Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from December 8, 2016 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting December 8, 2016: Dusty Live w/ The Gatekeeper, Rex Oliver --- Listener Calls, Music, More!

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
Banter with Fab Upon Entering During Strength Through Failure
Fab's Limberness
Grandpa's Celebrex™
Black Mirror
  Rex "The Gatekeeper" Oliver is my guest.
Green Giant
Doing The Ramp
Cliche Techniques
Fab's Friend Threatens Me
Midge's Ure's Pere Ubu
Toledo Mudhens
Fab "Wows" It and Plays Wrong Record
Apache  Apache Mountain Spirits Dance   Favoriting Spiritual Chants and Flute Music of the Native American Indians  Retro  1997  MP3   
President Obama Speaks Post-Election
Opening Salvo
Introducing Rex "The Gatekeeper" Oliver
Soliciting Calls
The Natural Inclination of Small Burrowing Mammals
Are We Mammals?
Pre-Emptory Dance
Pre-Prepared Segment Threat
Blowing His Cover
Solid Al
  I was SO busy trying to cue a record and diddle with this dial and that, that I TOTALLY MISSED what the caller was saying. Thus, I come off as rude. :>( I can't keep up anymore.
Who Did YOU Vote For? --- dusty@wfmu.org
  "Scenic Route" --- (I stole that term from Scharpling. I am SO off my game at this point. Sleep-deprived, altered, distracted, irritated. DId I mention my back was thrown out? I have more excuses should you want to hear them ... dusty@wfmu.org
Do Something For Me As I Turn You Down
Gatekeeper Disses My Rave Music
  How quickly they defect.
Turn Your Radio Down, Please
ANOTHER CALLER - Crap Is Scared Out of Him Post-Election
On The Phone While Driving
  My Anxiety Level is so HIGH, I Can't Even Listen Anymore
Screeching to the Tire
So Pissed Off - Monkeys With Machine Guns
Listeners Complain About Music
Gatekeeper Lore
The Realities of Turning 30
Fetishization of Youth
CALLER - Trump Voter
ISIS Camp Near Deposit, New York
Bloody Friday - Will ISIS Attempt to Assassinate Trump ?
It Should Have Been Bernie vs. Trump
The Recount
Inevitable George Soros Mention
Saying Christmas Again
MOPAR Moment
Wankel Rotary
Gatekeeper Riffs
I Am Called M'am
We Can Handle The Truth
Trump's Taxes vs. Hillary's Emails
Another Trump Voter Calls In
That Lonely Bed
Don Henley  Dirty Laundry   Favoriting I Can't Stand Still  Asylum  1982  MP3   
Totally Stepped on Palin
Trump Promises
Dave from Brooklyn
Standing Rock Tock
In Like Flint
Stupid Bob Eubanks Interruption - Schtick Wearing THIN!
  so ... tired ... of ... self
The Planet Is Dying
Hoax? --- dusty@wfmu.org
Not A Beatles Song
Gown Moment
Debut Gatekeeper Sound Effect
Trump's Pixx
Hostile Takeover
Desperate Dancing
Fabio Leaves and Gatekeeper Gets Pushy
Rock N Roll Me
Fabio's Hurt
Smaller Words!!!!!
A Communist Christmas
M.O.P - Mode of Production
Unapproved Shout Out
Final Word
Free-Associative Communist Poem
No Dogma!
The Band  Up on Cripple Creek   Favoriting The Band  Capitol  1969  MP3  Gatekeeper's Choice 
Hillary Concession (Excerpt)
Keith Ellison Status Elevation
Self-Diagnosis: A.D.D. and Mania
Fabio Doesn't Care Anymore - Gatekeeper = Fresh, Exciting!
Listener Leonard Sings Greg Lake
  At this point I didn't even know Greg Lake DIED! Bummed.
Pink Cloud Period
Carl's Jr. Cabinet Appointment
Dumpling II & III
The Legal
Farewell to the Gatekeeper
Gatekeeper's Parting Thoughts
  Thanks for listening to this episode of The Dusty Show on WFMU. I hope you enjoyed it. For me, it was a difficult show, as the last couple have been. Ever since the election, I have had trouble focusing. On one hand, I want to ditch politics (like most of you do) for a while, but s--t seems so serious that it's hard to ignore it.

Thanks to The Gatekeeper, Rex Oliver, for joining me. He is a very smart and thoughtful young man. I was pretty rude and smart-assed to he and the callers on this show with all my interrupting and non-sequitors. Maybe I am threatened by my advancing age and a fear that I am no longer relevant. It happens. Your ridin' high in April - shot down in May. Shot down ... like a Clay Pigeon.

I have never before so second-guessed myself in advance on Dusty Shows. Some kind of burn-out or dissolution. A loss of confidence, I think. Some seasonal depression. Anyway ... it's going around during this holiday season. We libtards are kind of freaked right now, but we'll rally. After all, you can't keep us down long.

A poem ...

Apple density crown magnate

The ten commandments crumble at the base of Mt Aetna

Gavin Rossdale's hair collected in a silver bowl

burned by Molly Ringwald

The Lutheran hammer ascends

The Dutch Master misses the point and his cadmium yellow sours, it's organic components breaking down too quickly

The sun is weak and white - yellowy white

A dead squirrel clings with its rigored claws to the side of a tree

Frosted flake enema

the corn-powered eagle explodes over the prarie

Always remember CP121416NYC99

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Avatar 6:05pm
Linda Lee:

unfortunately press release from Energy Transfer Partners lets us know they don't give a crap about the Army Corps assessment. full steam ahead. billions are at stake, literally. they're deeply in debt! good evening Dusties!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

Good evening all :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm

clay! all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm

Hiya Clay and friend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm

hi Clay and mates!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Dave in Vermont:

This Obama refers to an old Theodore Roosevelt speech.

Philip Glass, A+
Avatar 6:07pm
Linda Lee:

what a fine name. Rex Oliver.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

isn't rex oliver a famous english actor?

Yo Clay, "Gate Keeper", and Pidgies

I'm all for shaking things up, especially if they include gin and a whiff of vermouth.
Avatar 6:08pm
Linda Lee:

dale ~ are you thinking of Oliver Reed?

brilliant opening Clay

You're on to something, LL. A mash-up of Oliver and Rex Reed.
Avatar 6:10pm
Linda Lee:

Oliver Reed was a famous British actor. Mod era.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

oliver rex reed harrison may be who i'm thinking about.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Better to kill yourself than be caught by the Apaches!
...Remember when Barak was so humble he didn't even know if he should have a helicopter? They ended up spraying gawd knows what @ Standing Rock from copters. He sat the Pipeline out to 'see how things develop'. Very Obama. Drumpf will happily be Wounded Knee 3.0.
Remember when Bernie swept Primary states - & Hillary got masses more Delegates? & Obama backed Her. ('I'm with Her' compared to 'Not me - us.') These (Drumpf & Killary) were the two most unpopular nominees ever. If the Working Class rust belt had something to actually vote For - not just Against - it would've been completely different. & still!: Hillary got more votes than anyone - ever - not named Obama.
...If we don't have our own Mussolini now - we @ least have our Berlusconi.
Avatar 6:13pm
Linda Lee:

definitely Berlusconi.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

@rr63 good stuff
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Let's call it what it is: The U.S.A.'s State Religion is Capitalist Profit - & we have our new King Baby Pope ready for his Coronation. Learn to Goosestep mofos. The U.S. as we knew it could be over. It happens. Germany was Civilized.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

i would be saying:
bud lite.
bud lite with lime.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

@Rabbit: yeah, the Rust Belt was a critical loss.
Avatar 6:14pm
Linda Lee:

it's possible that the rust belt did vote for something, in this case. believing in false populism in their desperation. it's a shame.
Tommy Jack Haynes:

Lose the music
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

his radio is on, too.
Avatar 6:16pm
Linda Lee:

fact is though we don't actually know what happened in this election, as we don't have a functional elections system & haven't had one in a long time.

No more Yuengling for me since the brewer backed Trump.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm

@Linda: good point.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Right! The U.S.A. doesn't have Transparent elections in 2016. Insane.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

That caller summed it up well.
Avatar 6:18pm
Linda Lee:

it's impossible to assess the vote. we don't really know what happened. millions of discounted votes. fractionalized votes. hacked machines made to hack. the UN would never certify this election in a third world nation ..
Tommy Jack Haynes:

I honestly say , I have never been so upset about anything in my life.
V Priceless:

Hey Clay and gang!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

does ronaldwhackdonald trump need to be president?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

i'd give my testicles to be 30 again. i didn't have kids, anyway.
Tommy Jack Haynes:

Voter purges in NC and OH, closing of polls in NC where high democratic turnout was expected

Please don't play Paul Simon.

I cry for humanity. Please save yourselves and do not
follow this clown and his circus of money hungry pathological liars.
Avatar 6:20pm
Linda Lee:

the CrossCheck program began purging voters' names months before the election in swing states. months.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm


NO he does not deserve a chance, idiot.
Tommy Jack Haynes:

I dont' even want to hear idiots like this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

30 seems young, now, but he's right about the fetishization of youth. It makes 30 feel like over the hill even though it's not.

Not understanding why people are against Trump is pure disingenuous bullshit. One can disagree with somebody who is against Trump, but pretending not to be able to see where that person is coming from is garbage.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

i can't remember 30.
Avatar 6:22pm

This caller is a goddamn idiot. Take his right to vote (and to think) away.
Avatar 6:22pm
Linda Lee:

ask this man where he gets this information. ask him.

This guy reads fake news.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

this guy shops the prepper collection at cabela's sporting goods.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

That's why the First Amendment guaranteed the Free Press. A Lynch Mob is a 'Democracy'. It's not enuff. We need Journalism & Education too. Bernie was ignored & Drumpf got a free campaign.
He's good for Ratings.
Drumpf is the oldest President-Elect ever. What more chance does he need? His whole history is business fraud & Unreality Television. Just from a Readiness perspective he's a disaster. It's great to be AntiEstablishment - but this is the most responsible job on Planet Earth, Sir.
Tommy Jack Haynes:

ISIS loves Trump , he's their best recruiter
Avatar 6:23pm
Linda Lee:

he gets his opinons from the internet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

i am so sad that my sister is one of those people, dean, as is my mother. very maddening. hard to speak to them these days. i haven't actually.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

@Dean: Yes. People were saying the same thing after Bush II won and an insightful journalist responded that 'failure of imagination is not a game plan'.
Avatar 6:23pm

We're in the aftermath of a corporate coup d'etat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& Drumpf is getting his own 24/7 channel...
geezerette - yes.
Tommy Jack Haynes:

Oh give me a break , Janson in deranged
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

sooooo....if jill stein raised millions and there's no recount who keeps the money. HE'S SAYING IT.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm


the use of the terms "liberal", conservative", "left wing" etc. are total fucking bullshit. it's just marketing.
Avatar 6:25pm
Donathon McCloud:

double up spin 9 my head hurts

oh the horror oh the horror
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The bums are going to control all three branches of government, too.

Oh FFS. People like George Soros include, hmmm, let's see...Donald Trump!
Avatar 6:26pm
Linda Lee:

the recounts are going forward, if they're allowed to. that's where the money is going. it's not allowed to be used by any other purpose, by law.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

It's always George Soros.
Avatar 6:26pm

Outside of a sister-in-law, everyone in my family voted that way. Now, that I live in a county that voted 87% for Trump, it's an odd culture shock from the last 16 years in Brooklyn.
Avatar 6:26pm

STFU and let someone answer the question you asked, shit for brains.
Tommy Jack Haynes:

Move on from this guy ,there are probably intelligent people to talk to
Avatar 6:27pm
Linda Lee:

Trump isn't in office yet. it's still possible to project our hopes & dreams upon his meaty person. just wait. buyers' remorse in store.
Avatar 6:27pm
Doug Werewolf:

Love camaros -oil gear Lover -
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

did mopar buy wankle?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

clay, cosworth vega is really a mazda, no?
Avatar 6:28pm

I missed the intro. Who is this guy with Clay?
Avatar 6:28pm
Doug Werewolf:

Ding Dong Hannah's here

Alex "the Gatekeeper," a friend of Clay's a generation younger.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

another idiot that doesn't get it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

carm - gatekeeper. who i assume is the call screener.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

Avatar 6:30pm
Linda Lee:

don't think this is the call screener. he's in studio.
  Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

Tommy Jack Haynes:

Maybe I missed something ...did you ask that only stupid call Clay?

We should mix up opinions. Everybody should end up with somebody else's opinion.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

May I ask this one question?:
If the Republicans had won the Popular Vote by 2&1/2 Million - & growing...& Lost the Election
- & the only recount so far showed the vote had been padded against them by 1,000s of non-existent voters in a key state
- how - honestly - would this be playing out?
Avatar 6:31pm
Linda Lee:

if we want to talk positivity, we need to get away from the 2016 electoral process.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

i've said it so many times since nov. 8th. i quit.
Avatar 6:32pm

The people who've taken over find the rest of us irrelevant,inconvenient.
Remember Katrina,Sandy Hook,etc.,consider how citizens were treated. Think of any failed state in the last thirty years,think of Syria. You're lloking at a form of our futures.
We need to stay sane, strong, and retrieve the future.

I get your point, RRN63, but it's a counterfactual. Nothing we can do about it.
Janky Grey:

Gatekeeper seems to be the only one on this whole scene that is well grounded
Gump Worsley:

Who are these people. This is why we are in this situation.

great tune
Avatar 6:33pm
Linda Lee:

yes. geezerette. right.
Avatar 6:34pm
Linda Lee:

i don't think it makes sense for the Dusty Show to be an hour show! too much to do!
Avatar 6:34pm

perfect song Clay.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

Oh not this damned song.
Avatar 6:35pm

Linda, I'm so damn sad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

the pidge remix!
Avatar 6:35pm
Doug Werewolf:

Tide good trump dump llascivious dime easy adiue shoe fetish I Like Ike - Make the black vote count button
Avatar 6:35pm
Linda Lee:

are you in mourning geezerette?
Janky Grey:

i think we might be in this situation because we don't listen to each other, we don't talk to each other, and we don't realize we're all more alike than we might imagine. people everywhere, world wide, want the same thing. Decent food, decent shelter, and no hassles. all the rest is manufactured conflict produced by the Big Machine for the primary purpose of profiting on conflict and misery.

i think Todd-o-phonic referred to don as everyones 4th favorite eagle
Avatar 6:36pm
Cheri Pi:

Keep your small hands outta my Pi!
Avatar 6:36pm

Linda, yes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

hee! cheri
Avatar 6:37pm
Linda Lee:

what 'next move'? the water protectors need to stay at Standing Rock for the foreseeable future!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

bob "in the butt" eubanks?
Avatar 6:39pm

Flint,Detroit,New Orleans...the future. DT is a symptom.
Tommy Jack Haynes:

Clay you kind of rush the smart people and keep the idiots on too long

The planet isn't dying. The species? That's another story.
Avatar 6:40pm

Right Dean.
Tommy Jack Haynes:

I like this guy
Avatar 6:40pm

I'm with you, Polyus. I just turned off the mute ...

Sounded kinda like Handsome Dick Manitoba.

Honk if you remember the Sports Illustrated Football Phone
Avatar 6:41pm
Linda Lee:

'small government' ideology in practice will ultimately be totally discredited. it's a shame we'll have to suffer through the process.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

@Linda: yes.
Avatar 6:42pm
Linda Lee:

geezerette. DT is like fungus. thriving under ideal conditions. & the conditions for his success were ideal.
Tommy Jack Haynes:

The EPA head hates the enviroment , the Labor sec hates labor
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

why didn't trump appoint ben carson to surgeon general? that might have made some sense.

@melinds: yes re: @Linda: yes.

"The EPA head hates the environment..." Remember James Watt?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

A fox for every federal hen house.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

These two personalities together are hilarious

Somebody needs to advise Trump that he needs to appoint a Court Jester.
Avatar 6:44pm

Everyones children...I can't even cry.
Linda yep. Been heading this way since F.D.R. angered the plutocrats.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@Dean - ... and then hand him a mirror.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm

It feels like Trump is throwing so many obviously shit cabinet picks out there, the Dems would not be able to concentrate on stopping any particular one, even if they could. Just like the media was unable to keep up with the flood of lies during the election.
Avatar 6:46pm
Linda Lee:

well, only the true Left can stem fascism. the centrists won't stop it.
Avatar 6:46pm

seems like dusty gets frustrated with each caller.

A Communist at Christmas: "These chains don't fit. Do you have the receipt?"
Avatar 6:46pm
Old Dave:

You Liberal Elites!
You people who went to college and REFUSE to stop reading books!
You, (and myself, sorry,) are the big problem in this country according to the
hard-thinking Trump supporters?
So tired of this.
Blowing the thing up is easy. The results will be Idiocracy times ten.
Avatar 6:47pm
Linda Lee:

Clay is bored with this stuff. :-D
Tommy Jack Haynes:

YOu guys ask him a question and then shut him down when he answers
Avatar 6:48pm

He was a cashmere communist anyway ...

Gatekeeper, Dusty, what are your thoughts on Pizzagate?? I don't see anyone who's dismissing it as "conspiracy" or "false news" actually doing any investigative journalism and challenging the facts and coincidences being put forth by Wikileaks and the various bloggers and podcasters.. Thoughts?
Avatar 6:49pm

Clintons "Triangulation", Equivalent of appeasement except it was for his own enrichment.
Avatar 6:50pm
Linda Lee:

the Clinton agenda was terrifically destructive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

Clay, my girlfriend wants you to know that The Band makes her sad.
Avatar 6:50pm
Linda Lee:

disgraceful opportunism. the Clintons are garbage. sorry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

-But at least I got her listening to the Dusty Show!
Avatar 6:51pm
Linda Lee:

try again next time Polyus!
Avatar 6:51pm

Linda,I agree.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

is this a live orchestral version of an enya song?

@?:- wrong
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

Keith Ellison is my congressman!
Avatar 6:53pm
Linda Lee:

the Democrats are pointless. sorry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

I hope Ellison gets the DNC position.
Avatar 6:54pm
Linda Lee:

we still love you Clay!
Tommy Jack Haynes:

Sorry Clay you do a great show

clay why are our hearts so broken?
Avatar 6:55pm
Linda Lee:

do what the hell you want Clay! play music. have fun. screw politics for now.
Avatar 6:55pm

dusty cares!
Roger Ailes:

Clay this is not working with your guest

Shoulfnt of cut him off , lucky man says alot . Love ya Clay . Lose the sidekick

Whooooo this is a rough one . Love you dusty
Avatar 6:57pm
Linda Lee:

what euphoria? :-D

Whatever you do - don't google "Leonard Lake"

Thanks Clay and Co.
Avatar 6:57pm

I would prefer Keith Emerson as my congressman, but he has passed. As has Greg Lake ... :(
Avatar 6:58pm
Old Dave:

Distributism is a good model for democracy. It is NOT socialism, and it is NOT the capitalism of Trump.
It is the impulse behind Vancouver putting an extra tax on non resident real estate purchases. Simple way to cool their housing market and keep it affordable for Canadians.
Property ownership is the best way for community members to fully commit to their community.
Avatar 6:58pm
Linda Lee:

wealthy public figures deserve scrutiny. it's critical.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

Cheers, guys

Lets all stop talking
Avatar 6:59pm
Linda Lee:

give gatekeeper his own show!!
Avatar 6:59pm
Linda Lee:

nice voice.
Avatar 7:00pm

we all made it through.
Avatar 7:00pm
Old Dave:

Gatekeeper is okay, let's hear more from him!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Thanks Clay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Thanks Clay. have a good week...
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