Favoriting Vocal Fry with Dan Bodah: Playlist from November 28, 2016 Favoriting

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Music with vocals weird & wonderful -- beatboxing, yodels, auction chants, Tuvan throatsinging, & eerie polyphonies.

Tuesday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting November 28, 2016: 60: IN MEMORIAM PAULINE OLIVEROS: An hour of her compositions with voice

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Pauline Oliveros  In Memoriam Mr. Whitney (w/American Voices)   Favoriting In Memoriam Mr. Whitney / St. George & The Dragon  Mode  0:00:00 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pauline Oliveros 

Rattlesnake Mountain   Favoriting

Accordion & Voice 


0:18:20 (Pop-up)
Pauline Oliveros  To Valerie Solanas and Marilyn Monroe in Recognition of Their Desperation (excerpt) (perf. Electra)   Favoriting None  None  0:27:33 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pauline Oliveros 

Rattlesnake Mountain   Favoriting

Accordion & Voice 


0:41:26 (Pop-up)
Pauline Oliveros  Sound Patterns (perf. Brandeis University Chamber Chorus)   Favoriting Extended Voices  Sony  0:45:28 (Pop-up)
Pauline Oliveros  Body Stories   Favoriting Ghostdance  Deep Listening  0:48:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pauline Oliveros 

Rattlesnake Mountain   Favoriting

Accordion & Voice 


0:51:46 (Pop-up)
Area  Cometa Rossa   Favoriting Area: International Popular Group  Sony Italia  1:00:37 (Pop-up)
Nicola Cisternino  Xöömij for bass voice & UPIC (perf. CCMIX & Nicholas Isherwood, bass)   Favoriting CCMIX Paris: New Electroacoustic Works  Mode  1:04:09 (Pop-up)
The Residents  Hop A Little (Live in Japan)   Favoriting None  The Residents  1:15:47 (Pop-up)
Haya  The Mongolian   Favoriting Wolf Totem  Haya  1:18:14 (Pop-up)
Gennadi Tumat  Sygyt - Choomej - Kargyraa   Favoriting Alys Churtum Övür Charyy - My Homeland Övür  PAN Records (Netherlands)  1:22:19 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pauline Oliveros 

Rattlesnake Mountain   Favoriting

Accordion & Voice 


1:27:08 (Pop-up)
Björk  Submarine (with Robert Wyatt)   Favoriting Medúlla  One Little Indian  1:33:57 (Pop-up)
Iannis Xenakis  Aïs (cond. Arturo Tomayo, perf. Spyros Sakkas, Beatrice Daudin, & the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra)   Favoriting Orchestral Works Vol. 1  Timpani  1:36:38 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pauline Oliveros 

Rattlesnake Mountain   Favoriting

Accordion & Voice 


1:54:11 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Hey Dan!
Dan from Toronto:

Semper Pauline. RIP. I got to see her live in Ottawa once.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Dan Bodah:

Hi all -- Vocal Fry will be on for 2 hours tonight (covering for Jo Firestone)
Avatar 7:11pm

niiiice. RIP Pauline O.
I hope you're able to spin that link I sent on Twitter. You've played The Residents before and some of there stuff is such a perfect fit for this show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

Avatar 7:15pm
Linda Lee:

thank you for sharing this amazing piece by Pauline Oliveros. we've lost an amazing, original composer. one of our best.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm
Dan Bodah:

Thx Marselle, yes, I think I
ll have time to get to it tonight
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm
Dan Bodah:

@common, @LL, hey
Avatar 7:16pm
Linda Lee:

so appreciate these sounds right now!
Avatar 7:16pm
Linda Lee:

merci Mr. Bodah!
Dan from Toronto:

That tone she got on the accordion is remarkable. I wonder what she played.

Pauline was fab! The most kind compassionate wise person and artist.
Worked with her a few times in nyc in the technical dept.
She chuckled a lot. Sigh.
Avatar 7:22pm
Cheri Pi:

Love her field recordings

Wow I am really sad really sad that I will not see her again. One can not take people for granted. Tempus fugit

I can listen though.
Avatar 🍳 Swag For Life Member 7:28pm
Kat in Chicago:

"She chuckled a lot" I like that
Avatar 7:30pm

Anyone who knew, worked with, or saw her perform is very fortunate.
The rest of us are glad she existed.
Avatar 7:30pm
Linda Lee:

lucky you Mary! here one day, gone the next. all of us.
Avatar 7:32pm

It's a mystery. Everything, I mean.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm
Dan Bodah:

@Mary, yes, she was an incredible presence and had a wicked humor.
Avatar 7:41pm
Linda Lee:

my cats respond with confusion to the cat-sounds in this piece ....
Avatar 7:41pm
Linda Lee:

incredible sounds
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

our cat was also confused, linda lee.
Avatar 7:45pm
Linda Lee:

very cool :-)
Avatar 7:46pm
Linda Lee:

yes, Vallerie Solanas died in 1988. found alone in a hotel room after she'd been dead for some time, if i remember right. actually found a copy of the SCUM manifesto recently. she was ahead of her time. brilliant woman driven crazy.
Avatar 🍳 Swag For Life Member 7:47pm
Kat in Chicago:

ah, I have "Extended Voices" on vinyl, not in the greatest shape but nice to have in the library
Avatar 7:48pm
Linda Lee:

both Solanas & Marilyn very intelligent people, uniquely victimized.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm
Dan Bodah:

Linda Lee & Common: youtu.be...
Avatar 7:52pm

foxes. many foxes. www.shauntmax30.com...
Avatar 7:58pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Avatar 8:00pm
Linda Lee:

confuse-a-cat! fantastic!!
Avatar 8:02pm
Linda Lee:

glenn ~ driving home a few nights ago, up here in the catskills ~ stopped to see a fox leap into the trees beside the road. we both stopped to watch one another. what a great looking animal!! beautiful in the moonlight.

Ozric Tentacals with vocal
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Dan Bodah:

@Tom, yes, a bit Ozric-ish
Avatar 🍳 Swag For Life Member 8:09pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

A tad late, but want to mention how nice the tribute to Pauline was. Another example of an artist I'd not know about if it weren't for FMU.
Avatar 8:09pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Searching about Area, their vocalist was amazing. Demetrio Stratos. I will find more music from him. Thanks for sharing this tracks Dan.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm
Dan Bodah:

@Richard, great -- yes, Demetrio's solo music is wild. @Ken, glad you enjoyed it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
Dan Bodah:

I should mention: Kurt Gottschalk will be doing another tribute to Pauline Oliveros tomorrow at 3pm on the Give the Drummer Radio Stream.
Avatar 8:13pm

I love this.
Avatar 8:13pm

Right up my alley

2016: The year of endless WFMU tributes!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
Dan Bodah:

@Jake, it has been a clusterfuck of a year for sure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
Dan Bodah:

@marselle, your request coming up next

@DanBodah: Fuck 2016. Throw it in a ditch.
Avatar 8:17pm

wooo nice, thanks Dan
Avatar 8:19pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Dan, for a new show. Good vocal music from my country: Quinteto contrapunto – Amalia Rosa youtu.be...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Dan Bodah:

Thanks for turning me on to this tune
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
Dan Bodah:

I know it was a little jarring, but I couldn't resist this song because it has two of my favorite things in it: autotune & khoomii
Avatar 🍳 Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

With any cosmic luck, the babies born in 2016 will be as exceptional as those who departed in this year.

@KenFromHydePark: Wonder how many “The world is screwed, so let’s have a panic baby!” babies will be born in the sprint of 2017?
Avatar 8:30pm

not me
Avatar 8:31pm

thank you so much for the beautiful Pauline Oliveros selections . . . yes, 2016 has definitely sucked, especially post-election -- i am convinced that Trump has somehow been responsible for killing all these wonderful, talented humans
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm

I'm tempted to say that if you thought 2016 was bad, just wait until you see how many billions die in 2017! But I'm trying to be less pessimistic about a lunatic having nuclear codes. Obama recently said, "I don't believe in [the] apocalyptic, until the apocalypse comes." So, uh, yeah. That?

@Ike: I personally think a military coup is more likely than nukes with Trump. Which is horrifying as well.
Avatar 8:34pm

@Dan "Hop a little" is from their album "The Big Bubble". If you weren't familiar you would definitely like it. supposed to be part of their "Mole" series. that album is supposed to be in the "Mole language" (diving deep in concept album pretense now..) So the entire album is weird vocals like that en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar 8:35pm
Linda Lee:

honestly, i'd have no problem at all with a 2 hr vocal fry every week.
Avatar 8:36pm

@Dan "The Big Bubble" is filled with bangers. At least for The Residents. real bangers. Cry For The Fire is a banger too. they always tend to do Big Bubble songs live because they translate so while. Cry for the fire: www.youtube.com...
Avatar 8:36pm
Linda Lee:

slugluv ~ please, don't flatter him!
Avatar 8:36pm

**translate so WELL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
Dan Bodah:

Thanks Marselle -- I know Mark of the Mole and the live Mole Show record, but it's been a long time since I had them. My favorite Residents era has always been Duck Stab.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
Dan Bodah:

In 2017, we'll have to use Vocal Fry via Ham Radio to coordinate the new underground railroad.

the Xenakis is amazing. Cool after Bjork, that's a good DJ for you, people.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm
Dan Bodah:

Aw thankz Mary -- I was hoping someone else appreciated that. At least I try to enjoy myself.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm
Dave in Vermont:

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Linda Lee:

no one but Pauline could make me wish to play accordion.
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