Favoriting Ridgewood Radio with David Weinstein: Playlist from July 6, 2016 Favoriting

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Ridgewood Radio features concert recordings by adventurous bands and experimental musicians and restored archival tapes from private and institutional collections captured at venues large and small across the five boroughs of New York. It is produced by David Weinstein and Outpost Artists Resources operating out of the Ridgewood section of Queens, NY, where you'll find more yellow bricks than on the road to Oz and the cemetery of your choice is never more than a few blocks from home.

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Favoriting July 6, 2016: Walks Like A Band...

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Pablo Picker

Artist Track Comments

Music behind DJ:
Lead-in, theme and interstitial music in order of appearance: 


Lead-in, theme and interstitial music in order of appearance: Kambar Kalendarov, Kutman Sultanbekov, Aslan Isabaev, Akyl Kasabolotov & Nurlanbek Nyshanov, song:Echoes of Time, album: Jaw, 2011 Malawi Mouse Boys, song: Kulira Kwambewa, Album: Forever Is 4 You, 2016 The Ngqoko Women's Ensemble, song: Inxembula, album: Afrique du Sud: Le chant des femmes Xhosa (South Africa: Xhosa Women's Songs) 1996 Mammane Sani, song: Lidda, album: La Musique Electronique du Niger, 2013 Ephat Mujuru, song: classical Drumming, album, Rhythms of Life, 1991 Su concordu e Su Rosariu, song: Miserere, album: Sardegna: Santulussurgiu - Confraternita delle voci - Canti liturgici di tradizione orale, 1995 Zomba Prison Project, song: Please Don’t Kill My Child, album: "I Have No Everything Here”, 2015 
o13: Mark-C/Kent Heine  Live Set   Favoriting Recorded 2/10/2016 from the Canticum Interruptus series at Trans Pecos curated by D. Linton. Mark-C, voice, electronics; Kent Heine, bass. 
Sarah Bernstein/Kid Millions  Live set   Favoriting Recorded 3/22/2016 from the Lock It Down series at Poppers Locarno/the Sump curated by D. Watson. Sarah Bernstein, violin, voice, electronics; Kid Millions (John Colpitts), drums 
Drums, Drones, Distortion: Robert Poss/Dahm Cipolla  Live Set   Favoriting Recorded 3/1/2016 from the Lock It Down series at Poppers Locarno/ the Sump, produced by D. Watson. Robert Poss, multichannel electric guitar; Dahm Cipolla, drums. 
See You Next Today (Kevin Norton, Julia Simoniello, Jenna Snyder)  Live Set   Favoriting Recorded 4/12/2016, from the Work series at Poppers Locarno/the Sump, produced by D.Watson. Kevin Norton, drums, vibes; Julia Simoniello, guitar, voice; Jenna Snyder, bass and they all switch around on drums and keyboards from song to song. 

Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:01pm
listener james from westwood:

Afternoon, David, Ruth, and all!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
Jeff Golick:

Plenty hot, thanks. Cool sounds, though, are helping.
David W & Ruth:

Welcome everybody! The Internet just erased Ruth's metadata so hang in there. o13 is playing (Mark-C with Kent Heine).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:23pm
listener james from westwood:

Sad for the metadata loss, but digging the hell out of the o13!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:25pm
weinstein & Ruth:

Don't worry James Internet is misbehaving but the rest of the info will be there soon
Avatar 2:25pm

Hmmm, I wonder if o13 is related to o9, although o9 is European, but the music is almost identical.
Doug Schulkind:

Hi Davidruth!
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

Well, Mark-C was in Live Skull and Heine in The Holy Ghost, if that helps.
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

And o13 I think is some kind of US military trick from decades ago.
Avatar 2:30pm

Hello David and Ruth. Enjoying the music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm

Hi, sounding good!
Avatar 2:38pm

Sarah Bernstein reminds me of Elliot Sharpe's non guitar works. Holy crap, I believe I was at this show, and got there for the last two tracks. This is one of Matt Mottel's curated do-thingies, right?
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

o13 is all clean and tidy, Bernstein/Millions is all rough and tumble.
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

This venue (Sump) is occasionally programmed by Mottel but this night was Watson.
Avatar 2:41pm

I saw Kid Millions there in March, and Mottel was there, not sure if the same night. I was getting drunk for my bday that night, so, I might have just met him there.
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

Good chance. He pops up regularly in support of cool stuff. And now he has a regular one night a month of Taliban!-curated music.
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

aargh spellcheck just changed Talibam! for me. Yipes.
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

Another good reason for them to change their name...
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

Drums anyone?
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

And Ephat Mujru was drumming during the announcing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26pm

What a great set! Great guitar!
Doug Schulkind:

Ephat Mujuru was on my my radio show in... 1987.
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

Yeah but did you have the Sardinian?!!! (Ruth says wow)
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

This little set has four or five songs and they switch around instruments for each one including on keyboards, Jenna plays drums, and I lost track.
Doug Schulkind:

No, but Jessie is now eating a sardine.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 3:38pm
weinstein & ruth:

Teamwork guys!

Talkover music that's too good is an eternal DJ conundrum, no? I never found the right thing to talk over in my DJ days. But yours is definitely way too good. It leaves me wanting to hear the full tracks. Maybe at least pick something more ambient like J. Herweg does. Also, IMHO highly advisable to use instrumentals. (Counterpoint anyone?)
Avatar 3:54pm

Knocking me out. :D
David W & Ridgewood Ruth:

Indeed iiiike. That's why we did our all-Africa special and will do others. The crates are overflowing!

Great to hear Kevin Norton.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
listener james from westwood:

Thanks muchly for the show!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04pm

Oh! I missed that one -- gotta hit the archives. Thanks!
David W & Silent Ruth:

James, and all, always appreciated. Stay cool!
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