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Artist Title Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
The Replacements  Can't Hardly Wait (the Tim Version)   Favoriting All for Nothing, Nothing for All  Reprise  1985/1997    0:00:00 Pop-up)  
Faces  Miss Judy's Farm (live BBC)   Favoriting Five Guys Walk Into a Bar ...  Rhino  1971/2004    0:02:42 Pop-up)  
Sonny Vincent & Spite  Not the Same   Favoriting Spiteful  Ultramafic  2014  wasn't aware that Bob Stinson played with Sonny after the Replacements  0:06:37 Pop-up)  
The Bo-Weevils  Head Full   Favoriting s/t 2 CD comp  Off the Hip      0:09:58 Pop-up)  
The Above  You Look Unwell   Favoriting There is a Reason  Hidden Volume  2016    0:13:48 Pop-up)  
The Britemores  I'm Sick of You   Favoriting s/t  Jett Plastic  2016    0:21:22 Pop-up)  
The Revelons  Lover's Dilemma   Favoriting Anthology  Sepia Tone  1978/2004    0:24:54 Pop-up)  
Chris Bolger  Tear That Cabin Down   Favoriting No Promises    2016  jersey's own!  0:28:28 Pop-up)  
The On and Ons  Hard To Say Goodbye   Favoriting It's the On and Ons Calling ...  Citadel  2015    0:32:36 Pop-up)  
The Replacements  Trouble Boys   Favoriting     1981  thanks to Bad Guy Zero for posting this!  0:37:34 Pop-up)  
The Replacements  Route 66   Favoriting       from a record of dubious legal distinction  0:39:51 Pop-up)  
The Replacements  I.O.U.   Favoriting Pleased To Meet Me  Sire  1987    0:42:56 Pop-up)  
The Replacements  Achin' To Be   Favoriting Don't Tell a Soul  Sire  1989  Author Bob Mehr coming up at 1 pm to discuss Trouble Boys, his new Replacements bio!  0:45:38 Pop-up)  
The Replacements  Like a Rolling Pin   Favoriting All for Nothing, Nothing for All  Reprise  1989/1997  Bob Mehr at Little City Books in Hoboken June 4 and Strand bookstore in NYC on June 8  0:49:15 Pop-up)  
The Replacements  I Don't Know   Favoriting Pleased To Meet Me  Sire  1987    0:52:18 Pop-up)  
The Replacements  Color Me Impressed   Favoriting         0:57:03 Pop-up)  
Bob Mehr  interview   Favoriting         1:03:02 Pop-up)  
The Replacements  Left of the Dial   Favoriting          
Drunken Prayer  Brazil   Favoriting Into the Missionfield  Fluff & Gravy  2012     
Bobby Rydell  When I See That Girl of Mine   Favoriting various - Kinked! Kinks Songs & Sessions 1964-1971  Ace  1965/2016  originally a Capitol 45   
Glenn Morrow's Cry For Help  The Wild One   Favoriting     2016  playing June 4 at the Replacements book event at Little City Books   
Mike Waggoner & the Bops  Little Pig   Favoriting The Kings Of Minnesota Rock'n'Roll  Norton      2:19:24 Pop-up)  
Los Pepes  El Sonador   Favoriting s/t  Vinilisssimo  1966/2016    2:21:48 Pop-up)  
Los Aguilas Reales  La Ruina   Favoriting various - Algo Salvaje: Untamed Beat and Garage Nuggets from Spain Vol. 2  Munster  2016    2:24:11 Pop-up)  
The In Crowd  Finger Poppin'   Favoriting various - Keep Lookin': 80 More Mod, Soul & Freakbeat Nuggets  RPM  1966/2014  Steve Howe of Yes, guess we'll send this out to Bob Stinson  2:26:47 Pop-up)  
The Scot Richard Case  I'm So Glad   Favoriting various - A-Square (Of Course)    1967    2:29:09 Pop-up)  
Sonny Hall  Poor Planet Earth   Favoriting various - Never Ever Land: 83 Texan Nuggets From International Artst Records  Charly  1969/2008    2:32:17 Pop-up)  
The Fox Sisters  Another Girl   Favoriting Under the Stars    2015  rochester ny  2:34:31 Pop-up)  
Barrence Whitfield & the Savages  I'm a Good Man   Favoriting Under The Savage Sky  Bloodshot  2015    2:36:40 Pop-up)  
Twin Guns  Fugitive   Favoriting The last Picture Show  Hound Gawd!  2015    2:44:39 Pop-up)  
Kid Congo and The Pink Monkey Birds  Ricky Ticky Tocky   Favoriting La Araña Es La Vida  In the Red  2016    2:48:45 Pop-up)  
The Dagoes  Somehow   Favoriting Supreme  Sinister Torch  2015    2:52:58 Pop-up)  
The Traditional Fools  Milkman   Favoriting Fools Gold  In the Red  2016    2:56:20 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

Avatar 12:02pm Cheri Pi:

nice! Heya JB
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm coelacanth:

Great song!
Howdy Joe and others
Avatar 12:02pm Joe B:

Greetings everyone! Coming up at 1 pm today, we will be chatting with Bob Mehr, author of the great new Replacements bio Trouble Boys!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm JP from KC:

It's been a criminally long time since I heard this track. Great start, Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm common:

love this tune! hey joe and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm doctorjazz:

Great start! Great song, great version!
  12:03pm Kneel Peart:

Keep my ears open for this episode, Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm MD:

Avatar 12:03pm SmokinJ:

Sounds like fun! Howdy jb!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm Uncle Michael:

Joe, will Bob be live with you? Phone or studio?
  12:06pm KP:

A friend was just telling me a story about Ian McLagan and Bob Dylan.
Avatar 12:06pm madman:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:07pm Mike East:

Hey Ho, Let's Joe!
Been a while since I've caught yer fine program. Excited to be here...great start!
Avatar 12:07pm Joe B:

UM, phone
  12:08pm BillyD:

Gotta take a kid home from a play date here at 6 ( we're in Dublin) but will check back on archives for that interview .. Thx! Kids and me rocking to the show now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm Uncle Michael:

Avatar 12:09pm pb183max:

forget the swans
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm coelacanth:

from the other room with water running i thought this was Graham Parker.
Avatar 12:10pm V Priceless:

hey Joe and peeps
Avatar 12:11pm Dr. Goot:

Good Afternoon!
Avatar 12:11pm madman:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm Dominick:

  12:15pm ?:

2016 Song of the Year, so far. Hey Joe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm Uncle Michael:

The Above record is so good.
  12:18pm Hackensack Slim:

2016 Song of the Year, so far. Hey Joe (Didn't mean to be anonymous)
Avatar 12:19pm Marc Francis:

Howdy Joe! Howdy Madman! Howdy all!
Avatar 12:19pm madman:

Avatar 12:21pm madman:

Avatar 12:22pm Marc Francis:

This is a really great album!
Avatar 12:22pm Cecile:

I was nervous about reading Trouble Boys due to my own ambivalence about the Replacements (embittered former super-fan). But it sounds like it's unflinching, so that might be good.
  12:24pm Jeffy Jazz:

Wouldn't it be great if Alice Cooper, KISS, David Cassidy, et al, got together to do an album of Mats covers?
Avatar 12:24pm Joe B:

embittered super fan - that describes me and I'm sure many others!
  12:25pm Jeffy Jazz:

@Cecile: Did you happen to read the Mats book that came out around 2007-08? I never did and I was wondering if it was any good or not.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:30pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Imaginary thing: The Revelons on tour, sponsored by Revlon!
  12:30pm johnk77:

Ian McLagan's
All the Rage is one of
the greatest music books ever:>
  12:31pm Woo:

Chris Bolger has a Richie Furay quality to his voice. That's a good quality.
Avatar 12:32pm Joe B:

great call Woo!

yes John!

ha good one Ken!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm ChrisB.:

I am liking everything I hear from Chris Bolger.
  12:35pm Bill in W.O.:

The On and Ons record is by far the best record of 2015 that I didn't hear until 2016. And maybe anyway.
Avatar 12:36pm Cecile:

Jeffy Jazz, I didn't because it was just interviews with the fans. The author didn't get the band to cooperate. Being an embittered ex-super-fan, I really didn't need to see all that again.
  12:37pm Jeffy Jazz:

Thanks for the heads up @Cecile! btw: I've been an embittered super fan, too, since the first time I saw them. They opened for the DBs at City Gardens in Dec. of '84. It was a (relatively) sober show and they were great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm coelacanth:

hey, Joe, did you not play your "theme song"? (did i not hear it somehow?)
Avatar 12:38pm Cecile:

That Dave Edmunds album changed my life.
Avatar 12:38pm Joe B:

not played, forgot
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm coelacanth:

-i GUESS we'll be alright....
Avatar 12:41pm Cecile:

I think I have this as a b-side of a british single.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm doctorjazz:

Cover set, cool!
  12:42pm Amy:

"Embittered super fan" is a good way to put it. I'm also annoyed at the book because I only get a passing mention in the story of That Show in Houston, and not even an individual one.
Avatar 12:43pm Cecile:

They tended to kind of step on people's hands on their way up.
  12:43pm Amy:

(I meant "embittered EX-super fan," of course.)
  12:44pm Jeffy Jazz:

@Amy: Was it the infamous Lawndale Art Annex show??
Avatar 12:45pm Cecile:

One of my favorite 'mats albums is Pleased to Meet Me because it's so bilious.

I think in a lot of ways the 'mats were like the Chance the Gardner of rock. They were blanks in a lot of ways, we projected a lot of things that weren't there on them.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:45pm Ken From Hyde Park:

An idea just occurred to me. On Memorial Day, maybe an hour or two (11AM - 1PM, for example) of an overlapping "Joe vs. Joe Throwdown Special" with Joe McGasko. Clay & Fabio did that once or twice.
  12:46pm Jeffy Jazz:

I didn't see that one, but I saw them in 1987 at Cafe Mode, which actually had a different name by then, I think. All very hazy memories...
Avatar 12:46pm Cecile:

"I owe you nothing"

I guess so.
  12:46pm Amy:

@Jeffy Jazz, that's the one. I was in the wading pool with Paul and Tommy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm coelacanth:

i was never a super fan and i was never embittered; i just really liked some of the material and didn't so much like other. i never heard about their socio-politics.
-i still play them though, including in the bar on the jukebox. (last night i played "lost highway", but that's because it didn't have the mekons' version.)
Avatar 12:47pm Cecile:

Well, I envy you. I felt like in a lot of ways they broke my heart.
  12:48pm Jeffy Jazz:

@Amy: Ha ha! That's great! Damn, I wish I could've been there. I was still living in PA.
Avatar 12:48pm Cecile:

I am still a big Chris Mars homer though. Great artist. And his departure happened at a good time.
  12:49pm Amy:

I've put off finishing the book because going back to that time makes me feel weird.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm coelacanth:

oh, Cecile. that's sad. i've felt that way with a few bands.
Avatar 12:50pm Cecile:

Yeah, I can understand Amy. I have a few stories I'm not going to share anymore, because it just makes me sad.
  12:50pm Jeffy Jazz:

@Amy: Yeah, it feels like at least 3 lifetimes ago for me.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:51pm ChrisB.:

Saw them in '86 at The Stone Pony. Slim Dunlap had just joined the band. Not super drunk, but I remember the set list was a mess.
Avatar 12:51pm madman:

  12:51pm Amy:

Glad you guys get what I was trying to say, @Cecile and @Jeffy Jazz.
Avatar 12:55pm Cecile:

I can't even read interviews or go to reunion shows. They talked so much shit about the fans who didn't like the limp last couple of albums, that I was all "ok, fine. Go on without me." They were like a charismatic bad boyfriend.
  12:57pm Amy:

Ha, that's brilliant, Cecile. The ultimate charismatic bad boyfriend.
Avatar 12:57pm Cecile:

Avatar 1:01pm Cecile:

Bob, how did you get their cooperation?
Avatar 1:01pm Cecile:

Also, how many times was your heart broken during the writing of the book?
Avatar 1:05pm Cecile:

tracks on wax iv!
  1:05pm Jeffy Jazz:

@Cecile: You should be sitting in on
this interview!
  1:08pm Amy:

Like Bob being a huge fan of Yes and other prog crap.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:09pm Stevel:

Hey, Bob Mehr! Great seeing you on Saturday in Chicago! The book is great.
Avatar 1:09pm Cecile:

And Paul not really like that much punk rock.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm Michael 98145:

( RIP Ian McLagan 12 May 1945 – 3 December 2014)
  1:11pm Amy:

My burning question for Bob is, Are you still a fan?
Avatar 1:12pm Cecile:

sanitized perspective, too.
Avatar 1:12pm Cecile:

what Amy said.
  1:16pm Dave Wright:

Joe...How about the City Gardens story where Stinson goes out drinking with 2 fans , come back and are drinking in the parking lot when one of the fans says Isnt that you guys playing onstage right now?!?! Led to Stinsons 1986 onstage firing , not sure if that's covered in the book , gotta get it !
Avatar 1:16pm Cecile:

Well, that's a good thing. I'm glad to hear that.
  1:17pm Amy:

Just thinking about Bob makes me sad. He was a gentle soul who didn't get a great hand dealt to him in life.
Avatar 1:17pm Cecile:

I know that there was a similar story in Ann Arbor. A former acquaintance of mine hopped onstage and did a couple of songs until Bob came back.
  1:18pm Charley:

Bob, what was the most difficult part of the whole writing process?
  1:19pm Amy:

Interesting. I knew their backgrounds pretty thoroughly for years, but it didn't affect my fandom.
Avatar 1:22pm Cecile:

and Lorne Michaels is a control freak in good and bad years.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm Uncle Michael:

I haven't read the book yet. Was Peter Jesperson interviewed for it?
Avatar 1:23pm Cecile:

yeah, he sure was. There's big section on Amazon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:23pm drr:

hmmm....best SNL performance has to be The Specials
  1:24pm Amy:

Yup. I haven't read the part about Peter's firing yet, though. Talk about painful...
  1:24pm KP:

I saw them when Bob was still there at a weird club on top of a hill in Oyster Bay, LI. They did the Alice Cooper hangman stunt routine.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:25pm Stevel:

Peter Jesperson was a really nice guy. I didn't really know any of the band, but I'd talk with Peter when they came through. I'd bring him pictures from the last time I'd seen them. Some of them survived over the years, which was cool.
  1:25pm johnk77:


chapter 55
Avatar 1:25pm Cecile:

that's something Paul has done a lot in his past, dismissive/grateful.
  1:25pm Jeffy Jazz:

@drr: And Elvis doing Radio, Radio!
  1:26pm Amy:

Peter is one of my favorite people on earth. And Paul can minimize his contribution now, but he used to ring Peter's doorbell and leave before he answered, and Peter would find a demo or a home recording on his doormat. They revered him.
  1:27pm johnk77:

reegster and beebster
were good guys
when i worked with them
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:28pm Stevel:

Peter was so excited when Paul got to solo open for Yorma Kaulkadan (sp?), which is mentioned in the book. He really believed in Paul's songwriting and overall abilities.
  1:28pm johnk77:

jorma is still
a god
  1:29pm Amy:

There's a recording of that show floating around. It's amazing.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:29pm Stevel:

I'd love to hear that!
  1:33pm johnk77:

producer searches
should be a subject
  1:33pm mary:

r.i.p. Tim Carr
  1:34pm Amy:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:34pm Stevel:

Brag: My pics in Bob's book, from around 1983, all in Madison, WI. So much fun to see that band. So much energy.

  1:35pm Amy:

Awesome, SteveI!
Avatar 1:35pm Cecile:

so cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm Uncle Michael:

Excellent, Steve!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:38pm Stevel:

First saw them open for The Damned (I've told this story before.) I was really looking forward to The Damned, who were fine, but the Replacements blew them off the stage. Tommy seemed to never stop jumping. It was awesome.
  1:38pm Amy:

Was that at O'Cayz?
Avatar 1:38pm Cecile:

I think the horns worked great on Pleased to Meet me.
  1:39pm Amy:

Me too, Cecile.
Avatar 1:39pm Cecile:

they didn't feel it, and when they didn't feel it you knew it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm paul b:

My freshman year at Maryland (fall 1982), as I was getting to know people in my dorm the guy across the hall from me whispered conspiratorialy "I have a rock band living in my basement" I instantly pictured some "it puts the lotion on its skin" scenario -- which was odd because that movie hadn't come out yet. Turns out it was a band I hadn't heard of called the Replacements who were playing at the 9:30 club. Latter that day we met over at the WMUC record library and he played Sorry Ma and Stink for me. I don't think that moment ever left me.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:40pm Stevel:

They usually played at Merlyns (RIP). O'Cayz wasn't as busy at that point.
  1:40pm Amy:

I hated it when people talked about wanting to see one of the crappy drunk shows. Those shows were exactly not the point of the replacements.
Avatar 1:42pm Cecile:

Yeah. the point was what are they going to do, and what are you going to take away from it. I saw some tight shows that were full of fire, and some that were rote.
  1:42pm Jeffy Jazz:

Joe, if you were at the City Gardens show in Dec. of '84, I believe it was the end of that part of the tour with the DBs. They might have been a little ragged. But my 20 year old self really dug it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:42pm Stevel:

Paul B: that could be hard on a basement!
Avatar 1:43pm Cecile:

  1:45pm Lou:

The Beacon '87 show was the best!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:46pm Stevel:

They played two nights running one week. The first night was pretty limp. Even I thought so. The next night, Peter had Paul play/not play (who remembers) guitar, and they just blew the roof off. At the end of the last set, the slam-dancing crowd was actually shouting "encore!" Paul cocked his head, paused at the mike and said his most sarcastic "plueease", and walked off. Priceless.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:50pm Stevel:

FYI, having listened to most of Bob's presentation in Chicago on Saturday, I'm hearing new stories and thoughts today. Very worth getting out to see him.
  1:51pm Amy:

Good to know, SteveI. Thanks.
Avatar 1:52pm Cecile:

I also see there being a little bit of jealousy on Paul's part - Chris had more irons in the fire than he did.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm coelacanth:

'got to step out early. Excellent interview! Thanks Joe and Thanks Bob Mehr.
i'll return for the rest.
  2:01pm Amy:

I'm not jealous that Bob had hours and hours of correspondence with Paul, but I'm jealous as hell of anyone who's friends with Greg Cartwright.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:02pm Stevel:

Echo the shout out for the Nots!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:02pm Mike East:

great chat, Joe and Bob!
  2:02pm Kneel Peart:

Great conversation, Joe!
  2:02pm Bill in W.O.:

Great interview, Joe.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:02pm Hoboken Jack:

Tremendous longform interview, Joe, and i look forward to reading the book! Only saw the Replacements once, 1989 in Pittsburgh (w/ The Pursuit of Happiness opening).
  2:04pm Amy:

Great interview and perfect follow-up song, Joe.
Avatar 2:04pm Cheri Pi:

that was a great interview, thank you!
  2:04pm Bluesman:

Well that kept my attention (i.e. distracted me form work). Great interview!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:09pm Mike East:

hehe @Bluesman - same here
Avatar 2:13pm Joe B:

thanks everyboy. sorry i couldn't keep track of the comments and questions. damn could have filled the whole show with Mats and related
Avatar 2:13pm john:

great interview, joe! thanks!
  2:14pm johnk77:

@joe well done sir
are they doing the red press set-up
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:18pm Mike East:

@jk77 - looks like its close to done.
  2:19pm johnk77:

carroll rocks;>
Avatar 2:23pm Cecile:

excellent interview, joe
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:24pm Mike East:

sometimes yes, sometimes not so much, John
  2:30pm Amy:

Didn't Traffic do this song? (I'm So Glad)
Avatar 2:30pm KP:

I'm So Glad somebody covered this.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:31pm Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

totally diggin' this set Joe!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm Michael 98145:

@Amy, Cream, of course.
  2:32pm Amy:

Oh, duh. Thanks, Michael 98145.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm doctorjazz:

Cream, Jack Bruce must have had a fit!
  2:33pm johnk77:

Deal: You could open up CMJ and there was this little picture of the country, and you could look at the college stations, ’cause college stations, that’s all there was to listen to. Well, there were modern-rock stations that played the Cure, the Fixx, Siouxsie and the Banshees. But if you wanted to hear Hüsker Dü or the Replacements or anything like that, you had to listen to college radio.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm Michael 98145:

guess i had forgotten it was a Skip James song
  2:35pm johnk77:

rip steve mackay;<
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41pm doctorjazz:

It's easy to forget, sounds so little like the Skip James version when Cream (or The Scot Richard Case)did it.
  2:46pm Sissophonic Cheryl:

Great job, Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm Michael 98145:

kept our minds off this being a Monday
  2:51pm Bluesman:

Hey Sissophonic!
Avatar 2:55pm Joe B:

thanks Cheryl! thanks everybody for tuning in and chiming in! appreciate it!
  7:47am KP:

Morning Meghan
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