Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from December 21, 2016 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting December 21, 2016

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
dudu pukwana & han bennink & misha mengelberg  the king of weasel is called easel   Favoriting dudu pukwana & han bennink & misha mengelberg  icp  1978  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
john butcher & stale liavik solberg  it starts   Favoriting so beautiful, it starts to rain  2016  2016  CD  0:18:32 (Pop-up)
microtub  violet ornage   Favoriting bite of the orange  sofa music  2016  CD  0:18:47 (Pop-up)
gavin bryars  V   Favoriting the fifth century  ecm  2016  CD  0:21:21 (Pop-up)
tamia & pierre favre  moon moon   Favoriting blues for pedro  t records  1983  LP  0:24:52 (Pop-up)
shirley collins  the silver swan   Favoriting lodestar  domino  2016  CD  0:29:21 (Pop-up)
galeshka maravioff  no. 7   Favoriting piano solo vol. 1  musiques plastiques  1980  LP  0:30:33 (Pop-up)
eola  someone's got a secret   Favoriting leaving  leaving  2016  CD  0:43:11 (Pop-up)
tor lundvall  moon worship   Favoriting the violet blue house  dais  2016  CD box set  0:48:45 (Pop-up)
neil rolnick  wake up   Favoriting ex machina  innova recordings  2016  CD  0:54:57 (Pop-up)
tim evans  long long time   Favoriting wretched wings  ever/never  2016  LP  1:06:29 (Pop-up)
legendary stardust cowboy  i took a trip   Favoriting launch pad favorites  munster  2016  LP  1:09:00 (Pop-up)
david kenneth nance  the kids   Favoriting berlin  no label  2016  CD  1:11:24 (Pop-up)
mickey jupp  my typewriter   Favoriting legend  stiff  1977  LP  1:17:48 (Pop-up)
richard hell & ivan julien  time   Favoriting robert quine / richard hell  white columns  2016  LP  1:20:32 (Pop-up)
robert quine  mood clips   Favoriting robert quine / richard hell  white columns  2016  LP  1:21:57 (Pop-up)
ernesto diaz infante  where ar you hope you're ok!   Favoriting my benign swords  eh?  2016  LP  1:31:24 (Pop-up)
kazumi watanabe  alicia   Favoriting mobo II  gramavision  1984  LP  1:35:21 (Pop-up)
the blue nile  automobile noise   Favoriting a walk across the rooftops  a&m  1983  LP  1:40:58 (Pop-up)
jeff parker  lush life   Favoriting slight freedom  eremite  2016  LP  1:45:56 (Pop-up)
ryan blotnik  kush   Favoriting kush  songlines  2016  CD  1:54:28 (Pop-up)
marc ribot  santa claus   Favoriting   no label  2017    2:03:18 (Pop-up)
hope sandoval and the warm intentions  treasure   Favoriting until the hunter  tendril tales  2016  CD  2:12:35 (Pop-up)
itasca  carousel   Favoriting open to chance  paradise of bachelors  2016  LP  2:18:03 (Pop-up)
judee sill  the donor   Favoriting live in london  water  1973/2007  CD  2:22:40 (Pop-up)
bobby keys  alter rock   Favoriting bobby keys  warner brothers  1972  LP  2:29:05 (Pop-up)
the damned  stranger on the town   Favoriting strawberries    1986  LP  2:33:49 (Pop-up)
robert millis  notes on a scandal   Favoriting the lonesome high  abduction  2016  LP  2:38:55 (Pop-up)
angel  last track   Favoriting 2017  faro  2016  LP  2:47:01 (Pop-up)
ghostwriter  not my type   Favoriting ghostwriter  s-s  2016  LP  2:50:19 (Pop-up)
the steaming coils  breaded   Favoriting breaded    1988  LP  2:52:51 (Pop-up)
alpaca brothers  the lie   Favoriting legless  flying nun  1986  12"  2:56:04 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:06am

good morning mr allen!! and greetings to walk-ins.!
Avatar 6:10am
John Allen:

morning annie & all. jazz coundown is the am continues
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24am

Remembered to have a big breakfast today. So hopefully won't have to dash off and get lunch just as you're reaching high gear.
Avatar 6:25am

we are but slaves to the music, andrew. happily so, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26am

How much cross over was there between the South African London jazzers and the euro free improvisors? I've got zero google hits for "the king of weasel is called easel"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26am

Very happily yes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32am

Very happy to be hearing you on 91.1!
Avatar 6:33am
John Allen:

not so much, the south african players migrated to the UK scene/ this Pukwana set with bennink /misha is from a bbit after that
Cooh John:

Good morning JA and fellow listeners. Nice music to celebrate the winter solstice.
Avatar 6:52am

ahh yes, this morning. cooh!! an hour into it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55am

G'morning JA. Drive time patron here.
Avatar 6:59am

Neil Rolnick is bad for headphones. Back and forth, woozy, ooooh.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00am
Sem Chumbo:

Nothing like waking up to the Everley Brothers filtered through a datura buzz. Wonderfully free-form. Good morning, John, and Allenoids, all.
Avatar 7:01am

Wait, I woke up?
Superb Owl:

do like Eola. right on with the Beach Boys comment
Avatar 7:03am
John Allen:

oh yeah this is not the best driving music especially if wearing headphones

Was that sonic manipulation live? For the record, it was great to drive to.
Avatar 7:12am
John Allen:

natbot that was neil rolnick

Have never heard the original version of that Legendary Stardust Cowboy song before, only the Bowie cover.
Avatar 7:24am

immediately: that's robert quine. awesome.
Avatar 7:30am

I love Robert Quine & Fred Maher's -Basic-. Somehow it's hard to find.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47am

This is a beautiful Lush Life...Hi all!
Avatar 7:48am
Howard F:

Good morning friends
Avatar 7:49am
John Allen:

yeah he does a good job with it. but I just had to switch turntable to see if we had a ground issue on turntable 3, or it that bottom end hum was his. it's his
Avatar 🎸 7:50am

Good morning, John and all! This version of "Lush Life" is so necessary right now, thanks for bringing it to my attention!
Avatar 🎸 7:51am

@John - actually did a Google search on the Jeff Parker, and found a Pitchfork article that explicitly mentions the hum throughout "Lush Life" --> pitchfork.com...
Avatar 7:53am

Haven't heard anything from Jeff Parker since his Tortoise days....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53am

All that shimmer, sounds a bit like listening to Duke underwater...
Avatar 8:07am

Avatar 8:22am

Going to sleep now (5:20 in Seattle). Cheers.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:26am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Dreamy show today. See you later, Scraps.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am

Has moments reminding me of "Killing me Softly", this alter rock.
Avatar 8:43am

B23 here! The office is a ghost town
Avatar 8:57am

thanks for the show today, john!
Avatar 8:57am
Cheri Pi:

ALPACA!!!!!! Heya JA
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