Favoriting Faye: Playlist from July 31, 2016 Favoriting

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Quiet countenance, courageous compass. Girlish charm and boyish good looks! Off-kilter pop punk-tuated with mixed media.

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Favoriting July 31, 2016: Frog Park Road

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Steffen Basho-Junghans  The Rediscovery of Basho's Cathedral   Favoriting Basket Full Of Dragons: A Tribute To Robbie Basho Vol. II  Obsolete Units  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Sandwitches  Song of Songs   Favoriting Duck Duck Goose!  Empty Cellar  0:09:11 (Pop-up)
Lino Capra Vaccina  Ondulazione melodica   Favoriting Antico Adagio  Die Schachtel  0:13:00 (Pop-up)
Baden Powell & Vinícius de Moraes  Canto de Ossanha   Favoriting Bossa Nova and the Rise of Brazilian Music in the 1960s (V/A)  Soul Jazz  0:18:08 (Pop-up)
Mannequin  Scattered Thoughts   Favoriting Scattered Thoughts 7"  Closet Records  0:21:02 (Pop-up)
Ulaan Passerine  Morning   Favoriting Light in Dust 10"  Worstward  0:28:27 (Pop-up)
Yasuaki Shimizu  Suiren   Favoriting Kakashi  Better Days  0:37:34 (Pop-up)
The Feminine Complex  Hide and Seek   Favoriting Livin' Love  Re-Ola  0:43:46 (Pop-up)
Waxahatchee  Home Game   Favoriting Early Recordings  Merge  0:53:07 (Pop-up)
Alicja-Pop  Shadow Hills   Favoriting Rats (Home Recordings 2009-2013)  Certified PR  0:56:16 (Pop-up)
World of Pooh  Someone Wants You Dead   Favoriting Land of Thirst  Nuf Sed  1:00:04 (Pop-up)
Mercury Girls  Ariana   Favoriting Ariana 7"  Slumberland  1:03:50 (Pop-up)
Lesa & Ross  Nowhere Near   Favoriting Lesa & Ross  Summersteps  1:07:36 (Pop-up)
Fear of Men  A Memory   Favoriting Fall Forever  Kanine  1:12:06 (Pop-up)
Girl's Names  When You Cry   Favoriting Dead To Me  Slumberland  1:16:52 (Pop-up)
Aztec Camera  Pillar to Post (Original Single Version)   Favoriting High Land Hard Rain  Domino  1:19:35 (Pop-up)
Wildhoney  Horror Movie   Favoriting Split 7" with Mercury Girls  Slumberland  1:23:13 (Pop-up)
Growing  Green Flag   Favoriting All The Way  The Social Registry  1:26:04 (Pop-up)
Fusioon  No Hay Habitacion   Favoriting Absolute Fusioon  B-Music / Finders Keepers  1:48:00 (Pop-up)
Los Pepes  Rojo   Favoriting Por Favor  Munster  1:51:34 (Pop-up)
Peals  Time Is A Milk Bowl (excerpt)   Favoriting Live at Pioneer Works January 2015  Clocktower Radio  1:55:26 (Pop-up)
The Soft Machine  A Certain Kind   Favoriting The Soft Machine  Probe  2:18:59 (Pop-up)
Dieterich & Barnes  Parasol Gigante   Favoriting The Coral Casino  LM Dupli-Cation  2:22:56 (Pop-up)
The Delgados  Big Business in Europe   Favoriting Domestiques  Chemikal Underground  2:25:35 (Pop-up)
Belgrado  Nierealne Realne Społeczeństwo   Favoriting Obraz  La Vida Es Un Mus  2:28:11 (Pop-up)
Uproar  Rebel Youth   Favoriting Rebel Youth EP  Beat The System !!  2:33:05 (Pop-up)
Witchface  ISOLERT AVSKY   Favoriting ALT GAAR I SVART  Ken Rock  2:35:49 (Pop-up)
Watery Love  Meg's Dreamcatcher   Favoriting Ned's Dreamcatcher b/w Meg's Dreamcatcher 7"  Richie Records  2:37:40 (Pop-up)
Gene Kelly & Debbie Reynolds  You Are My Lucky Star   Favoriting     2:52:40 (Pop-up)
Modern Lovers  Astral Plane   Favoriting The Modern Lovers  Home of the Hits  2:55:23 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 5:08pm

Hey Faye and friends!
Only knew about the Japanese Edo period poet Matsuo Basho.
Enjoying this completely unrelated music. :)

Lovely tune to start a show on a humid day. I hate the outside right now.
Avatar 5:13pm

Hello Faye, hello childrends! Is we learning?

yeah man
Avatar 5:20pm
listener mark:

This Ondulazione is the ticket!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

greetings Faye and children
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25pm

love this mannequin song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Faye. How was your weekend? See any good shows?
Avatar 5:45pm

I saw some nice performance art :)
Avatar 5:45pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Greetings radio friends.

This sounds kind of like Nancy Sinatra
Avatar 5:49pm

@Faye: Who'd you see?

Howdy melinda. :)
Sssound Boy:

The Feminine Complex, Great!
Avatar 5:51pm
Chris M.:

i can only aspire to this level of pronunciation.
Avatar 5:52pm
Richard from Venezuela:

It was really good pronunciation

Hi g!
Avatar 5:55pm

hahahah wow hope yr not being sarcast
Avatar 5:55pm
Chris M.:

i would never do that. if anyone out there has heard me speak i can't talk good
famous original italianicewolf:

Hello friends

@ChrisM: I think you talk good. I got your marathon DJ premium and thoroughly enjoyed it. There you go! Honest.
Avatar 5:59pm

hahah well- usually im horrendous! thank goodness there was no french in there-- thats my real weakness
Avatar 6:00pm
Chris M.:

@JakeGould: thank you honey.

i am terrible at pronouncing any language including some english. i was genuinely marveling at Faye's excellent technique. great show!

@ItalianIceWolf: What about enemies?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm

you people got your premiums? mine are still in transit i guess.
Avatar 6:02pm

i havent gotten mine o_o

@ChrisM.: FWIW, my handwriting is horrible so we all have a thing.

Oh, also watched all of the Fleischer Studio Popeyes. 1933-197 are amazing. Near the end of the Fleischer run all the cartoons are World War II propaganda and all stink. So there you go!

@Faye: You might have chosen a premium that hasn’t been finished or come in yet… But I have personally stuffed a gajillion envelopes and packages myself so some people out there have their things.
Avatar 6:04pm
Marcel M:

Evening, Faye and all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm

Perfect. This set had made me crave Barbara. You're so good.

@Faye: Speaking of “World of Pooh” Barbara Manning did a show at Union Hall. You go? I missed.
Avatar 6:06pm
Chris M.:

@JakeGould: you are right about that

@ChrisM: Also between 1938 and 1940 Olive Oyl truly becomes a helpless “damsel in distress” over menial household chores whereas previously she was really an equal of Popeye and did things with him as a team.

Also, one episode Popeye gets sick of defending her and forces her to go to a self-defense class. I liked that.

*end of my self-indulgent tangent*
Avatar 6:09pm

@katie im a PROUD owner of a barbara manning OFFICIAL guitar pick!!
Avatar 6:11pm
Chris M.:

OFFICIAL TOPIC: faye is so cool. how can that embetter your lives? think about it and be cooler and then say "ok, faye rules."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

jakegould - calling a woman named alice a 'goon' would be very un-pc today

Okay, Faye is cool and not a goon like Alice.
Avatar 6:14pm
Chris M.:

goons are badass and anyone who disses alice is effed up. she is awesome
Avatar 6:15pm

This Fear of Men tune is wonderful!

@ChrisM: I hate Alice the goon and her unexplained obsession with Popeye. Also the goons kidnapped Poopdeck Pappy and that was not cool. That said, Popeye didn’t let Poopdeck Pappy go out and have fun and literally chained Pappy to the bed. What a dick of a son Popeye was!
Avatar 6:17pm
Chris M.:

@JakeGould: don't be a lame and base your views on the cartoon. the comic strip is the only canon Popeye. Thimble Theater MF
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

it was the depression - men chained whomever to the bed for good reason.

I don't have the strength to debate this. I will say I'm happy with the tunes Faye is playing right now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Popeye only used catastrophic violence when it was richly deserved. Continually. Some Values never Fayed away.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Civil Liberties are not for SuperHeroes...
famous original italianicewolf:

@JakeGould: I don't think any of my enemies are listening to Faye. anyway, I plan on bringing all of them down and making them pay sooner or later
Avatar 6:32pm

Love me some sample and hold!

@ItalianIceWolf: That's the ticket!
Avatar 6:44pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Zeal and Ardor rocks!!
Avatar 6:46pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Zeal and Ardor - A spiritual: youtu.be...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Global Garage'
Avatar 6:54pm
Richard from Venezuela:

Musica en espanol. Muy bien.
Avatar 6:54pm

oh my!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

This is moody and beautiful.
Avatar 7:14pm

Avatar 7:17pm
Marc Francis:

Avatar 7:17pm
Marc Francis:

Are you trying to kill us with beauty, Faye?
Avatar 7:18pm

Shades of Severin and Siouxsie!
Avatar 7:19pm
listener mark:

My swag has arrived. I don't want to use the "Hello Children" sticker. Maybe I'll get a small tattoo based on the sticker.
Avatar 7:20pm

aahahaha yes i am trying lethal waves of beauty
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Mine too! It's just the Shirt You Want.
Avatar 7:23pm
listener mark:

I have thin magnetic sheets! Problem solved! That is also the limit of my creative artistic abilities.That and Elmer's glue and glitter.
Cooh John:

Hello Faye and fellow children. Catching a snippet before work.
Avatar 7:28pm

!!!Domestiques!!! "Keep the income going"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

I had no idea that were official Barbara Manning guitar picks. Lucky. Wish I could have seen her in early July.
Avatar 7:54pm
Chris M.:

Avatar 7:55pm
listener mark:

Thank you Faye. It was a real hoot!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

Thanks Faye! Excellent program!
Avatar 7:57pm
Chris M.:

how many ladies did he manage to meet on the astral plane? seems to imply 100% success rate but dr strange might have something to say about that
Avatar 7:57pm

Avatar 7:57pm

Thanx Faye! See you there...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Sweet dreams on the astral plane!
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