Favoriting Imaginary Radio: Playlist from July 21, 2016 Favoriting

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Favoriting July 21, 2016

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Artist Track Album Year Approx. start time
Miles Davis  Duran (Take 6)   Favoriting The Complete Jack Johnson Sessions  2003  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Johnny Jenkins  I Walk On Gilded Splinters   Favoriting     0:10:55 (Pop-up)
The Aggrovators  Stealing Version   Favoriting Dubbing At King Tubby's  2016  0:14:46 (Pop-up)
Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt & Emmylou Harris  Making Plans   Favoriting Trio  1987  0:17:33 (Pop-up)
Yura Yura Teikoku  Mushi Otoko   Favoriting Yura Yura Teikoku  1992  0:21:08 (Pop-up)
Haboob  Israfil   Favoriting Haboob  1971  0:26:17 (Pop-up)
Johnny Cash  25 Minutes To Go   Favoriting At Folsom Prison  1968  0:35:57 (Pop-up)
David Nance  Unamused   Favoriting More Than Enough  2016  0:38:57 (Pop-up)
Dinosaur Jr.  I Walk For Miles   Favoriting Give A Glimpse Of What Yer Not  2016  0:41:18 (Pop-up)
Big Business  Own Throats   Favoriting Command Your Weather  2016  0:46:51 (Pop-up)
Boris  Talisman   Favoriting Pink  2016  0:51:16 (Pop-up)
Boris  Spoon   Favoriting Crossing Waltz  2016  1:03:51 (Pop-up)
Bädr Vogu  Anathema Of Time   Favoriting Wroth  2016  1:08:37 (Pop-up)
Naga  The Money Will Roll Right In   Favoriting Inanimate  2016  1:14:03 (Pop-up)
Distance  Temptation   Favoriting Tectonic Plates, Vol. 1  2016  1:20:16 (Pop-up)
Flowdan  Horror Show Style   Favoriting Disaster Piece  2016  1:25:23 (Pop-up)
Legowelt  Pannenkoekenfeest   Favoriting Laundromat Of Your Mind  2016  1:28:37 (Pop-up)
Ende Shneafliet  Rendez-Vous Met Betsy   Favoriting The Trumpett Years 1981-1983  2014  1:34:24 (Pop-up)
M.I.A.  Go Off   Favoriting   2016  1:40:10 (Pop-up)
Wretched  Wetiko   Favoriting Cannibal  2014  1:43:14 (Pop-up)
Nightfell  Cleansing   Favoriting Darkness Evermore  2015  1:47:21 (Pop-up)
Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO  Nebulous Hyper Meditation   Favoriting Wake To A New Dawn Of Another Astro Era  2016  2:26:19 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:02am

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Wild Neil:

PEACE Chris et al. So I went record shopping at the Amvets...WOW are there a LOT of records there I do not want...still, its only a buck an LP so I got a Nina Hagen single from 82, some single from Kenya and some crappy cover band from the 60's that I may send to FMU...I CANNOT remember the name of the crappy cover band...but first I gotta get a thrift-store turntable AND phono amp for my aux input Tivoli bookshelf system...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

Hail and well met! It's gonna be a scorcher today.
Avatar 9:04am
Wild Neil:

My GOD who is that hot blonde girl????
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am
Uncle Michael:

"Jack Johnson" might be my favorite of all the Miles "Complete Sessions" sets.
Avatar 9:07am
Chris M.:

good morning everybody!

@Wild Neil: that's my aunt. :(
Avatar 9:07am

siyying in... good morning

awesome track! just got through listening to all of miles at cellar door release yesterday. is this mclaughlin on guitar?
Avatar 9:08am

aack!!! sitting, sitting!!
Avatar 9:08am
Wild Neil:

OOPS Faux pax...sorry Chris! ummm...awesome Jazz!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am

Your aunt looks like a young Faye Dunaway
Avatar 9:09am
Chris M.:

@zzz: yes it is
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Sem Chumbo:

Your English aunt looks to be interested in candid photography, Squire.
Avatar 9:12am
Wild Neil:

Chris I should just print out a bunch of playlists from your show when I go looking for records....
Avatar 9:14am
Chris M.:

@Wild Neil: i recommend this!
Avatar 9:16am
Wild Neil:

And if truly unlucky new phono cartridge and stylus....*sigh*...its all coming back to me why I GAVE all my records away...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Chris M. and imaginary listeners. Is your aunt going out with anyone these days? Asking for a friend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am

Whoa! What a power trio. Gotta get this album.

Hi Chris. I forgot all about this Trio album.
Avatar 9:22am
Chris M.:

coming up later in the show i have WFMU's war correspondent Jim the Poet calling in from the front lines at the RNC
Avatar 9:25am
Wild Neil:

Does anybody have a record shopping thrift store shopping strategy or tactic they wish to share ? I used to use the "inverse hipster law of averages"...I would seek out little known off the beaten path thrift stores that had odd hours in a little known location-result? Cool Neil Young bootleg back in the 80's!
Avatar 9:26am

I hope Jim has some more haikus for us!
Avatar 9:29am
Wild Neil:

I listened to Jim yesterday on Ken's show...he had some surprising things to reveal...including nuns of pogo stilts! Hope he got the interview....

Like this Haboob Chris M. Reminds me of an impressionist painting
Avatar 9:33am
Wild Neil:

Haboob is AWESOME prog rock. Thank you Chris M!! Clicky star!!!

@Chris: When Jim calls, please tell him that listener P-90 has requested a Haiku about how Jim met Wolf Blitzer and how impressive Wolf's beard was. Tell him there's no rush, he could just contemplate it for a while and and write the Haiku when he's done with the convention and comes home.
Avatar 9:37am
Wild Neil:

@Chris-can you ask if he met Tom Baurle from WBEN in Buffalo? I tried to get him to talk to this coservatarian radio show host since he is very interesting....
Avatar 9:37am

classic cash

He went 8 -5-7 minutes. Think it was a dramatic device
Avatar 9:41am
Wild Neil:

@Chris-WOW your show is really firing on all 8 cylinders today. Awesome!
@Brendan-I think it was a flashback?
Avatar 9:43am
Chris M.:

thanks Wild Neil!

@Brendan: sadly Johnny Cash could not remember most of the minutes. the full song is actually in real time.
Avatar 9:51am
Marcel M:

Shit.. I'm late... is there gonna be a quiz?

Gallows humor
Avatar 9:52am
Wild Neil:

@Marcel-got any record shopping thrift store strategies or tactics? Just getting back into the hobby after a 25 year hiatus...
Avatar 9:53am
Cheri Pi:

Avatar 9:55am
Marcel M:

Oh shit, Pink deluxe edition. Planning on nabbing this at their show on the 5th.

@Neil: Not really, no. I do collect, but I buy online a lot. Although I will try to see if my favorite local store has stuff first if I can. I don't have the patience for dusty dollar bins or thrift stores, though I know you can find good stuff there.
Avatar 9:56am

@marcel - what's different about the deluxe edition of pink? do I need to own!?!?!
Avatar 9:57am
Marcel M:

@Bob: Well for one that track that was just played is not on the original! A bunch of unreleased tracks, I think.
Avatar 9:57am
Marcel M:

@Neil: Also discogs.com is great for used or for checking prices of things. You can see what things have sold for in the past, and what the average price is.
Avatar 9:58am
Marcel M:

There you go Bob!
Avatar 9:59am

AHHH cool cool..

yeah @neil - what @marcle says... Discogs is a godsend for finding vinyl ya want
Avatar 9:59am
Wild Neil:

@Marcel-I stumbled onto discogs earlier, they look legit and full of information...did not know they linked to Ebay or whatever...
Avatar 10:00am

Shel Silverstein wrote "25 Minutes to Go," btw.
Avatar 10:02am
Marcel M:

@Neil: Its similar to ebay, but without bidding, its a bunch of individual dealers/shops on there.
Avatar 10:04am
Marcel M:

Shit... another thing I will have to buy at their show...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am

Boris Thursday!!
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Cheri Pi:

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Chris M.:

@sphere: yes i know.
Trumps' Woodchipper:

ChrisM; Epic set so far man!~ Many thanks
Avatar 10:09am
Marcel M:

Gotta love the sounds Atsuo makes live.
Avatar 10:09am
Chris M.:

@Trumps' Woodchipper: thanks
Avatar 10:11am
Chris M.:

@Marcel M: bonus boris for you

This Badr Vogu is waxin!
Avatar 10:15am
Marcel M:

@Chris M: Much appreciated!!!! Did you snag tickets for the 5th?
Avatar 10:18am
Chris M.:

@Marcel M: nah. boris is crashing on my couch though. hoping i will get to watch them eat breakfast.
Avatar 10:20am
Marcel M:

@Chris: Damn, I'd sell my tickets just to see that!

will your aunt be stopping by?
Avatar 10:22am
Chris M.:

@Marcel M: their agent sent me an email explaining that Wata eats nothing but junk food when she's in america. i had to buy four bags of doritos and a case of mountain dew.
Avatar 10:23am
Marcel M:

@Chris M: Geez! I wonder where It all goes. She must balance it out back in Japan with a strict diet of seaweed and canned air.
Avatar 10:25am
Chris M.:

@Marcel M: i promised to take them out to white castle and get her a sack of 20
Avatar 10:26am
Marcel M:

@Chris M: Shit.. do they know the one on Metropolitan closed? Thats probably the only reason they booked Warsaw..
Avatar 10:27am
Chris M.:

@Marcel M: i have to drive them to queens.
Avatar 10:31am

thought i heard sum legowelt
Avatar 10:31am
Marcel M:

@Chris M: Queens seems like a better place to experience White Castle anyway.
Avatar 10:36am
Wild Neil:

Anybody at Organism in Williamsburg back in 1993 or so?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am
Summer and Michael:

This Ende Shneafliet track is terrific. Great show, as ever, Chris!
Avatar 10:40am
Wild Neil:

This Ende Shneafliet sounds like the music of 4AD artists such as Coctuea Twins...but with different vocals...its cool!
Avatar 10:41am
Chris M.:

thank you Summer and Michael!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42am

Is this the new M.I.A.!!??
Avatar 10:42am
Chris M.:

@Michele: yep
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am

rock! how goes it?

all right, rock!!
Avatar 10:55am
Marcel M:

Yo Common!
Avatar 10:55am
Chris M.:

Jim the Poet coming up soon get ready!
Avatar 10:56am
Marcel M:

Nice! Was worried I'd miss that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am
Ken From Hyde Park:

The Tweeter reports that Jim talked with the nuns on stilts and found that they're from Jersey City. twitter.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Can someone please forward a Youtube of horses making poo to Jim's email?

Horse Police: band name.

No surprise that the RNC and the Cleveland cops are strategically deploying horseshit.

Alas, the more you rely on others to protect your person, the more vulnerable you render your Second Amendment rights.

Snowplow crowd manipulation. Sounds civilized.
Avatar 11:10am
Marcel M:

The nuns being from Jersey City is pretty great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13am
Ken From Hyde Park:

How much cough syrup goes into a Flaming Dr. Pepper?
Avatar 11:13am
Marcel M:

The fancy areas with the ranch Doritos.
Avatar 11:14am
Wild Neil:

@Chris-did Jim the Poet meet Tom Baurle from WBEN in Buffalo NY? I let Jim know he would be there...
Avatar 11:14am
Wild Neil:

pronounced "Bower-lee".
Avatar 11:16am
Cheri Pi:

Pronounced Getta

Pronounced getta
Avatar 11:16am
Cheri Pi:

Everyone eats it here in Cincy, we even have a vegan version of it.

It's similar to scrapple

wiki to the rescue: Goetta is a meat-and-grain sausage or mush of German inspiration
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jim's sugar intake seems a bit elevated
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Sue P.:

I grew up in CLE and never heard of this German food pronounced getta.
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Chris M.:

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Marcel M:

I liked, "fry that bitch," better.
Avatar 11:20am
Wild Neil:

I heard Melania knows several languages.

English, Pig Latin, Attic Greek...
Avatar 11:20am
Marcel M:

Avatar 11:24am
Chris from DC:

Everyone should respect Melania more. After all she is one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Avatar 11:24am
Marcel M:

A fat, dead Lenin. Hahaha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am

Thanks to Jim for these "our man on the street" updates of the RNC. Informative and very weird. Thanks Chris, for giving him the time. I've been enjoying the updates!
Avatar 11:29am
Marcel M:

That was fun.
Trumps' Woodchipper:

<<< @11:13 Ken From Hyde Park:

How much cough syrup goes into a Flaming Dr. Pepper? >>

More partial to the 'Flaming Moe', myself. I believe it has a full bottle of teh good cough syrup.
Mark R:

Acid Mothers Temple is super groovy, and hearing it back-to-back with the RNC coverage is a statement in itself. BTW, I saw an item today that Craigslist gay-hookup requests in Cleveland have skyrocketed during the RNC. Repressed Christian forbidden fruit sex is the HOTTEST.
Avatar 11:36am
Sue P.:

Can we get Jim the Poet to download Grinder or Scruff and report back on that action in CLE?
Avatar 11:45am
Marcel M:

Mark R:

Seriously this Acid Mother Temple track is like the greatest thing I ever heard. And the DJ can literally drive to the dude's house, pick up his shit, smoke it, and still get back with 5 minutes left in the track.
Avatar 11:46am
Marcel M:

Hahaha.. well said, Mark R.

mark r there was even a thing in nytimes about how porn searches and hooker traffic are way up as well
Avatar 11:51am
Chris from DC:

This is some fine AMT.

in the split screen version of this show, Chris is practicing karate
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Wild Neil:

This Acid Mothers track is long like a King Crimson track.
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Chris M.:

@bill: comment of the week! you win, bill.
Avatar 11:53am

So glad I got to see AMT a few months ago again, and thanks for winning tix on WFMU!
Avatar 11:56am

thanks ChrisM!

Chris M: 'n'Kew!
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Chris M.:

thanks everybody for tuning in
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

they're really playing this at the RNC?

thanks Chris great show!
Avatar 11:58am
Wild Neil:

@Chris-this show was off the hook. AMT is...out of this world!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am

maybe I shredded up and burned my faith in humanity too soon?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am

Way to bring it home Chris M
Avatar 11:58am
Marcel M:

Great show today, thanks.

amt on the pa at the quicken loans arena! innat great?
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