Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from June 24, 2016 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 24, 2016: Put The Needle on the Record #3 of Summer 2016 (Brexitremix)

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
SUW RmX Project  Re-re-remix 2016   Favoriting     2016      *    
Jack Litchenstein  Words on life with Jack (part 3: art and artists)   Favoriting     2016      *    
Blu & Nottz  Atlantis   Favoriting Titans In The Flesh  Coalmine  2016      *   0:02:41 (Pop-up)
Gensu Dean & Denmark Vessey  Black Love (feat. 7evenThirty & Iman Omari)   Favoriting Whole Food    2016      *   0:05:55 (Pop-up)
L'EGO Motif & Tools Beastly  Drug Dealers Anonymous (remix)   Favoriting     2016      *   0:09:40 (Pop-up)
Constant Deviants  Delorean   Favoriting     2016    produced by DJ Cutt  *   0:14:56 (Pop-up)
Shaz Illyork  HeatStroke   Favoriting     2016    more new hip-hop - this outta east coast - look for accompanying video just posted this past week to youtube to coincide with new release  *   0:18:16 (Pop-up)
Billy Jam & G-Spot  1990 call in raps   Favoriting     1990        0:20:46 (Pop-up)
D-Nice  They Call me D-Nice   Favoriting   Jive Records  1990        0:27:22 (Pop-up)
DJ ALF, Mista B, Six Kutter, LazyBoy, DJ Pone, MicFresh, Zobe  Positive Omen Pre-Screening Live Skratch Session (excerpt 1)   Favoriting     2016    DJ ALF, Mista B, Six Kutter, LazyBoy, DJ Pone, MicFresh, Zobe "Positive Omen screening session" excerpt from live session at Gallery 1317 May 27th, 2016  *   0:31:15 (Pop-up)
32french  Twinkle Toes   Favoriting The Beautiful Sound of Chaos  Fake Four Media  2016    more new music for your earhole - for which, the artist's label Fake Four Media says " Originally assembled from human parts in Newport R.I., Julian Heughan aka 32french knew at a very young age that he would somehow be involved with music. Having grown up in Rye N.H. in a household where his mother was an church organist, his father was an accordianist, and his sisters a flutist and clarinetist, he was constantly bombarded with sound. At the tender young age of 4 he heard is first Hip Hop track and was hooked, so much so that he ruined his parents turntable trying to teach himself to scratch. At 14, he began making radio shows  in his room using a dual cassette tape deck and a cd player. As time wore on, he would spend many a sleepless night continuing his musical education recording local hip-hop shows from local college stations, devouring techno, ambient, and house. Even then, 32french had a penchant for the unusual, and the fringe."  *   0:49:25 (Pop-up)
Headnodic & Raashan Ahmad  season   Favoriting Low Fidelity, High Quality (Vol.2)        new to vinyl - cd released end of 2015    0:52:29 (Pop-up)
Lessondary  Introducing   Favoriting     2016  Single    *   0:55:13 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
outro to show over Lessondary instrumental 








0:57:55 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Tall Paul:

Yo Bill, and everyone how are ye all doing. Friday can mean only one thing BillyJam Goddamn he's on the tables. Looking forward to the show.
Avatar 7:03pm

this remix is as satisfying as an everything bagel, feck me I need some FMOO nourishment , bring it on Billy before the UK sinks
Tall Paul:

Really feeling this tune nice beats
Avatar 7:08pm
Billy Jam:

hey Tall Paul repping Eire/EU and Spidermank repping England/Brexit :) - thanks for tuning in……appreciate it….
Avatar 7:08pm

same here Tall Paul
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Helloooo everyone! Finally got some time to check out Billy's show live. Work has been kicking my butt the past few weeks.
Peter M:

loving the new hip-hop music......need to be exposed to new stuff which I often think is all crap - wrong, there's good music been made today too
Avatar 7:10pm

Planet Earth! Greetings.... stop the violence.
Avatar 7:10pm

Black Love got me blooosed , wikkid .
Hey ALF luvatcha man and "fuck the fuckin fuckers"
Tall Paul:

Yo Alf, good to hear from you. Nice to know you are tuning in. Another sweet tune keep them coming Bill.
Peter M:

ah yeah
Avatar 7:13pm
Billy Jam:

SHOUT OUT TO CAROL for board-op/engineering today + to Scott Williams for tech support……..wot up ADA and ALF - got excerpt from recent SF set at Gallery 1317 coming up, also old school flashback to 1990 call in raps on KALX .......
Avatar 7:15pm
Billy Jam:

lots of new hip-hop music been played today……based on the sound of song to my years….not sales or popularity or label etc….purely subjective based on my taste in hiphop fueled by continuation of art form born in BX NY 4 decades ago
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Love the cuts on this one!
Avatar 7:18pm

eyup ADA greets backt too yer , deffo on the stop it or could we atleast deflect it back at the source
bangin noochoons
Avatar 7:19pm
Billy Jam:

yo ALF that session at Gallery 1317 was smoking hot…..will play about 20 minutes of it today and more on upcoming show……Next week is First Friday July 1st and will be coming live from Prozack (Foreign Legion) club Legionairre Saloon in Oakland CA
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

Greetings Billy Jam and crew. RIP PM Dawn. I still groove out to that song.
Avatar 7:20pm
Billy Jam:

next week's guests will include Prozack Turner, Mic-T, and DJ True Justice
Avatar 7:21pm
Billy Jam:

yeah what is so sad is that Prince Be was only in his mid 40's - too young to die……and he was from same area as radio station is in - Jersey City, NJ
Tall Paul:

Feeling this it's really moving head nodding tune. Agree with Alf, like the cuts by DJ Cutt on the last tune.
Avatar 7:23pm
Billy Jam:

as someone so well accustomed to editing curses on songs - the ones that get me typically are those that start out clean but then unexpectedly drop in a "fuck" etc. toward last half of song…...
Tall Paul:

I love stuff like this, even the beats are legandary and the rhymes are on time. When you compare them to some of the releases today they don't come close.
Peter M:

oh man - love when you play these phone in raps from long ago

I love these call in raps!
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Aww yeah! The call-in raps! Thanks for the comp Billy on the Gallery session. It was fun!
Avatar 7:25pm

f f f f f fone fuckin ins rool
Avatar 7:25pm
Billy Jam:

yo JakeGould - thanks man - me too….good times….shout out to my man G-Spot
Jim in OR:

these are pure gold!!!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

Love the freestyle.

hey billy jam. effing great sho man. these are amazing 2nite
Jim in OR:

I could listen to those call in raps all day.....so good
Marcel M:

Avatar 7:32pm
Billy Jam:

Marcel M - how u doing man?
Marcel M:

Good man! Heading upstate for a gig
Tall Paul:

Alf loving your set this is really cool.
Avatar 7:37pm
Billy Jam:

this is from session that ALF was heading off to following his recent WFMU appearance on show from Oakland -
Avatar 7:37pm
Billy Jam:

@Marcel M - nice one - talk to you soon - in two weeks anyways -
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

@Tall Paul Yeah that was the freestyle session we had after the Positive Omen screening.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

finally here. glad you started without me. :P
Marcel M:

For sure
Avatar 7:39pm
Billy Jam:

DOES THIS EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? this week got lost in rabbit hole of conspiracy theorists on YouTube - and one in which there were endless posts about Orlando shooting being a huge big fake event -
Avatar 7:40pm
Billy Jam:

I like conspiracy theories - sometimes - but ofttimes conspiracy theorists have to believe everything is a conspiracy
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:41pm

yes, Billy Jam, don't get me started about chem trails, man! <jk>

makin me itch....love turntablism....dont even need to hear rappin'
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:41pm

this is sik af
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

Awesome scratching! As for conspiracy videos, just say NO! (And smoke something fragrant instead!)
Avatar 7:42pm

diggin Positive Omen,,, gettt in ALF.
everything in MSM is fake Billy , the earth is flat as fuck
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

@Billy Jam Yes it happens to me sometimes. I don't follow what the major news stations say about a lot of the incidents. I do a lot of my research reading books.
Avatar 7:44pm
Billy Jam:

@Chris - yeah read that after Prince's death - but there are many conspiracies out there that make perfect sense to me - when backed up with logic and fact rather than emotion or pre-conceived political message
Avatar 7:44pm

books are banned in england now weve brexifuckingitted
Avatar 7:45pm
Billy Jam:

PS forgot to preface this SKRATCH SESSION by saying best to listen with headphones on and LOUD
Avatar 7:45pm
Billy Jam:

Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:46pm

some shit is so crazy, it sounds like a conspiracy theory; in reality, its just capitalism... take the war on drugs as an example... well, i guess we could argue about that being a conspiracy
Avatar 7:46pm

crowd fund it Billy , hahahah ,
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:46pm

Conspiracy theorists are always making a LOT of assumptions. Remember Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is often the best explanation.
Tall Paul:

Yo Spidermank what is your take on Brexit? Do you feel you will be better without the EU?
Avatar 7:47pm

crazy cuts... Billy, it happens all the time. I was getting very far down the rabbit deep researching UFOLOGY. That being said, I find the stories fascinating, but have to be careful about taking anything too seriously. I don't trust any one source anymore, especially not the mainstream media narrative. There is an agenda, carefully being executed all the time.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

Also Hanlon's Razor: "Never assume malice when stupidity will suffice."
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

By the way, that's Six Kutter on the mix!

great set this one!
Avatar 7:50pm

oh no we mention sensitive topics...my puters about to crash
well said ADA
the whole suckerization of what they have done pissess me off Tall Paul- its about money power to them ,,, sick fucks preying on easy targets
Tall Paul:

Yo Ada I agree with you on this one. It's getting crazily out of hand at present. Another thing I wish they would do is leave Tupac alone let the man if he is dead R.I.P instead of digging up new tracks with him on it. It's not fair.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

totally, ADA! <btw, there is no fucking way we're "alone" in the universe>

@Ike: There's no such thing as a simple razor nowadays. You can't even buy a simple twin blade razor anymore! They're all like 5-6 blades each!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:51pm

Also sometimes people push these theories to *reassure* themselves that somebody, somewhere, is in charge, even if it's someone evil. But that's bunk. Nobody has control. The world is chaos. That's more frightening to some people than evil plotters having control, but it's truth.
Avatar 7:51pm

Question everything. Don't trust what they're pushing on you... think about who benefits... "Follow The Money"
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

@Jake, ha ha ha... very well then, you win the Internet. FOR NOW!
Tall Paul:

Chris totally agree with you on this one. We are living totally in our ego if we think we are. We may end up getting a suprise someday who is to say they aren't already here observing us and lilving with us?
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

If the conspiracy was really in charge, Jeb would be the Republican nominee. Instead we have the orangutan-haired loudmouth scumbag, the purest agent of total chaos and lack of planning that ever existed -- and himself a believer in many conspiracy theories!
Avatar 7:53pm

WFMU is different ,, love can live here thats what i like
Avatar 7:53pm
Billy Jam:

I agree ADA on questioning everything -but damn it gets confusing and time consuming when u have to question the "news" sources
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

true that, Ike. true that. no control. chaos. entropy. cheeto dust man cometh.

"When you assume you make an 'ass' out of 'u' (you) and 'me!'" -Felix Unger
Avatar 7:55pm
Billy Jam:

Bay Area - is this one…..well Raashan Ahmad (like Azeem) and others - is Bay Area by way of New Jersey - like this show is
Avatar 7:55pm
Billy Jam:

"I must not think bad thoughts" X
Tall Paul:

Bill what an amazing tune and beat to finish the show on. It's been really cool talking to you all. Have super weekend hopefully you will have sun and go Ireland on Sunday
Avatar 7:55pm

the 2 party system is 2 sides of the same coin... it's all a show, for distraction/entertainment, like pro wrestling. Hence, the characters we see now. And "news" doesn't exist in a pure sense anymore, it is outright bought and sold by corporations to sell you things (or keep you in line). News now is more like "reality tv" - hardly a reality, hardly news.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

thanks for all the great newness today, Billy Jam! will go back and listen to the first 30 i missed.

thanks, Carol! awesome board op-ness!
Avatar 7:56pm
Billy Jam:

"I love comic books but I ain't got no heroes" - from a song just played today
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

peace and love, y'all!
Avatar 7:58pm
Black Pope:

wait, pro wrestling is fake?
Avatar 7:58pm
Billy Jam:

yeah go IRELAND! - spill a lil on curb for Warriors - next time - hey TOMORROW in Berkeley CA is big Hiero show at UC Theater

at Black Pope - LOL - no that is real
Avatar 7:58pm

cheers Billy
vibe on peeeps
Avatar 8:00pm
Billy Jam:

thanks to CAROL for engineering - thanks to you for listening…..next week coming live from Oakland Telegraph Ave. near 23rd at Legionairre
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