Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from November 10, 2016 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting November 10, 2016: Post-Election Wrap-Up - Anti-Trump Protest! Pure Doom!

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Scene 1 - Post-Election, Anti-Donald Trump Protest in Manhattan, USA
Sore Loser?
Should The Dems Have Gone w/Bernie?
Crowd Chantz
A Person of Colour
White Supremacy Won
Marianna from Mexico
Trump's Deportation Threats
Were You Surprised Jillary Lost?
Does it Change Your Opinion of the United States
Arlo Guthrie  Deportees   Favoriting Arlo Guthrie  Reprise  1974  MP3  My older brother brought this home from radio school when I was in high school This song made me feel melancholy back then, and still does.  0:03:44 (Pop-up)
More from the protest ...
Can't Articulate
He Hates Donald Trump
Does The Electoral College Have Too Much Power?
The First Few Months
The Arms of Government
James at MSG
Sammy Davis, Jr.  Sweet November   Favoriting I Gotta Be Me  Reprise  1968  MP3  Love this. It's from some movie I am too lazy to Google. Here Come The Brides of Frankenstein. No. Maybe ... Sweet Charity?  0:08:56 (Pop-up)
The protest rages on ...
State Dept. Contractor
He Used to be a Republican
Daniel - Secret Trump Voter
Chill In Chappaqua
Whose Street ? Our Street !
Bob and the Woman Before Him
John Lennon  Imagine   Favoriting Imagine  Apple  1971  MP3  This song seemed to irritate and even anger some listeners. Yes, it is played often. I always think of John when protests happen. His political and social activism inspired many of us at that time. It also takes me back to Junior High in Iowa. Haters can shove it. Ha!  0:14:56 (Pop-up)
Not Our President!
He's a Facist
A Revealing
Loud Cheer as Two Protest Groups Encounter Each Other And Are Absorbed By Each Other
Sandwich Eating Cage Fighter
Getting Ready for a Fight
Trump Voters
The Leaks
Perry Comey
Less Fake Than All-Star Wrestling
How Do You Spell Racist?
Shocked Alien
America Is Dumb
My Body My Choice
Liberal Bubble
Bebs at the Knicks Game
The People Have Dokken, er, Spoken
Max Frost & the Troopers  Shape Of Things To Come   Favoriting Shape of Things to Come  Tower  1968  MP3    0:24:38 (Pop-up)
The Protest Continues ...
Nothing You Can Do
Tom Voted For Gary Johnson
Chex™ 'n Balances
This Is What Democracy Looks Like!
Louisiana Voter
Public Enemy  Fight The Power   Favoriting Fear of a Black Planet  Def Jam / Columbia  1990  MP3  Luv  0:30:04 (Pop-up)
Racist, Sexist, Anti-Gay!
Working Class Americans
Give It Away, Give It Away, Give it Away Now!
Common Ground
Closet Liberal
  firetruck creeps closer, then magically disappears!
Uglier and Uglier
Blocked In Traffic
Hillary Is OK
Taking the Streets!
Should They Have Protested BEFORE The Election?
Not The Country I Signed Up For
Ill-Informed, Power Hungry People
What Democracy Looks Like
Stein Enthusiast
The Pussy Grabs Back!
Just Like the Old Occupy Days!
Hey Hey Ho Ho, etc
Crowded House  Don't Dream It's Over   Favoriting Crowded  Capitol  1986  MP3  Always thought this was a well-written, beautiful song.  0:39:26 (Pop-up)
Trump U. Refund
Hate Mongers
Bill's Friend ...
Did YOU Watch the Returns or Go To Bed?
Showing It's Head
  another disappearing siren
Angry at These Young People!
Thrilled With Trump's Win
Awful Kids
Being Frank ...
Republicans Aren't All Racists
Danish Dude
He's A Clown
Reticent To Participate
Are YOU Worried About The Future? dusty@wfmu.org
Curtis Mayfield  (Don't Worry) If There's Hell Below We're All Gonna Go   Favoriting Curtis  CRS (Curtom)  1970  MP3  Always remember ... the great Curtis Mayfield.  0:47:37 (Pop-up)
Avi from Israel
She Should Be In Jail
Obama Was Corrupted by Hillary
Big Huge Problem
Holly from Hawaii
Give Hillary a HUG!
Do YOU Know Hawaiin?
Meanwhile ... back at the Protest
Is it anti-Christ or anti-Trump
Happy Man In Traffic-Blocked Truck
It Sends A Message
Policeman Tells Man to Move His Car
Worship the Pigg
Hakon Kornstad  Ambergris   Favoriting Single Engine  Jazzland  2007  MP3  music under outro   
Thanking the Silent Fundrager Pledgers!
  I doub't if many of you will read this, but if you pledged, THANK YOU! The Silent Fundraiser is difficult because we are allowed only so much time to thank people, so I think it's easy for a listener to fell "blown off' when the thanks on-air is so brief and fleeting. Belive me, I want to offer up a monologue for each of you! Anyway ... your pledges are VERY much appreciated. Thanks again.
  Thank you for listening to this episode of The Dusty Show. It has been a LONG trip for me, making all these elections shows. They started (unintentionally) months ago and we're finally through it. Sadly, it did not turn out as many wished it had, People were shocked by Trump's victory. I knew there would be a pall over this weeks show, and the protest seemed to come along at the perfect moment when just getting together with people and making some noise was a GREAT antidote to the gloom which has been so pervasive in the city and elsewhere post-election. Anyway, here we are. Who knows what comes next. It will not be boring. Perhaps great art will spring from a more oppressive environment. Perhaps we shall be trundled off to gulags. Perhaps NOTHING will happen. I wish you all peace of mind, love, happiness, no worries, fun, moderate innebriation, jewelry, and a Honda 90. Always remember. CPNYC11111699IA58HCTK-Operation Thinskin- Surveillance mode enacted.

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

Hi Clay!
Avatar 6:02pm
Clay Pigeon:

Hello. Come on in. Hello Sean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Election Through Failure 2016
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm

let me buy the first round as we all commiserate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

great song - never heard it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

Make mine a double
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

Nice to hear Arlo.
Avatar 6:07pm

the worst presidential candidate ever just beat the worst presidential candidate ever. Sleep well America
Avatar 6:08pm

Heya Clay and fellow hostages.
Hoboken Jack:

Hello Clay and all! Enjoying the interviews very much.
Avatar 6:08pm
Marcel M:

Hi Clay.
Avatar 6:09pm
V Priceless:

Dusty! Hey

I'd say this year has been the worst but the next four will make this one seem absolutely sunny.
Avatar 6:11pm

Only you could make me smile today, Clay

Trumps has a trial coming up. So...there's that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

Happy to be here, Clay
Avatar 6:13pm

On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. - H. L. Mencken

That Mencken is fucking poetry. Hilarious.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. Mencken!!

Let's cheer and defend all the minorities and then down with those imbecile, uneducated white working-class people! Hmm...that's what I keep hearing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

I heard that overall voting was the lowest since 2000? That's a disgrace if true....
Avatar 6:15pm

I absolutely despise this god damn song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Evening, gang.
Thanks for being here, Pidge.
This will be a decidedly somber TNP.
Avatar 6:17pm

i hate it too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

this song is great
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

it's a bit pedantic. i like mother better.
Hoboken Jack:

I love this song, but enjoyed Elvis Costello's lyric, "Was it a millionaire, who said imagine no possessions?"

John said it was easy to sell Communism all you need is a good melody.
new yawka:

why protest trump in NYC? its like protesting beef outside a buddist temple, friggin hipsters
Avatar 6:19pm

bernie would have squished the cheeto jesus.
Avatar 6:19pm

also, this is what happens when you protest vote for that moron gary johnson.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Orange is the new black?
Avatar 6:21pm

NYC is like a giant buddhist mega-temple, with the occasional McDonald's, Arby's, and Dallas-BBQ here and there. It definitely has its "red zones", in other words.
new yawka:

also any trump hater should also recognize hillary is a fifth column puppet just the same, if you want change you gotta get into politics and make something happen
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

Is it too soon to be sick of winning?
Avatar 6:22pm

@Fredericks - at least the Communists had melody. In fact, a lot of their music was pretty good.
Avatar 6:22pm

a good article [and cartoon]. ipolitics.ca...
Tommy B.:

They are doing this here too! Just like the old days...Remember the hippies Skalbo...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

Will somebody please buy Clay some new business cards? He's been running out for months now.
fidel castro:

the tralalalala guy is communist
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

billy eichner said a great thing where NYC might be a bubble but it is still the goal, still the ideal, different people all living close together and dealing with it

@Honeybear - the lyrics to Imagine pretty much describe the Communist ideals.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

"oy vey - that DUSTY show....."
Avatar 6:24pm

New Yawka - I disagree, she's not a puppet. But she is tragically flawed. And part of the silver lining in all this is that her time is finally over.

we should have separated from the south when we had the chance
Avatar 6:25pm

and amen to that. A puppet with pockets full of cash.
Avatar 6:25pm
V Priceless:

I'm proclaiming 'Diamond Dogs' as the soundtrack for the foreseeable future
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

things to come is a great movie too!
Avatar 6:26pm

This song was from Wild in The Streets.
new yawka:

come on, she takes green from every one of those bastards, the saudis the banks etc etc
Avatar 6:27pm

see? fucking gary johnson.
Gary Johnson:

What was I running for again? I forgot...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Asheville Jon:

YES! Gary Johnson!
Avatar 6:28pm

Aye, Glenn.
Avatar 6:28pm

Glenn, you got a place I can stay for, ohh, 4 years??
Avatar 6:28pm

@Fredericks - perhaps with some hypothetical, 19th-century form of Communism. But nothing in common with the 20th-century variety (which was basically a complete perversion of those ideals, start to finish).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

winning is easy, governing is hard---trump will be bored in a couple months
Avatar 6:28pm

Johnson was pathetic in his own special way.
Jane J.:

The election is a mirror. Look at it and you will see that our country is made up of mostly fools obsessed with Twitter and cable television. Trump is a master of those and so he is the perfect president for our idiotic citizens. Don't be shocked just look closer at our fellow citizens obsessed with foolishness and President Trump will make sense.
Avatar 6:29pm

my guest bedroom is available.
Avatar 6:29pm

Thank you, Glenn. Packing now, and breakfast is on me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

Yes. What Jane said.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

Avatar 6:30pm

They played PiL's Rise at Trader Joe's today. Anger is an energy. Odd place to hear it.
Avatar 6:30pm

I see a niche market for Canadian air b-n-bs that cater to refugee applicants.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

@Sean: I've wondered if he can last a whole 4 years without losing interest.

if we wanted a reality tv star as president, I would've preferred Flava Flav
new yawka:

people need to realize that any divisive movement, black lives matter, republocan democrat, all of them are tools for control
Avatar 6:31pm

@melinda: Pence *really* scares me.
Avatar 6:32pm

our immigration website crashed at about 11:00 p.m. tuesday night.
Avatar 6:32pm

I think Trump will get the inevitable mega crisis that each president faces, and then won't know what to do. He'll ask Secretary of State Christie and Secretary of Defense Giuliani.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

Avatar 6:32pm

Actually it was with the Paris Commune (1871) that things definitely started to go off the rails. Once you start killing a few hostages here and there (you know, to send a message) it's like, "bet ya can't kill just one". Hence much of 20th-century history.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

can you imagine Trump addressing a mass shooting in a school?

@Honeybear- I did say "ideals."

May we live in interesting times. Never truer.
Avatar 6:33pm

New Yawka -- I guess you can say that just anything is a tool for control, then. "Language is a virus" and all that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

@Brian: me too! If Trump resigns or gets impeached, we're still stuck with him.
Avatar 6:34pm

i can see trump starting a mass shooting in a mosque.
Avatar 6:34pm

@Honeybear: "Ergo the 20th century." Isn't that a Monty Python line? It ought to be, anyway.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

Most Americans don't realize that it's very hard to emigrate to Canada.
new yawka:

no not to the anarchist level, just at the media level, if you look at election maps at a macro level the country is purple, almost no one falls squarley anywhere,
Avatar 6:35pm

Well, Communist "ideals" as such ain't so bad, of course.
new yawka:

my mother in law for example is gay and married her partner, but is also christian and opposes abortion, real people are mixed bags
Avatar 6:37pm

*βrian - I'd like to hear your quick take on Pence. Have to admit I've been mostly ignoring him up until now, actually.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

most of the rust belt midwest is so automobile-centric that you can't even walk on the streets
Old Dave:

I gotta 3br coming available one month from today on PEI.
You need a valid passport and no felony convictions.
Personal freedoms consistently rated higher in Canada than here BEFORE Tuesday.
Such as, the nearby white sand beach is Crown Land. You can set up a tent, build a fire,
swim, drink, smoke and run around naked if you want. The water is same temp as Jersey Shore,
but don't dare do any of these things there!
Avatar 6:38pm

pence believes in the literal word of the bible. that's all you need to know.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm
Asheville Jon:

new yawka:

all those hipsters protesting should have been outside the dnc,
Avatar 6:39pm

@glenn - he has no need (to start shooting in mosques) because he's too well off, and has too much to loose here in the material world. But I can definitely imagine some of his supporters carrying out acts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm

thanks for the crowded house Clay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm

any gals in boston right now wanna meet up and MAKE OUT?
Avatar 6:40pm

@glenn - not that he won't be slaughtering plenty of muslims overseas, of course. But then again, every president since Clinton I has been doing that already.
Avatar 6:40pm

@AJ: No, neither 3PC stole the election from H. But it's sad their followers couldn't think through the real implications.
Avatar 6:40pm

i don't think he's well off at all. i suspect donald is many millions of dollars in debt. it's all a facade.

I had forgotten Crowded House foretold this: They com, they come; To build a wall between us
Avatar 6:41pm

That's to say, I expect they could afford to ignore the real implications, while others cannot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm
Asheville Jon:

and Brian, what you are saying is discriminating against someone for their beliefs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
Asheville Jon:

but that's ok, you can be a sore loser. maybe the dnc could have not taken their annointing of hillary as automatic.
Avatar 6:44pm

maybe this is a canuckistani thing, but personal beliefs are far less important than the country as a whole. they should have sucked it up and voted for hillary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

These protests--too little, too late? Where were these folks over the whole campaign? Will they keep it up, or just resign to making some Facebook or Twitter posts?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

@glenn: many of us here felt the same way.
wu tang:

wu tang is for the children

wu tang for president 2020
Avatar 6:44pm

So your position is faith-based? Then, yep, not much sympathy. Everyone needs to do at least a little homework.
Jim from Brooklyn:

thank goodness we all still have clay through all this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Asheville Jon:

glenn, you make the VERY FLAWED assumption that everyone who voted third party would have voted for hillary, and that is totally idiotic and delusional

Hey, everyone relax a little. The last time we got a president who had lost the popular vote things weren't that bad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

that was gore - eight years of bush wasn't THAT BAD?
Avatar 6:48pm

Third party voters are committed onanists.
(I never thought I'd speak ill of onanists.)

In any case, their effect was negligible, really.
Avatar 6:48pm
Old Dave:

@glenn, yup, we are all so full of ourselves here in the US, are we not? So it stands to reason the candidate most full of himself would win.
Avatar 6:48pm

@glenn - if I'm not mistaken the 3rd party impact was quite limited this year (and there was no "tipping" factor in any state due to the 3PC candidates).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

@Asheville John: it's not delusional or idiotic to think that if someone is protesting Trump, then a vote for Hillary would have been the only effective way to stop him form being elected and might have been a good thing to do. On the other hand, if they voted in New York, it would not have made a difference.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

Oh man, Clay clapping always makes my day!

Teasing, Dale. I was playing troll for a minute. It felt weird.
Avatar 6:50pm

I love the way Clay lets Trump supporters speak in their own words
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Asheville Jon:

sounds like voter intimidation to me melinda. i guess i am in the minority that thinks that en election allows you, the voter, to vote for who you want to.
btw, third party voters got what, near 7 million votes (total)? i guess we're all idiots
Avatar 6:51pm

well, i went to bed before the election was over, but the votes for johnson in florida would have tipped the state to hillary, but i don't know what the final result was.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

well, an israeli is gonna say the woman's place is picking up after the man and making many babies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

sorta thought so fredericks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm
Asheville Jon:

there you go assuming again glenn
Avatar 6:52pm

@Honeybear: Yes.

Though I admit I misread your post:
"... in their own turds."
Guess I need to focus.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

The idea that Clinton should be "locked up" is dumbed-down Frankenstein torch mob mentality. (And I didnt vote for Stein this year [like I did in 2012] because she said the same thing.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Asheville Jon:

you need to go back and listen to that first Johnson voter. he said he did not vote for lillary, and wold NOT have voted for hillary if johnson was not on the ballot

It's interesting to me that the level of shock was as high as it was. Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I didn't trust the polls that predicted Hillary winning by such a large margin. Particularly after listening to shows like this; I was often surprised when Clay would interview someone who sounded reasonable, only to find that they planned to vote Trump. It spooked me. I think fewer people would have written in or voted Third party had they felt less complacent that she were going to win.

I'm gonna go all meta here. I can't believe that I live in the bubble that prevented me from recognizing that so many of my fellow citizens didn't recognize the bubble in which they live.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

@Asheville John: everyone is free to vote for whomever they choose, but arguing against a candidate isn't voter intimidation.
Avatar 6:55pm

gary johnson's an idiot. his voters are idiots.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

Johnson thought Aleppo was the 7th Marx Brother
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

@kym: yeah, the Dusty Show is a bit of an antidote to the bubble effect.
Avatar 6:56pm

Dean, you are the MetaDaddy!

What if the protesters get their wish? What if Donald Trump goes, "Hey, hey, ho, ho!"? What then?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Asheville Jon:

well glenn, i hope you send a personal letter to the 4+ million people who voted for him, telling them they are idiots..
Avatar 6:58pm

they probably can't read.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Way back when, Gary Johnson changed the law in New Mexico to allow liquor sales on Sundays, so that was good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

clay, did you explore classical guitar? fantastic playing going on here. weird time signatures and all...
Avatar 6:58pm

if they could, they'd know gary johnson is an idiot.
Dave Z.:

You're worst song EVER !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

dean - i half expected him to say 'up yours - i win. now i don't want it, so suck it up.'
Avatar 6:59pm

@AJ:I Eexpect many of those voters already know as much.

Thanks for the Mental health Dusty
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Well, at least it's just 44 more shopping days until Christmas!

Thanks, man, great show

Oi Music will save your toxic souls. May i sugguest GRADE 2 U.K. best new Oi band. Let Amerika burn.... Fly away fledglings
Avatar 6:59pm
Old Dave:

Clay, why do you think the protesters believe they can yell problems away? You've focused on them for so many years. It is dramatic, but could they try another tact some day?

I heard Trump tell the president he loves him.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

he didn't ask them to do it old dave. nor is his reporting encouraging them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

good one Ken!
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