Favoriting Marty McSorley: Playlist from June 24, 2016 Favoriting

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Favoriting June 24, 2016

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Images Approx. start time
The Last Poets  Tribute to Obabi (Ogun)   Favoriting Chastisement  Blue Thumb Records  1972  LP 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Y Pants  We Have Everything   Favoriting Beat It Down  Neutral  1982  LP 
0:09:43 (Pop-up)
Guardian Alien  Recorded Live At Shea Stadium, Brooklyn, NY   Favoriting 0  Swill Children  2011  LP 
0:12:50 (Pop-up)
Exuma  Seance in the Sixth Fret   Favoriting Exuma  Mercury  1970  LP 
0:33:06 (Pop-up)
The Walker Brothers  The Electrician   Favoriting Nite Flights  Tizona  1978/2013  LP 
0:40:22 (Pop-up)
Karen Dalton  In The Evening (It's So Hard To Tell Who's Going To Love You The Best)   Favoriting It's So Hard To Tell Who's Going To Love You The Best  Light In The Attic  1969/2009  LP 
0:46:01 (Pop-up)
Skip James  Devil Got My Woman   Favoriting Jesus Is A Mighty Good Leader  Monk  1931/  LP 
0:50:22 (Pop-up)
Nobody & Mystic Chords of Memory  Decisions, Decisions   Favoriting Tree Colored See...  Mush  2006  LP 
0:53:25 (Pop-up)
Lee Fields  Ladies   Favoriting My World  Truth & Soul  2009  LP 
0:56:28 (Pop-up)
Big Pun  I'm Not A Player (clean)   Favoriting 12"  Loud  1997  12" 
1:00:35 (Pop-up)
JV  Nayba'hood Queen   Favoriting 12"  Thump Records  1994  12" 
1:08:32 (Pop-up)
U.S. Girls  The Boy Is Mine   Favoriting On Kraak  Kraak  2011  LP 
1:12:00 (Pop-up)
Sun Araw  Deep Temple   Favoriting Off Duty  Woodsist  2010  LP 
1:16:32 (Pop-up)
Out Hud  The L Train Is A Swell Train And I Don't Want To Hear You Indies Complain   Favoriting Street Dad  Kranky  2002  LP 
1:32:18 (Pop-up)
Slint  Kent   Favoriting Tweez  Jennifer Hartman Records  1989  LP 
1:45:06 (Pop-up)
Bootstrappers  Presidential Apology   Favoriting Bootstrappers  New Alliance  1989  LP 
1:49:54 (Pop-up)
Dr. Octagon  Earth People (The Earth Planet Mix)   Favoriting 12"  Bulk Recordings  1995  12" 
1:54:45 (Pop-up)
Young Black Teenagers  Tap The Bottle   Favoriting 12"  MCA  1992  12" 
2:03:05 (Pop-up)
Ashwin Batish  Bombay Boogie   Favoriting Sitar Power  Shanachie  1988  LP 
2:07:25 (Pop-up)
Cumbia en Moog  Cumbia De Sal   Favoriting Afrosound de Colombia Vol. 1  Vampi Soul  2010  2LP 
2:16:12 (Pop-up)
ROB  Funky Rob Way   Favoriting Funky Rob Way  Analog Africa  2010/1977  LP 
2:19:42 (Pop-up)
Mer-Da  The Folks From Mothers Mixer   Favoriting Long Burn the Fire  Funky Delicacies  1972/1996  LP 
2:26:12 (Pop-up)
The Voices of East Harlem  Right on Be Free   Favoriting Right on Be Free  Elektra  1970  LP 
2:29:50 (Pop-up)
Gwen McCrae  90% of Me Is You   Favoriting Rockin' Chair  Cat  1974   
2:34:02 (Pop-up)
Geto Boys  Gangsta (Put Me Down) (Radio)   Favoriting 12"  Rap-A-Lot  1998  12" 
2:36:39 (Pop-up)
The Staples Singers  Let's Do It Again   Favoriting Let's Do It Again OST  Curtom  1975  LP 
2:40:31 (Pop-up)
Ice Cube  It Was a Good Day - Remix   Favoriting 12"  Priority  1992  12" 
2:44:20 (Pop-up)
KMT  Jolene Is Mine   Favoriting       MP3    2:48:46 (Pop-up)
Dolly Parton  Getting in My Way   Favoriting New Harvest... First Gathering  Rca    LP 
2:56:56 (Pop-up)
Dolly Parton  She Never Met A Man She Didn't Like   Favoriting Just Because I'm a Woman      LP    2:59:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Marcel M:

Morning! This is great.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Kevin Nutt posted a picture of Elegua's veve last night on his playlist, so playing a tribute to Ogun this morning seems appropriate :)
Brexit Burrito:

Last Poets are awesome. It's crazy how many rap producers have sampled this group over the years.
Marcel M:

Listening from Magic Carwash in Bushwick. Mad magik.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am

Is he chanting "God is Love"? Because I can get down with that.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Guardian Alien is awesome, both the track and the album cover
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

And hi Brexit Burrito, and uhhh.....HOLY FUCKING SHIT! They voted to leave?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Guido from Cologne:

Hello Marty!
hello people!
Dig this!
Avatar 9:25am
Marty McSorley:

Brexit Burrito so good. i was 1/2 thinking about moving to london to open a taco shack / record store spot like 6 or 7 years ago. if i had done that this morning we would be serving Brexit Burritos.

Visiting London for the first time ever in October - kinda glad we haven't booked hotel yet, though that feels like profiting from someone else's misfortune now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am
Guido from Cologne:

Brexit Burritos!
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Good point Polyus, I don't want their economy to crash or anything, but at the same time now it's gonna be a whole lot cheaper for me to visit London after I move to Prague next week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am

Right @Polyus. I feel guilty about it, but maybe soon I should take advantage of favorable exchange rates and visit before England becomes a post-apocalyptic hellscape....
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Liking this Voudou thing we got going this morning
Avatar 9:38am
Chris from DC:

This is cool.

Marty always catches the vibe.
Avatar 🥊 Swag For Life Member 9:52am
Ken From Hyde Park:

What if Greece wants to leave next? The Grexit? Sounds like a Dr. Seuss story.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Guido from Cologne:

Grexit was in discussion.

The biggest worry is, multiplying right wing populists all over Europe will initiate Exits and the Union burst abart.

People are stupid. They don't understanfd what they are about to destoy.

On the other hand bugeois politicians are to blame. They have a long going habit, to argue against the union in puplic statements in oder to gain popularity, even if they know their words are without substance. Theese are the true gravediggers of the union, since they prepare the soil for irrational opinions.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Well Greece has even more reason to leave, given that their economy's been devastated by Euro policies....they would've gotten through the past 8 years much easier if they had control of their own currency.
Avatar 10:02am
Wild Neil:

@Cliff-will there be a Czechzit?
Avatar 10:02am
Wild Neil:

PEACE Marty et al! Happy Friday all!
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

I'll have to Czech back with you on that Wild Neil.
Brexit Burrito:

"You Nasty Pun." "I don't care."
Avatar 10:06am
Wild Neil:

LOL! Yeah the pound crashed...so their exports will be more desirable...and they will simply print more fiat money since its not really backed by silver anyway...I hope their newfound freedom works out for them! The EU is really bullied by Germany and France...but ask those that actually LIVE there, I would like to know, sincerely...
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Czechmate, Brexit Burrito
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Exactly Wild Neil - either have a REAL currency union, or let every country control their own currency rates. Imagine if New York & California could've told the other states to go F themselves in 2009. Current situation is totally untenable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am
Guido from Cologne:

No way around dept relief for Greece.
Just noone ist confessing it openly, because it is fuel for the exit-pupulists.
Avatar 10:09am
Wild Neil:

I think Texas SHOULD leave the union...it would REALLY make people think!
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

I think Texas never quite totally joined the union in the first place....I remember driving around Austin and seeing the US Flag in a parking lot, and right next to it was the Texas Flag, on a flagpole a few inches taller, heh
Avatar 10:13am
Wild Neil:

It is irresponsible to loan money to the irresponsible...it merely enables their problems and creates more problems...direct aid would be more honest and more of an eye-opener for all involved. Greece went broke spending multiple billions on the Olympics, that was the straw that broke the camel's back,...I would LOVE to have a six-foe I forget the model. Cool song Marty! JV is grarly! I am not big on rap and stuff, but your stuff is so much better that what I hear in the wild...
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Also I visited the State Capitol, and the tour guide told this story about how they needed to borrow a helicopter from the Mississippi Nat'l Guard to have the statue on top repaired....but the Great State of Texas absolutely could NOT have NON-Texans flying the helicopter, so the state legislature held an emergency vote to make the Mississippi pilots honorary Texans.
Avatar 10:14am

great show - !
Brexit Burrito:

I'm all for the Texago referendum.

It looks like England had a premonition of what was going to eventually happen to their economy back in 1984. Minus the Nuclear Holocaust of course.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

"Texago", bwahahahahahaha!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am

Billy Jam also plays the really good stuff. A lot of hip hop heard "in the wild" as Neil puts it is grossly materialistic and self-stereotyping bullshit that plays into sick conformist attitudes of what tough guys or real manly men are supposed to sound like.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Come to downtown Syracuse and you can hear cheesy overcompensating-for-their-lack-of-manhood rap blasting through half the car speakers inching down the perpetual South Salina Street traffic jam
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am

Great tunes Marty!
Avatar 10:23am
Wild Neil:

@Ike-exactly! Taleeb Starkes wrote the Uncivil War regarding this matter of culture which I am delicately tip toeing around. I am not Louis CK for sure! Swiss bankers are devaluing the Franc in response to the plummeting Pound Sterling....Sun Araw is awesome careening noise mayhem...the only exception to bad rap in the wild would be Public Enemy in the 80's...which scared me at the time! Now I LOVE LOVE LOVE me some Public Enemy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am

Regarding Brexit, I'm in the process of watching a video that makes a convincing case for the Lexit side. Interesting stuff.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Public Enemy changed all the rules when they first came out
Avatar 10:26am
Wild Neil:

Sun Araw is seriously de-mented. Wow! Live must be a trippy show for sure. What is Lexit?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am

Lexit is the Leftist argument for leaving the EU.
Avatar 10:28am
Wild Neil:

Politics sure makes for strange bedfellows. Eurosceptical Nationalists AND leftists voting for the same thing for...dare I ask if they are for similar reasons Melinda?
Avatar 10:28am

I was told Scotland is still in the EU. hahhahaha
Avatar 10:28am

Good for them.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Yeah Cecile, I saw on the Telegraph that probably Sinn Fein and SNP are both going to call for referendums to leave the UK so they can rejoin the EU
Avatar 10:30am

*cartoon disappointment sound effet* wunh-wah
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31am

Based on what I've read so far, I cannot agree with the Lexit-eers. The West has a growing case of Burn-It-Down-itis on both the right and left. This is bad. If you have a beautiful but damaged house, you FIX IT. You DO NOT burn it down.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Hahaha Cecile, I know right?!?! This whole thing is just so freaking bizarro
Avatar 10:32am

Ike, truth.
Avatar 10:33am

YES. Outhud 2 times in one week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am

@Neil: to be honest I haven't looked at enough arguments to know if there are similarities. The Leftist argument is basically that the EU is an instrument of corporatist control.
Avatar 10:35am
Wild Neil:

A unified Europe is supposed to be a war-free Europe. The bad part of that is that smaller countries get bullied by Germany and to an extent, France regarding Borders, Traditions and Language. Maybe it was NEVER supposed to be. @Melinda the right would probably argue that the buerucrat control has gone far overboard with not reconciliation to the voting box. So perhaps the truth is there is a corporate-government (EU-wise) alignment that is basically the definition of fascism. Just guessing, I'm just a keyboard warrior from Buffalo, what do I know??@!
Avatar 10:36am

polictics is like a circle. The farthest-out two ends meet over their desired goals.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am

Also, there is an all-Sun Araw show in the Explorer's Room archives from a couple of weeks ago, I think, if you want to hear more.
Avatar 10:38am

as ever, the people will be the ones to pay - with a conservative government using brexit as an excuse for more austerity and cutting of services; and the wealthy will be fine. the referendum was decided because the arguments of xenophobic racists carried the day. i guess folks get the government they deserve
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

At least you'll still have Eurovision
Avatar 10:45am

As long as I get to keep seeing reruns of Keeping Up Appearances and Benny Hill, I will be ok.
Avatar 10:45am
Marcel M:

Oh shit... weed possession was decriminalized in all NY? I thought it was just NYC. Sick.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am

Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Bwahaha, just days before I leave NY state (not that I smoke that much anyway, heh)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am

Did that just happen Marcel?
Avatar 10:47am

but cliff, australia will be winning eurovision from now on, no?
Avatar 10:47am
Marcel M:

@Cliff: Oh really? The rest of NY State was recent?

@Melinda: NYC was like a year or so ago. But I wasn't sure if it was all NY or not then, but now its everywhere in NY.
Avatar 10:48am
Marcel M:

People were loving Australia this year.. but they couldn't pull through! The goth chick won.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Oh I dunno Marcel

ausmanx - I think Australia isn't going to be invited anymore, they almost ruined everything by sending someone who could actually sing
Avatar 10:48am
Marcel M:

Its amazing though to know you can't get arrested when you get on the subway and they are searching bags.
Avatar 10:49am
Marcel M:

@Cliff: hahaha.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Yeah Marcel, the official judges were all voting for Australia cuz they're the safest choice politically, but the phone voters were all, "Oh HELL no, Australia ain't winning EUROvision!!"
Avatar 10:51am
Marcel M:

I love the track title for Our Hud. Especially since its from '02. Very of the time. 14 years later the L is a different story!
Avatar 10:52am
Marcel M:

@Cliff: Thats so true haha. I watched it for the first time this year. My wife is from Europe and I found out about it through here.
Avatar 10:52am
Marcel M:

Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Haha, I actually did find out about the US stream through the comments board here!
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Anyways, I *really* got pack my shit up now, I'm flying out on Wednesday :D
Avatar 10:55am

good morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am

Now I'm reading an anti-Lexit argument on another site and it is more convincing.
Avatar 10:57am

I'm in space (technically)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am

Gotta love Star Trek sfx sampled in a rap song. Great show, Marty!
Brexit Burrito:

If Angel Dust was a person it would be Kool Keith.
Avatar 10:59am
Wild Neil:

Dr. Octagon with the Star Trek The Original Series sound effects. Awesome! @Bobdoesthings...why are you in space (technically)? @Melinda-did the pro-Lexit stuff mention globalism? Specifically a One-World Government? Just wondering...I imagine they are all about the out-of-control corpratist interests...
Avatar 11:00am

Oh Neil! You wild.
Avatar 11:05am
Wild Neil:

Young Black Teenagers sound a lot like The Beastie Boys...which I like a LOT, Paul's Botique was awesome. Marty, is there a NAME for this exact style of Hip Hop or Rap music? Anybody?
Avatar 11:10am
Wild Neil:

Hey, I just read NOBODY in Young Black Teenagers was actually black...AND they wrote a song called "Proud to Be Black". LOL!
Avatar 11:10am
Marshall Stacks:

Cool, I always pass Ashwin's store on my way to work.
Avatar 11:11am

@Neil: 90's east coast white boy rap
Avatar 11:15am

They were a brainchild of Chuck D, IIRC.
Avatar 11:16am

Heya Marty. Am I the only one who noticed how screwed up the home page is? No links working, no info uploading, etc ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16am

@Neil: I haven't finished the video yet but I doubt they will use the term One-World Government, it sounds too conspiracy-theory even if you're worried about corporate interests controlling things on a global scale.
Avatar 11:19am
Wild Neil:

@Melinda-I am used to prejudice against conspiracy theories and not surprised they did not use that term. Still, the stuff I read on Inforwars turns out to be true a couple to five years later on average....just throwing it out there for those on the fence, no offence intended.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am

It's ok Neil, I wasn't offended. I'm skeptical of many conspiracy theories I encounter but I've also heard of some things turning out to be true later.
Avatar 11:28am
Wild Neil:

@Marty-ROB is exactly the kind of African-type music I dig...read a review online and he sounds intriguing.
Avatar 11:31am

Wild Neil, a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Avatar 11:34am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-Words to live by!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am

This Gwen Mcrae (cover of Vanessa Kendrick?) ... Now I have Main Source 'Just Hanging Out' in my head... hi everyone!

get this infowars garbage out of here, it's muddling any actual truth to suggest his claims are based in reality or have any substance to them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:38am

geto boys!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39am

not the geto boys i remember
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43am

fabio played today is a good day yesterday...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am

I just googled Infowars, didn't realize it was Alex Jones. Yikes.
Avatar 11:46am
Wild Neil:

@GGG-thank you, your cogent argument using irrefutable logic and common sense have convinced be of the error of my ways! It is mere coincidence that he pointed out the Suadi Arabia/9/11 connection years ago. I shall never mention Alex Jones nor Infowars nor Prison Planet again! www.infowars.com. God forbid I contaminate this discussion with any views that contradict yours! <sarcasm off>...hey if you are trying to convince me by name calling, it won't work...if it offends you, ignore it. Don't poke the bear...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47am

it wasn't the remix though, albeit a side of fab not often aired
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

That's one long-ass crossfade Marty
Avatar 11:48am
Marty McSorley:

fabio secretly a lil gangsta.
Avatar 11:49am
Chris from DC:

Love this remix
Avatar 11:50am

Wild Neil, so did Dave Emory. And he's just as obsessed but somewhat more cogent.

grow up, dude. Plenty of serious journalists and writers addressed that topic years ago, so his writing on one topic doesn't lend him any credibility. He lives to sell fake vitamins and nutra-whatevers, so enjoy those I guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am

like a rhinestone cowboy!
Avatar 11:51am

Okay, anyone can read and link anything they want. And believe anything they want.
I just reserve my right to politely disagree if necessary.
Avatar 11:53am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-I will look into this. Sounds interesting. Thank you! And thank you for your tolerance of my apparently minority position.
@GGG-ad-hominem attacks will not work. If you address my arguments, fine but attacking me proves nothing.
Avatar 11:54am

Dave Emory has a huge archive of shows on WFMU.
Avatar 11:55am

Avatar 11:55am

You can do both, Marty! You can do both!
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

"Yeah, Moon's pretty cool" - I agree Marty
Avatar 11:56am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-is Dave Emory a nationalist, or more objective or more on the left? Or is completely outside all of that?
@Marty-agreed, going to the moon produces a collateral technology benefit.
Cliff (moving to Prague!):

Bryce is actually punctual today?!
Avatar 11:56am

thanks marty!!
Duke of Massachusetts:

Great show.
Avatar 11:57am

he's a little of both. More leftist, but also he can sound quite centrist at times. I think he just tries to be kind of objective. He's not always so good at it, but he tries.
Avatar 11:58am
Wild Neil:

@Cecile-cool, I have literally NEVER heard of this guy, so I appreciate new points of view and sources of information. Peace out.
Avatar 11:58am

I can't go see Dolly here. It's in a casino and I have asthma.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

Dave Emory sometimes has interesting points but also has a lot of "these people met each other once, so they MUST be in cahoots!" arguments.
Avatar 12:02pm

it's true, Ike. I think that's part and parcel of looking for obscure connections. And IMO he's still better than Alex Jones.
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