hey Bryce!
Avatar 2:31pm

hi, jake! :)

What do you think of this new Cold War? Imma play “Missile Command” and listen to Rush’s “Moving Pictures” just like I did during the old Cold War!
Avatar 2:34pm

wait, bell labs still exists in some capacity??!?! what's the story?

oh man, they sponsored so much research into arts technology...synthesis...computer animation...

@Bryce: I wonder if someone in Bell Labs programmed the terminal game “Dopewars.” Just saying.
Avatar 2:36pm

jake, i think i'll just focus my energy on growing incredibly poisonous plants
Avatar 2:36pm

dopewars, ahhahahaa!!!!

@Bryce: Whatever makes you happy and doesn’t touch my lawn I’m fine with.

And yeah, I just rediscovered “Dopewars.” What is Officer Hardass’s problem?

I was listening with my iPod on my lap and for a few seconds thought those opening sounds were coming from my stomach. Glad they are not.
Avatar 2:38pm

it's never too late to swallow your radio

@Bryce: Way to spoil “Videodrome.” :/
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:40pm

RITCL (rolling in the ceiling laughing)

FWIW, “Dopewars” takes place during December 1984. So it’s technically a Christmas game.
Avatar 2:43pm
Linda Lee:

music to live by. really wonderful.

Laurie Spiegel interviewed in 1984 at Bell Labs. Wow! I made two 1984 references! www.youtube.com...
Avatar 2:48pm

bryce re: Bell Labs - its now owned by Nokia... they just this past year did their first artist in residence for the first time since like 1960. its of course not what it once was. FYI i think we talked about this a while ago but there's a great recent book on Bell Labs "The Idea Factory". great even though there was like only two paragraphs on computer music, Max Matthews, etc.
Avatar 2:49pm

nice find Jake! will watch.

this reminds me of a cuneiform records band called 'univers zero'. cool sounds.
Avatar 2:52pm
Linda Lee:

yes. lovely.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Michael 98145:

thank you for another year of amazing music, Bryce. since you will leave this miserable year 3 hrs before the left coast, let us know what the future looks like ... Cheers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Brycey New Year, everybody! Look for a special section of poison plant seeds in the Gurney's® catalogs coming soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Michael 98145:

Ooh. this is beautiful.
Avatar 2:59pm

bye, all, catch you on the flip!
Avatar 3:01pm
Linda Lee:

Happy New Year Bryce!
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