Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from August 4, 2016 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting August 4, 2016: Relentless Political Coverage Threatens Further Audience Erosion

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Street Steel Drummer and distant siren near Grand Central Station
Peter in Bryant Park
Chase  Open Up Wide   Favoriting Chase  Epic  1971  MP3  02:56 - 05:32 --- From Wiki - "Chase's work on a fourth studio album in mid-1974 came to an end on August 9, 1974. While en route to a scheduled performance at the Jackson County Fair in Minnesota, Bill Chase died at the age of 39 in the plane crash of a chartered twin-engine Piper Twin Comanche in Jackson, Minnesota. Also killed, along with the pilot and a female companion, were keyboardist Wally Yohn, drummer Walter Clark, and guitarist John Emma."  0:03:10 (Pop-up)
Trump and the Baby - Audio courtesy of AP
  I lean a little too heavily on soundbytes during this episode. I was a little short on interview material.
David on the Sidewalk Across the Street from Grand Central Station
Melissa Manchester  Just Too Many People   Favoriting Melissa  Arista  1975  MP3  11:07 - 13:36 --- Produced by RIchard Perry. She had big hits like Midnight Blue, You Should Hear How She Talks About You, and Don't Cry Out Loud.  0:11:11 (Pop-up)
Gold Star Father, Khizr Khan, at the DNC. Audio courtesy of ABC 15 Arizona.
Shy Woman in Grand Central Station
Trump Speaks About Sacrifice on ABC
Rush  Earthshine   Favoriting Vapor Trails  Atlantic  2002  MP3  17:01 - 19:38 --- Nice live version from YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMxZ1ukFVYk ---- I always want more love for this LP and song. Hard enough to get some to cotton for even classic Rush, much less late-period stuff. I think this song measures up to their best.  0:17:10 (Pop-up)
Jonas from Denmark in front of Grand Central Station
  Danish envy. I sometimes imagine living there. Never been. My family has some Danish heritage.
Deepak Chopra from FOX Radio
Steppenwolf  Draft Resistor   Favoriting Monster  ABC/Dunhill  1969  MP3  23:52 - 26:23 --- From Steppenwolf's website (they are still together in some incarnation.) "John Kay (born Joachim Fritz Krauledat, 12 April 1944, Tilsit, Germany) is a Canadian singer, songwriter and guitarist known as the frontman of Steppenwolf."  0:24:02 (Pop-up)
Jason is Leaning Trump
Trump Gets A Purple Heart - Audio: CNN
  I rather unfairly edited out the last part of the "Purple Heart" audio clip in which Donald Trump introduces the soldier that gave it to him to the audience. Would have painted him in a more positive light.
White Zombie  More Human Than Human   Favoriting Astro-Creep 2000  Geffen  1995  MP3  30: 38 - 33:13 --- I really need to stop the singing. I get excited by the music and I want to have fun with you, but I embarrass myself in doing so. And sometimes ruin the music. I did a rather butch editing job on this.  0:30:43 (Pop-up)
Jennifer Chimes In
Senator Lindsay Graham (SC) on CNN
Molly Hatchet  Flirtin' With Disaster   Favoriting   Epic  1979  MP3  35:13 - 38:02 --- Concerning singer Danny Joe Brown. A sad demise. Always remembered. From Wiki: "Brown left Molly Hatchet in 1980 because of chronic diabetes and pancreatic problems, but soon started his own band, The Danny Joe Brown Band, which released a single studio album in 1981. He later rejoined Molly Hatchet in 1982, only to leave again in 1995 after suffering a stroke. He died at his mother's home in Davie, Florida in March 2005, at the age of 53. His obituary attributed his death to renal failure, a complication of the diabetes he had since age 19.  0:35:23 (Pop-up)
President Obama Calls Trump Unfit for Office. Audio courtesy of whitehouse.gov.
Peter and Joe in Bryant Square Park
Giorgio Moroder  The Chase   Favoriting Soundtrack from the Motion Picture "Midnight Express"  Casablanca  1978  MP3  43:50 - 52:12 --- NO. Not American Gigolo. It's from Midnight Express, an excellent movie if you've never seen it. Here's a scene from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO9WS6Bo-VU   
A Call From Peter Seymour - A Random Caller
  As is often the case, I was totally sleep-deprived during this show. I stayed awake until 8am the night before, putting things together, editing songs and interviews. Then off to the day job. So, by the time I get to WFMU, sometimes I am delerious.
  Was my asking the blind man about his dreams out of line? And the Kenneth Jernigan reference. I might have offended him. And I made such a THING out of his blindness. I allowed it to DEFINE him. which was very unfair. I am always learning, but awfully late, in this instance. I am an a-whole, often.
  Read about Kenneth Jernigan here: https://www.aph.org/hall/inductees/jernigan/
Orichalcum  The Curse of Uqbhar   Favoriting   Tip  1996  12"  52:14 - 57:50 --- My "rave" music. Bought this 12" at the FMU record fair some years back. Had no idea what it was. I've grown to love it.   
David calls in from the Bronx
Makin' Love to Horse With No Name!
Official Website - Rancho Cucamonga: https://www.cityofrc.us/
Chase  Open Up Wide   Favoriting Chase  EPIC  1971  MP3  57:50 - 1:00:00 --- In the background and at show's end.   
Aaron In Minneapolis Calls In - I Believe Aaron uses a keyboard to communicate. I handled it so poorly. Again, my weak-brained condition. How nice of Aaron to call and invite me to Minneapolis. THANK YOU Aaron. I would love to have brunch with you.
Last Minute Bernie-Person-Feminist - REALLY smart and I did not acknowledge that enough. I was trying to wrangle Hearty's Show and wrap things up.
  I really enjoyed putting this show together, though I was at a rather low-energy ebb throughout the process. I originally intended to record the show outside in Union Square PArk after work on Wednesday, but it was windy, so I needed to record inside. I headed to LOUD Grand Central Station. I only ended up getting six interviews between 7:00PM and 8:30PM on 8/3/16. I was able to split one in half and bookend it at the beginning and end of the show. I also added lots of soundbytes to pad the program. I edited all songs to a target range of 2 minutes and 30 seconds. BEyond that, listeners lose focus and so do I. Thanks to those who called at the end of the show. I am still trying to learn to be a better listener. Often, I am anxious to "speed things along" as I only have an hour and I am used to editing the sheet rock out of things to cram in as much as is humanly possible for your entertainment dollar. Did I make mistakes on this show. Oh, yes. Moral decisions which were questionable. Was someone a bit tipsy? Probably. But I liked him, and he was interesting and did not shame himself. I harangued the blind man a bit too much, and even now I am calling him The Blind Man. Stop that, Clay. How else can I punsih myself. I sang too much, and badly, and off cue. I would give this show a B, though I really dod enjoy it, as I do all of then, because of YOU and the fact that you listen. Thank you for that. Sincerely. After all these years, this has become more than a hobby to me. I do wor hard for this hour of radio. I'll say that for myself. I hope yoiu aren;t too bored with the politics. I got some "bored" mail this week. Someone saying play more music and my politcis and interviews are boring. It hurts a bit, maybe because it's kind of true. But you know what. F--k it. I'm doing it anyway! Because I can. Thank you to William Zeuthen in Denmark. He likes it! Thanks to all of you for being here. I can't imagine more than one or two of you ever reads this stuff! Take care until next time, make the summer count, and always remember. CPNYC81699
  I really enjoyed putting this show together, though I was at a rather low-energy ebb throughout the process. I originally intended to record the show outside in Union Square PArk after work on Wednesday, but it was windy, so I needed to record inside. I headed to LOUD Grand Central Station. I only ended up getting six interviews between 7:00PM and 8:30PM on 8/3/16. I was able to split one in half and bookend it at the beginning and end of the show. I also added lots of soundbytes to pad the program. I edited all songs to a target range of 2 minutes and 30 seconds. BEyond that, listeners lose focus and so do I. Thanks to those who called at the end of the show. I am still trying to learn to be a better listener. Often, I am anxious to "speed things along" as I only have an hour and I am used to editing the sheet rock out of things to cram in as much as is humanly possible for your entertainment dollar. Did I make mistakes on this show. Oh, yes. Moral decisions which were questionable. Was someone a bit tipsy? Probably. But I liked him, and he was interesting and did not shame himself. I harangued the blind man a bit too much, and even now I am calling him The Blind Man. Stop that, Clay. How else can I punsih myself. I sang too much, and badly, and off cue. I would give this show a B, though I really dod enjoy it, as I do all of then, because of YOU and the fact that you listen. Thank you for that. Sincerely. After all these years, this has become more than a hobby to me. I do wor hard for this hour of radio. I'll say that for myself. I hope yoiu aren;t too bored with the politics. I got some "bored" mail this week. Someone saying play more music and my politcis and interviews are boring. It hurts a bit, maybe because it's kind of true. But you know what. F--k it. I'm doing it anyway! Because I can. Thank you to William Zeuthen in Denmark. He likes it! Thanks to all of you for being here. I can't imagine more than one or two of you ever reads this stuff! Take care until next time, make the summer count, and always remember. CPNYC81699

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:02pm
Marcel M:

This guy is DRUNK!

Hi Clay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

hey clay!
Avatar 6:03pm

Hey Clay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

I may call in later.....sober I promise

Good day all.
Avatar 6:04pm
Marcel M:

You can be drunk, Aaron!

Howdy Clay! After two weeks away, glad to hear the show again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Avatar 6:04pm

Here's a scenario, Trump steps aside for Paul Ryan.

we want ya, man!

mike abuse
Avatar 6:07pm

Ryan will "sacrifice himself for the good of the country",reluctantly,as a noble patriot. Been done before.
Avatar 6:08pm
Clay Pigeon:

Good 2cu my friends! Glad you have "elected" to stop by. Stick around!

What President would everyone here like to hang out with? I mean Hillary might have some sweet “Cool Mom” parties.
Avatar 6:09pm

Big bank,small feet, know what I mean?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

No more political puns Clay, sorry
Avatar 6:09pm

my small biz health insurance premiums went up 27.1% this year thanks to Obamacare AND i have less coverage. Historically it went up 10-12% a year
Avatar 6:10pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

I just went to my annual family reunion last weekend. My dad's a Trump guy, totally bought into the FOX NEWS narrative that everyone else is lying to them, is all paranoid and xenophobic and borderline racist, and I'm deeply ashamed and embarrassed.

But on the up side, there's a great release I feel, no longer holding any value to what opinions my Dad has about me! FREEDOM!

Did you know clay pigeons.. are toxic to livestock...
Avatar 6:12pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

Jake: I'd totally hang with Obama. He's a sci-fi geek, too!

Is she a ZPGer?
Avatar 6:13pm

Go @Fox(Ra-chul): !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

yea, fox. i know that feeling.

It drives me up a wall to hear, "just vote, be a part of the democratic process"
Participation in political processes is an EVeRYday activity. Elections are .001% of "democracy"

I think hanging out with Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford would have been fun. I bet they’d have decent burgers and hot dogs to give out at BBQs.

I would like to ride motorbike with putin..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

I hugged Obama once.....smelled like freedom
Avatar 6:15pm

I'd hang with Obama too. He's all kinds of geek and funny as well !

Can't believe that was only a week ago. Absolutely electric moment at the convention .

bet ya obama got good bud...
Avatar 6:17pm

I'd hang with Mr. & Mrs. Khan too.

I think Teddy Roosevelt would be awesome to hang out with! We’d go on hunting trips and he’d probably give me some cool jacket or helmet to keep.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Avatar 6:18pm

@Jake: :D and a really cute Teddy Bear.
Avatar 6:18pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

Oh, I'd totally want to hang out with Thomas Paine! He was an advocate of an instituted minimum income!

All 3 rush members are holocaust refuges children
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

hey clay and claymates - just logging in but had my ears on.

Stephanopoulos was so quick on the reply in that interview -- good job, George.
Irwin Z.:

dusty t shirts out there? please let me know!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

and i had (have) the album 'don't cry out loud' was on.
Avatar 6:20pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

@ATF: Bet ya Sanders' bud is better.

And I'd TOTALLY want to hang out with Bernie most of all. We could just get stoned and rant at each other. I'd love to hear what he has to say about Trump when not recorded.

I love that I get to listen to the dusty show while foraging for mushrooms in the woods!
Thanks wfmu app
Avatar 6:21pm
Marcel M:

@Kevlicki: .... that sounds amazing.

Probaly organic...vermont is cool.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

"Mushrooms " huh? for smoking or eating?
Avatar 6:21pm

Ben Franklin would be fun!

Yeah, Bernie!!!
Avatar 6:22pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

@Kevlicki - yeah, man. that sounds like a great time.
Avatar 6:22pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

I don't think smoking mushrooms is a thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

i tried cooking the pheasant tail mushrooms - marinated them and cooked a long time in the oven and they were just like old shoe leather.

Ben Franklin? I bet that dude would smell bad.

Fungi grows in 50 days at home....be careful legaly...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

I'm sheltered so I have no idea how shrooms work
Avatar 6:24pm

Jake, well NOW he would, yeah.

You cant snort, shoot or smoke shrooms oral only works

I really always enjoy your show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

this steppenwolf is a deep hippy cut.
Avatar 6:26pm

Me to Chopra, not MY psyche buddy!

It's gorgeous out here, in the Hudson valley. Getting chanterelles today, nothing psychedelic today.

@dale ya gotta get those when there really small. Otherwise...

don't confuse me with the facts!!!
Avatar 6:29pm

Clay, what else can you do when reality is so unreal?
Avatar 6:29pm
Marcel M:

Oh no Hillary is gonna take his poor AR15!!!!! What will he do?
Avatar 6:30pm

Both parties are crumbling and morphing like everything else.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

they only grow at the base of dying elms, and those are getting hard to find.

Ar 15 is not big. .223 caliber just alot of twist now 308 ak fn beef

"a man" gives his purple heart -- not identified

dale check your firewood area...always a surprise

@dale ya gotta look around for morels around those trees the same time!
Avatar 6:33pm

AAAHkkkkk! I can't stand Trumps voice!!!
Avatar 6:33pm
Clay Pigeon:

Kimbers, Trump did bring him up and introduce him. I didn't play the whole thing,.
Avatar 6:34pm

Heya Clay, out of the car and into the office.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good evening, Dusty Bunnies!

Trumps voice is degrading for new yorkers.. even cuntry folk

...thanks for that, Clay.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Now you are officemichael.......
Avatar 6:36pm

Molly Hatchet, a hometown hero.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

i understand the big puffs are ggod sliced up and fried.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Brian C.:

Molly -- having flashbacks, scary ones -- I grew up in western NY but people acted as if it was ALabama or something
Avatar 6:38pm

He he ... @aaron.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Always remember Danny Joe Brown!
Avatar 6:38pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

Hey Clay! My boyfriend often wishes you had an additional three hour music show. Rock out!!!
Avatar 6:39pm

I think Trump's a shill who'll step aside in Sept. or early Oct. Hope I'm wrong.

Yeah....why does dusty only get a hour Burman...
Avatar 6:41pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

I think Trump might be ousted by the GOP base. I don't think he's the type that would ever give up a modicum of power willingly.
Avatar 6:42pm

He might for money.

Lets take fabio for a ride make offer....get another hour...done
Avatar 6:42pm

Or a favor.
Avatar 6:42pm
Linda Lee:

Clay, you make my week for me. there's nothing like coming up the mountain after a day on the road & hearing your show. sincerely.
Avatar 6:43pm

I'll say it again: if you haven't made up your mind about either candidate by this point in the process, do something else on that November Tuesday.

well stated, "don't vote for assholes."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I'm playing it safe and voting for Pat Paulsen.
Avatar 6:45pm

It's all being reconfigured.
hendrix wolfbat:

The Supreme Court justices! Exactly what I've been saying to all my people and all of the internet.

...it's Midnight Express, yeah?

are these really mountains ....hills...with rocks....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

brian c - did we have this conversation? i grew up in silver creek.

I so badly wanna call but then I can't listen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

Chariots of Fire was Vangelis

Is this the George Noory show?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

News headlines today mention Melania Trump's immigration visa shenanigans. President Trump would have to have her deported.

Vangelis also did Blade Runner.

Time to mow....stay hydrated...all ...blindness must suck...

Enjoying Clay in Oregon.

You can say that again

Dusty for upgrade to 3 hour show!

A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Avatar 6:58pm
Marcel M:

Thanks Clay! Good show.

Accu update - more Chase?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

I love the rave music between calls.

3 hours of Dusty a week would be fantastic!
hendrix wolfbat:

I was a Bernie voted but sanity must prevail and Hillary is the most qualified to be the next President. I am disturbed about the Lafarge Donations, the wiki leaks stuff)
Avatar 6:59pm

@Marc: Exactly! Don't do it people!
Avatar 7:01pm

Last caller is right.

fun show clay! gerbils! hahaha
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