Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from November 2, 2016 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting November 2, 2016

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
stephen montague  slow dance on a burial ground   Favoriting slow dance on a burial ground  lovely  1984  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
bushman's revenge  0500   Favoriting jazz, fritt etter kukommels  rune grammofon  2016  CD  0:24:49 (Pop-up)
ernesto diaz infante  the inside answers   Favoriting my benign swords  eh?  2016  CD  0:32:48 (Pop-up)
matt elliott  also ran   Favoriting the mess we made  merge  2003  LP  0:41:13 (Pop-up)
bohren & der club of gore  von schanalbein   Favoriting dolores  pias  2008  LP  0:47:23 (Pop-up)
steve hauschildt  time we have   Favoriting strands  kranky  2016  CD  0:51:09 (Pop-up)
david borden  etsy point, summer 1978   Favoriting music for amplified keyboard instruments  red records  1981  LP  1:04:09 (Pop-up)
wally badarou  keys / hi life   Favoriting echoes  island  1984  LP  1:10:29 (Pop-up)
mic holwin  gray   Favoriting starting to remember  life style  1986  LP  1:17:52 (Pop-up)
yves tumor  role in creation   Favoriting serpent music  pan  2016  CD  1:20:54 (Pop-up)
yasuaki shimizu  shiseido / seiko 5 / sharp   Favoriting music for commercials  crammed  1987  LP  1:23:21 (Pop-up)
elliot sharp  surdification   Favoriting nots  glass records  1982  LP  1:28:34 (Pop-up)
elliott sharp & scott fields  oinkment   Favoriting akra-kampoj  new atlantis  2016  CD  1:36:34 (Pop-up)
blues control  pillowtalk   Favoriting oldenuff2knobetta: the mixtape  no label  2016  CD-R  1:43:02 (Pop-up)
ngly  ideal place   Favoriting cities of illusion  lies  2016  LP  1:56:18 (Pop-up)
atom tm  strauss side   Favoriting radetzky loops live  hueso  2016  LP  2:03:38 (Pop-up)
blackhouse  cheers reign down on johnny   Favoriting live in leipzig  dark vinyl  2016  CD  2:08:39 (Pop-up)
inner city static  fractured smile   Favoriting close to the noise floor: formative uk electronica 1975-1984  cherry red  2106  CD  2:12:12 (Pop-up)
floating di morel  pearly   Favoriting goal less play  play loud!  2016  LP  2:22:14 (Pop-up)
dan melchior  home of the blues   Favoriting home of the blues  kye  2016  LP  2:24:51 (Pop-up)
eddy detroit  love and hate   Favoriting black crow gazebo  assophon  2016  LP  2:36:36 (Pop-up)
martin bramah  it'll be night soon   Favoriting the ballad of twisted heel  tiny global productions  2016  CD  2:39:20 (Pop-up)
david nance  the kids   Favoriting berlin  no label  2016  CD  2:42:25 (Pop-up)
glen meadmore  just a girl   Favoriting chicken & biscuits  amoeba records  1987  LP  2:48:03 (Pop-up)
r hundro  lightning in the lines   Favoriting 007 town  osr  2016  CD  2:53:50 (Pop-up)
liimanarina  mara on la: SSA NYT (nico case cover)   Favoriting dokauschwitz  stupido records  2015  CD  2:59:52 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:01am
John Allen:

good morning everyone, brb
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am
Sem Chumbo:

Good morning, John.
BRB, think I hear the upstairs toilet running.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08am
George of Troy:

Hi-ho, John and Sem. Good morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10am
Sem Chumbo:

Heeeyo, GoT.
Avatar 6:49am
Vincent Nifigance:

Is John back yet?
Cooh John:

Good morning, JA, SC, GoT. Getting me over the hump.
Marcel M:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00am
Sem Chumbo:

Where the expression *getting over the hump* came from:
Cooh John:

Thanks, Sem ol' chumbo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am
Sem Chumbo:

You're welcome. Serendipity, just watched that 2 nights ago.
Avatar 7:12am
John Allen:

OK, if each person here can pledge $25 right now, I won't need to break the silence of this fundraiser. Are you there? Are you OK with this?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am

Got it. Had to sign in anyway for the Wally Badarou.
Avatar 7:24am
John Allen:

thanks maestroso. I meant to say $250. OK people, it's a long way to that 100% goal for this show. and i'd rather play music all morning. can we do this?
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