Favoriting Optimized! Expanded Radio Stream: Playlist from June 9, 2016 Favoriting

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Favoriting June 9, 2016: Optimized! Day 4 with Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White, Jason Willett & MC Schmidt, Buttress O’Kneel, Osymyso, Nick the Bard, John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV from Monty Hall (skype letspaintwfmu), Dina Kelberman + evening Monty Hall show!

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12:00pm Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White - A Thought Experiment

What do we talk about when we talk about talking about things? Where do elephants come from? What’s up? These are questions we ask ourselves but not usually out loud for fear of being labeled a person with unanswerable questions. But in Hearty’s world, all questions are asked and then quickly forgotten as Hearty attempts to trick people into loving themselves and others through the art of confusion.

Hearty White lives and doesn’t work in Lexington, KY, birthplace of Richard Hell. His radio non-career spans decades. He loves you in theory.


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


12.30pm Jason Willett and MC Schmidt - Optimism Show

willett and derek & clive
willett & schmidt
bert kaempfert: watusi trumpets
willett, schmidt {bobby mcferrin}
willett edit: happy talk
willett {bobby mcferrin} {ornette coleman} schmidt
willett & schmidt {mike curb congregation)
mr. tap toe
sublime elevator music

jason willett is an American musician, known largely for his work with experimental rock groups including Half Japanese, Can Openers, Pleasant Livers, X-Ray Eyes, The Dramatics, The Jaunties, The Attitude Robots, Leprechaun Catering and many more. His record label, Megaphone, initially set out to issue work by punkish Rock in Opposition-derived performers like The Work, Fred Frith, the Molecules, Matmos, Tim Hodgkinson and Jac Berrocal but became largely a venue for Willett's own collaborative music. He has also made records with Ruins, Jac Berrocal, James Chance,Jon Rose, Michael Evans, Ron Anderson, Benb Gallaher, Mick Hobbs, Chris Cutler, Little Howlin Wolf, Yamatsuka Eye & his various pet ducks.

Based in Baltimore, M.C. Schmidt is one half of the acclaimed electronic duo Matmos. As half of Matmos, Schmidt has worked with Terry Riley, Bjork, The Kronos Quartet, Peter Rehberg, the INA/GRM, Rrose, Marshall Allen, Horse Lords, People Like Us, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Antony Hegarty, William Basinski and many more.

(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.00pm Buttress O’Kneel - Optimise or Die!

Buttress O’Kneel is a plunderphonic culture-vandal from Australia who has been mixing, mashing and morphing found-sound since 1998. Honestly, she’s really too old for this shit, but it’s sort of too late to stop now.  Her Frankensteinian sound-mangling activities have been written about in several academic texts, so she must be doing something right, or worthwhile, or something, surely.  Please, let it all mean something. Please. 

Will you optimise?  Or will you die?  Or both?  For her “OPTIMIZED!” piece, Buttress O’Kneel explores the concept of the evolutionary optimisation of the humyn organism: whether it be motivational, spiritual, technological, multi-dimensional, or just growing a freakin’ beak.  Our culture seems to obsess over this kind of thing constantly: being better, faster, more capable, sleeker, smarter, upgrading until we die.  And then what?  These issues are explored with the irritating machine-gun editing and meticulous lack of overall cohesion that Ms O’Kneel is famous for.


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.15pm Osymyso - Sadtimism

The relentless chasing of happiness and the insistence that we should always be optimistic no matter what can have the opposite effect and make us all sad. So people can be outwardly very happy when they're privately very sad, hence a happy themed mix that sounds miserable. You can't be happy by just stating that you are over and over. It's not meant to be a massive downer as I'm an optimistic person just that you can't force happiness or fake it, just be grateful when it comes and to make the most of it.

The mix is called Sadtimism which I don't think is a word anyone's used before. I thought of sadimism too but it's too close to sadism and I wouldn't want to give the wrong impression.

Osymyso has been doing his thing since the early 1990's, lots of sampling, sound collage and daft beats. His career highlights are now so long ago it's embarrassing to mention them, he's currently in the process of seeking out a new career highlight to talk about. Due to work commitments osymsyo is in an effective hibernation, some would be mistaken for thinking he's stopped producing idiotic music but some fresh recordings will emerge sooner or later and he's hoping you'll stumble across them one day as you bounce around inside the internet.


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.30pm Nick the Bard - Optimized

A (bad) Transformers fan-fic based around the delivery of a single line from the episode "Divide and Conquer".  A line delivery I could never stand, even as a kid.  Who had the episode on VHS.  As one of only two Transformers tapes owned.  That got watched over and over and over. 

Nick the Bard started with WFMU in 2005, bringing along and leaving a mark with his own brand of stupid.  He lives somewhere in the suburbs of New Jersey with his cat Barry, collecting action figures and instructional VHS tapes.  Some have claimed him to be a wizard, others one of the few people that should be wearing a fez.


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2pm-3pm John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV live from Monty Hall

Mr Let's Paint (John Kilduff) does it all! Multitasking his way through life...exercising, painting, cooking and taking your calls!

Taking your calls on Optimized! Live from Monty Hall at WFMU 6-10 June @2-3pm EST

SKYPE call now to: letspaintwfmu
Also, John can see your Comments in the Playlist and will respond!



3-5pm - Repeat of Noon-2pm Programming


8pm at WFMU's Monty Hall, live in-house and on uStream

Listener comments!

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Starting at noon today! And remember this evening the show at Monty Hall - come along in person or watch by way of the "Next Playlist" here
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Starting at the top of the hour: Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White - A Thought Experiment
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

hello! Looking forward to today's Optimized. Just figured out how to find the comments board.

good hello!
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I'm just in the lift at WFMU

Very excited to hear some NEW Osymyso!
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and we're on the air and the ear
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
JP from KC:

Hearty White in the early PM? Fabulous!
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Hello Hearty White!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
JP from KC:

Hiya Hearty! I'm loving the show so far!
Avatar 12:04pm
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John Kilduff (Let's Paint TV) is here at Monty Hall with me right now unpacking his easel and he says to tell you that he's a big fan, Hearty
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

hi Hearty and JP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
JP from KC:

Hi melinda! Hope all is well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

All's well here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
JP from KC:

Glad to hear it!
Avatar 12:10pm

Tell John Kilduff thanks!
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he says thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm

Have John Kilduff paint Hearty White!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm
JP from KC:

I agree with Michael! A Hearty White portrait for all to see!
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I just told him, Michael
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm

I wanna read the book about the fake Rockefeller.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm
JP from KC:

I wanna hear a jam band improvise behind Hearty White's monologue, just once. Like Joe Frank, but more existential and stream of consciousness... and with rootsier music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
JP from KC:

Those Miraculous Nutrients certainly left me feeling optimized. Thanks, Hearty! Great show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

Bye Hearty!
Avatar 12:30pm

Thank you, JP!
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Now: Jason Willett and M.C. Schmidt (Matmos) - Optimism Show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm

I am enjoying this Optimism Show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Webhamster Henry:

Swingin' Safari!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm
Webhamster Henry:

No way I can make it down tonight .. but "I'll be with you in spirit".

tarting working with my future at a record store when this song first came out

have to excuse my bad sentence....It's SO HOT here!

We've been hitting the Hundreds EVERY DAY during OPTIMIZED!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi there, optimizers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm

hi Ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

This gingerbread man number is pushing my optimization over the top.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Webhamster Henry:

tap toes , inducing sugar shock here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56pm
Webhamster Henry:

Who plays Haisai Ojisan in an elevator?
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I was just in the elevator with the stream
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just sorting some bits out for tonight

Thanks PLU et al, for injecting a much needed dosage of optimism
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, melinda. How are you today?
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hi Zax!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm
Kat in Chicago:

This is all so delightful!

I like it, too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06pm

I'm good Ken.

Hello, just "tuned in" (on the interwebs) I like experiencing various dimensional realities

Herro! There's a little breach in reality here I'm just gonna prod open for a wee while...

I heard Dio in there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm
Webhamster Henry:

Looking forward to Osymyso, too!

Sounds like The Weatherman at the beginning there!
Avatar 1:26pm

been listening and watching since Monday.... it's been a utmost pleasure to have all this optimizism!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm
Webhamster Henry:

Nick The Bard : I'm expecting Optimized Optimus Prime. I'm even expecting Optimized Megatron.
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Nick the Bard:

Well that's at least part of it
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hi Nick!
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Nick the Bard:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:30pm
Kat in Chicago:

Yay Nick the Bard!
Pseu Braun:


"a 5-1/4" floppy disk", bwahahahaha
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Nick rocks! ;)
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Nick the Bard:

@Cliff - that actually happened in the original Marvel comics series

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The video is showing me a series of yellow-colored images with people enjoying water activities. Is that correct?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm
Kat in Chicago:

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hi Pseu! See you laterrr
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Kat. I stepped away for a bit and was just checking to make sure.

"Ethan Zachary reveals that he has saved a copy of Optimus Prime's character on a five-and-a-quarter-inch floppy disk." - Must not be that big of a program if it all fits on one of those
Avatar 1:46pm
Nick the Bard:

title drop!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm
Webhamster Henry:

My kids used to play at Transformers for hours like this. They had a standing Decepticon camp set up. My son made a large number of (weirdly popular) 3d videos featuring Transformers. www.youtube.com...
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Nick the Bard:

Gen Abernathy = Gen Hawk's real name
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:49pm
Kat in Chicago:

I like how this suddenly turned into the WWF
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Nick the Bard:

Well it is 1985
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:51pm
Kat in Chicago:

Those were the days
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this has successfully transported me back to 1985

That's about when my parents gave me a Commodore-64 for Christmas
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Mr Let's Paint can read your comments here - ask him a question / say hello - on at the top of the hour

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thanks Nick :))))
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wow, amazing writing and voice acting... great as always Nick
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Nick the Bard:

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still waiting for the VCD of that, nick....
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i want mine on CED Videodisc
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Ask Mr Let's Paint your questions here:

Oh boy, I love pancakes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm
JP from KC:

Mr. Let's Paint, will you paint a portrait of Hearty White today?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
Kat in Chicago:

Remembering my mother's Bisquick pancakes circa 1966.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05pm
JP from KC:

Thanks, Mr. Let's Paint!

Aren't you in New Jersey?!
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If someone scrolls down the playlist panel a bit there's a pic of Hearty there
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Nick the Bard:

fry up the apple skins a bit first then put in the pancake batter
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

So i am confused are you taking skype calls or not
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Ah your just bnot taking them for the evening event right?
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correct, Aaron
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Chris M.:

i would like to see Hearty White with some delicious Kentucky Bourbon.
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you can call now though :)

Some quality pancakes coming along there, great. How was your exhibition yesterday, Mr. Lets Paint ?
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Why are pancakes I make at home always less fluffy than pancakes you get at a diner?
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SKYPE call now to: letspaintwfmu
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Chris M.:

thanks. i love this show and this painting.
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will you auction your painting tonight John?
also folks, John will be able to see the playlist tonight (just no skype)

Hearty White usually wears a hat too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:25pm

Needs maple syrup. Hearty too.

If cory shows up we can ask him how they do the pancakes in a restaurant

I've never seen a pancake stamped onto a painting before!

At least the treadmill is consistent in its failure

I think everyone else is at work John, I might be the only self-unemployed person here :D
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food coma on the chat board?
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I think people are mortified
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academic journal Mathematics TODAY published an study on perfect pancakes earlier this year. according an article about it "The hope is that better understanding the textures and patterns of pancakes could improve surgical methods for treating glaucoma." really.
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I'M self-employed! And I'm watching but I'm also testing out my CDrs of stupid music for tonight

I'm self-UNemployed!
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thanks for the directions
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Watch us here tonight on the WFMU front page and the playlist and comments is set up here: wfmu.org...
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Chris M.:

i feel like i just saw Bill Murray use a blender in a deleted scene from Meatballs

Pancakes & bourbon were a good choice for the Hearty White painting, that sounds like a typical meal for him
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I'm upstairs writing the lyrics to your karaoke song with a sharpie

Maybe a little bourbon in the in the blender would do the trick, taste-wise. Probably an idea for later tonight ..

That's a good rule of thumb - always add a little more butter.

Thank you, Mr. Lets Paint !
Avatar 2:59pm

That's amazing!!!

That wasn't wrong, they also have WMFU in Mount Hope!
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Can't wait for the show tonight!
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hold on a few secs and we'll have the repeat of noon-2 back on

That's great, because now I can finally find out where elephants come from

this is so good, what is it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:14pm
JP from KC:

I got called out of the room and didn't get to see the final product of the Hearty White portrait! Will any of this be archived at all? Could someone send me a photo?

what the flying fuck is going on with the programming? i like it but i feel like i have gone into the twilight zone deep.

It's WFMU, just more WFMU-ier

JP - it was a pretty good likeness, although he forgot to put a hat on him, and for a while there it had a pancake stuck on too

lets paint is on fmu? have i seriously died and gone to weirdo heaven?

why did this have to happen the month i finally gave up and moved back to baltimore? i want to be there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm
JP from KC:

But I must SEE it, Cliff! How can I see it?!
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yes, tonight at 8pm then tomorrow 2-3pm
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we'll have the noon-2 feed back shortly, just trimming it

If I knew how to record video feeds I would....maybe if you ask somebody at the station they can send you a photo of the painting JP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20pm
JP from KC:

I would absolutely love that. Is there anyone there who is also on the playlist and would be kind enough to do that for me?
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ok the stream will be up for a couple of hours
see you HERE tonight from 8ish pm: www.wfmu.org...
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join the facebook event here for more media updates/pics www.facebook.com...

ah i deleted my Facebook too. lol.
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oh well, we're here :)

Is the repeat stream up on the home page Vicki?
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yes, and left of here
audio archive of noon-2pm will be on each page from 3pm each day
we are making a doc about the whole week and will finish it in the next weeks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:27pm
JP from KC:

That sure is a fine looking portrait. Thanks for posting it, Vicki! And for the link!

I've been an wfmu listener supporter for at least a decade, but i haven't been able to tune in for a couple months due to life. And this is still baffling me...

wfmu is one of the few forces of good that is thriving currently

this web design is so out it's back in again!

ian, I've been a listener since 2001, and I'm equally baffled (but in a good way!)

i can see the publicly shared stuff on Facebook that you don't need to log in for, where is the portrait?

Hmm, is Hearty White's segment not in the repeat stream? It's only 1:29 long and seems to start with Jason Willett & Mc Schmidt
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm
JP from KC:

It wouldn't let me see it without logging in. Sorry, Ian.

as long as it's there i can rest easy

though it does rub a bit against the grain that you'd need a Facebook login to see wfmu content.. sort of opposing philosophies.

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