Centennial Songs - The Antique Phonograph Music Program with Mac Favoriting

Playlist for September 6, 2016 Favoriting

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Title Artist Recording Images Approx. start time
Goodbye Shanghai   Favoriting Club Royal Orchestra  Victor 18857-B 10" 1921  
0:00:00 Pop-up)  
Kitten on the keys   Favoriting Zez Confrey  Victor 18900-A 10" 1921     0:11:47 Pop-up)  
The Whistler and His Dog   Favoriting Arthur Pryors Band  Victor 17380-A 10" 1913     0:21:38 Pop-up)  
Too Much Mustard   Favoriting Prince's Orchestra  Columbia A1307 10" 1913     0:28:58 Pop-up)  
Yes! We Have No Bananas   Favoriting The Great White Way Orchestra  Victor 19068-A 10" 1921     0:43:19 Pop-up)  
Toot, Toot, Tootsie Goo'bye   Favoriting Billy Murray - Ed Smalle  Victor 19006-B 10" 192     0:50:09 Pop-up)  
OKeh Laughing Record   Favoriting Anonymous  OKeh 4678-A 10" 1922     0:55:19 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm dale:

the fb feed is like 4 or 5 seconds AHEAD of the 90.1 signal!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm dale:

never heard of 'the national jukebox' and just went to the site - holy crap!
Avatar 8:20pm JackScheff:

Hey Mac - I had no idea I was tuning into the Last Ever antique phonograph music program. Thank you so much for the fascinating music over the years! Personally, I was only rarely bored with the show...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm dale:

this whistling tune has a beat you can whistle to!
  8:24pm Tyler:

Not antique, but a great piece showcasing whistling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1RdRY6cPMM
Avatar 8:25pm Marcel M:

Not a bad meow.
Avatar 8:25pm geezerette:

What!? It's OVER? {:c(
Well...go out and find a new love Mac.
At least we have the archives.
You'll be missed you know.
Cheers to the future!
Avatar 8:25pm Marcel M:

  8:28pm Chucktown Dan:

It's great for you to be so honest. I really appreciate your dedication all these years. It wasn't for nought, you opened many an ear and brain.
Keep your needle sharp !
Thank you .....
Avatar 8:28pm ((Murakami Whywolf):

I wonder if "The Whistler and His Dog" inspired the theme for "Leave it to Beaver".
  8:29pm famous original italianicewolf:

What geezerette said!
Avatar 8:31pm Marcel M:

I've always really enjoyed your show, Mac, thanks.
  8:37pm pfafulous:

One of the best shows on FMU. Thanks for all the work!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm Webhamster Henry:

That's very generous of you! OF course, I've enjoyed the show from its earliest days!
  8:41pm shtus:

wow Mac I'm pretty sad you and do or DIY are going off the air, my two favorite shows. But I will keep on searching out the acoustic records you got me into. Thanks
Avatar 8:44pm slugluv1313:

i am SO going to miss you!
without your show, i would have never ever known the sheer joy of . . . FLUFFY RUFFLES!!! :)
and, was never ever bored either
btw -- i am pretty sure that WAS a real dog! my kitties were TOTALLY trying to figure out where that barking was coming from!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm Webhamster Henry:

APMP: pumping Billy Murray's and Ada Jones' royalties!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm dale:

yeah, it's not like we don't hear enough punk or krautrock or ooh ooh girl or country or mashup stuff - billy murray is seriously under represented.
  8:48pm brycepunk:

I love your show!
  8:49pm JakeGould:

Hey! Gonna miss the show, but hey… I don’t know what to say after “Hey!”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm Webhamster Henry:

If you can do a fill in or co host, that would be great! The Codger does fill ins, and he plays electric recordings1
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm Santos L. Halper:

Thanks Mac, we'll miss ya! Hope you come back to crank the tunes for us again.
Avatar 8:51pm geezerette:

...and cheers to the great Billy Murray!

There's so much American history contained in the records you play.
Oh boo-hoo!
But you're right to follow your intuition.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm KidProJoe:

Thanks for all the shows! Opened my ears to a LOT of music I have never heard before!
  8:55pm Tom Gervat:

Thanks for a really great run, Michael. Your legacy speaks for itself, (and I am grateful to have been a part of it back when). There's a point with the early music where the wonderment wears off, even though you still love the music. I could tell you had reached that point a while back. And thanks for playing those ballads you hated when you would have preferred playing the blues. Don't know whether to bring out the laughing records or the crying ones now. But the show must go on, and they're waiting for you now on the set of MAC, The Movie. So a hearty salute to you for your 21 year labor of love -in some ways not so different from raising a child and seeing him off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm dale:

love you, sir!
Avatar 8:56pm slugluv1313:

awww my Dad used to sing "Toot Toot Tootsie Goo'bye" to my younger sister and me when we were really little :)
but once again, never ever heard the original until your show!
again, so going to miss these wonders -- but as others have commented, best to do what is right for YOU!!
Avatar 8:56pm geezerette:

Mac, there's a rainbow round the corner & a sky of blue above...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56pm dale:

apropo - a laughing rekkid as the end....
Avatar 8:56pm Jeezy:

Thank you, Mac! Thanks for all the music all these years. And thank you for the graceful show about time passing!
Avatar 8:58pm Lopez:

Fare thee well Mac, it's been a pleasure. I don't often comment on your show live as I usually catch it at a later date but it's always fascinating and well worth the listen. Happy Trails and hope to hear you back here at some point in the future!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm Webhamster Henry:

This show is what WFMU is about - reviving sounds you never knew were recorded and showing the world as it was and could be!
  9:00pm Tommy Jack Haynes:

Mac...I have loved the show ,been listening for 10/15 years or so.thanks for doing it and good luck
  10:37pm IFisher:

Oh, Mac! I'm sorry you will be off the WFMU air. Any chance you'll be back, or cranking up elsewhere?
Because of you I have a better sense of how and when modernity arose. We were taught it was Les demoiselles d'avignon, but you showed modernity was carried by electricity, and in the vernacular way earlier than we thought. Thank you for blowing our minds!
  5:36pm Eric Dion:

So long Mac, thanks for all of the great music! I've been listening to you from Wisconsin for the last 4 or 5 years. I've always enjoyed the show; it's been great. Good luck to you!
  7:54pm Tom Walls:

Thank you for everything! I always enjoyed the show and looked up many of the acts you've played. I have a ton of 78s. One day I will get a 78 rpm player and go through them!
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